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synced 2024-11-30 12:54:33 +01:00
Fixed locales, removed debug.
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ public class AdvancementListener implements Listener {
User user = User.getInstance(e.getPlayer());
e.getPlayer().playSound(e.getPlayer().getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP, 1F, 2F);
String adv = Util.prettifyText(e.getAdvancement().getKey().getKey().substring(e.getAdvancement().getKey().getKey().lastIndexOf("/") + 1, e.getAdvancement().getKey().getKey().length()));
user.sendMessage("boxed.completed", TextVariables.NAME, adv);
user.sendMessage("boxed.size-changed", TextVariables.NUMBER, String.valueOf(score));
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.RanksManager;
import world.bentobox.boxed.Boxed;
@ -38,24 +37,19 @@ public class EnderPearlListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onEnderPearlLand(ProjectileHitEvent e) {
if (!e.getEntityType().equals(EntityType.ENDER_PEARL)
|| e.getHitBlock() == null
|| !addon.getPlugin().getIWM().inWorld(e.getHitBlock().getLocation())) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logDebug("not right");
Location l = e.getHitBlock().getRelative(BlockFace.UP).getLocation();
EnderPearl ep = (EnderPearl)e.getEntity();
if (ep.getShooter() instanceof Player) {
User u = User.getInstance((Player)ep.getShooter());
addon.getIslands().getIslandAt(l).ifPresent(i -> {
BentoBox.getInstance().logDebug("Island found " + i.getMemberSet(RanksManager.OWNER_RANK).contains(u.getUniqueId()) + " " + addon.getIslands().isSafeLocation(l) );
// TODO make this a flag
if (i.getMemberSet(RanksManager.OWNER_RANK).contains(u.getUniqueId())
&& addon.getIslands().isSafeLocation(l)) {
BentoBox.getInstance().logDebug("Owner and safe");
// Reset home locations
i.getMemberSet().forEach(uuid -> {
@ -63,7 +57,6 @@ public class EnderPearlListener implements Listener {
try {
u.sendRawMessage("Moving Box!");
u.getPlayer().playSound(l, Sound.ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE, 2F, 2F);
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
@ -1,198 +1,334 @@
# This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like #
# the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com #
# These strings are deltas to the strings in BentoBox. Any BentoBox string can be
# overridden by placing it under the boxed key.
completed: "&a [name] completed!"
size-changed: "&a Box size increased by [number]!"
# General strings
completed: '&a [name] completed!'
size-changed: '&a Box size increased by [number]!'
no-island: "&c You do not have a box!"
player-has-island: "&c Player already has a box!"
player-has-no-island: "&c That player has no box!"
already-have-island: "&c You already have a box!"
no-safe-location: "&c No safe location found in box!"
not-owner: "&c You are not the owner of your team!"
no-island: '&c You do not have a box!'
player-has-island: '&c Player already has a box!'
player-has-no-island: '&c That player has no box!'
already-have-island: '&c You already have a box!'
no-safe-location: '&c No safe location found in box!'
not-owner: '&c You are not the owner of your team!'
#Main Boxed command
description: "Start a Boxed game or teleport to your box"
description: Start a Boxed game or teleport to your Box
description: "Go home"
tip: "&c You cannot teleport when falling!"
# Override BentoBox default island command strings
description: "display info about your box or the player's box"
description: "restart in another box"
parameters: ""
must-remove-members: "&c You must remove all team players before you can restart (/[label] team kick <player>)."
parameters: '[home number]'
must-be-on-your-island: "&c You must be in your box to set home!"
home-set: "&6 Your home has been set to your current location."
parameters: '[home number]'
parameters: '[home number]'
description: teleport you to your box
teleport: '&a Teleporting you to your box.'
teleported: '&a Teleported you to home &e #[number].'
description: the main box command
description: create an box, using optional blueprint (requires permission)
parameters: <blueprint>
too-many-islands: '&c There are too many boxes in this world: there isn''t
enough room for yours to be created.'
cannot-create-island: '&c A spot could not be found in time, please try again...'
unable-create-island: '&c Your box could not be generated, please contact
an administrator.'
creating-island: '&a Finding a spot for your box...'
estimated-time: '&a Estimated time: &b [number] &a seconds.'
blocks: '&a Building it block by block: &b [number] &a blocks in all...'
entities: '&a Filling it with entities: &b [number] &a entities in all...'
done: '&a Done! Your box is ready and waiting for you!'
pick: '&2 Pick an box'
unknown-blueprint: '&c That blueprint has not been loaded yet.'
on-first-login: '&a Welcome! We will start preparing your box in a few seconds.'
you-can-teleport-to-your-island: '&a You can teleport to your box when you
description: display info about your box or the player's box
parameters: <player>
description: show the name of neighboring boxes around you
parameters: ''
the-following-islands: '&a The following boxes are nearby:'
syntax: '&6 [direction]: &a [name]'
north: North
south: South
east: East
west: West
no-neighbors: '&c You have no immediate neighboring boxes!'
description: restart your box and remove the old one
parameters: <blueprint>
none-left: '&c You have no more resets left!'
resets-left: '&c You have &b [number] &c resets left'
confirmation: |-
&c Are you sure you want to do this?
&c All box members will be kicked from the box, you will have to reinvite them afterwards.
&c There is no going back: once your current box is deleted, there will be &l no &r &c way to retrieve it later on.
kicked-from-island: '&c You are kicked from your box in [gamemode] because
the owner is resetting it.'
description: set your home teleport point
must-be-on-your-island: '&c You must be on your box to set home!'
num-homes: '&c Homes can be 1 to [number].'
home-set: '&6 Your box home has been set to your current location.'
not-allowed: '&c You are not allowed to set your home in the Nether.'
confirmation: '&c Are you sure you want to set your home in the Nether?'
not-allowed: '&c You are not allowed to set your home in the End.'
confirmation: '&c Are you sure you want to set your home in the End?'
parameters: '[home number]'
description: "set a name for your box"
description: set a name for your box
name-too-short: '&c Too short. Minimum size is [number] characters.'
name-too-long: '&c Too long. Maximum size is [number] characters.'
name-already-exists: '&c There is already an box with that name!'
parameters: <name>
success: '&a Successfully set your box''s name to &b [name]&a .'
description: "reset your box name"
description: reset your box name
success: '&a Successfully reset your box name.'
description: manage your team
description: "make a player coop rank"
description: make a player coop rank on your box
parameters: <player>
cannot-coop-yourself: '&c You cannot coop yourself!'
already-has-rank: '&c Player already has a rank!'
you-are-a-coop-member: '&2 You were cooped by &b[name]&a.'
success: '&a You cooped &b [name]&a.'
name-has-invited-you: '&a [name] has invited you to join be a coop member
of their box.'
you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: "&c You are no longer a coop member of [name]'s box"
all-members-logged-off: "&c All team members logged off so you are no longer a coop member of [name]'s box"
description: remove a coop rank from player
parameters: <player>
cannot-uncoop-yourself: '&c You cannot uncoop yourself!'
cannot-uncoop-member: '&c You cannot uncoop a team member!'
player-not-cooped: '&c Player is not cooped!'
you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: '&c You are no longer a coop member of
[name]''s box.'
all-members-logged-off: '&c All box members logged off so you are no longer
a coop member of [name]''s box.'
success: '&b [name] &a is no longer a coop member of your box.'
is-full: '&c You cannot coop anyone else.'
description: "give a player trusted rank"
description: give a player trusted rank on your box
parameters: <player>
trust-in-yourself: '&c Trust in yourself!'
name-has-invited-you: '&a [name] has invited you to join be a trusted member
of their box.'
player-already-trusted: '&c Player is already trusted!'
you-are-trusted: '&2 You are trusted by &b [name]&a !'
success: '&a You trusted &b [name]&a .'
is-full: '&c You cannot trust anyone else.'
description: "invite a player to join your team"
name-has-invited-you: "&a [name] has invited you to join their team."
to-accept-or-reject: "&a Do /[label] team accept to accept, or /[label] team reject to reject"
you-will-lose-your-island: "&c WARNING! You will lose your our box if you accept!"
description: invite a player to join your box
invitation-sent: '&a Invitation sent to &b[name]&a.'
removing-invite: '&c Removing invite.'
name-has-invited-you: '&a [name] has invited you to join their box.'
to-accept-or-reject: '&a Do /[label] team accept to accept, or /[label]
team reject to reject'
you-will-lose-your-island: '&c WARNING! You will lose your box if you accept!'
island-is-full: "&c Your team is full, you can't invite anyone else."
cannot-invite-self: '&c You cannot invite yourself!'
cooldown: '&c You cannot invite that person for another [number] seconds.'
island-is-full: '&c Your box is full, you can''t invite anyone else.'
none-invited-you: '&c No one invited you :c.'
you-already-are-in-team: '&c You are already on a team!'
already-on-team: '&c That player is already on a team!'
invalid-invite: '&c That invite is no longer valid, sorry.'
you-have-already-invited: '&c You have already invited that player!'
parameters: <player>
you-can-invite: '&a You can invite [number] more players.'
you-joined-island: "&a You joined a team! Use /[label] team info to see the other members."
name-joined-your-island: "&a [name] joined your team!"
description: accept an invitation
you-joined-island: '&a You joined an box! Use &b/[label] team &a to see
the other members.'
name-joined-your-island: '&a [name] joined your box!'
confirmation: |-
&c Are you sure you want to accept this invite?
&c&l This will &n WIPE &r&c&l your current box!
&c&l You will &n LOSE &r&c&l your current box!
you-rejected-invite: "&a You rejected the invitation to join a team."
name-rejected-your-invite: "&c [name] rejected your invite!"
description: reject an invitation
you-rejected-invite: '&a You rejected the invitation to join an box.'
name-rejected-your-invite: '&c [name] rejected your box invite!'
description: "cancel the pending invite to join your team"
description: cancel the pending invite to join your box
description: "leave your team"
left-your-island: "&c [name] &c left your team"
cannot-leave: '&c Owners cannot leave! Become a member first, or kick all
description: leave your box
left-your-island: '&c [name] &c left your box'
success: '&a You left this box.'
description: "remove a team member"
owner-kicked: "&c The owner kicked you from the team!"
description: remove a member from your box
parameters: <player>
owner-kicked: '&c The owner kicked you from the box in [gamemode]!'
cannot-kick: '&c You cannot kick yourself!'
success: '&b [name] &a has been kicked from your box.'
description: "demote a player one rank"
description: "promote a player one rank"
description: "transfer team ownership to a member"
description: demote a player on your box down a rank
parameters: <player>
target-is-not-member: "&c That player is not part of your team!"
name-is-the-owner: "&a [name] is now the box owner!"
you-are-the-owner: "&a You are now the box owner!"
cant-demote-yourself: '&c You can''t demote yourself!'
failure: '&c Player cannot be demoted any further!'
success: '&a Demoted [name] to [rank]'
description: promote a player on your box up a rank
parameters: <player>
failure: '&c Player cannot be promoted any further!'
success: '&a Promoted [name] to [rank]'
description: transfer your box ownership to a member
cant-transfer-to-yourself: '&c You can''t transfer ownership to yourself!
&7 (&o Well, in fact, you could... But we don''t want you to. Because
it''s useless.&r &7 )'
target-is-not-member: '&c That player is not part of your box team!'
name-is-the-owner: '&a [name] is now the box owner!'
parameters: <player>
you-are-the-owner: '&a You are now the box owner!'
description: "ban a player from your box"
cannot-ban-more-players: "&c You reached the ban limit, you cannot ban any more players."
owner-banned-you: "&b [name]&c banned you from their box!"
you-are-banned: "&b You are banned from this box!"
description: ban a player from your box
parameters: <player>
cannot-ban-yourself: '&c You cannot ban yourself!'
cannot-ban: '&c That player cannot be banned.'
cannot-ban-member: '&c Kick the team member first, then ban.'
cannot-ban-more-players: '&c You reached the ban limit, you cannot ban any
more players from your box.'
player-already-banned: '&c Player is already banned.'
player-banned: '&b [name]&c is now banned from your box.'
owner-banned-you: '&b [name]&c banned you from their box!'
you-are-banned: '&b You are banned from this box!'
description: "unban a player from your box"
you-are-unbanned: "&b [name]&a unbanned you from their box!"
description: unban a player from your box
parameters: <player>
cannot-unban-yourself: '&c You cannot unban yourself!'
player-not-banned: '&c Player is not banned.'
player-unbanned: '&b [name]&a is now unbanned from your box.'
you-are-unbanned: '&b [name]&a unbanned you from their box!'
noone: "&a No one is banned on this box"
description: list banned players
noone: '&a No one is banned on this box.'
the-following: '&b The following players are banned:'
names: '&c [line]'
you-can-ban: '&b You can ban up to &e [number] &b more players.'
description: "display box settings"
# Admin command /sgadmin
description: display box settings
description: select language
parameters: '[language]'
not-available: '&c This language is not available.'
already-selected: '&c You are already using this language.'
description: expel a player from your box
parameters: <player>
cannot-expel-yourself: '&c You cannot expel yourself!'
cannot-expel: '&c That player cannot be expelled.'
cannot-expel-member: '&c You cannot expel a team member!'
not-on-island: '&c That player is not on your box!'
player-expelled-you: '&b [name]&c expelled you from the box!'
success: '&a You expelled &b [name] &a from the box.'
name-has-island: "&c [name] has a box. Unregister or delete them first!"
name-has-island: '&c [name] has a box. Unregister or delete them first!'
description: "transfers box ownership to the player"
already-owner: "&c Player is already the owner of this box!"
description: transfers box ownership to the player
already-owner: '&c Player is already the owner of this box!'
description: "Admin box range command"
description: Admin box range command
description: "Show/hide box range indicators"
description: Show/hide box range indicators
hint: |-
&c Red Barrier icons &f show the current protected range limit.
&7 Gray Particles &f show the max limit.
&a Green Particles &f show the default protected range if the protection range differs from it.
description: "Sets the box protected range"
description: Sets the box protected range
description: "Resets the protected range to the world default"
description: Resets the protected range to the world default
parameters: "<player>"
description: "register player to unowned box you are in"
registered-island: "&a Registered player to box at [xyz]."
already-owned: "&c Area is already owned by another player!"
no-island-here: "&c There is no player box here. Confirm to make one."
in-deletion: "&c This space is currently being regenerated. Try later."
parameters: <player>
description: register player to unowned box you are in
registered-island: '&a Registered player to box at [xyz].'
already-owned: '&c Area is already owned by another player!'
no-island-here: '&c There is no player box here. Confirm to make one.'
in-deletion: '&c This space is currently being regenerated. Try later.'
description: "unregister owner from a box, but keep box blocks as-is"
unregistered-island: "&a Unregistered player from box at [xyz]."
description: unregister owner from a box, but keep box blocks as-is
unregistered-island: '&a Unregistered player from box at [xyz].'
description: "get info on where you are or on player"
no-island: "&c You are not in a registered box right now..."
island-location: "Area location: [xyz]"
island-coords: "Area coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]"
is-spawn: "Area is a spawn island"
description: get info on where you are or on player
no-island: '&c You are not in a registered box right now...'
island-location: 'Area location: [xyz]'
island-coords: 'Area coordinates: [xz1] to [xz2]'
is-spawn: Area is a spawn island
description: "set the range of player's box"
range-updated: "Area range updated to [number]"
description: set the range of player's box
range-updated: Area range updated to [number]
description: "teleport to a player's box"
description: teleport to a player's box
description: "get a player's rank in their box"
rank-is: "&a Rank is [rank] in their box."
description: get a player's rank in their box
rank-is: '&a Rank is [rank] in their box.'
description: "set a player's rank in their box"
description: set a player's rank in their box
description: "set a box as spawn for this world"
already-spawn: "&c This box is already a spawn!"
no-island-here: "&c There is no registered box here."
confirmation: "&c Are you sure you want to set this box as the spawn for this world?"
description: set a box as spawn for this world
already-spawn: '&c This box is already a spawn!'
no-island-here: '&c There is no registered box here.'
confirmation: '&c Are you sure you want to set this box as the spawn for this
description: "deletes a player and regenerates their box"
deleted-island: "&a Area at &e [xyz] &a has been successfully regenerated."
description: deletes a player and regenerates their box
deleted-island: '&a Area at &e [xyz] &a has been successfully regenerated.'
description: "Toggle use"
description: Toggle use
description: |-
&a Endermen can remove
&a blocks
description: "Display entry and exit messages"
island: "[name]'s protected box"
name: "Enter/Exit messages"
&a Endermen can remove
&a blocks
description: Display entry and exit messages
island: '[name]''s protected box'
name: Enter/Exit messages
now-entering: '&a Now entering &b [name]&a .'
now-entering-your-island: '&a Now entering your box.'
now-leaving: '&a Now leaving &b [name]&a .'
now-leaving-your-island: '&a Now leaving your box.'
description: |-
&a Remove mobs that go
&a outside protected
&a player space
name: "&e Limit mobs to player box"
&a Remove mobs that go
&a outside protected
&a player space
name: '&e Limit mobs to player box'
description: |-
&a Players respawn
&a in their box
name: "Area respawn"
name: "Lock player box"
name: Area respawn
name: Lock player box
description: "&a When disabled, redstone\n&a will not operate in boxs\n&a\
\ where all members are offline.\n&a May help reduce lag. "
description: |-
&a When disabled, redstone
&a will not operate in boxs
&a where all members are offline.
&a May help reduce lag.
&a Allow pistons to push
&a blocks outside a player's box
description: |-
&a Allow pistons to push
&a blocks outside a player's box
description: |-
&c Enable/Disable PVP
&c in protected box.
&c Enable/Disable PVP
&c in protected box.
description: |-
&a Remove monsters when
&a teleporting to a box
@ -200,13 +336,12 @@ boxed:
description: |-
&a Prevent players from teleporting
&a if they are falling.
hint: "&c You cannot teleport while you are falling!"
locked: "&c This box is locked!"
protected: "&c Area protected: [description]"
hint: '&c You cannot teleport while you are falling!'
locked: '&c This box is locked!'
protected: '&c Area protected: [description]'
title: "&6 Protection"
title: '&6 Protection'
description: |-
&a Protection settings
&a for this box
@ -214,4 +349,3 @@ boxed:
description: |-
&a General settings
&a for this box
Reference in New Issue
Block a user