diff --git a/Commands-and-Permissions.md b/Commands-and-Permissions.md index cb96a7f..40fbbfa 100644 --- a/Commands-and-Permissions.md +++ b/Commands-and-Permissions.md @@ -3,10 +3,14 @@ Here is a table with all commands and their permissions that you can use if you command | permission | description --- | --- | --- /bluemap | bluemap.status | displays BlueMaps render status +/bluemap maps | bluemap.status | shows all maps loaded by BlueMap +/bluemap worlds | bluemap.status | shows all worlds loaded by BlueMap /bluemap reload | bluemap.reload | reloads all resources, configuration-files and the web-server /bluemap pause | bluemap.pause | pauses all rendering /bluemap resume | bluemap.resume | resumes all paused rendering /bluemap render \[world\] \[block-radius\] | bluemap.render | renders the whole world or optionally a defined radius around the player *\[clickable command in /bluemap\]* | bluemap.render | prioritizes the clicked render-task *\[clickable command in /bluemap\]* | bluemap.render | removes the clicked render-task +/bluemap marker create