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package de.bluecolored.bluemap.api.plugin;
import de.bluecolored.bluemap.api.debug.DebugDump;
public interface Plugin {
* Get the {@link SkinProvider} that bluemap is using to fetch player-skins
* @return the {@link SkinProvider} instance bluemap is using
SkinProvider getSkinProvider();
* Sets the {@link SkinProvider} that bluemap will use to fetch new player-skins.
* @param skinProvider The new {@link SkinProvider} bluemap should use
void setSkinProvider(SkinProvider skinProvider);
* Get the {@link PlayerIconFactory} that bluemap is using to convert a player-skin into the icon-image that is used
* for the Player-Markers
* @return The {@link PlayerIconFactory} bluemap uses to convert skins into player-marker icons
PlayerIconFactory getPlayerMarkerIconFactory();
* Set the {@link PlayerIconFactory} that bluemap will use to convert a player-skin into the icon-image that is used
* for the Player-Markers
* @param playerMarkerIconFactory The {@link PlayerIconFactory} bluemap uses to convert skins into player-marker icons
void setPlayerMarkerIconFactory(PlayerIconFactory playerMarkerIconFactory);