
416 lines
10 KiB

import {Marker} from "./Marker";
import {Color, DoubleSide, Mesh, ShaderMaterial, Shape, ShapeBufferGeometry, Vector2} from "three";
import {LineMaterial} from "../util/lines/LineMaterial";
import {MARKER_FILL_VERTEX_SHADER} from "./MarkerFillVertexShader";
import {MARKER_FILL_FRAGMENT_SHADER} from "./MarkerFillFragmentShader";
import {LineGeometry} from "../util/lines/LineGeometry";
import {Line2} from "../util/lines/Line2";
import {deepEquals} from "../util/Utils";
import {ObjectMarker} from "./ObjectMarker";
export class ShapeMarker extends ObjectMarker {
* @param markerId {string}
constructor(markerId) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'isShapeMarker', {value: true});
this.markerType = "shape";
let zero = new Vector2();
let shape = new Shape([zero, zero, zero]);
this.fill = new ShapeMarkerFill(shape);
this.border = new ShapeMarkerBorder(shape);
this.border.renderOrder = -1; // render border before fill
this.add(this.border, this.fill);
this._markerData = {};
* @param y {number}
setShapeY(y) {
let relativeY = y - this.position.y;
this.fill.position.y = relativeY;
this.border.position.y = relativeY;
* @param shape {Shape}
setShape(shape) {
* @typedef {{r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number}} ColorLike
* @param markerData {{
* position: {x: number, y: number, z: number},
* label: string,
* shape: {x: number, z: number}[],
* shapeY: number,
* height: number,
* link: string,
* newTab: boolean,
* depthTest: boolean,
* lineWidth: number,
* borderColor: ColorLike,
* lineColor: ColorLike,
* fillColor: ColorLike,
* minDistance: number,
* maxDistance: number
* }}
updateFromData(markerData) {
// update shape only if needed, based on last update-data
if (
!this._markerData.shape || !deepEquals(markerData.shape, this._markerData.shape) ||
!this._markerData.position || !deepEquals(markerData.position, this._markerData.position)
// update shapeY
this.setShapeY((markerData.shapeY || markerData.height || 0) + 0.01); //"height" for backwards compatibility, adding 0.01 to avoid z-fighting
// update depthTest
this.border.depthTest = !!markerData.depthTest;
this.fill.depthTest = !!markerData.depthTest;
// update border-width
this.border.linewidth = markerData.lineWidth !== undefined ? markerData.lineWidth : 2;
// update border-color
let bc = markerData.lineColor || markerData.borderColor || {}; //"borderColor" for backwards compatibility
this.border.color.setRGB((bc.r || 0) / 255, (bc.g || 0) / 255, (bc.b || 0) / 255);
this.border.opacity = bc.a || 0;
// update fill-color
let fc = markerData.fillColor || {};
this.fill.color.setRGB((fc.r || 0) / 255, (fc.g || 0) / 255, (fc.b || 0) / 255);
this.fill.opacity = fc.a || 0;
// update min/max distances
let minDist = markerData.minDistance || 0;
let maxDist = markerData.maxDistance !== undefined ? markerData.maxDistance : Number.MAX_VALUE;
this.border.fadeDistanceMin = minDist;
this.border.fadeDistanceMax = maxDist;
this.fill.fadeDistanceMin = minDist;
this.fill.fadeDistanceMax = maxDist;
// save used marker data for next update
this._markerData = markerData;
dispose() {
* @private
* Creates a shape from a data object, usually parsed json from a markers.json
* @param shapeData {object}
* @returns {Shape}
createShapeFromData(shapeData) {
/** @type {THREE.Vector2[]} **/
let points = [];
if (Array.isArray(shapeData)){
shapeData.forEach(point => {
let x = (point.x || 0) - this.position.x;
let z = (point.z || 0) - this.position.z;
points.push(new Vector2(x, z));
return new Shape(points);
class ShapeMarkerFill extends Mesh {
* @param shape {Shape}
constructor(shape) {
let geometry = ShapeMarkerFill.createGeometry(shape);
let material = new ShaderMaterial({
side: DoubleSide,
depthTest: true,
transparent: true,
uniforms: {
markerColor: { value: new Color() },
markerOpacity: { value: 0 },
fadeDistanceMin: { value: 0 },
fadeDistanceMax: { value: Number.MAX_VALUE },
super(geometry, material);
* @returns {Color}
get color(){
return this.material.uniforms.markerColor.value;
* @returns {number}
get opacity() {
return this.material.uniforms.markerOpacity.value;
* @param opacity {number}
set opacity(opacity) {
this.material.uniforms.markerOpacity.value = opacity;
this.visible = opacity > 0;
* @returns {boolean}
get depthTest() {
return this.material.depthTest;
* @param test {boolean}
set depthTest(test) {
this.material.depthTest = test;
* @returns {number}
get fadeDistanceMin() {
return this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMin.value;
* @param min {number}
set fadeDistanceMin(min) {
this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMin.value = min;
* @returns {number}
get fadeDistanceMax() {
return this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMax.value;
* @param max {number}
set fadeDistanceMax(max) {
this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMax.value = max;
onClick(event) {
if (event.intersection) {
if (event.intersection.distance > this.fadeDistanceMax) return false;
if (event.intersection.distance < this.fadeDistanceMin) return false;
return super.onClick(event);
* @param shape {Shape}
updateGeometry(shape) {
this.geometry = ShapeMarkerFill.createGeometry(shape);
dispose() {
* @param shape {Shape}
* @returns {ShapeBufferGeometry}
static createGeometry(shape) {
let geometry = new ShapeBufferGeometry(shape, 5);
geometry.rotateX(Math.PI / 2); //make y to z
return geometry;
class ShapeMarkerBorder extends Line2 {
* @param shape {Shape}
constructor(shape) {
let geometry = new LineGeometry();
let material = new LineMaterial({
color: new Color(),
opacity: 0,
transparent: true,
linewidth: 1,
depthTest: true,
vertexColors: false,
dashed: false,
material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMin = { value: 0 };
material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMax = { value: Number.MAX_VALUE };
material.resolution.set(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
super(geometry, material);
* @returns {Color}
get color(){
return this.material.color;
* @returns {number}
get opacity() {
return this.material.opacity;
* @param opacity {number}
set opacity(opacity) {
this.material.opacity = opacity;
this.visible = opacity > 0;
* @returns {number}
get linewidth() {
return this.material.linewidth;
* @param width {number}
set linewidth(width) {
this.material.linewidth = width;
* @returns {boolean}
get depthTest() {
return this.material.depthTest;
* @param test {boolean}
set depthTest(test) {
this.material.depthTest = test;
* @returns {number}
get fadeDistanceMin() {
return this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMin.value;
* @param min {number}
set fadeDistanceMin(min) {
this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMin.value = min;
* @returns {number}
get fadeDistanceMax() {
return this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMax.value;
* @param max {number}
set fadeDistanceMax(max) {
this.material.uniforms.fadeDistanceMax.value = max;
onClick(event) {
if (event.intersection) {
if (event.intersection.distance > this.fadeDistanceMax) return false;
if (event.intersection.distance < this.fadeDistanceMin) return false;
return super.onClick(event);
* @param shape {Shape}
updateGeometry(shape) {
* @param renderer {THREE.WebGLRenderer}
onBeforeRender(renderer) {
dispose() {
* @param shape {Shape}
* @returns {number[]}
static createLinePoints(shape) {
let points3d = [];
let points = shape.getPoints(5);
points.forEach(point => points3d.push(point.x, 0, point.y));
points3d.push(points[0].x, 0, points[0].y);
return points3d;