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# Advanced AuthMeReloaded configuration file
# Do you want to enable session? When enabled
# the ip of a player will be bound to the nickname
# of the player on login. As long as neither of those
# two change players don't have to login on a reconnect
enabled: false
# After how many minutes a session should timeout?
# 0 for unlimitted sessions, use 0 at your own risk!
# consider that session will end only after timeout, and
# if player's ip is changed but the timeout treshould isent
# ended, player will kick out of sever for invalidSession!
timeout: 10
# Do we need to timeout the session if the player is offline
# And try to login with an another IP Address?
sessionExpireOnIpChange: true
# HIGHLY recommended to use this! This will increase database performance
# Default is true, change it to false if you experience issues
useMultiThreading: true
# Should players in the OP list have every permissions?
opPermissions: true
# Online players aren't kicked out for "Logged in from another location!", this option should always be set to true!
forceSingleSession: true
# Should we display all other accounts from a player when he joins?
# permission: /authme.admin.accounts
displayOtherAccounts: true
# Should the purge command can be performed only from the console?
purgeOnlyFromConsole: true
# Minimum value for the purge ingame command (if enabled), prevent the destruction of the entire database.
minIngamePurgeDays: 30
# Do players need to write a captcha code if they use too many times a wrong password
useCaptcha: false
# Max allowed tries before request a captcha
maxLoginTry: 5
# Captcha length
captchaLength: 5
# Restricted users will be kicked if their IP aren't the same specified below.
# Usage: - username;ip
- playername;
# User listed below will bypass every login/registration system. CASE SENSITIVE!!!
# Use this at your own risk!!! USE ONLY WITH ONLINE MODE SERVERS!!!
# This option can add compatibility with BuildCraft and some other mods.
UnrestrictedName: []
# possible values: MD5, SHA1, SHA256, WHIRLPOOL, XAUTH, MD5VB, PHPBB,
# PLAINTEXT ( unhashed password),
passwordHash: SHA256
# salt length for the SALTED2MD5 MD5(MD5(password)+salt)
doubleMD5SaltLength: 8
# If password checking return false , do we need to check with all
# other password algorithm to check an old password ?
# AuthMe will update the password to the new passwordHash !
supportOldPasswordHash: false
# Stop the server if we can't contact the sql database
# Take care with this, if you set that to false,
# AuthMe automatically disable and the server is not protected!
stopServer: true
# /reload support
useReloadCommandSupport: true
# Remove spam console
noConsoleSpam: false
# Replace passwords in the console when player type a command like /login
removePassword: true
# MySQL column for the salt , needed for some forum/cms support
mySQLColumnSalt: ''
# MySQL column for the group, needed for some forum/cms support
mySQLColumnGroup: ''
# -1 mean disabled. If u want that only
# activated player can login in your server
# u can put in this options the group number
# of unactivated user, needed for some forum/cms support
nonActivedUserGroup: -1
# Other MySQL columns where we need to put the Username (case sensitive)
mySQLOtherUsernameColumns: []
# How much Log to Round needed in BCrypt(do not change it if you do not know what's your doing)
bCryptLog2Round: 10
# phpBB prefix defined during phpbb installation process
phpbbTablePrefix: 'phpbb_'
# phpBB activated group id , 2 is default registered group defined by phpbb
phpbbActivatedGroupId: 2
# WordPress prefix defined during WordPress installation process
wordpressTablePrefix: 'wp_'
# Do we need to hook with multiverse for spawn checking?
multiverse: true
# Do we need to hook with ChestShop for prevent buy or selling ?
chestshop: true
# Do we need to hook with BungeeCord for get the real Player ip ?
bungeecord: false
# Do we need to disable Essentials SocialSpy on join ?
disableSocialSpy: true
# Do we need to cache custom Attributes ?
customAttributes: false
# Spawn Priority, Values : authme, essentials, multiverse, default
spawnPriority: authme,essentials,multiverse,default
# AuthMe will NEVER teleport players !
noTeleport: false