
275 lines
8.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import de.bluecolored.bluemap.core.logger.Logger;
import de.bluecolored.bluemap.core.util.Key;
import de.bluecolored.bluenbt.NBTName;
import lombok.Getter;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public class Chunk_1_13 extends MCAChunk {
private static final Level EMPTY_LEVEL = new Level();
private static final HeightmapsData EMPTY_HEIGHTMAPS_DATA = new HeightmapsData();
private static final Key STATUS_EMPTY = new Key("minecraft", "empty");
private static final Key STATUS_FULL = new Key("minecraft", "full");
private static final Key STATUS_FULLCHUNK = new Key("minecraft", "fullchunk");
private static final Key STATUS_POSTPROCESSED = new Key("minecraft", "postprocessed");
private final boolean generated;
private final boolean hasLightData;
private final long inhabitedTime;
private final int skyLight;
private final boolean hasWorldSurfaceHeights;
private final long[] worldSurfaceHeights;
private final boolean hasOceanFloorHeights;
private final long[] oceanFloorHeights;
private final Section[] sections;
private final int sectionMin, sectionMax;
final int[] biomes;
public Chunk_1_13(MCARegion region, Data data) {
super(region, data);
Level level = data.level;
this.generated = !STATUS_EMPTY.equals(level.status);
this.hasLightData =
STATUS_FULL.equals(level.status) ||
STATUS_FULLCHUNK.equals(level.status) ||
this.inhabitedTime = level.inhabitedTime;
DimensionType dimensionType = getRegion().getWorld().getDimensionType();
this.skyLight = dimensionType.hasSkylight() ? 16 : 0;
this.worldSurfaceHeights = level.heightmaps.worldSurface;
this.oceanFloorHeights = level.heightmaps.oceanFloor;
this.hasWorldSurfaceHeights = this.worldSurfaceHeights.length >= 36;
this.hasOceanFloorHeights = this.oceanFloorHeights.length >= 36;
this.biomes = level.biomes;
SectionData[] sectionsData = level.sections;
if (sectionsData != null && sectionsData.length > 0) {
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// find section min/max y
for (SectionData sectionData : sectionsData) {
int y = sectionData.getY();
if (min > y) min = y;
if (max < y) max = y;
// load sections into ordered array
this.sections = new Section[1 + max - min];
for (SectionData sectionData : sectionsData) {
Section section = new Section(sectionData);
int y = section.getSectionY();
if (min > y) min = y;
if (max < y) max = y;
this.sections[section.sectionY - min] = section;
this.sectionMin = min;
this.sectionMax = max;
} else {
this.sections = new Section[0];
this.sectionMin = 0;
this.sectionMax = 0;
public boolean isGenerated() {
return generated;
public boolean hasLightData() {
return hasLightData;
public long getInhabitedTime() {
return inhabitedTime;
public BlockState getBlockState(int x, int y, int z) {
Section section = getSection(y >> 4);
if (section == null) return BlockState.AIR;
return section.getBlockState(x, y, z);
public String getBiome(int x, int y, int z) {
if (this.biomes.length < 256) return Biome.DEFAULT.getFormatted();
int biomeIntIndex = (z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF;
return LegacyBiomes.idFor(biomes[biomeIntIndex]);
public LightData getLightData(int x, int y, int z, LightData target) {
if (!hasLightData) return target.set(skyLight, 0);
int sectionY = y >> 4;
Section section = getSection(sectionY);
if (section == null) return (sectionY < sectionMin) ? target.set(0, 0) : target.set(skyLight, 0);
return section.getLightData(x, y, z, target);
public int getMinY(int x, int z) {
return sectionMin * 16;
public int getMaxY(int x, int z) {
return sectionMax * 16 + 15;
public boolean hasWorldSurfaceHeights() {
return hasWorldSurfaceHeights;
public int getWorldSurfaceY(int x, int z) {
return (int) MCAUtil.getValueFromLongStream(
(z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF,
public boolean hasOceanFloorHeights() {
return hasOceanFloorHeights;
public int getOceanFloorY(int x, int z) {
return (int) MCAUtil.getValueFromLongStream(
(z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF,
private @Nullable Section getSection(int y) {
y -= sectionMin;
if (y < 0 || y >= this.sections.length) return null;
return this.sections[y];
protected static class Section {
private final int sectionY;
private final BlockState[] blockPalette;
private final long[] blocks;
private final byte[] blockLight;
private final byte[] skyLight;
private final int bitsPerBlock;
public Section(SectionData sectionData) {
this.sectionY = sectionData.y;
this.blockPalette = sectionData.palette;
this.blocks = sectionData.blockStates;
this.blockLight = sectionData.getBlockLight();
this.skyLight = sectionData.getSkyLight();
this.bitsPerBlock = this.blocks.length >> 6; // available longs * 64 (bits per long) / 4096 (blocks per section) (floored result)
public BlockState getBlockState(int x, int y, int z) {
if (blockPalette.length == 1) return blockPalette[0];
if (blockPalette.length == 0) return BlockState.AIR;
int id = (int) MCAUtil.getValueFromLongStream(
(y & 0xF) << 8 | (z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF,
if (id >= blockPalette.length) {"palette-warning", "Got block-palette id " + id + " but palette has size of " + blockPalette.length + "! (Future occasions of this error will not be logged)");
return BlockState.MISSING;
return blockPalette[id];
public LightData getLightData(int x, int y, int z, LightData target) {
if (blockLight.length == 0 && skyLight.length == 0) return target.set(0, 0);
int blockByteIndex = (y & 0xF) << 8 | (z & 0xF) << 4 | x & 0xF;
int blockHalfByteIndex = blockByteIndex >> 1;
boolean largeHalf = (blockByteIndex & 0x1) != 0;
return target.set(
this.skyLight.length > blockHalfByteIndex ? MCAUtil.getByteHalf(this.skyLight[blockHalfByteIndex], largeHalf) : 0,
this.blockLight.length > blockHalfByteIndex ? MCAUtil.getByteHalf(this.blockLight[blockHalfByteIndex], largeHalf) : 0
public int getSectionY() {
return sectionY;
public static class Data extends MCAChunk.Data {
private Level level = EMPTY_LEVEL;
public static class Level {
private Key status = STATUS_EMPTY;
private long inhabitedTime = 0;
private HeightmapsData heightmaps = EMPTY_HEIGHTMAPS_DATA;
private SectionData @Nullable [] sections = null;
private int[] biomes = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
protected static class HeightmapsData {
@NBTName("WORLD_SURFACE") private long[] worldSurface = EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY;
@NBTName("OCEAN_FLOOR") private long[] oceanFloor = EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY;
protected static class SectionData {
private int y = 0;
private byte[] blockLight = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
private byte[] skyLight = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
private BlockState[] palette = EMPTY_BLOCKSTATE_ARRAY;
private long[] blockStates = EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY;