export default { pageTitle: "BlueMap - {map}", menu: { title: "Menu", tooltip: "Menu" }, maps: { title: "Maps", button: "Maps", tooltip: "Map-List" }, markers: { title: "Markers", button: "Markers", tooltip: "Marker-List", marker: "marker | markers", markerSet: "marker-set | marker-sets" }, settings: { title: "Settings", button: "Settings" }, goFullscreen: { button: "Go Fullscreen" }, resetCamera: { button: "Reset Camera", tooltip: "Reset Camera & Position" }, updateMap: { button: "Update Map", tooltip: "Clear Tile Cache" }, lighting: { title: "Lighting", dayNightSwitch: { tooltip: "Day/Night" }, sunlight: "Sunlight", ambientLight: "Ambient-Light" }, resolution: { title: "Resolution", high: "High (SSAA, x2)", normal: "Normal (Native, x1)", low: "Low (Upscaling, x0.5)" }, freeFlightControls: { title: "Free-Flight Controls", mouseSensitivity: "Mouse-Sensitivity", invertMouseY: "Invert Mouse Y" }, renderDistance: { title: "Render Distance", hiresLayer: "Hires layer", lowersLayer: "Lowres layer" }, theme: { title: "Theme", default: "Default (System/Browser)", dark: "Dark", light: "Light" }, debug: { button: "Debug" }, resetAllSettings: { button: "Reset All Settings" }, players: { title: "Players", tooltip: "Player-List" }, compass: { tooltip: "Compass / Face North" }, controls: { title: "View / Controls", perspective: { button: "Perspective", tooltip: "Perspective-View" }, flatView: { button: "Flat", tooltip: "Orthographic / Flat-View", }, freeFlight: { button: "Free-Flight", tooltip: "Free-Flight / Spectator Mode" } }, language: { title: "Language", }, blockTooltip: { block: "Block", position: "Position", chunk: "Chunk", region: { region: "Region", file: "File" }, light: { light: "Light", sun: "Sun", block: "Block", } }, info: { title: "Info", button: "Info", content: `


moveleft-click + drag
zoommousewheel (scroll)
rotate / tiltright-click + drag


movewasd / arrow-keys
zoomNumpad: +/- or Ins/Home
rotate / tiltLeft-Alt + wasd / arrow-keys or Delete/End/Page Up/Page Down


movetouch + drag
zoomtouch with two fingers + pinch
rotate / tilttouch with two fingers + rotate / move up/down

This map has been generated with ♥ using BlueMap.

` } }