
1503 lines
48 KiB

package us.tastybento.bskyblock;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Difficulty;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.addons.Addon;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.configuration.ConfigComment;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.configuration.ConfigEntry;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.configuration.StoreAt;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.configuration.WorldSettings;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.flags.Flag;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.BSBDbSetup.DatabaseType;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.objects.DataObject;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.objects.adapters.Adapter;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.objects.adapters.FlagSerializer;
import us.tastybento.bskyblock.database.objects.adapters.FlagSerializer2;
* All the plugin settings are here
* @author Tastybento
@StoreAt(filename="config.yml") // Explicitly call out what name this should have.
@ConfigComment("BSkyBlock Configuration [version]")
@ConfigComment("This config file is dynamic and saved when the server is shutdown.")
@ConfigComment("You cannot edit it while the server is running because changes will")
@ConfigComment("be lost! Use in-game settings GUI or edit when server is offline.")
public class Settings implements DataObject, WorldSettings {
// ---------------------------------------------
@ConfigComment("BSkyBlock uses to get global data about the plugin to help improving it.")
@ConfigComment("bStats has nearly no effect on your server's performance and the sent data is completely")
@ConfigComment("anonymous so please consider twice if you really want to disable it.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.metrics")
private boolean metrics = true;
@ConfigComment("Check for updates - this will tell Ops and the console if there is a new")
@ConfigComment("version available. It contacts to request the latest version")
@ConfigComment("info. It does not download the latest version or change any files")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.check-updates")
private boolean checkUpdates = true;
@ConfigComment("Default language for new players.")
@ConfigComment("This is the filename in the locale folder without .yml.")
@ConfigComment("If this does not exist, the default en-US will be used.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.default-language")
private String defaultLanguage = "en-US";
@ConfigComment("Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false, no money is used or give.")
@ConfigComment("If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically disabled.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.use-economy")
private boolean useEconomy = true;
@ConfigComment("Starting money - this is how much money new players will have as their")
@ConfigComment("balance at the start of an island.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.starting-money")
private double startingMoney = 10.0;
// Purge
@ConfigComment("Only islands below this level will be removed if they are abandoned and admins issue the purge command")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.purge.max-island-level")
private int purgeMaxIslandLevel = 50;
@ConfigComment("Remove user data when its island gets purged.")
@ConfigComment("Helps a lot to avoid huge backups and can save some performance on startup,")
@ConfigComment("but the player settings and data will be reset.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.purge.remove-user-data")
private boolean purgeRemoveUserData = false;
// Database
@ConfigComment("FLATFILE, MYSQL, MONGO")
@ConfigComment("if you use MONGO, you must also run the BSBMongo plugin (not addon)")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.type")
private DatabaseType databaseType = DatabaseType.FLATFILE;
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private String dbHost = "localhost";
@ConfigComment("Port 3306 is MySQL's default. Port 27017 is MongoDB's default.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.port")
private int dbPort = 3306;
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private String dbName = "BSkyBlock";
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.username")
private String dbUsername = "username";
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.password")
private String dbPassword = "password";
@ConfigComment("How often the data will be saved to file in mins. Default is 5 minutes.")
@ConfigComment("This helps prevent issues if the server crashes.")
@ConfigComment("Data is also saved at important points in the game.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.database.backup-period")
private int databaseBackupPeriod = 5;
@ConfigComment("Recover super flat - if the generator does not run for some reason, you can get")
@ConfigComment("super flat chunks (grass). To remove automatically, select this option. Turn off")
@ConfigComment("if there are no more because it may cause lag.")
@ConfigComment("This will regenerate any chunks with bedrock at y=0 when they are loaded")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.recover-super-flat")
private boolean recoverSuperFlat = false;
@ConfigComment("Mute death messages")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.mute-death-messages")
private boolean muteDeathMessages = false;
@ConfigComment("Allow FTB Autonomous Activator to work (will allow a pseudo player [CoFH] to place and break blocks and hang items)")
@ConfigComment("Add other fake player names here if required")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.fakeplayers")
private Set<String> fakePlayers = new HashSet<>();
@ConfigComment("Allow obsidian to be scooped up with an empty bucket back into lava")
@ConfigComment("This only works if there is a single block of obsidian (no obsidian within 10 blocks)")
@ConfigComment("Recommendation is to keep this true so that newbies don't bother you or reset their")
@ConfigComment("island unnecessarily.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.allow-obsidian-scooping")
private boolean allowObsidianScooping = true;
@ConfigComment("Time in seconds that players have to confirm sensitive commands, e.g. island reset")
@ConfigEntry(path = "general.confirmation-time")
private int confirmationTime = 20;
// ---------------------------------------------
/* WORLD */
@ConfigComment("Friendly name for this world. Used in admin commands. Must be a single word")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.friendly-name", needsReset = true)
private String friendlyName = "BSkyBlock";
@ConfigComment("Name of the world - if it does not exist then it will be generated.")
@ConfigComment("It acts like a prefix for nether and end (e.g. BSkyBlock, BSkyBlock_nether, BSkyBlock_end)")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", needsReset = true)
private String worldName = "BSkyBlock-world";
@ConfigComment("World difficulty setting - PEACEFUL, EASY, NORMAL, HARD")
@ConfigComment("Other plugins may override this setting")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.difficulty")
private Difficulty difficulty;
@ConfigComment("Radius of island in blocks. (So distance between islands is twice this)")
@ConfigComment("Will be rounded up to the nearest 16 blocks.")
@ConfigComment("It is the same for every dimension : Overworld, Nether and End.")
@ConfigComment("This value cannot be changed mid-game and the plugin will not start if it is different.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.distance-between-islands", needsReset = true)
private int islandDistance = 200;
@ConfigComment("Default protection range radius in blocks. Cannot be larger than distance.")
@ConfigComment("Admins can change protection sizes for players individually using /bsadmin setrange")
@ConfigComment("or set this permission: bskyblock.island.range.<number>")
@ConfigEntry(path = "", overrideOnChange = true)
private int islandProtectionRange = 100;
@ConfigComment("Start islands at these coordinates. This is where new islands will start in the")
@ConfigComment("world. These must be a factor of your island distance, but the plugin will auto")
@ConfigComment("calculate the closest location on the grid. Islands develop around this location")
@ConfigComment("both positively and negatively in a square grid.")
@ConfigComment("If none of this makes sense, leave it at 0,0.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.start-x", needsReset = true)
private int islandStartX = 0;
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.start-z", needsReset = true)
private int islandStartZ = 0;
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.offset-x")
private int islandXOffset;
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.offset-z")
private int islandZOffset;
@ConfigComment("Island height - Lowest is 5.")
@ConfigComment("It is the y coordinate of the bedrock block in the schem")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.island-height")
private int islandHeight = 100;
@ConfigComment("Use your own world generator for this world. In this case, the plugin will not generate")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.use-own-generator")
private boolean useOwnGenerator;
@ConfigComment("Sea height (don't changes this mid-game unless you delete the world)")
@ConfigComment("Minimum is 0, which means you are playing Skyblock!")
@ConfigComment("If sea height is less than about 10, then players will drop right through it")
@ConfigComment("if it exists. Makes for an interesting variation on skyblock.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.sea-height")
private int seaHeight = 0;
@ConfigComment("Maximum number of islands in the world. Set to 0 for unlimited. ")
@ConfigComment("If the number of islands is greater than this number, no new island will be created.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.max-islands")
private int maxIslands = -1;
@ConfigComment("The default game mode for this world. Players will be set to this mode when they create")
@ConfigComment("a new island for example. Options are SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.default-game-mode")
private GameMode defaultGameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;
// Nether
@ConfigComment("Generate Nether - if this is false, the nether world will not be made and access to")
@ConfigComment("the nether will not occur. Other plugins may still enable portal usage.")
@ConfigComment("Note: Some challenges will not be possible if there is no nether.")
@ConfigComment("Note that with a standard nether all players arrive at the same portal and entering a")
@ConfigComment("portal will return them back to their islands.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.nether.generate")
private boolean netherGenerate = true;
@ConfigComment("Islands in Nether. Change to false for standard vanilla nether.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.nether.islands", needsReset = true)
private boolean netherIslands = true;
@ConfigComment("Nether trees are made if a player grows a tree in the nether (gravel and glowstone)")
@ConfigComment("Applies to both vanilla and islands Nether")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.nether.trees")
private boolean netherTrees = true;
@ConfigComment("Make the nether roof, if false, there is nothing up there")
@ConfigComment("Change to false if lag is a problem from the generation")
@ConfigComment("Only applies to islands Nether")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.nether.roof")
private boolean netherRoof = true;
@ConfigComment("Nether spawn protection radius - this is the distance around the nether spawn")
@ConfigComment("that will be protected from player interaction (breaking blocks, pouring lava etc.)")
@ConfigComment("Minimum is 0 (not recommended), maximum is 100. Default is 25.")
@ConfigComment("Only applies to vanilla nether")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.nether.spawn-radius")
private int netherSpawnRadius = 32;
// End
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.end.generate")
private boolean endGenerate = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.end.islands", needsReset = true)
private boolean endIslands = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.end.dragon-spawn")
private boolean dragonSpawn = false;
@ConfigComment("Removing mobs - this kills all monsters in the vicinity. Benefit is that it helps")
@ConfigComment("players return to their island if the island has been overrun by monsters.")
@ConfigComment("This setting is toggled in world flags and set by the settings GUI.")
@ConfigComment("Mob white list - these mobs will NOT be removed when logging in or doing /island")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.remove-mobs-whitelist")
private Set<EntityType> removeMobsWhitelist = new HashSet<>();
@ConfigComment("World flags. These are boolean settings for various flags for this world")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.flags")
private Map<String, Boolean> worldFlags = new HashMap<>();
@ConfigComment("These are the default protection settings for new islands.")
@ConfigComment("The value is the minimum island rank required allowed to do the action")
@ConfigComment("Ranks are: Visitor = 0, Member = 900, Owner = 1000")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.default-island-flags")
private Map<Flag, Integer> defaultIslandFlags = new HashMap<>();
@ConfigComment("These are the default settings for new islands")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.default-island-settings")
private Map<Flag, Integer> defaultIslandSettings = new HashMap<>();
@ConfigComment("These are the settings visible to users.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.visible-settings")
private List<String> visibleSettings = new ArrayList<>();
@ConfigComment("Visitor banned commands - Visitors to islands cannot use these commands in this world")
@ConfigEntry(path = "world.visitor-banned-commands")
private List<String> visitorBannedCommands = new ArrayList<>();
// ---------------------------------------------
/* ISLAND */
// Entities
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.limits.entities")
private Map<EntityType, Integer> entityLimits = new EnumMap<>(EntityType.class);
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.limits.tile-entities")
private Map<String, Integer> tileEntityLimits = new HashMap<>();
@ConfigComment("Default max team size")
@ConfigComment("Use this permission to set for specific user groups:<number>")
@ConfigComment("Permission size cannot be less than the default below. ")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.max-team-size")
private int maxTeamSize = 4;
@ConfigComment("Default maximum number of homes a player can have. Min = 1")
@ConfigComment("Accessed via sethome <number> or go <number>")
@ConfigComment("Use this permission to set for specific user groups: askyblock.island.maxhomes.<number>")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.max-homes")
private int maxHomes = 5;
@ConfigComment("Island naming")
@ConfigComment("Only players with the TODO can name their island")
@ConfigComment("It is displayed in the top ten and enter and exit announcements")
@ConfigComment("It replaces the owner's name. Players can use & for color coding if they have the TODO permission")
@ConfigComment("These set the minimum and maximum size of a name.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int nameMinLength = 4;
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private int nameMaxLength = 20;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being")
@ConfigComment("kicked in minutes. This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges")
@ConfigComment("by repetitively being invited to a team island.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.invite-wait")
private int inviteWait = 60;
// Reset
@ConfigComment("How many resets a player is allowed (override with /asadmin clearreset <player>)")
@ConfigComment("Value of -1 means unlimited, 0 means hardcore - no resets.")
@ConfigComment("Example, 2 resets means they get 2 resets or 3 islands lifetime")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.reset-limit")
private int resetLimit = -1;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.require-confirmation.reset")
private boolean resetConfirmation = true;
@ConfigComment("How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in second")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset-wait")
private long resetWait = 300;
@ConfigComment("Kicked or leaving players lose resets")
@ConfigComment("Players who leave a team will lose an island reset chance")
@ConfigComment("If a player has zero resets left and leaves a team, they cannot make a new")
@ConfigComment("island by themselves and can only join a team.")
@ConfigComment("Leave this true to avoid players exploiting free islands")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.leavers-lose-reset")
private boolean leaversLoseReset = false;
@ConfigComment("Allow kicked players to keep their inventory.")
@ConfigComment("If false, kicked player's inventory will be thrown at the island leader if the")
@ConfigComment("kicked player is online and in the island world.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.kicked-keep-inventory")
private boolean kickedKeepInventory = false;
@ConfigComment("What the plugin should reset when the player joins or creates an island")
@ConfigComment("Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to the starting money")
@ConfigComment("Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds")
@ConfigComment("make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private boolean onJoinResetMoney = false;
@ConfigComment("Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared.")
@ConfigComment("Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that")
@ConfigComment("plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.on-join.inventory")
private boolean onJoinResetInventory = false;
@ConfigComment("Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.on-join.ender-chest")
private boolean onJoinResetEnderChest = false;
@ConfigComment("What the plugin should reset when the player leaves or is kicked from an island")
@ConfigComment("Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to the starting money")
@ConfigComment("Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds")
@ConfigComment("make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private boolean onLeaveResetMoney = false;
@ConfigComment("Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared.")
@ConfigComment("Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that")
@ConfigComment("plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.on-leave.inventory")
private boolean onLeaveResetInventory = false;
@ConfigComment("Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.reset.on-leave.ender-chest")
private boolean onLeaveResetEnderChest = false;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.make-island-if-none")
private boolean makeIslandIfNone = false;
@ConfigComment("Immediately teleport player to their island (home 1 if it exists) when entering the world")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.immediate-teleport-on-island")
private boolean immediateTeleportOnIsland = false;
@ConfigComment("Have player's respawn on their island if they die")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.respawn-on-island")
private boolean respawnOnIsland = true;
// Deaths
@ConfigComment("Maximum number of deaths to count. The death count can be used by add-ons.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.deaths.max")
private int deathsMax = 10;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.deaths.sum-team")
private boolean deathsSumTeam = false;
@ConfigComment("When a player joins a team, reset their death count")
@ConfigEntry(path = "")
private boolean teamJoinDeathReset = true;
// Ranks
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.customranks")
private Map<String, Integer> customRanks = new HashMap<>();
// ---------------------------------------------
private int togglePvPCooldown;
@ConfigComment("Geo restrict mobs.")
@ConfigComment("Mobs that exit the island space where they were spawned will be removed.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "protection.geo-limit-settings")
private List<String> geoLimitSettings = new ArrayList<>();
// Invincible visitor settings
@ConfigComment("Invincible visitors. List of damages that will not affect visitors.")
@ConfigComment("Make list blank if visitors should receive all damages")
@ConfigEntry(path = "protection.invincible-visitors")
private List<String> ivSettings = new ArrayList<>();
// ---------------------------------------------
// Timeout for team kick and leave commands
@ConfigComment("Ask the player to confirm the command he is using by typing it again.")
@ConfigComment("The 'wait' value is the number of seconds to wait for confirmation.")
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.require-confirmation.kick")
private boolean kickConfirmation = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.require-confirmation.kick-wait")
private long kickWait = 10L;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.require-confirmation.leave")
private boolean leaveConfirmation = true;
@ConfigEntry(path = "island.require-confirmation.leave-wait")
private long leaveWait = 10L;
@ConfigEntry(path = "panel.close-on-click-outside")
private boolean closePanelOnClickOutside = true;
@ConfigComment("These settings should not be edited")
@ConfigEntry(path = "do-not-edit-these-settings.reset-epoch")
private long resetEpoch = 0;
private String uniqueId = "config";
// Getters and setters
* @return the metrics
public boolean isMetrics() {
return metrics;
* @param metrics the metrics to set
public void setMetrics(boolean metrics) {
this.metrics = metrics;
* @return the startingMoney
public double getStartingMoney() {
return startingMoney;
* @param startingMoney the startingMoney to set
public void setStartingMoney(double startingMoney) {
this.startingMoney = startingMoney;
* @return the recoverSuperFlat
public boolean isRecoverSuperFlat() {
return recoverSuperFlat;
* @param recoverSuperFlat the recoverSuperFlat to set
public void setRecoverSuperFlat(boolean recoverSuperFlat) {
this.recoverSuperFlat = recoverSuperFlat;
* @return the muteDeathMessages
public boolean isMuteDeathMessages() {
return muteDeathMessages;
* @param muteDeathMessages the muteDeathMessages to set
public void setMuteDeathMessages(boolean muteDeathMessages) {
this.muteDeathMessages = muteDeathMessages;
* @return the customRanks
public Map<String, Integer> getCustomRanks() {
return customRanks;
* @return the databaseBackupPeriod
public int getDatabaseBackupPeriod() {
return databaseBackupPeriod;
* @return the databaseType
public DatabaseType getDatabaseType() {
return databaseType;
* @return the dbHost
public String getDbHost() {
return dbHost;
* @return the dbName
public String getDbName() {
return dbName;
* @return the dbPassword
public String getDbPassword() {
return dbPassword;
* @return the dbPort
public int getDbPort() {
return dbPort;
* @return the dbUsername
public String getDbUsername() {
return dbUsername;
* @return the deathsMax
public int getDeathsMax() {
return deathsMax;
* @param teamJoinDeathReset the teamJoinDeathReset to set
public void setTeamJoinDeathReset(boolean teamJoinDeathReset) {
this.teamJoinDeathReset = teamJoinDeathReset;
* @return the defaultLanguage
public String getDefaultLanguage() {
return defaultLanguage;
* @return the entityLimits
public Map<EntityType, Integer> getEntityLimits() {
return entityLimits;
* Number of minutes to wait
* @return the inviteWait
public int getInviteWait() {
return inviteWait;
* @return the islandDistance
public int getIslandDistance() {
return islandDistance;
* @return the islandHeight
public int getIslandHeight() {
return islandHeight;
* @return the islandProtectionRange
public int getIslandProtectionRange() {
return islandProtectionRange;
* @return the islandStartX
public int getIslandStartX() {
return islandStartX;
* @return the islandStartZ
public int getIslandStartZ() {
return islandStartZ;
* @return the islandXOffset
public int getIslandXOffset() {
return islandXOffset;
* @return the islandZOffset
public int getIslandZOffset() {
return islandZOffset;
* @return the kickWait
public long getKickWait() {
return kickWait;
* @return the leaveWait
public long getLeaveWait() {
return leaveWait;
* @return the maxHomes
public int getMaxHomes() {
return maxHomes;
* @return the maxIslands
public int getMaxIslands() {
return maxIslands;
* @return the maxTeamSize
public int getMaxTeamSize() {
return maxTeamSize;
* @return the nameMaxLength
public int getNameMaxLength() {
return nameMaxLength;
* @return the nameMinLength
public int getNameMinLength() {
return nameMinLength;
* @return the netherSpawnRadius
public int getNetherSpawnRadius() {
return netherSpawnRadius;
* @return the purgeMaxIslandLevel
public int getPurgeMaxIslandLevel() {
return purgeMaxIslandLevel;
* @return the resetLimit
public int getResetLimit() {
return resetLimit;
* @return the resetWait
public long getResetWait() {
return resetWait;
* @return the seaHeight
public int getSeaHeight() {
return seaHeight;
* @return the tileEntityLimits
public Map<String, Integer> getTileEntityLimits() {
return tileEntityLimits;
* @return the togglePvPCooldown
public int getTogglePvPCooldown() {
return togglePvPCooldown;
* @return the uniqueId
public String getUniqueId() {
return uniqueId;
* @return the worldName
public String getWorldName() {
return worldName;
* @return the allowObsidianScooping
public boolean isAllowObsidianScooping() {
return allowObsidianScooping;
* @return the checkUpdates
public boolean isCheckUpdates() {
return checkUpdates;
* @return the deathsSumTeam
public boolean isDeathsSumTeam() {
return deathsSumTeam;
* @return the endGenerate
public boolean isEndGenerate() {
return endGenerate;
* @return the endIslands
public boolean isEndIslands() {
return endIslands;
* @return the immediateTeleportOnIsland
public boolean isImmediateTeleportOnIsland() {
return immediateTeleportOnIsland;
* @return the kickConfirmation
public boolean isKickConfirmation() {
return kickConfirmation;
* @return the kickedKeepInventory
public boolean isKickedKeepInventory() {
return kickedKeepInventory;
* @return the leaveConfirmation
public boolean isLeaveConfirmation() {
return leaveConfirmation;
* @return the leaversLoseReset
public boolean isLeaversLoseReset() {
return leaversLoseReset;
* @return the makeIslandIfNone
public boolean isMakeIslandIfNone() {
return makeIslandIfNone;
* @return the netherGenerate
public boolean isNetherGenerate() {
return netherGenerate;
* @return the netherIslands
public boolean isNetherIslands() {
return netherIslands;
* @return the netherRoof
public boolean isNetherRoof() {
return netherRoof;
* @return the netherTrees
public boolean isNetherTrees() {
return netherTrees;
* @return the purgeRemoveUserData
public boolean isPurgeRemoveUserData() {
return purgeRemoveUserData;
* @return the resetConfirmation
public boolean isResetConfirmation() {
return resetConfirmation;
* @return the respawnOnIsland
public boolean isRespawnOnIsland() {
return respawnOnIsland;
* @return the useEconomy
public boolean isUseEconomy() {
return useEconomy;
* @return the useOwnGenerator
public boolean isUseOwnGenerator() {
return useOwnGenerator;
* @param allowObsidianScooping the allowObsidianScooping to set
public void setAllowObsidianScooping(boolean allowObsidianScooping) {
this.allowObsidianScooping = allowObsidianScooping;
* @param checkUpdates the checkUpdates to set
public void setCheckUpdates(boolean checkUpdates) {
this.checkUpdates = checkUpdates;
* @param customRanks the customRanks to set
public void setCustomRanks(Map<String, Integer> customRanks) {
this.customRanks = customRanks;
* @param databaseBackupPeriod the databaseBackupPeriod to set
public void setDatabaseBackupPeriod(int databaseBackupPeriod) {
this.databaseBackupPeriod = databaseBackupPeriod;
* @param databaseType the databaseType to set
public void setDatabaseType(DatabaseType databaseType) {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
* @param dbHost the dbHost to set
public void setDbHost(String dbHost) {
this.dbHost = dbHost;
* @param dbName the dbName to set
public void setDbName(String dbName) {
this.dbName = dbName;
* @param dbPassword the dbPassword to set
public void setDbPassword(String dbPassword) {
this.dbPassword = dbPassword;
* @param dbPort the dbPort to set
public void setDbPort(int dbPort) {
this.dbPort = dbPort;
* @param dbUsername the dbUsername to set
public void setDbUsername(String dbUsername) {
this.dbUsername = dbUsername;
* @param deathsMax the deathsMax to set
public void setDeathsMax(int deathsMax) {
this.deathsMax = deathsMax;
* @param deathsSumTeam the deathsSumTeam to set
public void setDeathsSumTeam(boolean deathsSumTeam) {
this.deathsSumTeam = deathsSumTeam;
* @param defaultLanguage the defaultLanguage to set
public void setDefaultLanguage(String defaultLanguage) {
this.defaultLanguage = defaultLanguage;
* @param endGenerate the endGenerate to set
public void setEndGenerate(boolean endGenerate) {
this.endGenerate = endGenerate;
* @param endIslands the endIslands to set
public void setEndIslands(boolean endIslands) {
this.endIslands = endIslands;
* @param entityLimits the entityLimits to set
public void setEntityLimits(Map<EntityType, Integer> entityLimits) {
this.entityLimits = entityLimits;
* @param immediateTeleportOnIsland the immediateTeleportOnIsland to set
public void setImmediateTeleportOnIsland(boolean immediateTeleportOnIsland) {
this.immediateTeleportOnIsland = immediateTeleportOnIsland;
* @param inviteWait the inviteWait to set
public void setInviteWait(int inviteWait) {
this.inviteWait = inviteWait;
* @param islandDistance the islandDistance to set
public void setIslandDistance(int islandDistance) {
this.islandDistance = islandDistance;
* @param islandHeight the islandHeight to set
public void setIslandHeight(int islandHeight) {
this.islandHeight = islandHeight;
* @param islandProtectionRange the islandProtectionRange to set
public void setIslandProtectionRange(int islandProtectionRange) {
this.islandProtectionRange = islandProtectionRange;
* @param islandStartX the islandStartX to set
public void setIslandStartX(int islandStartX) {
this.islandStartX = islandStartX;
* @param islandStartZ the islandStartZ to set
public void setIslandStartZ(int islandStartZ) {
this.islandStartZ = islandStartZ;
* @param islandXOffset the islandXOffset to set
public void setIslandXOffset(int islandXOffset) {
this.islandXOffset = islandXOffset;
* @param islandZOffset the islandZOffset to set
public void setIslandZOffset(int islandZOffset) {
this.islandZOffset = islandZOffset;
* @param kickConfirmation the kickConfirmation to set
public void setKickConfirmation(boolean kickConfirmation) {
this.kickConfirmation = kickConfirmation;
* @param kickedKeepInventory the kickedKeepInventory to set
public void setKickedKeepInventory(boolean kickedKeepInventory) {
this.kickedKeepInventory = kickedKeepInventory;
* @param kickWait the kickWait to set
public void setKickWait(long kickWait) {
this.kickWait = kickWait;
* @param leaveConfirmation the leaveConfirmation to set
public void setLeaveConfirmation(boolean leaveConfirmation) {
this.leaveConfirmation = leaveConfirmation;
* @param leaversLoseReset the leaversLoseReset to set
public void setLeaversLoseReset(boolean leaversLoseReset) {
this.leaversLoseReset = leaversLoseReset;
* @param leaveWait the leaveWait to set
public void setLeaveWait(long leaveWait) {
this.leaveWait = leaveWait;
* @param makeIslandIfNone the makeIslandIfNone to set
public void setMakeIslandIfNone(boolean makeIslandIfNone) {
this.makeIslandIfNone = makeIslandIfNone;
* @param maxHomes the maxHomes to set
public void setMaxHomes(int maxHomes) {
this.maxHomes = maxHomes;
* @param maxIslands the maxIslands to set
public void setMaxIslands(int maxIslands) {
this.maxIslands = maxIslands;
* @param maxTeamSize the maxTeamSize to set
public void setMaxTeamSize(int maxTeamSize) {
this.maxTeamSize = maxTeamSize;
* @param nameMaxLength the nameMaxLength to set
public void setNameMaxLength(int nameMaxLength) {
this.nameMaxLength = nameMaxLength;
* @param nameMinLength the nameMinLength to set
public void setNameMinLength(int nameMinLength) {
this.nameMinLength = nameMinLength;
* @param netherGenerate the netherGenerate to set
public void setNetherGenerate(boolean netherGenerate) {
this.netherGenerate = netherGenerate;
* @param netherIslands the netherIslands to set
public void setNetherIslands(boolean netherIslands) {
this.netherIslands = netherIslands;
* @param netherRoof the netherRoof to set
public void setNetherRoof(boolean netherRoof) {
this.netherRoof = netherRoof;
* @param netherSpawnRadius the netherSpawnRadius to set
public void setNetherSpawnRadius(int netherSpawnRadius) {
this.netherSpawnRadius = netherSpawnRadius;
* @param netherTrees the netherTrees to set
public void setNetherTrees(boolean netherTrees) {
this.netherTrees = netherTrees;
* @param purgeMaxIslandLevel the purgeMaxIslandLevel to set
public void setPurgeMaxIslandLevel(int purgeMaxIslandLevel) {
this.purgeMaxIslandLevel = purgeMaxIslandLevel;
* @param purgeRemoveUserData the purgeRemoveUserData to set
public void setPurgeRemoveUserData(boolean purgeRemoveUserData) {
this.purgeRemoveUserData = purgeRemoveUserData;
* @param resetConfirmation the resetConfirmation to set
public void setResetConfirmation(boolean resetConfirmation) {
this.resetConfirmation = resetConfirmation;
* @param resetLimit the resetLimit to set
public void setResetLimit(int resetLimit) {
this.resetLimit = resetLimit;
* @param resetWait the resetWait to set
public void setResetWait(long resetWait) {
this.resetWait = resetWait;
* @param respawnOnIsland the respawnOnIsland to set
public void setRespawnOnIsland(boolean respawnOnIsland) {
this.respawnOnIsland = respawnOnIsland;
* @param seaHeight the seaHeight to set
public void setSeaHeight(int seaHeight) {
this.seaHeight = seaHeight;
* @param tileEntityLimits the tileEntityLimits to set
public void setTileEntityLimits(Map<String, Integer> tileEntityLimits) {
this.tileEntityLimits = tileEntityLimits;
* @param togglePvPCooldown the togglePvPCooldown to set
public void setTogglePvPCooldown(int togglePvPCooldown) {
this.togglePvPCooldown = togglePvPCooldown;
* @param uniqueId - unique ID the uniqueId to set
public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId) {
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
* @param useEconomy the useEconomy to set
public void setUseEconomy(boolean useEconomy) {
this.useEconomy = useEconomy;
* @param useOwnGenerator the useOwnGenerator to set
public void setUseOwnGenerator(boolean useOwnGenerator) {
this.useOwnGenerator = useOwnGenerator;
* @param worldName the worldName to set
public void setWorldName(String worldName) {
this.worldName = worldName;
* @return the fakePlayers
public Set<String> getFakePlayers() {
return fakePlayers;
* @param fakePlayers the fakePlayers to set
public void setFakePlayers(Set<String> fakePlayers) {
this.fakePlayers = fakePlayers;
* @return the confirmationTime
public int getConfirmationTime() {
return confirmationTime;
* @param confirmationTime the confirmationTime to set
public void setConfirmationTime(int confirmationTime) {
this.confirmationTime = confirmationTime;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see us.tastybento.bskyblock.api.configuration.WorldSettings#getFriendlyName()
public String getFriendlyName() {
return friendlyName;
* @param friendlyName the friendlyName to set
public void setFriendlyName(String friendlyName) {
this.friendlyName = friendlyName;
* @return the dragonSpawn
public boolean isDragonSpawn() {
return dragonSpawn;
* @param dragonSpawn the dragonSpawn to set
public void setDragonSpawn(boolean dragonSpawn) {
this.dragonSpawn = dragonSpawn;
public String getPermissionPrefix() {
return "bskyblock";
* Invincible visitor settings
* @return the ivSettings
public List<String> getIvSettings() {
return ivSettings;
* @param ivSettings the ivSettings to set
public void setIvSettings(List<String> ivSettings) {
this.ivSettings = ivSettings;
* @return the worldFlags
public Map<String, Boolean> getWorldFlags() {
return worldFlags;
* @param worldFlags the worldFlags to set
public void setWorldFlags(Map<String, Boolean> worldFlags) {
this.worldFlags = worldFlags;
* @return whether panels should close when clicked outside or not
public boolean isClosePanelOnClickOutside() {
return closePanelOnClickOutside;
* Set panel close on click outside
* @param closePanelOnClickOutside - true means close panel when click is outside panel
public void setClosePanelOnClickOutside(boolean closePanelOnClickOutside) {
this.closePanelOnClickOutside = closePanelOnClickOutside;
* @return the defaultGameMode
public GameMode getDefaultGameMode() {
return defaultGameMode;
* @param defaultGameMode the defaultGameMode to set
public void setDefaultGameMode(GameMode defaultGameMode) {
this.defaultGameMode = defaultGameMode;
* @return the removeMobsWhitelist
public Set<EntityType> getRemoveMobsWhitelist() {
return removeMobsWhitelist;
* @param removeMobsWhitelist the removeMobsWhitelist to set
public void setRemoveMobsWhitelist(Set<EntityType> removeMobsWhitelist) {
this.removeMobsWhitelist = removeMobsWhitelist;
* @return the onJoinResetMoney
public boolean isOnJoinResetMoney() {
return onJoinResetMoney;
* @return the onJoinResetInventory
public boolean isOnJoinResetInventory() {
return onJoinResetInventory;
* @return the onJoinResetEnderChest
public boolean isOnJoinResetEnderChest() {
return onJoinResetEnderChest;
* @return the onLeaveResetMoney
public boolean isOnLeaveResetMoney() {
return onLeaveResetMoney;
* @return the onLeaveResetInventory
public boolean isOnLeaveResetInventory() {
return onLeaveResetInventory;
* @return the onLeaveResetEnderChest
public boolean isOnLeaveResetEnderChest() {
return onLeaveResetEnderChest;
* @param onJoinResetMoney the onJoinResetMoney to set
public void setOnJoinResetMoney(boolean onJoinResetMoney) {
this.onJoinResetMoney = onJoinResetMoney;
* @param onJoinResetInventory the onJoinResetInventory to set
public void setOnJoinResetInventory(boolean onJoinResetInventory) {
this.onJoinResetInventory = onJoinResetInventory;
* @param onJoinResetEnderChest the onJoinResetEnderChest to set
public void setOnJoinResetEnderChest(boolean onJoinResetEnderChest) {
this.onJoinResetEnderChest = onJoinResetEnderChest;
* @param onLeaveResetMoney the onLeaveResetMoney to set
public void setOnLeaveResetMoney(boolean onLeaveResetMoney) {
this.onLeaveResetMoney = onLeaveResetMoney;
* @param onLeaveResetInventory the onLeaveResetInventory to set
public void setOnLeaveResetInventory(boolean onLeaveResetInventory) {
this.onLeaveResetInventory = onLeaveResetInventory;
* @param onLeaveResetEnderChest the onLeaveResetEnderChest to set
public void setOnLeaveResetEnderChest(boolean onLeaveResetEnderChest) {
this.onLeaveResetEnderChest = onLeaveResetEnderChest;
public Optional<Addon> getAddon() {
// This is a plugin, not an addon
return Optional.empty();
* @return the defaultIslandProtection
public Map<Flag, Integer> getDefaultIslandFlags() {
return defaultIslandFlags;
* @return the visibleSettings
public List<String> getVisibleSettings() {
return visibleSettings;
public void setDefaultIslandFlags(Map<Flag, Integer> defaultIslandFlags) {
this.defaultIslandFlags = defaultIslandFlags;
* @param visibleSettings the visibleSettings to set
public void setVisibleSettings(List<String> visibleSettings) {
this.visibleSettings = visibleSettings;
* @return the defaultIslandSettings
public Map<Flag, Integer> getDefaultIslandSettings() {
return defaultIslandSettings;
* @param defaultIslandSettings the defaultIslandSettings to set
public void setDefaultIslandSettings(Map<Flag, Integer> defaultIslandSettings) {
this.defaultIslandSettings = defaultIslandSettings;
public boolean isTeamJoinDeathReset() {
return teamJoinDeathReset;
* @return the visitorbannedcommands
public List<String> getVisitorBannedCommands() {
return visitorBannedCommands;
* @param visitorBannedCommands the visitorbannedcommands to set
public void setVisitorBannedCommands(List<String> visitorBannedCommands) {
this.visitorBannedCommands = visitorBannedCommands;
* @return the difficulty
public Difficulty getDifficulty() {
return difficulty;
* @param difficulty the difficulty to set
public void setDifficulty(Difficulty difficulty) {
this.difficulty = difficulty;
public boolean isWaterUnsafe() {
return false;
* @return the geoLimitSettings
public List<String> getGeoLimitSettings() {
return geoLimitSettings;
* @param geoLimitSettings the geoLimitSettings to set
public void setGeoLimitSettings(List<String> geoLimitSettings) {
this.geoLimitSettings = geoLimitSettings;
* @return the resetEpoch
public long getResetEpoch() {
return resetEpoch;
* @param resetEpoch the resetEpoch to set
public void setResetEpoch(long resetEpoch) {
this.resetEpoch = resetEpoch;