Add default configs for both 1.12- and 1.13+

Co-Authored-By: Zg12 <>
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Saukel 2018-09-21 21:43:48 +02:00
parent cc8d142ad9
commit 54ebee1dc8
8 changed files with 2243 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
# config für Brewery.jar
# -- Verschiedene Einstellungen --
# Standardeinstellungen sind in [] angegeben
# Löschen einzelner Einstellungen deaktiviert sie
# Sprachedatei die genutzt werden sollte (befindet sich in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: de
# Ob der Spieler beim nächsten Einloggen nach starker Trunkenheit am nächsten morgen Zuhause "aufwacht" (Ein home Plugin muss installiert sein!) [true]
enableHome: true
# Art des Nachhause-teleports: ['cmd: home']
# bed = Spieler wird zu seinem Spawn Bett teleportiert
# 'cmd: home' = /home wird vom Spieler ausgelöst. Es sollte kein Verzögerungs, etc. plugin installiert sein!
# 'cmd: spawn' = /spawn wird vom Spieler ausgelöst
# 'cmd: whatever' = /whatever wird vom Spieler ausgelöst
homeType: 'cmd: home'
# Ob der Spieler nach etwas kürzerem Ausloggen an einem zufälligen Ort "aufwacht" (diese müssen durch '/brew Wakeup add' von einem Admin festgelegt werden)
# Der Spieler wacht an dem nähesten zweier zufälliger Orte aus seiner Welt auf. [true]
enableWake: true
# Ob der Spieler bei großer Trunkenheit mehrmals probieren muss sich einzuloggen, da sein Charakter kurz nicht reagiert [true]
enableLoginDisallow: true
# Ob der Spieler kurz in Ohnmacht fällt (vom Server gekickt wird) wenn er die maximale Trunkenheit erreicht [false]
enableKickOnOverdrink: false
# Ob der Spieler sich bei großer Trunkenheit übergibt (unten definiertes Item aus dem Mund fallen lässt) [true]
# Das Item kann nicht aufgesammelt werden und bleibt bis zum Despawnen liegen.
enablePuke: true
# Item das beim Erbrechen mehrfach unaufsammelbar fallen gelassen wird [SOUL_SAND]
pukeItem: SOUL_SAND
# Zeit in Sekunden bis die pukeitems despawnen, (mc standard wäre 300 = 5 min) [60]
# Wurde die item Despawnzeit in der spigot.yml verändert, verändert sich auch die pukeDespawnzeit in Abhängigkeit.
pukeDespawntime: 60
# Konsumierbares Item/Stärke. Senkt den Alkoholpegel um <Stärke> wenn konsumiert.
# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
# Färben der Iteminformationen je nach Qualität während sie sich 1. im Fass und/oder 2. im Braustand befinden [true, true]
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false]
logRealChat: false
# Aktiviert das Suchen nach Updates für Brewery mit der curseforge api [true]
# Wenn ein Update gefunden wurde, wird dies bei Serverstart im log angezeigt, sowie OPs benachrichtigt
updateCheck: true
# Autosave Intervall in Minuten [3]
autosave: 3
# Config Version
version: '1.5'
# -- Rezepte für Getränke --
# name: Verschiedene Namen für schlecht/mittel/gut (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material oder ID,Data/Anzahl'
# (Item-ids anstatt Material werden von Bukkit nicht mehr unterstützt und funktionieren möglicherweise in Zukunft nicht mehr!)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden:
# Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden, weglassen ignoriert diesen beim hinzufügen einer Zutat
# Wenn Vault installiert ist können normale englische Item Namen verwendet werden, anstatt Material, ID und Data!
# Vault erkennt Namen wie "Jungle Leaves" anstatt "LEAVES,3". Dies macht es viel einfacher!
# cookingtime: Zeit in Echtminuten die die Zutaten kochen müssen
# distillruns: Wie oft destilliert werden muss für vollen Alkoholgehalt (0=ohne Destillieren)
# distilltime: Wie lange (in sekunden) ein Destillations-Durchlauf braucht (0=Standard Zeit von 40 sek) MC Standard wäre 20 sek
# wood: Holz des Fasses 0=alle Holzsorten 1=Birke 2=Eiche 3=Jungel 4=Fichte 5=Akazie 6=Schwarzeiche
# age: Zeit in Minecraft-Tagen, die das Getränk im Fass reifen muss 0= kein reifen
# color: Farbe des Getränks nach destillieren/reifen.
# difficulty: 1-10 Genauigkeit der Einhaltung der Vorgaben (1 = ungenau/einfach 10 = sehr genau/schwer)
# alcohol: Alkoholgehalt 0-100 in absoluter Menge bei perfektem Getränk (wird dem Spieler hinzugefügt, bei 100 = tot)
# effects: Auflistung Effekt/Level/Dauer Besonderere Trank-Effekte beim Trinken, Dauer in sek.
# Ein 'X' an den Namen anhängen, um ihn zu verbergen. Bsp: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW und SPEED sind immer verborgen.)
# Effekte sind ab der 1.9 immer verborgen, wegen Änderungen an den Tränken.
# Mögliche Effekte:
# Minimale und Maximale Level/Dauer können durch "-" festgelegt werden, Bsp: 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = Level 1 und 30 sek minimal, Level 2 und 40 sek maximal
# Diese Bereiche funktionieren auch umgekehrt, Bsp: 'POISON/3-1/20-5' für abschwächende Effekte bei guter Qualität
# Längste mögliche Effektdauer: 1638 sek. Es muss keine Dauer für Effekte mit sofortiger Wirkung angegeben werden.
# Ein vollständiges Beispiel zuerst:
name: Schlechtes Beispiel/Beispiel/Gutes Beispiel
- diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- spruce_planks/8
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Nur mit Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Nur mit Vault
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Ranziges Bier/Bier/Feines Bier
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Ranziges Dunkelbier/Dunkelbier/Feines Dunkelbier
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Scheußlicher Met/Met/&6Goldener Met
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Apfelmet/Süßer Apfelmet/&6Goldensüßer Apfelmet
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: minderwertiger Absinth/Absinth/Starker Absinth
- GRASS/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Kartoffelsuppe
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Fader Kaffee/Kaffee/Starker Kaffee
- INK_SACK,3/12
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
# Mehr Ideen für Rezepte: Cachaca, Gin, Whiskey, Tequila, Cidre, etc, sowie Rezeptvarianten wie Goldener Vodka etc.
# Ich werde keine weiteren Rezepte zu dieser Standardconfig hinzufügen, da diese öffentlich und für Spieler zum Abschauen einsehbar wären
# Der Serveradmin kann neue Rezepte hinzufügen und bestehende ändern, um das Abschauen aus der Standardconfig zu verhindern.
# cooked: ALLE möglichen Zutaten und die nach dem Gähren daraus entstehenden Tranknamen:
# [Beispiel] MATERIAL_oder_id: Name nach Gähren
WHEAT: Getreideferment
SUGAR_CANE: Zuckersud
APPLE: Apfelmost
POTATO: Kartoffelmaische
GRASS: Kräuterbrühe
Cocoa_Beans: Farbige Brühe
MILK_BUCKET: Milchiges Wasser
# -- Plugin Kompatiblität --
# Andere Plugins (wenn installiert) nach Rechten zum öffnen von Fässern checken [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
# Änderungen an Fassinventaren mit LogBlock aufzeichen [true]
useLogBlock: true
# -- Chat Veränderungs Einstellungen --
# Ob geschriebener Chat bei großer Trunkenheit abgefälscht werden soll,
# so dass es etwas betrunken aussieht was geschrieben wird.
# Wie stark der Chat verändert wird hängt davon ab wie betrunken der Spieler ist
# Unten kann noch eingestellt werden wie und was verändert wird
enableChatDistortion: true
# Text nach den angegebenen Kommandos wird bei Trunkenheit ebenfalls Verändert (Liste) [- /gl]
- /gl
- /global
- /fl
- /s
- /letter
- /g
- /l
- /lokal
- /local
- /mail send
- /m
- /msg
- /w
- /whisper
- /reply
- /r
- /t
- /tell
# Geschriebenen Text auf Schildern bei Trunkenheit verändern [false]
distortSignText: false
# Im Chat geschriebener Text, der zwischen diesen Buchstaben steht, wird nicht verändert ("," als Trennung verwenden) (Liste) [- '[,]']
# Also zum Beispiel im Chat: Hallo ich bin betrunken *Ich teste Brewery*
- '*,*'
- '[,]'
# words: Wörter und Buchstaben die bei Chatten während Trunkenheit ersetzt werden sollen.
# Diese werden von oben nach unten gelesen und in dieser Reihenfolge wird ein geschriebener Satz dann verändert.
# replace: Zu ersetzendes Wort oder Buchstabe. (Besondere: "-space": ersetzt Leerzeichen, "-random": Einfügen in zufällige Position, "-all": Alles, "-start": Ganz am Anfang, "-end": Ganz ans Ende.)
# to: In welches Wort es ersetzt werden soll.
# pre: Wörter und Buchstaben vor dem gesuchten Wort (durch "," getrennt)
# match: true = eines der "pre"-Wörter muss vor dem gesuchten Wort stehen, false = keines der "pre" Wörter darf vor dem gesuchten stehen
# alcohol: 1-100 Trunkenheit ab der die Wörter ersetzt werden
# percentage: Wahrscheinlichkeit des Ersetzen eines Wortes in Prozent
- replace: ch
to: sch
pre: u,s,o,a
match: false
alcohol: 10
percentage: 70
- replace: h
to: hh
pre: sch,h,t
match: false
percentage: 60
alcohol: 20
- replace: u
to: uuh
percentage: 20
- replace: u
to: uo
pre: u
match: false
percentage: 60
- replace: das
to: dass
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 30
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 70
alcohol: 60
- replace: up
to: ubb
percentage: 80
- replace: o
to: oh
percentage: 20
- replace: ei
to: i
percentage: 15
- replace: b
to: bb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: '!!!'
to: '!!!111!!!einself!1!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 20
alcohol: 70
- replace: '!'
to: '!!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 90
- replace: betrunken
to: brhetriunkhn
pre: bist,seid
match: false
percentage: 70
alcohol: 65
- replace: laufen
to: lnhfeeehn
pre: kannst,kannst noch,kannst nicht
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 30
- replace: gehen
to: hgheehn
pre: kannst,kannst noch,kannst nicht
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: wtf
to: wft
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: lol
to: loool
percentage: 80
alcohol: 10
- replace: afk
to: aafka
percentage: 20
alcohol: 30
- replace: schreiben
to: schribeen
pre: kannst,kannst noch,kannst nicht
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 50
- replace: trinken
to: saufen
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: '?'
to: '????'
pre: '?'
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ''
pre: h,g,w
match: true
alcohol: 10
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 30
alcohol: 35
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 10
- replace: -start
to: dho
percentage: 15
alcohol: 50
- replace: -start
to: hhn
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: lug
percentage: 10
- replace: -random
to: lu
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: -random
to: blub
percentage: 20
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: lerg
percentage: 40
alcohol: 75
- replace: -random
to: gul
percentage: 50
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 100
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 50
alcohol: 30
- replace: -end
to: '!'
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: -random
to: ' *hicks* '
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' *hicks* '
percentage: 15
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ' *hicks* '
percentage: 5
alcohol: 20
- replace: -end
to: ' *hicks*'
percentage: 70
alcohol: 50
- replace: -all
to: '*rülps*'
percentage: 3
alcohol: 60

View File

@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
# config for Brewery.jar
# -- Settings --
# Defaults are written in []
# Deleting of single settings disables them
# Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: en
# If the player wakes up at /home when logging in after excessive drinking (/home plugin must be installed!) [true]
enableHome: true
# Type of the home-teleport: ['cmd: home']
# bed = Player will be teleported to his spawn bed
# 'cmd: home' = /home will be executed by the player. He has to have permissions for it without any delay!
# 'cmd: spawn' = /spawn will be executed by the player.
# 'cmd: whatever' = /whatever will be executed by the player.
homeType: 'cmd: home'
# If the player "wakes up" at a random place when offline for some time while drinking (the places have to be defined with '/brew Wakeup add' through an admin)
# The Player wakes at the nearest of two random places of his world [true]
enableWake: true
# If the Player may have to try multiple times when logging in while extremely drunk [true]
enableLoginDisallow: true
# If the Player faints shortly (gets kicked from the server) if he drinks the max amount of alcohol possible [false]
enableKickOnOverdrink: false
# If the Player vomits on high drunkeness (drops item defined below) [true]
# The item can not be collected and stays on the ground until it despawns.
enablePuke: true
# Item that is dropped multiple times uncollectable when puking [SOUL_SAND]
pukeItem: SOUL_SAND
# Time in seconds until the pukeitems despawn, (mc default is 300 = 5 min) [60]
# If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well.
pukeDespawntime: 60
# Consumable Item/strength. Decreases the alcohol level by <strength> when consumed. (list)
# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true]
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
# Autosave interval in minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Config Version
version: '1.5'
# -- Recipes for Potions --
# name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material or id,data/amount'
# (Item-ids instead of material are deprecated by bukkit and may not work in the future!)
# A list of materials can be found here:
# You can specify a data (durability) value, omitting it will ignore the data value of the added ingredient
# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended.
# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "LEAVES,3"
# cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil
# distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# wood: Wood of the barrel 0=any 1=Birch 2=Oak 3=Jungle 4=Spruce 5=Acacia 6=Dark Oak
# age: Time in Minecraft-days, the potion has to age in a barrel 0=no aging
# color: Color of the potion after distilling/aging.
# difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard)
# alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting)
# effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek.
# Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect from label. Sample: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED are always hidden.)
# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer, because of changes in the potion mechanics.
# Possible Effects:
# Level or Duration ranges may be specified with a "-", ex. 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = lvl 1 and 30 sec at worst and lvl 2 and 40 sec at best
# Ranges also work high-low, ex. 'POISON/3-1/20-5' for weaker effects at good quality.
# Highest possible Duration: 1638 sec. Instant Effects dont need any duration specified.
# Example Recipe with every possible entry first:
name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example
- diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- spruce_planks/8
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: Poor Absinthe/Absinthe/Strong Absinthe
- GRASS/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Stale Coffee/Coffee/Strong Coffee
- Cocoa_Beans/12
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
# More Recipes ideas: Cachaca, Gin, Whiskey, Tequila, Cider, etc. as well as high quality abbreviations like golden vodka etc.
# I will not add more Recipes to the default config, as they would be public and viewable by users to cheat.
# It is up to the Serveradmin to change and add Recipes, so players cannot cheat from the default config.
# cooked: EVERY possible ingredient and the names for the originating potions after fermenting:
# [Example] MATERIAL_or_id: Name after cooking
WHEAT: Fermented wheat
SUGAR_CANE: Sugar brew
APPLE: Apple cider
POTATO: Potatomash
GRASS: Boiled herbs
RED_MUSHROOM: Mushroom brew
Cocoa_Beans: Colored brew
MILK_BUCKET: Milky water
# -- Plugin Compatibility --
# Enable checking of other Plugins (if installed) for Barrel Permissions [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
# Enable the Logging of Barrel Inventories to LogBlock [true]
useLogBlock: true
# -- Chat Distortion Settings --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
enableChatDistortion: true
# Log to the Serverlog what the player actually wrote, before his words were altered [false]
logRealChat: false
# Text after specified commands will be distorted when drunk (list) [- /gl]
- /gl
- /global
- /fl
- /s
- /letter
- /g
- /l
- /lokal
- /local
- /mail send
- /m
- /msg
- /w
- /whisper
- /reply
- /r
- /t
- /tell
# Distort the Text written on a Sign while drunk [false]
distortSignText: false
# Enclose a Chat text with these Letters to bypass Chat Distortion (Use "," as Separator) (list) [- '[,]']
# Chat Example: Hello i am drunk *I am testing Brewery*
- '*,*'
- '[,]'
# words: Words and letters that will be altered when chatting while being drunk.
# Will be processed from first to last and a written sentece is altered in that order.
# replace: Word or letter to be replaced. (Special: "-space": replaces space, "-random": insert into random position, "-all": everything, "-start": At Beginning, "-end": At the End.)
# to: What to replace it with.
# pre: Words and Letters before the wanted word (split with ",")
# match: true = one of the "pre"-Words has to be before the wanted Word, false = none of the "pre" Words is allowed before the wanted Word
# alcohol: 1-100 minimum drunkeness after which this word ist replaced
# percentage: Probability of replacing a Word in percent
- replace: s
to: sh
percentage: 90
alcohol: 30
- replace: ch
to: sh
pre: u,s,o,a
match: false
alcohol: 10
percentage: 70
- replace: h
to: hh
pre: sch,h,t
match: false
percentage: 60
alcohol: 20
- replace: th
to: thl
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: sch
to: shk
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: u
to: uuh
percentage: 20
- replace: y
to: yy
percentage: 60
alcohol: 15
- replace: e
to: ee
percentage: 40
alcohol: 15
- replace: you
to: u
percentage: 40
- replace: u
to: uo
pre: u
match: false
percentage: 60
- replace: that
to: taht
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 30
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 70
alcohol: 60
- replace: up
to: ubb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 25
- replace: o
to: oh
percentage: 20
- replace: ei
to: i
percentage: 30
alcohol: 15
- replace: b
to: bb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: '!!!'
to: '!!!111!!!eleven!1!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 20
alcohol: 70
- replace: '!'
to: '!!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 90
- replace: drunk
to: dhrkunn
pre: are
match: false
percentage: 70
alcohol: 65
- replace: walk
to: whhealhk
pre: you can, you can still, you can not
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 30
- replace: wtf
to: wft
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: lol
to: loool
percentage: 80
alcohol: 10
- replace: afk
to: aafkayyy
percentage: 30
alcohol: 30
- replace: write
to: wreitt
pre: you can,you can still,you can not
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 50
- replace: drink
to: booze
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: '?'
to: '????'
pre: '?'
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ''
pre: h,g,w
match: true
alcohol: 10
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 30
alcohol: 35
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 10
- replace: -start
to: dho
percentage: 15
alcohol: 50
- replace: -start
to: hhn
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: lu
percentage: 10
- replace: -random
to: lug
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: blub
percentage: 20
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: lerg
percentage: 40
alcohol: 85
- replace: -random
to: gul
percentage: 40
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 100
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 50
alcohol: 30
- replace: -end
to: '!'
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 15
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 5
alcohol: 20
- replace: -end
to: ' *hic*'
percentage: 70
alcohol: 50
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 3
alcohol: 60
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 6
alcohol: 80

View File

@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
# config for Brewery.jar
# -- Paramètres --
# Les paramètres par défaut sont entre []
# Supprimer un paramètre le désactive
# Fichier de langage utilisé (trouvable dans plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: fr
# Si le joueur se réveille à son /home lors de sa connexion après un excès alcool (Un plugin de /home est nécessaire!) [true]
enableHome: true
# Type de la téléportation /home: ['cmd: home']
# bed = Le joueur se téléportera à son lit de réapparition.
# 'cmd: home' = /home sera exécuté par le joueur. Il devra avoir la permission sans le délai pour y parvenir!
# 'cmd: spawn' = /spawn sera exécuté par le joueur.
# 'cmd: whatever' = /whatever sera exécuté par le joueur. (Peu importe)
homeType: 'cmd: home'
# Si le joueur se "réveille" à un point aléatoire sur la carte à sa connexion, pendant un excès d'alccol (Les points de réveil doivent être ajoutés avec '/brew Wakeup add' via un administrateur.)
# Le joueur se réveillera aléatoirement parmis les deux points de "réveil" les plus proches de lui [true]
enableWake: true
# Si le joueur reçoit des connexions refusées au serveur s'il est ivre. [true]
enableLoginDisallow: true
# Si le joueur s'évanouit (il sera kické) lorsqu'il boit trop d'alcool [false]
enableKickOnOverdrink: false
# Si le joueur vomit en cas d'alcoolémie élevée (Le type d'objet "droppé" est configurable en dessous) [true]
# L'objet ne peut pas être collecté et reste sur le sol jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse
enablePuke: true
# L'objet utilisé pour représenter le vomit [SOUL_SAND]
pukeItem: SOUL_SAND
# Time in seconds until the pukeitems despawn, (mc default is 300 = 5 min) [60]
# If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well.
pukeDespawntime: 60
# Consommables Objet/Force. Réduit le montant d'alcool par <Force> lors de la consommation. (list)
# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
# Colorer les informations d'objets (lore) au dépend de la qualité dans un tonneau et/ou dans un stand de brassage (l'alambic) [true, true]
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
# Intervale de la sauvegarde automatique en minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Version de configuration
version: '1.5'
# -- Recette pour les boissons --
# name: Différents noms pour la mauvaise/moyen/bonne qualité (Les codes de mise en forme sont pris en charge: comme par exemple &6 pour la couleur Or.)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux ou id,data/montant'
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit et pourraient ne pas fonctionner dans le futur!)
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici:
# Vous pouvez spécifier une data (Ex: 5,3 -> Planche de bois de jungle), si vous ne le faites pas la data ne sera pas prise en compte (Ex : 5 -> Bois en général)
# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended.
# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "5,3"
# cookingtime: Temps en minutes réelles durant lesquelles les ingrédients devront bouillir
# distillruns: Combien de fois le breuvage devra être distillé pour un alcool de qualité (0=Ne pas distiller)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# wood: Type de bois du baril 0=aucun 1=Bouleau 2=Chêne 3=Jungle 4=Pin 5=Acacia 6=Chêne Noir
# age: Temps en jours de Minecraft, la potion devra être âgée dans un baril. 0=Pas besoin d'âge
# color: Couleur de la potion après distillation/avoir laissé vieillir.
# Couleurs disponibles: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# difficulty: 1-10 précision nécessaire pour obtenir une bonne qualité (1 = imprécis/facile, 10 = très précis/difficile)
# alcohol: Le montant d'alcool absolu dans une boisson parfaite (cela sera ajouté directement au joueur, où 100% entraînera l'évanouissement), un degré d'alcooléisme en fait
# effects: Liste des effets/durée en secondes lors de la consommation.
# Rajouter le suffixe 'X' pour le cacher du label. Exemple: POISONX/10
# (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW et SPEED sont toujours cachés.)
# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer, because of changes in the potion mechanics.
# Effets posssible:
# POUR LES EFFETS EN FONCTIONS DE LA QUALITE : Les Niveaux (I ou II) ou les Intervalles de durées d'effets doivent être spécifiés avec un "-".
# Ex: 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' => Vitesse niveau 1 et durée de 30 sec pour la pire qualité, et niveau 2 et durée de 40 sec pour la meilleure.
# Il est aussi possible de faire l'inverse, c'est à dire que le schéma "Meilleure qualité, meilleur effets" soit "Meilleure qualité, effets moins puissants.
# Cela peut-être utile pour des potions avec l'effet poison pour empoisonner moins avec une bonne qualité.
# Ex: 'POISON/3-1/20-5' => Poison de niveau 3 durant 20 sec à la moins bonne qualité et de niveau 1 et de durée 5 sec à la meilleure.
# Durées possibles maximum: 1638 sec. Les effets instantanés n'ont pas besoin d'avoir une durée spécifiée (Ex : Les potions de Soin instantané).
# Exemple de recette avec tous les paramètres possibles :
name: Mauvais Exemple/Exemple/Bonne Exemple
- diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- spruce_planks/8
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Bière Fade/Bière/Bonne Bière
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Bière Brune Fade/Bière Brune/Bonne Bière Brune
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Hydromel Bizarre/Hydromel/&6Hydromel Doré
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Hydromel de Pommes/Doux Hydromel de Pommes/&6Doux Hydromel de Pommes Dorées
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: Absinthe pauvre/Absinthe/Absinthe forte
- GRASS/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Café fétide/Café/Café fort
- Cocoa_Beans/12
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
# Plus d'idées de recettes: Cachaça, Gin, Whisky, Tequila, Cidre, etc. et abréviations de haute qualité comme la vodka dorée etc.
# Je n'ajouterai pas plus de recettes à la configuration par défaut, car elles seront publiques et visibles par tous les utilisateurs et parce que les joueurs pourraient tricher en les voyant.
# Ce sera aux Admins des serveurs de changer et d'ajouter les recettes, ainsi les joueurs ne pourront pas tricher avec les configuration de base.
# cooked: CHAQUE ingrédient possible avec le nom donné après la fermentation (la cuisson):
# [Exemple] MATERIEL_ou_id: Nom après la cuisson
WHEAT: Blé fermenté
SUGAR_CANE: Sucre fermenté
APPLE: Cidre de pommes
POTATO: Purée de Pommes de Terre
GRASS: Herbes bouillies
RED_MUSHROOM: Champignons fermentés
Cocoa_Beans: Fermentation colorée
MILK_BUCKET: Eau laiteuse
# -- Compatibilité entre Plugins --
# Activer la vérification des autres plugins (si installés) pour les permissions des tonneaux. [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
# Activer l'historique du contenu des tonneaux avec LogBlock [true]
useLogBlock: true
# -- Paramètres de la distorsion du Chat --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
enableChatDistortion: true
# Ecrire dans les "logs" du serveur ce que le joueur devrait dire, à la place de la distorsion. [false]
logRealChat: false
# Distordre le texte dans le Chat après les commandes spécifiées (list) [- /gl]
- /gl
- /global
- /fl
- /s
- /letter
- /g
- /l
- /lokal
- /local
- /mail send
- /m
- /msg
- /w
- /whisper
- /reply
- /r
- /t
- /tell
# Distordre le texte sur les panneaux pendant l'ivresse [false]
distortSignText: false
# Entourer les textes avec ces caractères pour ignorer la distorsion (Utilisez "," comme un séparateur) (list) [- '[,]']
# Chat Example: Hello i am drunk *I am testing Brewery*
- '*,*'
- '[,]'
# words: Les mots et les lettres altérées dans le chat lors d'un état d'ivresse.
# Commence du haut jusqu'au bas. Les phrases sont altérées par l'ordre écrit.
# replace: Mot ou lettre à remplacer (Spécial: "-space": remplace les espaces, "-random": s'insère dans une position aléatoire, "-all": Toute la ligne, "-start": Au début, "-end": A la fin.)
# to: Ce qui remplacera.
# pre: Les mots et les lettres avant le mot désiré (séparez avec ",")
# match: true = Si un des "Pre-Mots" est nécessaire avant le mot désiré, false = Aucun des "Pre-Mots" n'est autorisé avant le mot désiré.
# alcohol: 1-100 Le montant minimal d'alcool pour que la distorsion fonctionne.
# percentage: Probabilité en pourcentage que le mot soit remplacé.
- replace: s
to: sh
percentage: 90
alcohol: 30
- replace: ch
to: sh
pre: u,s,o,a
match: false
alcohol: 10
percentage: 70
- replace: h
to: hh
pre: sch,h,t
match: false
percentage: 60
alcohol: 20
- replace: th
to: thl
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: sch
to: shk
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: u
to: uuh
percentage: 20
- replace: y
to: yy
percentage: 60
alcohol: 15
- replace: e
to: ee
percentage: 40
alcohol: 15
- replace: toi
to: twa
percentage: 40
- replace: u
to: uo
pre: u
match: false
percentage: 60
- replace: ça
to: sha
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 30
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 70
alcohol: 60
- replace: up
to: ubb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 25
- replace: o
to: oh
percentage: 20
- replace: ei
to: i
percentage: 30
alcohol: 15
- replace: b
to: bb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: '!!!'
to: '!!!?!???!?!?!!!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 20
alcohol: 70
- replace: '!'
to: '!!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 90
- replace: ivre
to: shaoul
pre: es, êtes
match: false
percentage: 70
alcohol: 65
- replace: marcher
to: mrashere
pre: tu peux, vous pouvez, tu ne peux pas, vous ne pouvez pas
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 30
- replace: wtf
to: wft
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: lol
to: loool
percentage: 80
alcohol: 10
- replace: afk
to: aaAAaafffFFFfffKAAAAAA
percentage: 30
alcohol: 30
- replace: écrire
to: ekrir
pre: tu peux, vous pouvez, tu ne peux pas, vous ne pouvez pas
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 50
- replace: drink
to: booze
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: '?'
to: '????'
pre: '?'
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ''
pre: h,g,w
match: true
alcohol: 10
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 30
alcohol: 35
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 10
- replace: -start
to: dho
percentage: 15
alcohol: 50
- replace: -start
to: hhn
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: lu
percentage: 10
- replace: -random
to: lug
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: blub
percentage: 20
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: lerg
percentage: 40
alcohol: 85
- replace: -random
to: gul
percentage: 40
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 100
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 50
alcohol: 30
- replace: -end
to: '!'
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 15
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 5
alcohol: 20
- replace: -end
to: ' *hic*'
percentage: 70
alcohol: 50
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 3
alcohol: 60
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 6
alcohol: 80

View File

@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
# config di Brewery.jar
# -- Opzioni --
# I valori di default sono scritti fra []
# Cancellare una voce la disabilita
# Lingua da usare (fra quelle in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: it
# Se il giocatore si sveglia nella sua /home dopo aver bevuto troppo(il plugin di /home deve essere installato!) [true]
enableHome: true
# Tipo di teletrasporto alla home ['cmd: home']
# bed = Il giocatore sarà teletrasportato al suo letto
# 'cmd: home' = /home sarà eseguito dal giocatore. Deve avere il permesso di farlo senza ritardi!
# 'cmd: spawn' = /spawn sarà eseguito dal giocatore
# 'cmd: faitu' = /faitu sarà eseguito dal giocatore.
homeType: 'cmd: home'
# Se il giocatore si risveglia in un posto a caso dopo essere andato offline mentre beveva (questi posti devono essere definiti con '/brew Wakeup add' da un admin)
# Il giocatore si risveglia al punto di risveglio più vicino [true]
enableWake: true
# Se il giocatore debba provare più volte per loggare da molto ubriaco [true]
enableLoginDisallow: true
# Se il giocatore viene espulso dal server se raggiunge la percentuale massima di alcol [false]
enableKickOnOverdrink: false
# Se il giocatore vomita se molto sbronzo [true]
# L'oggetto non può essere raccolto e resta per terra finché non sparisce.
enablePuke: true
# L'oggetto droppato in massa quando si vomita che dovrebbe rappresentare il vomito [SOUL_SAND]
pukeItem: SOUL_SAND
# Tempo in secondi perché il vomito sparisca (il valore di minecraft di default è 300 = 5 min) [60]
# Se il tempo di scomparsa viene cambiato in spigot.yml anche pukeDespawntime cambia.
pukeDespawntime: 60
# Oggetto consumabile/forza. Questi oggetti se consumati calano il livello di alcool (della "forza" che avevi impsotato) (list)
# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
# Colora la descrizione dell'item in base alla qualità mentre è in un barile o in un alambicco [true, true]
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# Abilita il controllo degli aggiornamenti, controlla l'API di CurseForge per eventuali aggiornamenti di Brewery [true]
# Se quando un aggiornamento viene trovato un messaggio è loggato e mostrato agli OPs quando entrano in gioco.
updateCheck: true
# Intervallo di autosalvataggio in minuti [3]
autosave: 3
# Versione del config
version: '1.5'
# -- Ricette per pozioni --
# name: Tre nomi diversi per diverse qualità (cattivo/normale/buono). I codici come &6 possono essere usati.
# ingredients: Lista degli ingredienti nel formato materiale o id,dati/quantità
# (Gli id invece dei materiali sono "disapprovati" da Bukkit e potrebbero non funzionare in futuro!)
# Una lista di materiali può essere trovata qui:
# Puoi specificare dei dati dell'oggetto, ma se omesso sarà semplicemente ignorato.
# Se Vault è installato i nomi normali possono essere usati invece del materiale o dell'id quindi l'uso di Vault è fortemente consigliato.
# Vault riconoscerà cose come "Jungle Leaves" invece di "LEAVES,3".
# cookingtime: Tempo in minuti richiesto dagli ingredienti per bollire
# distillruns: Quanto spesso deve essere distillato per ottenere la versione perfetta con il volume alcolico impostato (0=non serve distillare).
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# wood: Legno del barile 0=qualiasi 1=Betulla 2=Quercia 3=Mogano 4=Abete 5=Acacia 6=Quercia nera
# age: Tempo in giorni di Minecraft per cui la pozione deve essere invecchiata in un barile (0=nessun invecchiamento).
# color: Colore della pozione dopo essere stata distillata/invecchiata
# difficoltà: Precisione richiesta per avere la migliore qualità da 1 a 10(1 = spreciso/più facile, 10 = molto preciso/più difficile)
# alcohol: Volume alcolico da 0 a 100 nella versione perfetta (sarà aggiunta direttamente al giocatore, dove 100 è la quantità massima di alcohol assorbibile.
# effects: Eventuali effetti come quelli delle pozioni nel formato di effetto/livello/durata.
# Aggiungere il suffisso 'X' per nascondere l'effetto dalla descrizione. Esempio: 'POISONX/2/10' (gli effetti WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED sono sempre nascosti).
# Gli effetti sono sempre nascosti dalla 1.9 in poi, per via dei cambiamenti nelle meccaniche delle pozioni.
# Lista di effetti possibili:
# Intervalli di livelli o durate possono essere specificati con un "-", per esempio 'SPEED/1-2/30-40'. Ciò significa nel peggior caso livello 1 e 30 secondi di durata e livello 2 e 40 secondi nel migliore.
# Gli intervalli funzionano anche in ordine decrescente, per effetti più deboli a qualità maggiori. Esempio: 'POISON/3-1/20-5'.
# La durata massima possibile è 1638 secondi. Gli effetti instantaner non hanno bisogno che la durata sia specificata.
# Ricetta di esempio con ogni opzione possibile:
name: Cattivo esempio/Esempio/Buon esempio
- diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- spruce_planks/8
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Solo con Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Solo con Vault
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Birra puzzolente/Birra/Birra pregiata
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Birra scura puzzolente/Birra scura/Birra scura pregiata
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Idromele scarso/Idromele/&6Idromele dorato
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Idromele di mele/Idromele di mele dolci/&6Idromele di mele dolci dorato
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: Assenzio scarso/Assenzio/Assenzio forte
- GRASS/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Zuppa di patate
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Caffè stantio/Caffè/Caffè forte
- Cocoa_Beans,3/12
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
# Altre idee per ricette: Cachaca, Gin, Whiskey, Tequila, Sidro, ecc. Altri nomi per le altre qualità come Vodka Dorata ecc.
# Io non aggiungerò altre ricette al config di default, perché sarebbero pubbliche e visibiliad altri utenti per barare.
# Aggiungere e cambiare ricette è compito del Server Admin, così che i giocatori non possano barare guardando il config di default.
# cooked: OGNI possibile ingrediente e i nomi per la pozione originatasi dopo la fermentazione.
# (Esempio) MATERIALE_o_id: Nome dopo la cottura
WHEAT: Frumento fermentato
SUGAR_CANE: Miscela zuccherata
APPLE: Sidro di mele
POTATO: Purè di patate
GRASS: Erbe bollite
RED_MUSHROOM: Miscela ai funghi
Cocoa_Beans: Miscela colorata
MILK_BUCKET: Acqua lattea
# -- Compatibilità con altri plugin --
# Abilita il controllo della presenza di altri plugin per i permessi relativi ai barili[true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
# Abilita il logging degli inventari dei barili [true]
useLogBlock: true
# -- Imostazioni di distorsione della chat --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
enableChatDistortion: true
# Salva nel log del server quello che il giocatore ha realmente scritto, prima che le sue parole venissero alterate [false]
logRealChat: false
# Il testo seguente ad alcuni comandi definiti qui sotto sarà distorto da ubriachi [- /gl]
- /gl
- /global
- /fl
- /s
- /letter
- /g
- /l
- /lokal
- /local
- /mail send
- /m
- /msg
- /w
- /whisper
- /reply
- /r
- /t
- /tell
# Distorci il testo sui cartelli quando sei ubriaco [false]
distortSignText: false
# Definisci dei caratteri fra cui inserire le parole per evitare la distorsione della chat (usa "," come separatore) (list) [- '[,]']
# Chat Example: Hello i am drunk *I am testing Brewery*
- '*,*'
- '[,]'
# words: Lettere e parole che saranno alterate chattando durante la sbronza.
# Saranno elaborate dalla prima all'ultima e la frase scritta viene alterata in quell'ordine.
# replace: Lettere o parole da sostituire. (Special: "-space": sostituisco spazio, "-random": lo mette in una posizione a caso, "-all": tutto, "-start": all'inizio, "-end": alla fine.)
# to: Con cosa sostituirle.
# pre: Lettere e parole prima della parola voluta (separa con ",").
# match: true = una delle parole specificate in "pre" deve precedere la parola bersaglio, false = nessuna delle parole in "pre" deve trovarsi prima della parola bersaglio.
# alcohol: Ubriachezza minima da 1 a 100 perché la parola sia alterata.
# percentage: Probabilità di sostituzione in perchentuale.
- replace: s
to: sh
percentage: 90
alcohol: 30
- replace: ch
to: sh
pre: u,s,o,a
match: false
alcohol: 10
percentage: 70
- replace: h
to: hh
pre: sch,h,t
match: false
percentage: 60
alcohol: 20
- replace: th
to: thl
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: sch
to: shk
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: u
to: uuh
percentage: 20
- replace: y
to: yy
percentage: 60
alcohol: 15
- replace: e
to: ee
percentage: 40
alcohol: 15
- replace: tu
to: te
percentage: 40
- replace: u
to: uo
pre: u
match: false
percentage: 60
- replace: that
to: taht
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 30
- replace: p
to: b
percentage: 70
alcohol: 60
- replace: up
to: ubb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 25
- replace: o
to: oh
percentage: 20
- replace: ei
to: i
percentage: 30
alcohol: 15
- replace: b
to: bb
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: '!!!'
to: '!!!111!!!undici!1!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 20
alcohol: 70
- replace: '!'
to: '!!'
pre: '!'
match: false
percentage: 90
- replace: sbronzo
to: shhbronnzo
pre: are
match: false
percentage: 70
alcohol: 65
- replace: cammina
to: caahkhhmmminnna
pre: puoi, puoi ancora, non puoi
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 30
- replace: wtf
to: wft
percentage: 20
alcohol: 40
- replace: lol
to: loool
percentage: 80
alcohol: 10
- replace: afk
to: aafkayyy
percentage: 30
alcohol: 30
- replace: scrivere
to: shhkrihvehrre
pre: puoi,puoi ancora,non puoi
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 50
- replace: drink
to: booze
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: '?'
to: '????'
pre: '?'
match: false
percentage: 80
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ''
pre: h,g,w
match: true
alcohol: 10
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 30
alcohol: 35
- replace: -space
to: ''
percentage: 10
- replace: -start
to: dho
percentage: 15
alcohol: 50
- replace: -start
to: hhn
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: lu
percentage: 10
- replace: -random
to: lug
percentage: 10
alcohol: 50
- replace: -random
to: blub
percentage: 20
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: lerg
percentage: 40
alcohol: 85
- replace: -random
to: gul
percentage: 40
alcohol: 80
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 100
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 60
alcohol: 40
- replace: -random
to: ' '
percentage: 50
alcohol: 30
- replace: -end
to: '!'
percentage: 40
alcohol: 30
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 80
alcohol: 70
- replace: -random
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 15
alcohol: 40
- replace: -space
to: ' *hic* '
percentage: 5
alcohol: 20
- replace: -end
to: ' *hic*'
percentage: 70
alcohol: 50
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 3
alcohol: 60
- replace: -all
to: '*burp*'
percentage: 6
alcohol: 80