2024-12-11 00:05:41 +01:00

62 lines
2.3 KiB

import org.gradle.api.Project
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
fun Project.gitHash(): String {
return runCommand("git rev-parse --verify HEAD", "-")
fun Project.gitClean(): Boolean {
return runCommand("git status --porcelain", "NOT_CLEAN").isEmpty()
fun Project.gitVersion(): String {
val lastTag = if (runCommand("git tag", "").isEmpty()) "" else runCommand("git describe --tags --abbrev=0", "")
val lastVersion = if (lastTag.isEmpty()) "0.0" else lastTag.substring(1) // remove the leading 'v'
val commits = runCommand("git rev-list --count $lastTag..HEAD", "0")
val branch = runCommand("git branch --show-current", "master")
val gitVersion = lastVersion +
(if (branch == "master" || branch.isEmpty()) "" else "-${branch.replace('/', '.')}") +
(if (commits == "0") "" else "-$commits") +
(if (gitClean()) "" else "-dirty")
logger.lifecycle("${} version: $gitVersion")
return gitVersion
fun Project.gitIsRelease(): Boolean {
val lastTag = if (runCommand("git tag", "").isEmpty()) "" else runCommand("git describe --tags --abbrev=0", "")
val commits = runCommand("git rev-list --count $lastTag..HEAD", "0")
return commits == "0" && gitClean()
fun Project.releaseNotes(): String {
val file = rootProject.projectDir.resolve("")
if (!file.exists()) return ""
return file
.replace("{version}", project.version.toString())
private fun Project.runCommand(cmd: String, fallback: String? = null): String {
.apply {
if (!waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
throw TimeoutException("Failed to execute command: '$cmd'")
.run {
val error = errorStream.bufferedReader().readText().trim()
if (error.isEmpty()) return inputStream.bufferedReader().readText().trim()
logger.warn("Failed to execute command '$cmd': $error")
if (fallback != null) return fallback
throw IOException(error)