
187 lines
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package fr.xephi.authme.command;
import ch.jalu.injector.factory.Factory;
import fr.xephi.authme.AuthMe;
import fr.xephi.authme.message.MessageKey;
import fr.xephi.authme.message.Messages;
import fr.xephi.authme.permission.PermissionsManager;
import fr.xephi.authme.util.StringUtils;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* The AuthMe command handler, responsible for invoking the correct {@link ExecutableCommand} based on incoming
* command labels or for displaying a help message for unknown command labels.
public class CommandHandler {
* The threshold for suggesting a similar command. If the difference is below this value, we will
* ask the player whether he meant the similar command.
private static final double SUGGEST_COMMAND_THRESHOLD = 0.75;
private final CommandMapper commandMapper;
private final PermissionsManager permissionsManager;
private final Messages messages;
private final HelpProvider helpProvider;
* Map with ExecutableCommand children. The key is the type of the value.
private Map<Class<? extends ExecutableCommand>, ExecutableCommand> commands = new HashMap<>();
CommandHandler(Factory<ExecutableCommand> commandFactory, CommandMapper commandMapper,
PermissionsManager permissionsManager, Messages messages, HelpProvider helpProvider) {
this.commandMapper = commandMapper;
this.permissionsManager = permissionsManager;
this.messages = messages;
this.helpProvider = helpProvider;
initializeCommands(commandFactory, commandMapper.getCommandClasses());
* Map a command that was invoked to the proper {@link CommandDescription} or return a useful error
* message upon failure.
* @param sender The command sender.
* @param bukkitCommandLabel The command label (Bukkit).
* @param bukkitArgs The command arguments (Bukkit).
* @return True if the command was executed, false otherwise.
public boolean processCommand(CommandSender sender, String bukkitCommandLabel, String[] bukkitArgs) {
// Add the Bukkit command label to the front so we get a list like [authme, register, bobby, mysecret]
List<String> parts = skipEmptyArguments(bukkitArgs);
parts.add(0, bukkitCommandLabel);
FoundCommandResult result = commandMapper.mapPartsToCommand(sender, parts);
handleCommandResult(sender, result);
return !FoundResultStatus.MISSING_BASE_COMMAND.equals(result.getResultStatus());
* Processes the given {@link FoundCommandResult} for the provided command sender.
* @param sender the command sender who executed the command
* @param result the command mapping result
private void handleCommandResult(CommandSender sender, FoundCommandResult result) {
switch (result.getResultStatus()) {
executeCommand(sender, result);
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Failed to parse " + AuthMe.getPluginName() + " command!");
sendImproperArgumentsMessage(sender, result);
sendUnknownCommandMessage(sender, result);
messages.send(sender, MessageKey.NO_PERMISSION);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown result status '" + result.getResultStatus() + "'");
* Initialize all required ExecutableCommand objects.
* @param commandFactory factory to create command objects
* @param commandClasses the classes to instantiate
private void initializeCommands(Factory<ExecutableCommand> commandFactory,
Set<Class<? extends ExecutableCommand>> commandClasses) {
for (Class<? extends ExecutableCommand> clazz : commandClasses) {
commands.put(clazz, commandFactory.newInstance(clazz));
* Execute the command for the given command sender.
* @param sender The sender which initiated the command
* @param result The mapped result
private void executeCommand(CommandSender sender, FoundCommandResult result) {
ExecutableCommand executableCommand = commands.get(result.getCommandDescription().getExecutableCommand());
List<String> arguments = result.getArguments();
executableCommand.executeCommand(sender, arguments);
* Skip all entries of the given array that are simply whitespace.
* @param args The array to process
* @return List of the items that are not empty
private static List<String> skipEmptyArguments(String[] args) {
List<String> cleanArguments = new ArrayList<>();
for (String argument : args) {
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(argument)) {
return cleanArguments;
* Show an "unknown command" message to the user and suggest an existing command if its similarity is within
* the defined threshold.
* @param sender The command sender
* @param result The command that was found during the mapping process
private static void sendUnknownCommandMessage(CommandSender sender, FoundCommandResult result) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Unknown command!");
// Show a command suggestion if available and the difference isn't too big
if (result.getDifference() <= SUGGEST_COMMAND_THRESHOLD && result.getCommandDescription() != null) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Did you mean " + ChatColor.GOLD
+ CommandUtils.constructCommandPath(result.getCommandDescription()) + ChatColor.YELLOW + "?");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Use the command " + ChatColor.GOLD + "/" + result.getLabels().get(0)
+ " help" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " to view help.");
private void sendImproperArgumentsMessage(CommandSender sender, FoundCommandResult result) {
CommandDescription command = result.getCommandDescription();
if (!permissionsManager.hasPermission(sender, command.getPermission())) {
messages.send(sender, MessageKey.NO_PERMISSION);
ExecutableCommand executableCommand = commands.get(command.getExecutableCommand());
MessageKey usageMessage = executableCommand.getArgumentsMismatchMessage();
if (usageMessage == null) {
showHelpForCommand(sender, result);
} else {
messages.send(sender, usageMessage);
private void showHelpForCommand(CommandSender sender, FoundCommandResult result) {
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Incorrect command arguments!");
helpProvider.outputHelp(sender, result, HelpProvider.SHOW_ARGUMENTS);
List<String> labels = result.getLabels();
String childLabel = labels.size() >= 2 ? labels.get(1) : "";
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Detailed help: " + ChatColor.WHITE
+ "/" + labels.get(0) + " help " + childLabel);