#'dumb' parameter, will just use what you put in banhammer: 1: /ban !1 #name parameter is replaced with the command users name gmon: 0: /gamemode creative !name 1: /gamemode creative !1 gmoff: 0: /gamemode survival !name 1: /gamemode survival !1 # putting a P after the parameter specifies this is a player, and BA should try to guess which player # useful for things like "/to e0n" instead of "/to Ne0nx3r0" # This will ONLY look for players that are online to: 1: /tp !name !1p 2: /tp !1p !2p bring: 1: /tp !1p !name # multiple command example # note spaces in an alias go within quotes "tp then kick": 1: - /tp !1p !name - /kick !1p # replaced with the item name in the player's hand hand: 0: I have a !handItemName in my hand right now! # replace with the item ID in the player's hand handid: 0: /give !name !handItemID # Toggle the current player's game mode from survival to creative gm: 0: /gamemode !oppositeGameMode !name # Send everything with a command sendAll: "*": /say !* # Send everything with a command, but only on certain parameter lengths sendAll: 3: /say !* # Color example # ---------------- # Available colors: # BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN, DARK_AQUA, DARK_RED, DARK_PURPLE, GOLD, GRAY, # DARK_GRAY, BLUE, GREEN, AQUA, RED, LIGHT_PURPLE, YELLOW, WHITE, MAGIC, BOLD, # STRIKETHROUGH, UNDERLINE, ITALIC, RESET # # (Also shows how to use the reply modifier to only reply to the player) redText: 0: reply Look at my &REDcolored &DARK_GREENtext! # User must have betteralias.staff permission or be the console. staff: permission: staff 0: - /seen Ne0nx3r0 - /seen someOtherStaffMember - /seen someThirdStaffMember # Console example # If this seems dangerous, that's because it is! # # Required permission will be betteralias.your.node makeop: permission: your.node # Quotes are required because 0 uses a colon (:) 0: "reply Usage: /makeop " 1: - console /say !1 has been opped! - console /op !1 - /me has opped !1 2: console /say testing single line 3: reply testing single line # Wait example wait: # Quotes are required because 0 uses a colon (:) 0: - wait 100 console /me thinks this message will come last! - wait 80 /me thinks this message will come third - wait 40 reply this came second! - console /say this message came first!