/* * This file is part of BlueMap, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) Blue (Lukas Rieger) * Copyright (c) contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import { ClampToEdgeWrapping, Color, FileLoader, FrontSide, NearestFilter, NearestMipMapLinearFilter, Raycaster, Scene, ShaderMaterial, Texture, Vector2, Vector3, VertexColors } from "three"; import {alert, dispatchEvent, hashTile, stringToImage} from "../util/Utils"; import {TileManager} from "./TileManager"; import {TileLoader} from "./TileLoader"; import {MarkerFileManager} from "../markers/MarkerFileManager"; import {PlayerMarkerManager} from "../markers/PlayerMarkerManager"; export class Map { /** * @param id {string} * @param dataUrl {string} * @param settingsUrl {string} * @param texturesUrl {string} * @param events {EventTarget} */ constructor(id, dataUrl, settingsUrl, texturesUrl, events = null) { Object.defineProperty( this, 'isMap', { value: true } ); this.id = id; this.events = events; this.dataUrl = dataUrl; this.settingsUrl = settingsUrl; this.texturesUrl = texturesUrl; this.name = this.id; this.world = "-"; this.startPos = {x: 0, z: 0}; this.skyColor = new Color(); this.ambientLight = 0; this.hires = { tileSize: {x: 32, z: 32}, scale: {x: 1, z: 1}, translate: {x: 2, z: 2} }; this.lowres = { tileSize: {x: 32, z: 32}, scale: {x: 1, z: 1}, translate: {x: 2, z: 2} }; this.raycaster = new Raycaster(); /** @type {ShaderMaterial[]} */ this.hiresMaterial = null; /** @type {ShaderMaterial} */ this.lowresMaterial = null; /** @type {Texture[]} */ this.loadedTextures = []; /** @type {TileManager} */ this.hiresTileManager = null; /** @type {TileManager} */ this.lowresTileManager = null; } /** * Loads textures and materials for this map so it is ready to load map-tiles * @param hiresVertexShader {string} * @param hiresFragmentShader {string} * @param lowresVertexShader {string} * @param lowresFragmentShader {string} * @param uniforms {object} * @returns {Promise} */ load(hiresVertexShader, hiresFragmentShader, lowresVertexShader, lowresFragmentShader, uniforms) { this.unload() let settingsFilePromise = this.loadSettingsFile(); let textureFilePromise = this.loadTexturesFile(); this.lowresMaterial = this.createLowresMaterial(lowresVertexShader, lowresFragmentShader, uniforms); let settingsPromise = settingsFilePromise .then(worldSettings => { this.name = worldSettings.name ? worldSettings.name : this.name; this.world = worldSettings.world ? worldSettings.world : this.world; this.startPos = {...this.startPos, ...worldSettings.startPos}; this.skyColor.setRGB( worldSettings.skyColor.r || this.skyColor.r, worldSettings.skyColor.g || this.skyColor.g, worldSettings.skyColor.b || this.skyColor.b, ); this.ambientLight = worldSettings.ambientLight ? worldSettings.ambientLight : 0; if (worldSettings.hires === undefined) worldSettings.hires = {}; if (worldSettings.lowres === undefined) worldSettings.lowres = {}; this.hires = { tileSize: {...this.hires.tileSize, ...worldSettings.hires.tileSize}, scale: {...this.hires.scale, ...worldSettings.hires.scale}, translate: {...this.hires.translate, ...worldSettings.hires.translate} }; this.lowres = { tileSize: {...this.lowres.tileSize, ...worldSettings.lowres.tileSize}, scale: {...this.lowres.scale, ...worldSettings.lowres.scale}, translate: {...this.lowres.translate, ...worldSettings.lowres.translate} }; }); return Promise.all([settingsPromise, textureFilePromise]) .then(values => { let textures = values[1]; if (textures === null) throw new Error("Failed to parse textures.json!"); this.hiresMaterial = this.createHiresMaterial(hiresVertexShader, hiresFragmentShader, uniforms, textures); this.hiresTileManager = new TileManager(new Scene(), new TileLoader(`${this.dataUrl}hires/`, this.hiresMaterial, this.hires), this.onTileLoad("hires"), this.onTileUnload("hires"), this.events); this.lowresTileManager = new TileManager(new Scene(), new TileLoader(`${this.dataUrl}lowres/`, this.lowresMaterial, this.lowres), this.onTileLoad("lowres"), this.onTileUnload("lowres"), this.events); this.hiresTileManager.scene.autoUpdate = false; this.lowresTileManager.scene.autoUpdate = false; alert(this.events, `Map '${this.id}' is loaded.`, "fine"); }); } onTileLoad = layer => tile => { dispatchEvent(this.events, "bluemapMapTileLoaded", { tile: tile, layer: layer }); } onTileUnload = layer => tile => { dispatchEvent(this.events, "bluemapMapTileUnloaded", { tile: tile, layer: layer }); } /** * @param x {number} * @param z {number} * @param hiresViewDistance {number} * @param lowresViewDistance {number} */ loadMapArea(x, z, hiresViewDistance, lowresViewDistance) { if (!this.isLoaded) return; let hiresX = Math.floor((x - this.hires.translate.x) / this.hires.tileSize.x); let hiresZ = Math.floor((z - this.hires.translate.z) / this.hires.tileSize.z); let hiresViewX = Math.floor(hiresViewDistance / this.hires.tileSize.x); let hiresViewZ = Math.floor(hiresViewDistance / this.hires.tileSize.z); let lowresX = Math.floor((x - this.lowres.translate.x) / this.lowres.tileSize.x); let lowresZ = Math.floor((z - this.lowres.translate.z) / this.lowres.tileSize.z); let lowresViewX = Math.floor(lowresViewDistance / this.lowres.tileSize.x); let lowresViewZ = Math.floor(lowresViewDistance / this.lowres.tileSize.z); this.hiresTileManager.loadAroundTile(hiresX, hiresZ, hiresViewX, hiresViewZ); this.lowresTileManager.loadAroundTile(lowresX, lowresZ, lowresViewX, lowresViewZ); } /** * Loads the settings.json file for this map * @returns {Promise} */ loadSettingsFile() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { alert(this.events, `Loading settings for map '${this.id}'...`, "fine"); let loader = new FileLoader(); loader.setResponseType("json"); loader.load(this.settingsUrl, settings => { if (settings.maps && settings.maps[this.id]) { resolve(settings.maps[this.id]); } else { reject(`the settings.json does not contain informations for map: ${this.id}`); } }, () => {}, () => reject(`Failed to load the settings.json for map: ${this.id}`) ) }); } /** * Loads the textures.json file for this map * @returns {Promise} */ loadTexturesFile() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { alert(this.events, `Loading textures for map '${this.id}'...`, "fine"); let loader = new FileLoader(); loader.setResponseType("json"); loader.load(this.texturesUrl, resolve, () => {}, () => reject(`Failed to load the textures.json for map: ${this.id}`) ) }); } /** * Creates a hires Material with the given textures * @param vertexShader {string} * @param fragmentShader {string} * @param uniforms {object} * @param textures {object} the textures-data * @returns {ShaderMaterial[]} the hires Material (array because its a multi-material) */ createHiresMaterial(vertexShader, fragmentShader, uniforms, textures) { let materials = []; if (!Array.isArray(textures.textures)) throw new Error("Invalid texture.json: 'textures' is not an array!") for (let i = 0; i < textures.textures.length; i++) { let textureSettings = textures.textures[i]; let color = textureSettings.color; if (!Array.isArray(color) || color.length < 4){ color = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } let opaque = color[3] === 1; let transparent = !!textureSettings.transparent; let texture = new Texture(); texture.image = stringToImage(textureSettings.texture); texture.anisotropy = 1; texture.generateMipmaps = opaque || transparent; texture.magFilter = NearestFilter; texture.minFilter = texture.generateMipmaps ? NearestMipMapLinearFilter : NearestFilter; texture.wrapS = ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.wrapT = ClampToEdgeWrapping; texture.flipY = false; texture.flatShading = true; texture.needsUpdate = true; this.loadedTextures.push(texture); let material = new ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: { ...uniforms, textureImage: { type: 't', value: texture } }, vertexShader: vertexShader, fragmentShader: fragmentShader, transparent: transparent, depthWrite: true, depthTest: true, vertexColors: VertexColors, side: FrontSide, wireframe: false, }); material.needsUpdate = true; materials[i] = material; } return materials; } /** * Creates a lowres Material * @param vertexShader {string} * @param fragmentShader {string} * @param uniforms {object} * @returns {ShaderMaterial} the hires Material */ createLowresMaterial(vertexShader, fragmentShader, uniforms) { return new ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: uniforms, vertexShader: vertexShader, fragmentShader: fragmentShader, transparent: false, depthWrite: true, depthTest: true, vertexColors: VertexColors, side: FrontSide, wireframe: false }); } unload() { if (this.hiresTileManager) this.hiresTileManager.unload(); this.hiresTileManager = null; if (this.lowresTileManager) this.lowresTileManager.unload(); this.lowresTileManager = null; if (this.hiresMaterial) this.hiresMaterial.forEach(material => material.dispose()); this.hiresMaterial = null; if (this.lowresMaterial) this.lowresMaterial.dispose(); this.lowresMaterial = null; this.loadedTextures.forEach(texture => texture.dispose()); this.loadedTextures = []; } /** * Ray-traces and returns the terrain-height at a specific location, returns false if there is no map-tile loaded at that location * @param x {number} * @param z {number} * @returns {boolean|number} */ terrainHeightAt(x, z) { if (!this.isLoaded) return false; this.raycaster.set( new Vector3(x, 300, z), // ray-start new Vector3(0, -1, 0) // ray-direction ); this.raycaster.near = 1; this.raycaster.far = 300; this.raycaster.layers.enableAll(); let hiresTileHash = hashTile(Math.floor((x - this.hires.translate.x) / this.hires.tileSize.x), Math.floor((z - this.hires.translate.z) / this.hires.tileSize.z)); let tile = this.hiresTileManager.tiles.get(hiresTileHash); if (!tile || !tile.model) { let lowresTileHash = hashTile(Math.floor((x - this.lowres.translate.x) / this.lowres.tileSize.x), Math.floor((z - this.lowres.translate.z) / this.lowres.tileSize.z)); tile = this.lowresTileManager.tiles.get(lowresTileHash); } if (!tile || !tile.model){ return false; } try { let intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObjects([tile.model]); if (intersects.length > 0) { return intersects[0].point.y; } } catch (err) { return false; } } dispose() { this.unload(); } /** * @returns {boolean} */ get isLoaded() { return !!(this.hiresMaterial && this.lowresMaterial); } }