diff --git a/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml index 469d7cc..4b13bce 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: SOUL_SAND # Wurde die item Despawnzeit in der spigot.yml verändert, verändert sich auch die pukeDespawnzeit in Abhängigkeit. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# Wie stark in Prozent der Spieler taumelt, je nach dem wie viel Alkohol er getrunken hat. Kann auf 0 und höher als 100 gesetzt werden +stumblePercent: 100 + # Ob seine Betrunkenheit dem Spieler kurz angezeigt werden soll wenn er etwas trinkt oder ein drainItem isst. [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - BREAD/4 - MILK_BUCKET/2 -# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Partikel steigen von Kesseln auf wenn sie Zutaten und eine Feuerquelle haben [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Färben der Iteminformationen je nach Qualität während sie sich 1. im Fass und/oder 2. im Braustand befinden [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Ob in den Iteminformationen immer 1-5 Sterne für die Qualität angezeigt werden sollen, oder nur beim brauen [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Ob in den Iteminformationen immer der Alkoholgehalt angezeigt weden soll, oder nur im Braustand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # Ob das reifen in -Minecraft- Fässern aktiviert ist und wie viele Brewery Getränke in die diese getan werden können [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -497,6 +490,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # Of Fass- und Kesseldaten Async/im Hintergrund geladen werden können [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Färben der Iteminformationen je nach Qualität während sie sich 1. im Fass und/oder 2. im Braustand befinden [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Chat Veränderungs Einstellungen -- diff --git a/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml index 1624e11..af10a50 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: SOUL_SAND # If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - BREAD/4 - MILK_BUCKET/2 -# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # If aging in -Minecraft- Barrels in enabled [true] and how many Brewery drinks can be put into them [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -498,6 +491,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Chat Distortion Settings -- diff --git a/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml index 394cdb0..9ca55c8 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ pukeItem: SOUL_SAND # If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -47,9 +50,6 @@ drainItems: - BREAD/4 - MILK_BUCKET/2 -# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -57,19 +57,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Colorer les informations d'objets (lore) au dépend de la qualité dans un tonneau et/ou dans un stand de brassage (l'alambic) [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Toujours montrer les 1-5 étoiles sur les objets en fonction de leur qualité. S'ils sont faux, ils n'apparaîtront que lors de l'infusion. [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Toujours indiquer la teneur en alcool sur les objets. S'il est false, il n'apparaîtra que dans le stand de brassage. [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # Combien de boissons de brasserie peuvent être mises dans les barils -Minecraft- [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -493,6 +486,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Colorer les informations d'objets (lore) au dépend de la qualité dans un tonneau et/ou dans un stand de brassage (l'alambic) [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Paramètres de la distorsion du Chat -- diff --git a/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml index 3affbeb..8962c38 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: SOUL_SAND # Se il tempo di scomparsa viene cambiato in spigot.yml anche pukeDespawntime cambia. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - BREAD/4 - MILK_BUCKET/2 -# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Colora la descrizione dell'item in base alla qualità mentre è in un barile o in un alambicco [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # If aging in -Minecraft- Barrels in enabled [true] and how many Brewery drinks can be put into them [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -485,6 +478,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Colora la descrizione dell'item in base alla qualità mentre è in un barile o in un alambicco [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Imostazioni di distorsione della chat -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml index 8cd4699..4d8e407 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # Wurde die item Despawnzeit in der spigot.yml verändert, verändert sich auch die pukeDespawnzeit in Abhängigkeit. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# Wie stark in Prozent der Spieler taumelt, je nach dem wie viel Alkohol er getrunken hat. Kann auf 0 und höher als 100 gesetzt werden +stumblePercent: 100 + # Ob seine Betrunkenheit dem Spieler kurz angezeigt werden soll wenn er etwas trinkt oder ein drainItem isst. [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Partikel steigen von Kesseln auf wenn sie Zutaten und eine Feuerquelle haben [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Färben der Iteminformationen je nach Qualität während sie sich 1. im Fass und/oder 2. im Braustand befinden [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Ob in den Iteminformationen immer 1-5 Sterne für die Qualität angezeigt werden sollen, oder nur beim brauen [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Ob in den Iteminformationen immer der Alkoholgehalt angezeigt weden soll, oder nur im Braustand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # Ob das reifen in -Minecraft- Fässern aktiviert ist und wie viele Brewery Getränke in die diese getan werden können [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -894,6 +887,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # Of Fass- und Kesseldaten Async/im Hintergrund geladen werden können [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Färben der Iteminformationen je nach Qualität während sie sich 1. im Fass und/oder 2. im Braustand befinden [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Chat Veränderungs Einstellungen -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml index e638263..f3f32f9 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # If aging in -Minecraft- Barrels in enabled [true] and how many Brewery drinks can be put into them [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -886,6 +879,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Chat Distortion Settings -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/es/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/es/config.yml index ba83a47..7dd4475 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/es/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/es/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # If aging in -Minecraft- Barrels in enabled [true] and how many Brewery drinks can be put into them [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -886,6 +879,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Chat Distortion Settings -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml index e11b664..a157eef 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml @@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # If the item despawn time was changed in the spigot.yml, the pukeDespawntime changes as well. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -47,9 +50,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -57,19 +57,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Colorer les informations d'objets (lore) au dépend de la qualité dans un tonneau et/ou dans un stand de brassage (l'alambic) [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Toujours montrer les 1-5 étoiles sur les objets en fonction de leur qualité. S'ils sont faux, ils n'apparaîtront que lors de l'infusion. [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Toujours indiquer la teneur en alcool sur les objets. S'il est false, il n'apparaîtra que dans le stand de brassage. [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # Combien de boissons de brasserie peuvent être mises dans les barils -Minecraft- [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -892,6 +885,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Colorer les informations d'objets (lore) au dépend de la qualité dans un tonneau et/ou dans un stand de brassage (l'alambic) [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Paramètres de la distorsion du Chat -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml index c71f397..6577413 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # Se il tempo di scomparsa viene cambiato in spigot.yml anche pukeDespawntime cambia. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -56,19 +56,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# Colora la descrizione dell'item in base alla qualità mentre è in un barile o in un alambicco [true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true - # If aging in -Minecraft- Barrels in enabled [true] and how many Brewery drinks can be put into them [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -886,6 +879,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# Colora la descrizione dell'item in base alla qualità mentre è in un barile o in un alambicco [true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true + # -- Imostazioni di distorsione della chat -- diff --git a/resources/config/v13/zh/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/zh/config.yml index fc2c8e8..cc94b80 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/zh/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/zh/config.yml @@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ pukeItem: Soul_Sand # 如果spigot.yml中的物品消失时间被变更, 此处也会变更. pukeDespawntime: 60 +# How much the Player stumbles depending on the amount of alcohol he drank. Can be set to 0 and higher than 100 [100] +stumblePercent: 100 + # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true @@ -48,9 +51,6 @@ drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 -# 最大玩家下线记忆时长(单位为天). 饮酒的记忆保持时间, 便于计算宿醉.[7] -hangoverDays: 7 - # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true @@ -58,19 +58,12 @@ enableCauldronParticles: true craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true -# 饮品上是否显示带颜色的提示, 颜色由执行步骤的正误决定. 第一项为在熟成酒桶内显示颜色, 第二项为在酿造台内显示颜色.[true, true] -colorInBarrels: true -colorInBrewer: true - # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false -# 大型熟成木桶可以通过右击桶身任意一个位置来打开, 而不需要专门右击其龙头. 这一操作对小型酒桶总为真.[true] -openLargeBarrelEverywhere: false - # MC自带的桶内可以存放多少饮品 [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 @@ -890,6 +883,16 @@ useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true +# 最大玩家下线记忆时长(单位为天). 饮酒的记忆保持时间, 便于计算宿醉.[7] +hangoverDays: 7 + +# 饮品上是否显示带颜色的提示, 颜色由执行步骤的正误决定. 第一项为在熟成酒桶内显示颜色, 第二项为在酿造台内显示颜色.[true, true] +colorInBarrels: true +colorInBrewer: true + +# 大型熟成木桶可以通过右击桶身任意一个位置来打开, 而不需要专门右击其龙头. 这一操作对小型酒桶总为真.[true] +openLargeBarrelEverywhere: false + # -- 口糊设置 -- diff --git a/src/com/dre/brewery/BPlayer.java b/src/com/dre/brewery/BPlayer.java index eb610aa..fb18da3 100644 --- a/src/com/dre/brewery/BPlayer.java +++ b/src/com/dre/brewery/BPlayer.java @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ public class BPlayer { // player is drunk public void move(PlayerMoveEvent event) { // has player more alc than 10 - if (drunkeness >= 10) { + if (drunkeness >= 10 && BConfig.stumbleModifier > 0.001f) { if (drunkeness <= 100) { if (time > 1) { time--; @@ -398,6 +398,7 @@ public class BPlayer { push.setX(Math.random() - 0.5); push.setZ(Math.random() - 0.5); } + push.multiply(BConfig.stumbleModifier); PlayerPushEvent pushEvent = new PlayerPushEvent(player, push, this); P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(pushEvent); push = pushEvent.getPush(); diff --git a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/BConfig.java b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/BConfig.java index c4a3a33..41a03e5 100644 --- a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/BConfig.java +++ b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/BConfig.java @@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ public class BConfig { public static Material pukeItem; public static boolean showStatusOnDrink; public static int pukeDespawntime; + public static float stumbleModifier; public static int hangoverTime; public static boolean overdrinkKick; public static boolean enableHome; @@ -237,6 +238,7 @@ public class BConfig { enableLoginDisallow = config.getBoolean("enableLoginDisallow", false); enablePuke = config.getBoolean("enablePuke", false); pukeDespawntime = config.getInt("pukeDespawntime", 60) * 20; + stumbleModifier = ((float) config.getInt("stumblePercent", 100)) / 100f; showStatusOnDrink = config.getBoolean("showStatusOnDrink", false); homeType = config.getString("homeType", null); craftSealingTable = config.getBoolean("craftSealingTable", false);