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2020-05-05 14:58:07 +02:00
# Simplified Chinese translation
# Provided by:
# - crazy223
# Yes or no
text_yes: "&a是"
text_no: "&c不是"
# Beehive GUI
beehive_info_gui_title: "&8蜂巢信息"
beehive_info_gui_honey_capacity: "&f蜂蜜容量"
beehive_info_gui_honey_capacity_desc: "&a容量: &7%current%/%maximum%"
beehive_info_gui_bee_capacity: "&f蜜蜂容量"
beehive_info_gui_bee_capacity_desc: "&a容量: &7%current%/%maximum% 蜜蜂"
beehive_info_gui_sedated: "&a蜂蜜"
beehive_info_gui_not_sedated: "&c没有蜂蜜"
beehive_info_gui_flower: "&f花"
# Use || to a create a new line
beehive_info_gui_no_target_flower_desc: "&a该配置单元没有||&a拥有目标花朵"
honey_low: "低级"
honey_medium: "方法"
honey_high: "高级"
honey_very_high: "最高级"
# Bee GUI
bee_info_gui_title: "&8蜜蜂信息"
bee_info_gui_age: "年龄"
bee_info_gui_age_adult: "&a成人"
bee_info_gui_age_baby: "&a宝宝"
bee_info_gui_anger: "&f愤怒"
# Use %level% as a placeholder for the bee's anger level
bee_info_gui_anger_level_desc: "&a愤怒等级: &7%level%"
bee_info_gui_hive_location: "&f蜂巢位置"
# Use || to a create a new line
bee_info_gui_no_hive_desc: "&a只蜜蜂没有||&a拥有蜂巢"
bee_info_gui_ride: "&f骑"
bee_info_gui_ride_no_permission: "&c您无权骑蜜蜂"
bee_info_gui_ride_angry: "&c你不能骑愤怒的蜜蜂!"
bee_info_gui_ride_already: "&c有人已经骑这只蜜蜂!"
bee_info_gui_ride_too_far: "&c你太遥远了无法骑这只蜜蜂!"
bee_info_gui_has_stung: "&f拥有了?"
bee_info_gui_has_nectar: "&f有花蜜?"
bee_info_gui_health: "&f生命值"
# Use %health% to represent the bee's health
bee_info_gui_health_desc: "&a生命值: &7%health% ❤"
# Riding a bee title
# Use %name% as a placeholder for the player's name
ride_bee_title: "&6你现在骑"
ride_bee_subtitle: "&6一只蜜蜂 &8%name%&6!"
# Protection suit name
bee_protection_helmet: "&6防蜂头盔"
bee_protection_chestplate: "&6蜜蜂保护胸甲"
bee_protection_leggings: "&6蜜蜂护腿"
bee_protection_boots: "&6蜜蜂保护靴"