diff --git a/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml index a5f15c2..dfa8c64 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/de/config.yml @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ colorInBrewer: true # Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true] openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true +# Wie viele Brewery Getränke in die Minecraft Fässer getan werden können [6] +maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 + # In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false] logRealChat: false @@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ updateCheck: true autosave: 3 # Config Version -version: '1.7' +version: '1.8' oldMat: true @@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ oldMat: true # name: Verschiedene Namen für schlecht/mittel/gut (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6) # ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material,Data/Anzahl' +# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew configname um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen # (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden) # Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden, weglassen ignoriert diesen beim hinzufügen einer Zutat @@ -85,6 +89,7 @@ oldMat: true # age: Zeit in Minecraft-Tagen, die das Getränk im Fass reifen muss 0= kein reifen # color: Farbe des Getränks nach destillieren/reifen. # Benutzbare Farben: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY +# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen) # difficulty: 1-10 Genauigkeit der Einhaltung der Vorgaben (1 = ungenau/einfach 10 = sehr genau/schwer) # alcohol: Alkoholgehalt 0-100 in absoluter Menge bei perfektem Getränk (wird dem Spieler hinzugefügt, bei 100 = tot) # effects: Auflistung Effekt/Level/Dauer Besonderere Trank-Effekte beim Trinken, Dauer in sek. @@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/20-0 1: name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 5 2: name: Ranziges Bier/Bier/Feines Bier - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 6 3: name: Ranziges Dunkelbier/Dunkelbier/Feines Dunkelbier - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 7 4: name: Scheußlicher Met/Met/&6Goldener Met - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 @@ -166,7 +171,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 9 5: name: Apfelmet/Süßer Apfelmet/&6Goldensüßer Apfelmet - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 - APPLE/2 cookingtime: 4 @@ -180,7 +185,7 @@ recipes: - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 6: name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/14 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 2 @@ -195,7 +200,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/30-0 7: name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka - ingredients: + ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 @@ -536,4 +541,4 @@ words: - replace: -all to: '*rülps*' percentage: 3 - alcohol: 60 \ No newline at end of file + alcohol: 60 diff --git a/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml index 5f1c7e3..a800725 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/en/config.yml @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ colorInBrewer: true # If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true] openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true +# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6] +maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 + # Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true] # If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game updateCheck: true @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ updateCheck: true autosave: 3 # Config Version -version: '1.7' +version: '1.8' oldMat: true @@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ oldMat: true # name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # ingredients: List of 'material,data/amount' +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work) # A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # You can specify a data (durability) value, omitting it will ignore the data value of the added ingredient @@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ oldMat: true # age: Time in Minecraft-days, the potion has to age in a barrel 0=no aging # color: Color of the potion after distilling/aging. # Usable Colors: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY +# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet) # difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard) # alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting) # effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek. @@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/20-0 1: name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 5 2: name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 6 3: name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 7 4: name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 @@ -163,7 +168,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 9 5: name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 - APPLE/2 cookingtime: 4 @@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ recipes: - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 6: name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/14 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 2 @@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/30-0 7: name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka - ingredients: + ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 diff --git a/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml index b528f26..47c50a0 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/fr/config.yml @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ colorInBrewer: true # Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true] openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true +# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6] +maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 + # Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true] # If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game updateCheck: true @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ updateCheck: true autosave: 3 # Version de configuration -version: '1.7' +version: '1.8' oldMat: true @@ -70,8 +73,9 @@ oldMat: true # name: Différents noms pour la mauvaise/moyen/bonne qualité (Les codes de mise en forme sont pris en charge: comme par exemple &6 pour la couleur Or.) # ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux,data/montant' +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit et pourraient ne pas fonctionner dans le futur!) -# Ex: 'SUGAR_CANE' +# Ex: 'SUGAR_CANE' # Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # Vous pouvez spécifier une data (Ex: 5,3 -> Planche de bois de jungle), si vous ne le faites pas la data ne sera pas prise en compte (Ex : 5 -> Bois en général) # If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended. @@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ oldMat: true # age: Temps en jours de Minecraft, la potion devra être âgée dans un baril. 0=Pas besoin d'âge # color: Couleur de la potion après distillation/avoir laissé vieillir. # Couleurs disponibles: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair) +# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet) # difficulty: 1-10 précision nécessaire pour obtenir une bonne qualité (1 = imprécis/facile, 10 = très précis/difficile) # alcohol: Le montant d'alcool absolu dans une boisson parfaite (cela sera ajouté directement au joueur, où 100% entraînera l'évanouissement), un degré d'alcooléisme en fait # effects: Liste des effets/durée en secondes lors de la consommation. @@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/20-0 1: name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -135,7 +140,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 5 2: name: Bière Fade/Bière/Bonne Bière - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -146,7 +151,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 6 3: name: Bière Brune Fade/Bière Brune/Bonne Bière Brune - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -157,7 +162,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 7 4: name: Hydromel Bizarre/Hydromel/&6Hydromel Doré - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 @@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 9 5: name: Hydromel de Pommes/Doux Hydromel de Pommes/&6Doux Hydromel de Pommes Dorées - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 - APPLE/2 cookingtime: 4 @@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ recipes: - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 6: name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/14 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 2 @@ -197,7 +202,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/30-0 7: name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe - ingredients: + ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 diff --git a/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml b/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml index 5f09935..5a4b754 100644 --- a/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v12/it/config.yml @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ colorInBrewer: true # Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true] openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true +# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6] +maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 + # Abilita il controllo degli aggiornamenti, controlla l'API di CurseForge per eventuali aggiornamenti di Brewery [true] # Se quando un aggiornamento viene trovato un messaggio è loggato e mostrato agli OPs quando entrano in gioco. updateCheck: true @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ updateCheck: true autosave: 3 # Versione del config -version: '1.7' +version: '1.8' oldMat: true @@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ oldMat: true # name: Tre nomi diversi per diverse qualità (cattivo/normale/buono). I codici come &6 possono essere usati. # ingredients: Lista degli ingredienti nel formato materiale,dati/quantità +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Gli id invece dei materiali sono "disapprovati" da Bukkit e potrebbero non funzionare in futuro!) # Una lista di materiali può essere trovata qui: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # Puoi specificare dei dati dell'oggetto, ma se omesso sarà semplicemente ignorato. @@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ oldMat: true # age: Tempo in giorni di Minecraft per cui la pozione deve essere invecchiata in un barile (0=nessun invecchiamento). # color: Colore della pozione dopo essere stata distillata/invecchiata # Colori utilizzabili: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY +# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet) # difficoltà: Precisione richiesta per avere la migliore qualità da 1 a 10(1 = spreciso/più facile, 10 = molto preciso/più difficile) # alcohol: Volume alcolico da 0 a 100 nella versione perfetta (sarà aggiunta direttamente al giocatore, dove 100 è la quantità massima di alcohol assorbibile. # effects: Eventuali effetti come quelli delle pozioni nel formato di effetto/livello/durata. @@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/20-0 1: name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 5 2: name: Birra puzzolente/Birra/Birra pregiata - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 6 3: name: Birra scura puzzolente/Birra scura/Birra scura pregiata - ingredients: + ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 @@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 7 4: name: Idromele scarso/Idromele/&6Idromele dorato - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 @@ -163,7 +168,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 9 5: name: Idromele di mele/Idromele di mele dolci/&6Idromele di mele dolci dorato - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 - APPLE/2 cookingtime: 4 @@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ recipes: - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 6: name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato - ingredients: + ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/14 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 2 @@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ recipes: - POISONX/1-0/30-0 7: name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa - ingredients: + ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 diff --git a/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml index ab46c0b..b473c56 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/de/config.yml @@ -74,12 +74,10 @@ version: '1.8' # -- Rezepte für Getränke -- # name: Verschiedene Namen für schlecht/mittel/gut (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6) -# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material,Data/Anzahl' +# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material/Anzahl' +# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew configname um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen # (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden) # Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html -# Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden, weglassen ignoriert diesen beim hinzufügen einer Zutat -# Wenn Vault installiert ist können normale englische Item Namen verwendet werden, anstatt Material, ID und Data! -# Vault erkennt Namen wie "Jungle Leaves" anstatt "LEAVES,3". Dies macht es viel einfacher! # cookingtime: Zeit in Echtminuten die die Zutaten kochen müssen # distillruns: Wie oft destilliert werden muss für vollen Alkoholgehalt (0=ohne Destillieren) # distilltime: Wie lange (in sekunden) ein Destillations-Durchlauf braucht (0=Standard Zeit von 40 sek) MC Standard wäre 20 sek @@ -91,8 +89,6 @@ version: '1.8' # difficulty: 1-10 Genauigkeit der Einhaltung der Vorgaben (1 = ungenau/einfach 10 = sehr genau/schwer) # alcohol: Alkoholgehalt 0-100 in absoluter Menge bei perfektem Getränk (wird dem Spieler hinzugefügt, bei 100 = tot) # effects: Auflistung Effekt/Level/Dauer Besonderere Trank-Effekte beim Trinken, Dauer in sek. -# Ein 'X' an den Namen anhängen, um ihn zu verbergen. Bsp: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW und SPEED sind immer verborgen.) -# Effekte sind ab der 1.9 immer verborgen, wegen Änderungen an den Tränken. # Mögliche Effekte: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # Minimale und Maximale Level/Dauer können durch "-" festgelegt werden, Bsp: 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = Level 1 und 30 sek minimal, Level 2 und 40 sek maximal # Diese Bereiche funktionieren auch umgekehrt, Bsp: 'POISON/3-1/20-5' für abschwächende Effekte bei guter Qualität @@ -108,8 +104,6 @@ recipes: - Cocoa_Beans/20 - Spruce_Planks/8 - Bedrock/1 -# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Nur mit Vault -# - Green Dye/6 # Nur mit Vault cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 60 @@ -122,7 +116,7 @@ recipes: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/20 - HEAL/1 - WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60 - - POISONX/1-0/20-0 + - POISON/1-0/20-0 1: name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier ingredients: @@ -180,7 +174,7 @@ recipes: difficulty: 4 alcohol: 12 effects: - - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 + - WATER_BREATHING/1-2/150 6: name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum ingredients: @@ -195,7 +189,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/1/20-100 - - POISONX/1-0/30-0 + - POISON/1-0/30-0 7: name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka ingredients: diff --git a/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml index cecb8d4..d0c8d7a 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/en/config.yml @@ -71,12 +71,10 @@ version: '1.8' # -- Recipes for Potions -- # name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) -# ingredients: List of 'material,data/amount' +# ingredients: List of 'material/amount' +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work) # A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html -# You can specify a data (durability) value, omitting it will ignore the data value of the added ingredient -# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended. -# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "LEAVES,3" # cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil # distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling) # distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec @@ -88,8 +86,6 @@ version: '1.8' # difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard) # alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting) # effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek. -# Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect from label. Sample: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED are always hidden.) -# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer, because of changes in the potion mechanics. # Possible Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # Level or Duration ranges may be specified with a "-", ex. 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = lvl 1 and 30 sec at worst and lvl 2 and 40 sec at best # Ranges also work high-low, ex. 'POISON/3-1/20-5' for weaker effects at good quality. @@ -105,8 +101,6 @@ recipes: - Cocoa_Beans/20 - Spruce_Planks/8 - Bedrock/1 -# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault -# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 60 @@ -119,7 +113,7 @@ recipes: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/20 - HEAL/1 - WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60 - - POISONX/1-0/20-0 + - POISON/1-0/20-0 1: name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer ingredients: @@ -177,7 +171,7 @@ recipes: difficulty: 4 alcohol: 12 effects: - - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 + - WATER_BREATHING/1-2/150 6: name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum ingredients: @@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/1/20-100 - - POISONX/1-0/30-0 + - POISON/1-0/30-0 7: name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka ingredients: diff --git a/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml index 8cfa4d1..d34e574 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/fr/config.yml @@ -71,13 +71,11 @@ version: '1.8' # -- Recette pour les boissons -- # name: Différents noms pour la mauvaise/moyen/bonne qualité (Les codes de mise en forme sont pris en charge: comme par exemple &6 pour la couleur Or.) -# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux,data/montant' +# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant' +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit) # Ex: 'Sugar_Cane' # Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html -# Vous pouvez spécifier une data (Ex: 5,3 -> Planche de bois de jungle), si vous ne le faites pas la data ne sera pas prise en compte (Ex : 5 -> Bois en général) -# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended. -# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "5,3" # cookingtime: Temps en minutes réelles durant lesquelles les ingrédients devront bouillir # distillruns: Combien de fois le breuvage devra être distillé pour un alcool de qualité (0=Ne pas distiller) # distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec @@ -89,9 +87,6 @@ version: '1.8' # difficulty: 1-10 précision nécessaire pour obtenir une bonne qualité (1 = imprécis/facile, 10 = très précis/difficile) # alcohol: Le montant d'alcool absolu dans une boisson parfaite (cela sera ajouté directement au joueur, où 100% entraînera l'évanouissement), un degré d'alcooléisme en fait # effects: Liste des effets/durée en secondes lors de la consommation. -# Rajouter le suffixe 'X' pour le cacher du label. Exemple: POISONX/10 -# (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW et SPEED sont toujours cachés.) -# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer, because of changes in the potion mechanics. # Effets posssible: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # POUR LES EFFETS EN FONCTIONS DE LA QUALITE : Les Niveaux (I ou II) ou les Intervalles de durées d'effets doivent être spécifiés avec un "-". # Ex: 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' => Vitesse niveau 1 et durée de 30 sec pour la pire qualité, et niveau 2 et durée de 40 sec pour la meilleure. @@ -110,8 +105,6 @@ recipes: - Cocoa_Beans/20 - Spruce_Planks/8 - Bedrock/1 -# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault -# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 60 @@ -124,7 +117,7 @@ recipes: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/20 - HEAL/1 - WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60 - - POISONX/1-0/20-0 + - POISON/1-0/20-0 1: name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche ingredients: @@ -182,7 +175,7 @@ recipes: difficulty: 4 alcohol: 12 effects: - - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 + - WATER_BREATHING/1-2/150 6: name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré ingredients: @@ -197,7 +190,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/1/20-100 - - POISONX/1-0/30-0 + - POISON/1-0/30-0 7: name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe ingredients: diff --git a/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml b/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml index b136356..a0c8e94 100644 --- a/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml +++ b/resources/config/v13/it/config.yml @@ -71,12 +71,10 @@ version: '1.8' # -- Ricette per pozioni -- # name: Tre nomi diversi per diverse qualità (cattivo/normale/buono). I codici come &6 possono essere usati. -# ingredients: Lista degli ingredienti nel formato materiale,dati/quantità +# ingredients: Lista degli ingredienti nel formato materiale/quantità +# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe # (Gli id invece dei materiali sono "disapprovati" da Bukkit) # Una lista di materiali può essere trovata qui: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html -# Puoi specificare dei dati dell'oggetto, ma se omesso sarà semplicemente ignorato. -# Se Vault è installato i nomi normali possono essere usati invece del materiale o dell'id quindi l'uso di Vault è fortemente consigliato. -# Vault riconoscerà cose come "Jungle Leaves" invece di "LEAVES,3". # cookingtime: Tempo in minuti richiesto dagli ingredienti per bollire # distillruns: Quanto spesso deve essere distillato per ottenere la versione perfetta con il volume alcolico impostato (0=non serve distillare). # distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec @@ -88,8 +86,6 @@ version: '1.8' # difficoltà: Precisione richiesta per avere la migliore qualità da 1 a 10(1 = spreciso/più facile, 10 = molto preciso/più difficile) # alcohol: Volume alcolico da 0 a 100 nella versione perfetta (sarà aggiunta direttamente al giocatore, dove 100 è la quantità massima di alcohol assorbibile. # effects: Eventuali effetti come quelli delle pozioni nel formato di effetto/livello/durata. -# Aggiungere il suffisso 'X' per nascondere l'effetto dalla descrizione. Esempio: 'POISONX/2/10' (gli effetti WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED sono sempre nascosti). -# Gli effetti sono sempre nascosti dalla 1.9 in poi, per via dei cambiamenti nelle meccaniche delle pozioni. # Lista di effetti possibili: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # Intervalli di livelli o durate possono essere specificati con un "-", per esempio 'SPEED/1-2/30-40'. Ciò significa nel peggior caso livello 1 e 30 secondi di durata e livello 2 e 40 secondi nel migliore. # Gli intervalli funzionano anche in ordine decrescente, per effetti più deboli a qualità maggiori. Esempio: 'POISON/3-1/20-5'. @@ -105,8 +101,6 @@ recipes: - Cocoa_Beans/20 - Spruce_Planks/8 - Bedrock/1 -# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Solo con Vault -# - Green Dye/6 # Solo con Vault cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 60 @@ -119,7 +113,7 @@ recipes: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/20 - HEAL/1 - WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60 - - POISONX/1-0/20-0 + - POISON/1-0/20-0 1: name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata ingredients: @@ -177,7 +171,7 @@ recipes: difficulty: 4 alcohol: 12 effects: - - WATER_BREATHINGX/1-2/150 + - WATER_BREATHING/1-2/150 6: name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato ingredients: @@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ recipes: alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/1/20-100 - - POISONX/1-0/30-0 + - POISON/1-0/30-0 7: name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa ingredients: diff --git a/resources/languages/de.yml b/resources/languages/de.yml index ff0548a..6d04a0e 100644 --- a/resources/languages/de.yml +++ b/resources/languages/de.yml @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 ist nicht betrunken' CMD_Player: '&a&v1 ist nun &6&v2% &abetrunken, mit einer Qualität von &6&v3' CMD_Player_Error: '&cDie Qualität muss zwischen 1 und 10 liegen!' CMD_Reload: '&aConfig wurde neu eingelesen' +CMD_Configname: '&aName für Config ist: &f&v1' +CMD_Configname_Error: '&cDu hast kein Item in der Hand' CMD_UnLabel: '&aDas Label wurde entfernt' CMD_Persistent: '&aTrankdaten sind nun permanent und unveränderlich und so kann der Trank nun wie jedes andere Item kopiert werden' CMD_PersistRemove: '&cPermanente Tränke können nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden, evtl. Kopien würden sonst unbrauchbar werden!' @@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ Help_Info: '&6/brew Info&9 Zeigt deine aktuelle Trunkenheit und Qualität an' Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew Info [Spieler]&9 Zeigt die aktuelle Trunkenheit und Qualität von [Spieler] an' Help_Player: '&6/brew <%Trunkenheit> [Qualität]&9 Setzt Trunkenheit (und Qualität) eines Spielers' Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Config neuladen' +Help_Configname: '&6/brew configname &9Zeigt Name für die Config vom Item in der Hand' Help_UnLabel: '&6/brew UnLabel &9Entfernt die genaue Beschriftung des Trankes' Help_Wakeup: '&6/brew Wakeup List &9 Listet alle Aufwachpunkte auf' Help_WakeupAdd: '&6/brew Wakeup Add &9Setzt einen Aufwachpunkt and deiner Position' diff --git a/resources/languages/en.yml b/resources/languages/en.yml index d0d24bc..bf26fd1 100644 --- a/resources/languages/en.yml +++ b/resources/languages/en.yml @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ CMD_Persistent: '&aPotion is now Persistent and Static and may now be copied lik CMD_Player: '&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3' CMD_Player_Error: '&cThe quality has to be between 1 and 10!' CMD_Reload: '&aConfig was successfully reloaded' +CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1' +CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand' CMD_Static: '&aPotion is now static and will not change in barrels or brewing stands.' CMD_UnLabel: '&aLabel removed!' CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistence and static Removed. &eEvery Potential copy NOT made with ''/brew copy'' could become useless now!' @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Player]&9 Displays the current Drunkeness and Qua Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Make Brew persistent -> copyable by any plugin and technique' Help_Player: '&6/brew <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player' Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Reload config' +Help_Configname: '&6/brew configname &9Display name of item in hand for the config' Help_Static: '&6/brew static &9Make Brew static -> No further ageing or distilling' Help_UnLabel: '&6/brew unlabel &9Removes the detailled label of a potion' Help_Wakeup: '&6/brew wakeup list &9 Lists all wakeup points' diff --git a/resources/languages/fr.yml b/resources/languages/fr.yml index 1e75aa2..ba0c370 100644 --- a/resources/languages/fr.yml +++ b/resources/languages/fr.yml @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ CMD_Persistent: '&aLa boisson est maintenant Persistante et Statique et peut êt CMD_Player: '&a&v1 est maintenant &6&v2% &aivre, avec une qualité de &6&v3' CMD_Player_Error: '&cLa qualité doit être comprise entre 1 et 10 !' CMD_Reload: '&aLa config a été reload avec succès.' +CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1' +CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand' CMD_Static: '&aLa boisson est maintenant statique et ne changera pas dans les barils ou les stands d´alchimie.' CMD_UnLabel: '&aLabel supprimé!' CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistance et staticité supprimées. &eChaque copie potentionelle NON crée avec /brew copy deviendra inutile maintenant!' @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Player]&9 Affiche l´ivresse actuelle de Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Crée une boisson persistante -> peut être copiée par n´importe quel plugin et technique' Help_Player: '&6/brew <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Définit l´ivresse (et la qualité) du joueur' Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Reload la config' +Help_Configname: '&6/brew configname &9Display name of item in hand for the config' Help_Static: '&6/brew static &9Rend une boisson statique -> Plus affectée par l´âge ou la distillation' Help_UnLabel: '&6/brew unlabel &9Supprime l´étiquette détaillée d´une potion' Help_Wakeup: '&6/brew wakeup list &9 Affiche une liste de tous les points de réveil' diff --git a/resources/languages/it.yml b/resources/languages/it.yml index df17341..e1f7e06 100755 --- a/resources/languages/it.yml +++ b/resources/languages/it.yml @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ CMD_Persistent: '&aLa pozione è ora persistente e statica e può essere copiata CMD_Player: '&a&v1 è ora &6&v2% &asbronzo, con una qualità di &6&v3' CMD_Player_Error: '&cLa qualità deve essere fra 1 e 10!' CMD_Reload: '&aLa configurazione è stata ricaricata con successo' +CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1' +CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand' CMD_Static: '&aLa pozione è ora statica e non cambierà né nei barili né negli alambicchi.' CMD_UnLabel: '&aEtichetta rimossa!' CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistenza e staticità rimosse. &eOgni copia non fatta con ''/brew copy'' potrebbe diventare inutile ora!' @@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Giocatore]&9 Mostra l''attuale livello di sbronza Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Rendi una miscela persistente quindi copiabile normalmente in ogni modo e da ogni plugin.' Help_Player: '&6/brew <%Sbronza> [Qualità]&9 Imposta livello di sbronza (e qualità) di un giocatore.' Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Ricarica la configurazione' +Help_Configname: '&6/brew configname &9Display name of item in hand for the config' Help_Static: '&6/brew static &9Rende la miscela statica quindi non distillabile e invecchiabile ulteriormente.' Help_UnLabel: '&6/brew unlabel &9Rimuove la descrizione dettagliata di una pozione.' Help_Wakeup: '&6/brew wakeup list &9 Mostra tutti i punti di risveglio.' diff --git a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/ConfigUpdater.java b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/ConfigUpdater.java index e052b5b..b21d93b 100644 --- a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/ConfigUpdater.java +++ b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/ConfigUpdater.java @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public class ConfigUpdater { } // adds some Lines at the index + // Will push all lines including the one at index down public void addLines(int index, String... newLines) { config.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(newLines)); } @@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ public class ConfigUpdater { if (P.use1_13 && oldMat) { updateMaterials(true); + updateMaterialDescriptions(de); } if (!fromVersion.equals("1.8")) { @@ -1150,6 +1152,18 @@ public class ConfigUpdater { if (index != -1) { addLines(index + 1, "# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach \"HTML color\" im Internet suchen)"); } + + index = indexOfStart("# ingredients:"); + if (index == -1) { + index = indexOfStart("# Eine Liste von allen Materialien"); + if (index == -1) { + index = indexOfStart("# -- Rezepte"); + } + } + if (index != -1) { + addLines(index + 1, "# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew configname um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen"); + } + if (P.use1_13) updateMaterialDescriptions(true); } // Update en from 1.7 to 1.8 @@ -1185,6 +1199,18 @@ public class ConfigUpdater { if (index != -1) { addLines(index + 1, "# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for \"HTML color\" on the internet)"); } + + index = indexOfStart("# ingredients:"); + if (index == -1) { + index = indexOfStart("# A list of materials"); + if (index == -1) { + index = indexOfStart("# -- Recipes"); + } + } + if (index != -1) { + addLines(index + 1, "# With an item in your hand, use /brew configname to get its material for use in a recipe"); + } + if (P.use1_13) updateMaterialDescriptions(false); } // Update all Materials to Minecraft 1.13 @@ -1293,5 +1319,82 @@ public class ConfigUpdater { } } + private void updateMaterialDescriptions(boolean de) { + int index; + if (de) { + index = indexOfStart("# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material,Data/Anzahl'"); + if (index != -1) { + setLine(index, "# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material/Anzahl'"); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# Wenn Vault installiert ist"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# Vault erkennt Namen wie"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Nur mit Vault"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# - Green Dye/6 # Nur mit Vault"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# Ein 'X' an den Namen"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# Effekte sind ab der 1.9 immer verborgen"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + } else { + index = indexOfStart("# ingredients: List of 'material,data/amount'"); + if (index != -1) { + setLine(index, "# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'"); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# You can specify a data (durability) value"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# If Vault is installed normal names can be used"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + + index = indexOfStart("# Vault will recognize things"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + index = indexOfStart("# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer"); + if (index != -1) { + config.remove(index); + } + } + } + } diff --git a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/LanguageReader.java b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/LanguageReader.java index 92a52e9..8512f2c 100644 --- a/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/LanguageReader.java +++ b/src/com/dre/brewery/filedata/LanguageReader.java @@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ public class LanguageReader { } private void setDefaults() { - + /* Player */ defaults.put("Player_BarrelCreated", "Barrel created"); + defaults.put("Player_BarrelFull", "&cThis barrel can''t hold any more drinks"); defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo1", "This cauldron has been boiling for &v1 minutes."); defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo2", "This cauldron has just started boiling."); defaults.put("Player_CantDrink", "You can't drink any more."); @@ -74,9 +75,11 @@ public class LanguageReader { defaults.put("Brew_HundredsOfYears", "Hundreds of Years"); defaults.put("Brew_Woodtype", "Woodtype"); defaults.put("Brew_ThickBrew", "Muddy Brew"); - + /* Commands */ defaults.put("CMD_Reload", "&aConfig was successfully reloaded"); + defaults.put("CMD_Configname", "&aName for the Config is: &f&v1"); + defaults.put("CMD_Configname_Error", "&cCould not find item in your hand"); defaults.put("CMD_Player", "&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3"); defaults.put("CMD_Player_Error", "&cThe quality has to be between 1 and 10!"); defaults.put("CMD_Info_NotDrunk", "&v1 is not drunk"); @@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ public class LanguageReader { defaults.put("CMD_CopyNotPersistent", "&eThese copies of this Brew will not be persistent or static!"); defaults.put("CMD_Static", "&aPotion is now static and will not change in barrels or brewing stands."); defaults.put("CMD_NonStatic", "&ePotion is not static anymore and will normally age in barrels."); - + /* Error */ defaults.put("Error_UnknownCommand", "Unknown Command"); defaults.put("Error_ShowHelp", "Use &6/brew help &fto display the help"); @@ -108,7 +111,7 @@ public class LanguageReader { defaults.put("Perms_NoBigBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create big barrels!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronInsert", "&cYou don't have permissions to put ingredients into cauldrons!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronFill", "&cYou don't have permissions to fill bottles from this cauldron!"); - + /* Help */ defaults.put("Help_Help", "&6/brew help [Page] &9Shows a specific help-page"); defaults.put("Help_Player", "&6/brew <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player"); @@ -124,10 +127,11 @@ public class LanguageReader { defaults.put("Help_WakeupAdd", "&6/brew wakeup add &9Adds a wakeup point at your current position"); defaults.put("Help_WakeupRemove", "&6/brew wakeup remove &9Removes the wakeup point with "); defaults.put("Help_Reload", "&6/brew reload &9Reload config"); + defaults.put("Help_Configname", "&6/brew configname &9Display name of item in hand for the config"); defaults.put("Help_Persist", "&6/brew persist &9Make Brew persistent -> copyable by any plugin and technique"); defaults.put("Help_Static", "&6/brew static &9Make Brew static -> No further ageing or distilling"); defaults.put("Help_Create", "&6/brew create [Quality] [Player] &9Create a Brew with optional quality (1-10)"); - + /* Etc. */ defaults.put("Etc_Usage", "Usage:"); defaults.put("Etc_Page", "Page"); diff --git a/src/com/dre/brewery/listeners/CommandListener.java b/src/com/dre/brewery/listeners/CommandListener.java index 94ae301..d6df589 100644 --- a/src/com/dre/brewery/listeners/CommandListener.java +++ b/src/com/dre/brewery/listeners/CommandListener.java @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ package com.dre.brewery.listeners; import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Locale; import com.dre.brewery.Util; import org.bukkit.Material; @@ -42,6 +43,14 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor { p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoPermissions")); } + } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("configname")) { + + if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.reload")) { + cmdConfigName(sender); + } else { + p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoPermissions")); + } + } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("wakeup")) { if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.wakeup")) { @@ -355,6 +364,22 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor { } + public void cmdConfigName(CommandSender sender) { + if (sender instanceof Player) { + + Player player = (Player) sender; + ItemStack hand = P.use1_9 ? player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand() : player.getItemInHand(); + if (hand != null) { + p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname", hand.getType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH))); + } else { + p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname_Error")); + } + + } else { + p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand")); + } + } + @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void cmdCopy(CommandSender sender, int count) {