![title-banner](https://bluecolored.de/paste/BluemapBanner.png) ### Using BlueMapAPI See the wiki for instructions on how to use the API: [https://github.com/BlueMap-Minecraft/BlueMapAPI/wiki](https://github.com/BlueMap-Minecraft/BlueMapAPI/wiki) ### Discord If you have a question, help others using BlueMap or get the latest news and info you are welcome to join us [on Discord](https://discord.gg/zmkyJa3)! ### Clone If you have git installed, simply use the command `git clone https://github.com/BlueMap-Minecraft/BlueMapAPI.git` to clone BlueMapAPI. ### Build In order to build BlueMap you simply need to run the `./gradlew build` command in BlueMap's root directory. You can find the compiled JAR files in `./build/libs`. ### Issues / Suggestions You found a bug, have another issue or a suggestion? Please create an issue [here](https://github.com/BlueMap-Minecraft/BlueMapAPI/issues)! ### Contributing You are welcome to contribute! Just create a pull request with your changes :)