
401 lines
19 KiB

package fr.xephi.authme.settings;
import ch.jalu.configme.configurationdata.ConfigurationData;
import ch.jalu.configme.migration.PlainMigrationService;
import ch.jalu.configme.resource.PropertyReader;
import fr.xephi.authme.ConsoleLogger;
import fr.xephi.authme.datasource.DataSourceType;
import fr.xephi.authme.initialization.DataFolder;
import fr.xephi.authme.output.ConsoleLoggerFactory;
import fr.xephi.authme.output.LogLevel;
import fr.xephi.authme.process.register.RegisterSecondaryArgument;
import fr.xephi.authme.process.register.RegistrationType;
import fr.xephi.authme.util.StringUtils;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import static;
import static;
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import static;
* Service for verifying that the configuration is up-to-date.
public class SettingsMigrationService extends PlainMigrationService {
private static ConsoleLogger logger = ConsoleLoggerFactory.get(SettingsMigrationService.class);
private final File pluginFolder;
// Stores old "other accounts command" config if present.
// We need to store it in here for retrieval when we build the CommandConfig. Retrieving it from the config.yml is
// not possible since this migration service may trigger the config.yml to be resaved. As the old command settings
// don't exist in the code anymore, as soon as config.yml is resaved we lose this information.
private String oldOtherAccountsCommand;
private int oldOtherAccountsCommandThreshold;
SettingsMigrationService(@DataFolder File pluginFolder) {
this.pluginFolder = pluginFolder;
protected boolean performMigrations(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configurationData) {
boolean changes = false;
if ("[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*".equals(reader.getString(ALLOWED_NICKNAME_CHARACTERS.getPath()))) {
configurationData.setValue(ALLOWED_NICKNAME_CHARACTERS, "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*");
changes = true;
String driverClass = reader.getString("DataSource.mySQLDriverClassName");
if ("".equals(driverClass)) {
configurationData.setValue(DatabaseSettings.BACKEND, DataSourceType.MARIADB);
changes = true;
// Note ljacqu 20160211: Concatenating migration methods with | instead of the usual ||
// ensures that all migrations will be performed
return changes
| performMailTextToFileMigration(reader)
| migrateJoinLeaveMessages(reader, configurationData)
| migrateForceSpawnSettings(reader, configurationData)
| migratePoolSizeSetting(reader, configurationData)
| changeBooleanSettingToLogLevelProperty(reader, configurationData)
| hasOldHelpHeaderProperty(reader)
| hasSupportOldPasswordProperty(reader)
| convertToRegistrationType(reader, configurationData)
| mergeAndMovePermissionGroupSettings(reader, configurationData)
| moveDeprecatedHashAlgorithmIntoLegacySection(reader, configurationData)
| moveSaltColumnConfigWithOtherColumnConfigs(reader, configurationData)
|| hasDeprecatedProperties(reader);
private static boolean hasDeprecatedProperties(PropertyReader reader) {
String[] deprecatedProperties = {
"Converter.Rakamak.newPasswordHash", "Hooks.chestshop", "Hooks.legacyChestshop", "Hooks.notifications",
"Passpartu", "Performances", "settings.restrictions.enablePasswordVerifier", "Xenoforo.predefinedSalt",
"VeryGames", "settings.restrictions.allowAllCommandsIfRegistrationIsOptional", "DataSource.mySQLWebsite",
"Hooks.customAttributes", "Security.stop.kickPlayersBeforeStopping",
"settings.restrictions.keepCollisionsDisabled", "settings.forceCommands", "settings.forceCommandsAsConsole",
"settings.forceRegisterCommands", "settings.forceRegisterCommandsAsConsole",
"settings.sessions.sessionExpireOnIpChange", "settings.restrictions.otherAccountsCmd",
"settings.restrictions.otherAccountsCmdThreshold, DataSource.mySQLDriverClassName"};
for (String deprecatedPath : deprecatedProperties) {
if (reader.contains(deprecatedPath)) {
return true;
return false;
// --------
// Old other accounts
// --------
public boolean hasOldOtherAccountsCommand() {
return !StringUtils.isBlank(oldOtherAccountsCommand);
public String getOldOtherAccountsCommand() {
return oldOtherAccountsCommand;
public int getOldOtherAccountsCommandThreshold() {
return oldOtherAccountsCommandThreshold;
// --------
// Specific migrations
// --------
* Check if {@code Email.mailText} is present and move it to the Email.html file if it doesn't exist yet.
* @param reader The property reader
* @return True if a migration has been completed, false otherwise
private boolean performMailTextToFileMigration(PropertyReader reader) {
final String oldSettingPath = "Email.mailText";
final String oldMailText = reader.getString(oldSettingPath);
if (oldMailText == null) {
return false;
final File emailFile = new File(pluginFolder, "email.html");
final String mailText = oldMailText
.replace("<playername>", "<playername />").replace("%playername%", "<playername />")
.replace("<servername>", "<servername />").replace("%servername%", "<servername />")
.replace("<generatedpass>", "<generatedpass />").replace("%generatedpass%", "<generatedpass />")
.replace("<image>", "<image />").replace("%image%", "<image />");
if (!emailFile.exists()) {
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(emailFile)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.logException("Could not create email.html configuration file:", e);
return true;
* Detect deprecated {@code settings.delayJoinLeaveMessages} and inform user of new "remove join messages"
* and "remove leave messages" settings.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean migrateJoinLeaveMessages(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configData) {
Property<Boolean> oldDelayJoinProperty = newProperty("settings.delayJoinLeaveMessages", false);
boolean hasMigrated = moveProperty(oldDelayJoinProperty, DELAY_JOIN_MESSAGE, reader, configData);
if (hasMigrated) {"Note that we now also have the settings %s and %s",
return hasMigrated;
* Detects old "force spawn loc on join" and "force spawn on these worlds" settings and moves them
* to the new paths.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean migrateForceSpawnSettings(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configData) {
Property<Boolean> oldForceLocEnabled = newProperty(
"settings.restrictions.ForceSpawnLocOnJoinEnabled", false);
Property<List<String>> oldForceWorlds = newListProperty(
"settings.restrictions.ForceSpawnOnTheseWorlds", "world", "world_nether", "world_the_ed");
return moveProperty(oldForceLocEnabled, FORCE_SPAWN_LOCATION_AFTER_LOGIN, reader, configData)
| moveProperty(oldForceWorlds, FORCE_SPAWN_ON_WORLDS, reader, configData);
* Detects the old auto poolSize value and replaces it with the default value.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean migratePoolSizeSetting(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configData) {
Integer oldValue = reader.getInt(MYSQL_POOL_SIZE.getPath());
if (oldValue == null || oldValue > 0) {
return false;
configData.setValue(MYSQL_POOL_SIZE, 10);
return true;
* Changes the old boolean property "hide spam from console" to the new property specifying
* the log level.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean changeBooleanSettingToLogLevelProperty(PropertyReader reader,
ConfigurationData configData) {
final String oldPath = "Security.console.noConsoleSpam";
final Property<LogLevel> newProperty = PluginSettings.LOG_LEVEL;
if (!newProperty.isValidInResource(reader) && reader.contains(oldPath)) {"Moving '" + oldPath + "' to '" + newProperty.getPath() + "'");
boolean oldValue = Optional.ofNullable(reader.getBoolean(oldPath)).orElse(false);
LogLevel level = oldValue ? LogLevel.INFO : LogLevel.FINE;
configData.setValue(newProperty, level);
return true;
return false;
private static boolean hasOldHelpHeaderProperty(PropertyReader reader) {
if (reader.contains("settings.helpHeader")) {
logger.warning("Help header setting is now in messages/help_xx.yml, "
+ "please check the file to set it again");
return true;
return false;
private static boolean hasSupportOldPasswordProperty(PropertyReader reader) {
String path = "";
if (reader.contains(path)) {
logger.warning("Property '" + path + "' is no longer supported. "
+ "Use '" + SecuritySettings.LEGACY_HASHES.getPath() + "' instead.");
return true;
return false;
* Converts old boolean configurations for registration to the new enum properties, if applicable.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean convertToRegistrationType(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configData) {
String oldEmailRegisterPath = "settings.registration.enableEmailRegistrationSystem";
if (RegistrationSettings.REGISTRATION_TYPE.isValidInResource(reader)
|| !reader.contains(oldEmailRegisterPath)) {
return false;
boolean useEmail = newProperty(oldEmailRegisterPath, false).determineValue(reader).getValue();
RegistrationType registrationType = useEmail ? RegistrationType.EMAIL : RegistrationType.PASSWORD;
String useConfirmationPath = useEmail
? "settings.registration.doubleEmailCheck"
: "settings.restrictions.enablePasswordConfirmation";
boolean hasConfirmation = newProperty(useConfirmationPath, false).determineValue(reader).getValue();
RegisterSecondaryArgument secondaryArgument = hasConfirmation
? RegisterSecondaryArgument.CONFIRMATION
: RegisterSecondaryArgument.NONE;
logger.warning("Merging old registration settings into '"
+ RegistrationSettings.REGISTRATION_TYPE.getPath() + "'");
configData.setValue(RegistrationSettings.REGISTRATION_TYPE, registrationType);
configData.setValue(RegistrationSettings.REGISTER_SECOND_ARGUMENT, secondaryArgument);
return true;
* Migrates old permission group settings to the new configurations.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean mergeAndMovePermissionGroupSettings(PropertyReader reader, ConfigurationData configData) {
boolean performedChanges;
// We have two old settings replaced by only one: move the first non-empty one
Property<String> oldUnloggedInGroup = newProperty("", "");
Property<String> oldRegisteredGroup = newProperty("GroupOptions.RegisteredPlayerGroup", "");
if (!oldUnloggedInGroup.determineValue(reader).getValue().isEmpty()) {
performedChanges = moveProperty(oldUnloggedInGroup, PluginSettings.REGISTERED_GROUP, reader, configData);
} else {
performedChanges = moveProperty(oldRegisteredGroup, PluginSettings.REGISTERED_GROUP, reader, configData);
// Move paths of other old options
performedChanges |= moveProperty(newProperty("GroupOptions.UnregisteredPlayerGroup", ""),
PluginSettings.UNREGISTERED_GROUP, reader, configData);
performedChanges |= moveProperty(newProperty("permission.EnablePermissionCheck", false),
PluginSettings.ENABLE_PERMISSION_CHECK, reader, configData);
return performedChanges;
* If a deprecated hash is used, it is added to the legacy hashes option and the active hash
* is changed to SHA256.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean moveDeprecatedHashAlgorithmIntoLegacySection(PropertyReader reader,
ConfigurationData configData) {
HashAlgorithm currentHash = SecuritySettings.PASSWORD_HASH.determineValue(reader).getValue();
// Skip CUSTOM (has no class) and PLAINTEXT (is force-migrated later on in the startup process)
if (currentHash != HashAlgorithm.CUSTOM && currentHash != HashAlgorithm.PLAINTEXT) {
Class<?> encryptionClass = currentHash.getClazz();
if (encryptionClass.isAnnotationPresent(Deprecated.class)) {
configData.setValue(SecuritySettings.PASSWORD_HASH, HashAlgorithm.SHA256);
Set<HashAlgorithm> legacyHashes = SecuritySettings.LEGACY_HASHES.determineValue(reader).getValue();
configData.setValue(SecuritySettings.LEGACY_HASHES, legacyHashes);
logger.warning("The hash algorithm '" + currentHash
+ "' is no longer supported for active use. New hashes will be in SHA256.");
return true;
return false;
* Moves the property for the password salt column name to the same path as all other column name properties.
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @return True if the configuration has changed, false otherwise
private static boolean moveSaltColumnConfigWithOtherColumnConfigs(PropertyReader reader,
ConfigurationData configData) {
Property<String> oldProperty = newProperty("ExternalBoardOptions.mySQLColumnSalt",
return moveProperty(oldProperty, DatabaseSettings.MYSQL_COL_SALT, reader, configData);
* Retrieves the old config to run a command when alt accounts are detected and sets them to this instance
* for further processing.
* @param reader The property reader
private void setOldOtherAccountsCommandFieldsIfSet(PropertyReader reader) {
Property<String> commandProperty = newProperty("settings.restrictions.otherAccountsCmd", "");
Property<Integer> commandThresholdProperty = newProperty("settings.restrictions.otherAccountsCmdThreshold", 0);
PropertyValue<String> commandPropValue = commandProperty.determineValue(reader);
int commandThreshold = commandThresholdProperty.determineValue(reader).getValue();
if (commandPropValue.isValidInResource() && commandThreshold >= 2) {
oldOtherAccountsCommand = commandPropValue.getValue();
oldOtherAccountsCommandThreshold = commandThreshold;
* Checks for an old property path and moves it to a new path if it is present and the new path is not yet set.
* @param oldProperty The old property (create a temporary {@link Property} object with the path)
* @param newProperty The new property to move the value to
* @param reader The property reader
* @param configData Configuration data
* @param <T> The type of the property
* @return True if a migration has been done, false otherwise
protected static <T> boolean moveProperty(Property<T> oldProperty,
Property<T> newProperty,
PropertyReader reader,
ConfigurationData configData) {
PropertyValue<T> oldPropertyValue = oldProperty.determineValue(reader);
if (oldPropertyValue.isValidInResource()) {
if (reader.contains(newProperty.getPath())) {"Detected deprecated property " + oldProperty.getPath());
} else {"Renaming " + oldProperty.getPath() + " to " + newProperty.getPath());
configData.setValue(newProperty, oldPropertyValue.getValue());
return true;
return false;