package; import java.util.UUID; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Location; import; import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.objects.Island; /** * Fired when a team event happens. * * @author tastybento * @since 1.0 */ public class IslandEvent { /** * Reason for the event * */ public enum Reason { CREATE, CREATED, DELETE, DELETED, ENTER, EXIT, LOCK, RESET, RESETTED, UNLOCK, UNKNOWN } public static IslandEventBuilder builder() { return new IslandEventBuilder(); } /** * Fired when an island is going to be created. May be canceled. * */ public static class IslandCreateEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandCreateEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is created. * */ public static class IslandCreatedEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandCreatedEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is going to be deleted. May be canceled. * */ public static class IslandDeleteEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandDeleteEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is deleted. * */ public static class IslandDeletedEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandDeletedEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an a player enters an island * */ public static class IslandEnterEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandEnterEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when a player exits and island * */ public static class IslandExitEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandExitEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is locked * */ public static class IslandLockEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandLockEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is unlocked * */ public static class IslandUnlockEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandUnlockEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when an island is going to be reset. May be canceled. * */ public static class IslandResetEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandResetEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired after an island is reset * */ public static class IslandResettedEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandResettedEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } /** * Fired when something happens to the island not covered by other events * */ public static class IslandGeneralEvent extends IslandBaseEvent { private IslandGeneralEvent(Island island, UUID player, boolean admin, Location location) { // Final variables have to be declared in the constuctor super(island, player, admin, location); } } public static class IslandEventBuilder { // Here field are NOT final. They are just used for the building. private Island island; private UUID player; private Reason reason = Reason.UNKNOWN; private boolean admin; private Location location; public IslandEventBuilder island(Island island) { this.island = island; return this; } /** * True if this is an admin driven event * @param admin - true if due to admin event * @return TeamEvent */ public IslandEventBuilder admin(boolean admin) { this.admin = admin; return this; } /** * @param reason for the event * @return IslandEventBuilder */ public IslandEventBuilder reason(Reason reason) { this.reason = reason; return this; } /** * @param player - the player involved in the event * @return IslandEventBuilder */ public IslandEventBuilder involvedPlayer(UUID player) { this.player = player; return this; } public IslandEventBuilder location(Location center) { location = center; return this; } public IslandBaseEvent build() { switch (reason) { case CREATE: IslandCreateEvent create = new IslandCreateEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(create); return create; case CREATED: IslandCreatedEvent created = new IslandCreatedEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(created); return created; case DELETE: IslandDeleteEvent delete = new IslandDeleteEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(delete); return delete; case DELETED: IslandDeletedEvent deleted = new IslandDeletedEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(deleted); return deleted; case ENTER: IslandEnterEvent enter = new IslandEnterEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(enter); return enter; case EXIT: IslandExitEvent exit = new IslandExitEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(exit); return exit; case LOCK: IslandLockEvent lock = new IslandLockEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(lock); return lock; case RESET: IslandResetEvent reset = new IslandResetEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(reset); return reset; case RESETTED: IslandResettedEvent resetted = new IslandResettedEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(resetted); return resetted; case UNLOCK: IslandUnlockEvent unlock = new IslandUnlockEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(unlock); return unlock; default: IslandGeneralEvent general = new IslandGeneralEvent(island, player, admin, location); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(general); return general; } } } }