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synced 2025-03-21 02:49:10 +01:00
Add german translation
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Language Settings
# Available locale: en, fr, pt, zh_cn, hu
# Available locale: en, fr, pt, zh_cn, hu, de
# If you want to create your own, the file name must match the locale name.
# Example:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
# Yes or no
text_yes: "&aJa"
text_no: "&cNein"
# Beehive GUI
beehive_info_gui_title: "&8Bienenstockinformationen"
beehive_info_gui_honey_capacity: "&fHonig-Lager"
beehive_info_gui_honey_capacity_desc: "&aKapazität: &7%current%/%maximum%"
beehive_info_gui_bee_capacity: "&fBienenwohnraum"
beehive_info_gui_bee_capacity_desc: "&aKapazität: &7%current%/%maximum% Bienen"
beehive_info_gui_sedated: "&aSediert"
beehive_info_gui_not_sedated: "&cNicht sediert"
beehive_info_gui_flower: "&fBlume"
# Use || to a create a new line
beehive_info_gui_no_target_flower_desc: "&aDieser Bienenstock hat||&anoch keine Zielblume!"
honey_low: "Wenig"
honey_medium: "Mittel"
honey_high: "Viel"
honey_very_high: "Sehr Viel"
# Bee GUI
bee_info_gui_title: "&8Bienen-Info"
bee_info_gui_age: "&fAlter"
bee_info_gui_age_adult: "&aErwachsen"
bee_info_gui_age_baby: "&aBaby"
bee_info_gui_anger: "&fWut"
# Use %level% as a placeholder for the bee's anger level
bee_info_gui_anger_level_desc: "&aWut-level: &7%level%"
bee_info_gui_hive_location: "&fBienenstock-Ort"
# Use || to a create a new line
bee_info_gui_no_hive_desc: "&aDiese Biene hat||&anoch keinen Stock!"
bee_info_gui_ride: "&fReiten"
bee_info_gui_ride_no_permission: "&cDu hast nicht die Erlaubnis auf Bienen zu reiten!"
bee_info_gui_ride_angry: "&cDu kannst keine wütenden Bienen reiten!"
bee_info_gui_ride_already: "&cDiese Biene ist bereits besetzt!"
bee_info_gui_ride_too_far: "&cDu bist zu weit von der Biene entfernt!"
bee_info_gui_has_stung: "&fHat gestochen?"
bee_info_gui_has_nectar: "&fHat Nektar?"
bee_info_gui_health: "&fGesundheit"
# Use %health% to represent the bee's health
bee_info_gui_health_desc: "&a&7%health% ❤"
# Riding a bee title
# Use %name% as a placeholder for the player's name
ride_bee_title: "&6Du reitest nun"
ride_bee_subtitle: "&6eine Biene, &8%name%&6!"
# Protection suit name
bee_protection_helmet: "&6Bienenschutzhelm"
bee_protection_chestplate: "&6Bienenschutzhemd"
bee_protection_leggings: "&6Bienenschutzhose"
bee_protection_boots: "&6Bienenschutzschuhe"
# Beehive upgrade item
beehive_upgrade_item_name: "&6Bienenstock Upgrade"
# Use || to a create a new line
beehive_upgrade_item_lore: "&7Bienenwohnraum: &a+3||&8(Zum verwenden rechtsklicken)"
beehive_upgrade_success: "&aBienenstock verbessert! Neuer Wohnraum: &7%beesno%&a Bienen"
beehive_upgrade_max: "&cFehler: Dieser Bienenstock hat bereits den maximalen Wohnraum erreicht!"
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