import { execSync } from "node:child_process"; import { readdirSync } from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; // doesn't really matter, just setting something consistant and close enough for us europeans process.env.TZ = "Europe/Berlin"; function parse(str) { const blame = execSync(`git blame --porcelain ${str}`).toString("utf8").trim().split("\n"); const commitMap = new Map(); const nodes = []; const path = []; let inMultiLineString = false; let multiLineStringLastUpdated = null; // let multiLineStringValue = ""; for (let i = 0; i < blame.length; i++) { const hash = blame[i].split(" ")[0]; i++; if (!commitMap.has(hash)) { const commit = {}; let j = 0; while (true) { const line = blame[i + j]; if (line[0] === "\t") break; const [key,] = line.split(" "); const val = rest.join(" "); commit[key.replace(/-\S/g, (s) => s.slice(1).toUpperCase())] = val; j++; } commitMap.set(hash, commit); i += j; } const commit = commitMap.get(hash); let lastUpdated = parseInt(commit.authorTime); if (inMultiLineString) { const line = blame[i].slice(1).trimEnd(); if (line.endsWith('"""')) { // multiLineStringValue += "\n" + line.slice(0, -3); nodes.push({ path: [...path], lastUpdated: multiLineStringLastUpdated, // value: multiLineStringValue, }); inMultiLineString = false; multiLineStringLastUpdated = null; // multiLineStringValue = ""; path.pop(); continue; } else { if (lastUpdated > multiLineStringLastUpdated) multiLineStringLastUpdated = commit.authorTime; // multiLineStringValue += "\n" + blame[i].slice(1); continue; } } const line = blame[i].slice(1).trim(); if (line === "{") continue; if (line === "}") { path.pop(); continue; } if (!line.includes('"')) { path.push(line.split(":")[0].split(" ")[0]); continue; } const [key, rest] = line.split(":"); if (rest.trimStart().startsWith('"""')) { inMultiLineString = true; multiLineStringLastUpdated = lastUpdated; // multiLineStringValue = rest.trimStart().slice(3); path.push(key); continue; } nodes.push({ path: [...path, key], lastUpdated, // value: rest.trimStart().slice(1, -1) }); } return nodes; } const langFolder = "../../BlueMapCommon/webapp/public/lang/"; const languageFiles = readdirSync(langFolder).filter( (f) => f.endsWith(".conf") && f !== "settings.conf" ); const languages = => { const nodes = parse(path.join(langFolder, file)); const name = file.split(".").reverse().slice(1).reverse().join("."); return { name, nodes, }; }); const sourceLanguageName = "en"; const sourceLanguage = languages.find((l) => === sourceLanguageName); if (!sourceLanguage) throw new Error(`Source language "${sourceLanguageName}" not found!`); languages.splice(languages.indexOf(sourceLanguage), 1); function diff(source, other) { const sourceKeys = => n.path.join(".")); const otherKeys = => n.path.join(".")); const missing = sourceKeys.filter((sk) => !otherKeys.includes(sk)); const extra = otherKeys.filter((ok) => !sourceKeys.includes(ok)); const outdated = other .map((n) => { const sourceNode = source.find((sn) => sn.path.join(".") === n.path.join(".")); return { ...n, sourceNode }; }) .filter((n) => { return n.sourceNode && n.sourceNode.lastUpdated > n.lastUpdated; }); return { missing, extra, outdated, }; } const upToDate = []; for (const { name, nodes } of languages) { const { missing, extra, outdated } = diff(sourceLanguage.nodes, nodes); if (missing.length + extra.length + outdated.length === 0) { upToDate.push(name); continue; } console.log(`=== ${name} ===`); if (missing.length) { console.log(`Missing (${missing.length}):`); for (const key of missing) console.log("-", key); console.log(); } if (extra.length) { console.log(`Extra (${extra.length}):`); for (const key of extra) console.log("-", key); console.log(); } if (outdated.length) { console.log(`Outdated (${outdated.length}):`); for (const { path, lastUpdated, sourceNode } of outdated) console.log( "-", path.join("."), `(updated ${new Date(lastUpdated * 1000).toLocaleString( "de" )}, source updated ${new Date(sourceNode.lastUpdated * 1000).toLocaleString("de")})` ); console.log(); } } if (upToDate.length) console.log("Up to date:", upToDate.join(", "));