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synced 2025-01-06 18:47:44 +01:00
Merge Branch v2.0 into Master via PR #226
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<!-- Static resources -->
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
@ -87,7 +89,7 @@
<!-- GriefPrevention -->
<!-- GriefPrevention, SlimeFun -->
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@
@ -226,12 +228,31 @@
<!-- Contains proprietary api that we use for integration -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# -- Eigene Items Definieren --
# Die festgelegte id kann dann in einem Rezept verwendet werden
# matchAny: true wenn es schon reicht wenn eine der Angaben zutrifft
# material: Welche Art das Item haben muss
# name: Welchen Namen das Item haben muss (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# lore: Was in der Lore des Items stehen muss
# Ein Barriere Item das Mauer heißt und in der Lore die angegebene Zeile hat
name: 'Mauer'
- '&7Besonders gut geschützt'
# Mit matchAny muss nur eine der Angaben zutreffen.
# Hier also eine der Türarten, oder ein Item namens Buchenholztür, oder ein Item mit 'Eine Tür' in der Lore
matchAny: true
- 'Buchenholztür'
- 'Eine Tür'
name: '&cHimbeere'
# -- Zutaten im Kessel --
# Hier kann angegeben werden welche Zutaten in den Kessel getan werden können und was mit ihnen geschieht.
# name: Name des Basistrankes der aus dem Kessel kommt (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material/Anzahl'
# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew ItemName um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen
# (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Farbe des Trankes der aus dem Kessel kommt
# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen)
# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
name: Beispiel
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- Ein Beispiel für einen Basistrank
- So kommt er aus dem Kessel
# -- Eine Zutat: --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# -- Définir des objets personnalisés --
# L'id défini peut ensuite être utilisé dans les recettes
# matchAny: si c'est déjà assez si l'une des infos correspond
# material: le type d'article à utiliser
# name: Quel nom l'article doit porter (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# lore: Ce qui doit être dans la lore de l'objet
# Un objet Barrière appelé "Wall" et qui a la ligne donnée dans sa lore
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# En utilisant matchAny, un seul des éléments suivants doit correspondre.
# Dans ce cas, l'un des types de porte, ou un article appelé "Beechwood Door", ou un objet avec "A door" dans sa lore.
matchAny: true
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingrédients dans le chaudron --
# Quels sont les ingrédients acceptés par le chaudron et la potion de base qui en résulte
# name: Nom de la potion de base qui sort du chaudron (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant'
# Avec un objet en main, utilisez /brew ItemName pour obtenir son matériau pour une recette de cuisine
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit)
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color : Couleur de la potion provenant d'un chaudron.
# (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Ou couleurs RGB (hex: par exemple '99FF33') (avec '') (recherche de "HTML color" sur internet)
# lore: Liste de texte supplémentaire sur la potion de base. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Exemple
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- Un exemple pour une potion de base
- Voici comment il sort d'un chaudron
# -- Un ingrédient: --
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Verschiedene Einstellungen --
# Standardeinstellungen sind in [] angegeben
# Löschen einzelner Einstellungen deaktiviert sie
# Sprachedatei die genutzt werden sollte (befindet sich in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: de
@ -51,14 +50,24 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer 1-5 Sterne für die Qualität angezeigt werden sollen, oder nur beim brauen [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer der Alkoholgehalt angezeigt weden soll, oder nur im Braustand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# Wie viele Brewery Getränke in die Minecraft Fässer getan werden können [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false]
logRealChat: false
# Benutzte Zutaten und andere Brau-Daten werden in allen Brewery Tränken gespeichert. Um zu verhindern,
# dass gehackte clients diese Daten auslesen um Rezepte herauszufinden, können diese encodiert werden.
# Einziger Nachteil: Tränke können nur auf Servern mit dem gleichen encodeKey benutzt werden.
# Dies kann also aktiviert werden um Rezept-cheating schwerer zu machen, aber keine Tränke per World Download, Schematic, o.ä. geteilt werden. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Aktiviert das Suchen nach Updates für Brewery mit der curseforge api [true]
# Wenn ein Update gefunden wurde, wird dies bei Serverstart im log angezeigt, sowie OPs benachrichtigt
@ -67,11 +76,119 @@ updateCheck: true
# Autosave Intervall in Minuten [3]
autosave: 3
# Debug Nachrichten im Log anzeigen [false]
debug: false
# Config Version
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
oldMat: true
# -- Eigene Items Definieren --
# Die festgelegte id kann dann in einem Rezept verwendet werden
# matchAny: true wenn es schon reicht wenn eine der Angaben zutrifft
# material: Welche Art das Item haben muss
# name: Welchen Namen das Item haben muss (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# lore: Was in der Lore des Items stehen muss
# Ein Bedrock Item das Mauer heißt und in der Lore die angegebene Zeile hat
material: BEDROCK
name: 'Mauer'
- '&7Besonders gut geschützt'
# Mit matchAny muss nur eine der Angaben zutreffen.
# Hier also eine der Türarten, oder ein Item namens Buchenholztür, oder ein Item mit 'Eine Tür' in der Lore
matchAny: true
- 'Buchenholztür'
- 'Eine Tür'
name: '&cHimbeere'
# -- Zutaten im Kessel --
# Hier kann angegeben werden welche Zutaten in den Kessel getan werden können und was mit ihnen geschieht.
# name: Name des Basistrankes der aus dem Kessel kommt (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material/Anzahl'
# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew ItemName um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen
# (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Farbe des Trankes der aus dem Kessel kommt
# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen)
# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
name: Beispiel
color: BLACK
- Ein Beispiel für einen Basistrank
- So kommt er aus dem Kessel
# -- Eine Zutat: --
name: Getreideferment
ingredients: WHEAT
name: Zuckersud
ingredients: SUGAR_CANE
color: 'f1ffad' # gelbliches grün
name: Apfelmost
ingredients: APPLE
name: Kartoffelmaische
ingredients: POTATO_ITEM
name: Kräuterbrühe
ingredients: LONG_GRASS
color: '99ff66' # helles grün
name: Pilzsud
ingredients: RED_MUSHROOM
color: 'ff5c33' # bernsteinrot
name: Kakaobrühe
ingredients: INK_SACK
color: '804600' # mokka
name: Milchiges Wasser
ingredients: MILK_BUCKET
# -- Mehrere Zutaten: --
name: Apfel-Zuckersud
color: 'e1ff4d' # grünliches gelb
# -- Rezepte für Getränke --
# name: Verschiedene Namen für schlecht/mittel/gut (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
@ -80,8 +197,8 @@ oldMat: true
# (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden, weglassen ignoriert diesen beim hinzufügen einer Zutat
# Wenn Vault installiert ist können normale englische Item Namen verwendet werden, anstatt Material, ID und Data!
# Vault erkennt Namen wie "Jungle Leaves" anstatt "LEAVES,3". Dies macht es viel einfacher!
# Plugin Items mit 'Plugin:Id' (Im Moment ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Oder ein oben definiertes Custom Item
# cookingtime: Zeit in Echtminuten die die Zutaten kochen müssen
# distillruns: Wie oft destilliert werden muss für vollen Alkoholgehalt (0=ohne Destillieren)
# distilltime: Wie lange (in sekunden) ein Destillations-Durchlauf braucht (0=Standard Zeit von 40 sek) MC Standard wäre 20 sek
@ -93,6 +210,12 @@ oldMat: true
# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen)
# difficulty: 1-10 Genauigkeit der Einhaltung der Vorgaben (1 = ungenau/einfach 10 = sehr genau/schwer)
# alcohol: Alkoholgehalt 0-100 in absoluter Menge bei perfektem Getränk (wird dem Spieler hinzugefügt, bei 100 = tot)
# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem fertigen Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# Lore nur für bestimmte Qualität möglich mit + Schlecht, ++ Mittel, +++ Gut, vorne anhängen.
# servercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Server wenn der Trank getrunken wird
# playercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Spieler wenn der Trank getrunken wird
# drinkmessage: Nachricht im Chat beim trinken des Trankes
# drinktitle: Nachricht als Titel auf dem Bildschirm an den Spieler beim trinken des Trankes
# effects: Auflistung Effekt/Level/Dauer Besonderere Trank-Effekte beim Trinken, Dauer in sek.
# Ein 'X' an den Namen anhängen, um ihn zu verbergen. Bsp: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW und SPEED sind immer verborgen.)
# Effekte sind ab der 1.9 immer verborgen, wegen Änderungen an den Tränken.
@ -103,16 +226,16 @@ oldMat: true
# Ein vollständiges Beispiel zuerst:
name: Schlechtes Beispiel/Beispiel/Gutes Beispiel
- INK_SACK,3/20
- WOOD,1/8
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Nur mit Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Nur mit Vault
- Brewery:Weißbier/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- bsp-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
@ -121,12 +244,26 @@ recipes:
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Dies ist ein Beispiel Trank
- ++Ganz normales Beispiel
- Dies würde auf dem Trank stehen
- + Riecht eklig
- ++ Riecht ganz ok
- +++ Riecht richtig gut
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Schmeckt toll
drinktitle: Wärmt dich von innen
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier
@ -137,7 +274,8 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Ranziges Bier/Bier/Feines Bier
@ -147,8 +285,11 @@ recipes:
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
- +++ &8Das perlt
alcohol: 6
name: Ranziges Dunkelbier/Dunkelbier/Feines Dunkelbier
@ -159,7 +300,8 @@ recipes:
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Scheußlicher Met/Met/&6Goldener Met
@ -170,7 +312,10 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
- +++ Hat einen goldenen Schein
name: Apfelmet/Süßer Apfelmet/&6Goldensüßer Apfelmet
@ -182,9 +327,14 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
- + Ist da wirklich Apfel drin?
- ++ Schmeckt nach süßem Apfel
- +++ Hat eine wunderbare Apfelnote
name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum
@ -199,7 +349,8 @@ recipes:
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka
@ -209,10 +360,13 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
- + &8Fast nicht trinkbar
name: minderwertiger Absinth/Absinth/Starker Absinth
@ -224,7 +378,8 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Kartoffelsuppe
@ -234,7 +389,8 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Fader Kaffee/Kaffee/Starker Kaffee
- INK_SACK,3/12
@ -242,6 +398,7 @@ recipes:
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
lore: + &8Bestimmt schon eine Woche alt
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -251,27 +408,13 @@ recipes:
# Der Serveradmin kann neue Rezepte hinzufügen und bestehende ändern, um das Abschauen aus der Standardconfig zu verhindern.
# cooked: ALLE möglichen Zutaten und die nach dem Gähren daraus entstehenden Tranknamen:
# [Beispiel] MATERIAL: Name nach Gähren
WHEAT: Getreideferment
SUGAR_CANE: Zuckersud
APPLE: Apfelmost
POTATO_ITEM: Kartoffelmaische
LONG_GRASS: Kräuterbrühe
INK_SACK: Farbige Brühe
MILK_BUCKET: Milchiges Wasser
# -- Plugin Kompatiblität --
# Andere Plugins (wenn installiert) nach Rechten zum öffnen von Fässern checken [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
useCitadel: true
# Änderungen an Fassinventaren mit LogBlock aufzeichen [true]
@ -286,6 +429,9 @@ useLogBlock: true
# Unten kann noch eingestellt werden wie und was verändert wird
enableChatDistortion: true
# In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false]
logRealChat: false
# Text nach den angegebenen Kommandos wird bei Trunkenheit ebenfalls Verändert (Liste) [- /gl]
- /gl
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Settings --
# Defaults are written in []
# Deleting of single settings disables them
# Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: en
@ -51,12 +50,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
@ -64,11 +77,119 @@ updateCheck: true
# Autosave interval in minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Config Version
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
oldMat: true
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Bedrock item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
material: BEDROCK
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
name: Fermented wheat
ingredients: WHEAT
name: Sugar brew
ingredients: SUGAR_CANE
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Apple cider
ingredients: APPLE
name: Potatomash
ingredients: POTATO_ITEM
name: Boiled herbs
ingredients: LONG_GRASS
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Mushroom brew
ingredients: RED_MUSHROOM
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Chocolately brew
ingredients: INK_SACK
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Milky water
ingredients: MILK_BUCKET
# -- Multiple Ingredients: --
name: Apple-Sugar brew
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Recipes for Potions --
# name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
@ -77,8 +198,8 @@ oldMat: true
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# You can specify a data (durability) value, omitting it will ignore the data value of the added ingredient
# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended.
# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "LEAVES,3"
# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil
# distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
@ -90,6 +211,12 @@ oldMat: true
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard)
# alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting)
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew
# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek.
# Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect from label. Sample: 'POISONX/2/10' (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED are always hidden.)
# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer, because of changes in the potion mechanics.
@ -100,16 +227,16 @@ oldMat: true
# Example Recipe with every possible entry first:
name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example
- INK_SACK,3/20
- WOOD,1/8
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
@ -118,12 +245,26 @@ recipes:
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- This is an examble brew
- ++Just a normal Example
- This text would be on the brew
- + Smells disgusting
- ++ Smells alright
- +++ Smells really good
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Tastes good
drinktitle: Warms you from inside
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer
@ -134,7 +275,8 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer
@ -144,8 +286,11 @@ recipes:
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
- +++ &8Crisp taste
alcohol: 6
name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer
@ -155,8 +300,11 @@ recipes:
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
- +++ &8Roasted taste
alcohol: 7
name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead
@ -166,8 +314,11 @@ recipes:
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
- +++ Has a golden shine
alcohol: 9
name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead
@ -179,9 +330,14 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
- +Is there any Apple in this?
- ++Refreshing taste of Apple
- +++Sweetest hint of Apple
name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum
@ -196,7 +352,8 @@ recipes:
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka
@ -206,10 +363,12 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
lore: +&8Almost undrinkable
name: Poor Absinthe/Absinthe/Strong Absinthe
@ -221,7 +380,8 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
@ -231,7 +391,8 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Stale Coffee/Coffee/Strong Coffee
- INK_SACK,3/12
@ -239,6 +400,7 @@ recipes:
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
lore: + &8Probably a week old
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -248,28 +410,13 @@ recipes:
# It is up to the Serveradmin to change and add Recipes, so players cannot cheat from the default config.
# cooked: EVERY possible ingredient and the names for the originating potions after fermenting:
# [Example] MATERIAL: Name after cooking
WHEAT: Fermented wheat
SUGAR_CANE: Sugar brew
APPLE: Apple cider
POTATO_ITEM: Potatomash
LONG_GRASS: Boiled herbs
RED_MUSHROOM: Mushroom brew
INK_SACK: Colored brew
MILK_BUCKET: Milky water
# -- Plugin Compatibility --
# Enable checking of other Plugins (if installed) for Barrel Permissions [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
useCitadel: true
# Enable the Logging of Barrel Inventories to LogBlock [true]
@ -278,8 +425,7 @@ useLogBlock: true
# -- Chat Distortion Settings --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk, so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
enableChatDistortion: true
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# config for Brewery.jar
# Quelques traductions en français ont été faites avec DeepL
# -- Paramètres --
# Les paramètres par défaut sont entre []
# Supprimer un paramètre le désactive
# Fichier de langage utilisé (trouvable dans plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: fr
@ -51,12 +51,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Toujours montrer les 1-5 étoiles sur les objets en fonction de leur qualité. S'ils sont faux, ils n'apparaîtront que lors de l'infusion. [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Toujours indiquer la teneur en alcool sur les objets. S'il est false, il n'apparaîtra que dans le stand de brassage. [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
# Combien de boissons de brasserie peuvent être mises dans les barils Minecraft [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# Les ingrédients et autres données de brassage utilisés sont sauvegardés dans tous les articles de brasserie. [false]
# Pour empêcher les clients piratés de lire exactement ce qui a été utilisé pour infuser un élément, les données peuvent être encodées/brouillées.
# Il s'agit d'un processus rapide pour empêcher les joueurs de pirater des recettes, une fois qu'ils mettent la main sur une bière.
# Seul inconvénient: Les boissons brassicoles ne peuvent être utilisés que sur un autre serveur avec la même clé de chiffrement.
# Activez cette option si vous voulez rendre la tricherie des recettes plus difficile, mais ne partagez pas les infusions par téléchargement mondial, schémas ou autres moyens.
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
@ -64,33 +78,148 @@ updateCheck: true
# Intervale de la sauvegarde automatique en minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Version de configuration
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
oldMat: true
# -- Définir des objets personnalisés --
# L'id défini peut ensuite être utilisé dans les recettes
# matchAny: si c'est déjà assez si l'une des infos correspond
# material: le type d'article à utiliser
# name: Quel nom l'article doit porter (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# lore: Ce qui doit être dans la lore de l'objet
# Un objet Barrière appelé "Wall" et qui a la ligne donnée dans sa lore
material: BEDROCK
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# En utilisant matchAny, un seul des éléments suivants doit correspondre.
# Dans ce cas, l'un des types de porte, ou un article appelé "Beechwood Door", ou un objet avec "A door" dans sa lore.
matchAny: true
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingrédients dans le chaudron --
# Quels sont les ingrédients acceptés par le chaudron et la potion de base qui en résulte
# name: Nom de la potion de base qui sort du chaudron (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant'
# Avec un objet en main, utilisez /brew ItemName pour obtenir son matériau pour une recette de cuisine
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit)
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color : Couleur de la potion provenant d'un chaudron.
# (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Ou couleurs RGB (hex: par exemple '99FF33') (avec '') (recherche de "HTML color" sur internet)
# lore: Liste de texte supplémentaire sur la potion de base. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Exemple
color: BLACK
- Un exemple pour une potion de base
- Voici comment il sort d'un chaudron
# -- Un ingrédient: --
name: Blé fermenté
ingredients: WHEAT
name: Sucre fermenté
ingredients: SUGAR_CANE
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Cidre de pommes
ingredients: APPLE
name: Purée de Pommes de Terre
ingredients: POTATO_ITEM
name: Herbes bouillies
ingredients: LONG_GRASS
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Champignons fermentés
ingredients: RED_MUSHROOM
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Infusion au chocolat
ingredients: INK_SACK
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Eau laiteuse
ingredients: MILK_BUCKET
# -- Ingrédients multiples: --
name: Brassée pomme-sucre
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Recette pour les boissons --
# name: Différents noms pour la mauvaise/moyen/bonne qualité (Les codes de mise en forme sont pris en charge: comme par exemple &6 pour la couleur Or.)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux,data/montant'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit et pourraient ne pas fonctionner dans le futur!)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant'
# Avec un objet en main, utilisez /brew ItemName pour obtenir son matériau pour une recette de cuisine
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit)
# Ex: 'Sugar_Cane'
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Vous pouvez spécifier une data (Ex: 5,3 -> Planche de bois de jungle), si vous ne le faites pas la data ne sera pas prise en compte (Ex : 5 -> Bois en général)
# If Vault is installed normal names can be used instead of material or id, so using Vault is highly recommended.
# Vault will recognize things like "Jungle Leaves" instead of "5,3"
# Plugin items avec 'plugin:id' (Actuellement supporté ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Ou un élément personnalisé défini ci-dessus
# cookingtime: Temps en minutes réelles durant lesquelles les ingrédients devront bouillir
# distillruns: Combien de fois le breuvage devra être distillé pour un alcool de qualité (0=Ne pas distiller)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# distilltime: Combien de temps (en secondes) dure une distillation (0=Temps par défaut de 40 secondes) MC Par défaut serait de 20 secondes
# wood: Type de bois du baril 0=aucun 1=Bouleau 2=Chêne 3=Jungle 4=Pin 5=Acacia 6=Chêne Noir
# The Minecraft barrel is made of oak
# Le tonneau Minecraft est en chêne.
# age: Temps en jours de Minecraft, la potion devra être âgée dans un baril. 0=Pas besoin d'âge
# color: Couleur de la potion après distillation/avoir laissé vieillir.
# Couleurs disponibles: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Ou couleurs RGB (hex: par exemple '99FF33') (avec '') (recherche de "HTML color" sur internet)
# difficulty: 1-10 précision nécessaire pour obtenir une bonne qualité (1 = imprécis/facile, 10 = très précis/difficile)
# alcohol: Le montant d'alcool absolu dans une boisson parfaite (cela sera ajouté directement au joueur, où 100% entraînera l'évanouissement), un degré d'alcooléisme en fait
# lore: Liste des textes supplémentaires sur le breuvage fini. (Codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# Texte spécifique de qualité possible, en utilisant + mauvais, ++ normal, +++ bon, ajouté à l'avant de la ligne.
# servercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le serveur lors de la consommation de la potion
# playercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le joueur lors de la consommation de la potion
# drinkmessage: Chat-message au joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion
# drinktitle: Titre à l'écran du joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion
# effects: Liste des effets/durée en secondes lors de la consommation.
# Rajouter le suffixe 'X' pour le cacher du label. Exemple: POISONX/10
# (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW et SPEED sont toujours cachés.)
@ -108,13 +237,13 @@ recipes:
name: Mauvais Exemple/Exemple/Bonne Exemple
- 264/1
- INK_SACK,3/20
- 5,1/8
- WOOD,1/8
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
@ -123,11 +252,25 @@ recipes:
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- C'est un breuvage d'exemple
- ++Juste un exemple normal
- Ce texte serait sur le breuvage
- + Ça sent dégueulasse.
- ++ Ça sent bon
- +++ Ça sent vraiment bon
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: C'est bon au goût
drinktitle: vous réchauffe à l'intérieur
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche
@ -139,6 +282,7 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Bière Fade/Bière/Bonne Bière
@ -150,6 +294,7 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Bière Brune Fade/Bière Brune/Bonne Bière Brune
@ -161,6 +306,7 @@ recipes:
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Hydromel Bizarre/Hydromel/&6Hydromel Doré
@ -172,6 +318,7 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Hydromel de Pommes/Doux Hydromel de Pommes/&6Doux Hydromel de Pommes Dorées
@ -186,6 +333,7 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 12
name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré
@ -201,6 +349,7 @@ recipes:
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe
@ -214,6 +363,7 @@ recipes:
name: Absinthe pauvre/Absinthe/Absinthe forte
@ -226,6 +376,7 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
@ -236,6 +387,7 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Café fétide/Café/Café fort
@ -253,28 +405,13 @@ recipes:
# Ce sera aux Admins des serveurs de changer et d'ajouter les recettes, ainsi les joueurs ne pourront pas tricher avec les configuration de base.
# cooked: CHAQUE ingrédient possible avec le nom donné après la fermentation (la cuisson):
# [Exemple] MATERIEL: Nom après la cuisson
WHEAT: Blé fermenté
SUGAR_CANE: Sucre fermenté
APPLE: Cidre de pommes
POTATO_ITEM: Purée de Pommes de Terre
LONG_GRASS: Herbes bouillies
RED_MUSHROOM: Champignons fermentés
INK_SACK: Fermentation colorée
MILK_BUCKET: Eau laiteuse
# -- Compatibilité entre Plugins --
# Activer la vérification des autres plugins (si installés) pour les permissions des tonneaux. [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
useCitadel: true
# Activer l'historique du contenu des tonneaux avec LogBlock [true]
@ -283,10 +420,9 @@ useLogBlock: true
# -- Paramètres de la distorsion du Chat --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
# Si le Chat écrit est déformé quand le joueur est ivre, de sorte qu'il ressemble à un chat bourré en train d'écrire
# Le degré de distorsion du chat dépend de l'état d'ébriété du joueur
# Ci-dessous sont les paramètres pour ce qui et comment les changements dans le chat se produisent
enableChatDistortion: true
# Ecrire dans les "logs" du serveur ce que le joueur devrait dire, à la place de la distorsion. [false]
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Opzioni --
# I valori di default sono scritti fra []
# Cancellare una voce la disabilita
# Lingua da usare (fra quelle in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: it
@ -51,12 +50,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Abilita il controllo degli aggiornamenti, controlla l'API di CurseForge per eventuali aggiornamenti di Brewery [true]
# Se quando un aggiornamento viene trovato un messaggio è loggato e mostrato agli OPs quando entrano in gioco.
updateCheck: true
@ -64,11 +77,117 @@ updateCheck: true
# Intervallo di autosalvataggio in minuti [3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Versione del config
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
oldMat: true
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Bedrock item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
material: BEDROCK
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
name: Frumento fermentato
ingredients: WHEAT
name: Miscela zuccherata
ingredients: SUGAR_CANE
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Sidro di mele
ingredients: APPLE
name: Purè di patate
ingredients: POTATO_ITEM
name: Erbe bollite
ingredients: LONG_GRASS
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Miscela ai funghi
ingredients: RED_MUSHROOM
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Miscela colorata
ingredients: INK_SACK
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Acqua lattea
ingredients: MILK_BUCKET
# -- Multiple Ingredients: --
name: Apple-Sugar brew
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Ricette per pozioni --
# name: Tre nomi diversi per diverse qualità (cattivo/normale/buono). I codici come &6 possono essere usati.
@ -77,8 +196,8 @@ oldMat: true
# (Gli id invece dei materiali sono "disapprovati" da Bukkit e potrebbero non funzionare in futuro!)
# Una lista di materiali può essere trovata qui: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Puoi specificare dei dati dell'oggetto, ma se omesso sarà semplicemente ignorato.
# Se Vault è installato i nomi normali possono essere usati invece del materiale o dell'id quindi l'uso di Vault è fortemente consigliato.
# Vault riconoscerà cose come "Jungle Leaves" invece di "LEAVES,3".
# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: Tempo in minuti richiesto dagli ingredienti per bollire
# distillruns: Quanto spesso deve essere distillato per ottenere la versione perfetta con il volume alcolico impostato (0=non serve distillare).
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
@ -90,6 +209,12 @@ oldMat: true
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# difficoltà: Precisione richiesta per avere la migliore qualità da 1 a 10(1 = spreciso/più facile, 10 = molto preciso/più difficile)
# alcohol: Volume alcolico da 0 a 100 nella versione perfetta (sarà aggiunta direttamente al giocatore, dove 100 è la quantità massima di alcohol assorbibile.
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew
# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# effects: Eventuali effetti come quelli delle pozioni nel formato di effetto/livello/durata.
# Aggiungere il suffisso 'X' per nascondere l'effetto dalla descrizione. Esempio: 'POISONX/2/10' (gli effetti WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED sono sempre nascosti).
# Gli effetti sono sempre nascosti dalla 1.9 in poi, per via dei cambiamenti nelle meccaniche delle pozioni.
@ -103,13 +228,13 @@ recipes:
name: Cattivo esempio/Esempio/Buon esempio
- 264/1
- INK_SACK,3/20
- 5,1/8
- WOOD,1/8
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Solo con Vault
# - Green Dye/6 # Solo con Vault
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
@ -118,11 +243,25 @@ recipes:
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- This is an examble brew
- ++Just a normal Example
- This text would be on the brew
- + Smells disgusting
- ++ Smells alright
- +++ Smells really good
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Tastes good
drinktitle: Warms you from inside
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISONX/1-0/20-0
name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata
@ -134,6 +273,7 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Birra puzzolente/Birra/Birra pregiata
@ -145,6 +285,7 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Birra scura puzzolente/Birra scura/Birra scura pregiata
@ -156,6 +297,7 @@ recipes:
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Idromele scarso/Idromele/&6Idromele dorato
@ -167,6 +309,7 @@ recipes:
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Idromele di mele/Idromele di mele dolci/&6Idromele di mele dolci dorato
@ -181,6 +324,7 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 12
name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato
@ -196,6 +340,7 @@ recipes:
- POISONX/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa
@ -209,6 +354,7 @@ recipes:
name: Assenzio scarso/Assenzio/Assenzio forte
@ -221,6 +367,7 @@ recipes:
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Zuppa di patate
@ -231,6 +378,7 @@ recipes:
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Caffè stantio/Caffè/Caffè forte
@ -249,27 +397,13 @@ recipes:
# cooked: OGNI possibile ingrediente e i nomi per la pozione originatasi dopo la fermentazione.
# (Esempio) MATERIALE: Nome dopo la cottura
WHEAT: Frumento fermentato
SUGAR_CANE: Miscela zuccherata
APPLE: Sidro di mele
POTATO_ITEM: Purè di patate
LONG_GRASS: Erbe bollite
RED_MUSHROOM: Miscela ai funghi
INK_SACK: Miscela colorata
MILK_BUCKET: Acqua lattea
# -- Compatibilità con altri plugin --
# Abilita il controllo della presenza di altri plugin per i permessi relativi ai barili[true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
useCitadel: true
# Abilita il logging degli inventari dei barili [true]
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Verschiedene Einstellungen --
# Standardeinstellungen sind in [] angegeben
# Löschen einzelner Einstellungen deaktiviert sie
# Sprachedatei die genutzt werden sollte (befindet sich in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: de
@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ pukeDespawntime: 60
# Konsumierbares Item/Stärke. Senkt den Alkoholpegel um <Stärke> wenn konsumiert.
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
# Zeit (in Tagen) die Trunkenheitsdaten nach offlinegehen eines Spielers im Speicher verbleiben, um z.B. Kater-Effekte anzuwenden. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
@ -51,14 +50,24 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer 1-5 Sterne für die Qualität angezeigt werden sollen, oder nur beim brauen [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer der Alkoholgehalt angezeigt weden soll, oder nur im Braustand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Ob große Fässer an jedem Block geöffnet werden können, nicht nur an Zapfhahn und Schild. Bei kleinen Fässern geht dies immer. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# Wie viele Brewery Getränke in die Minecraft Fässer getan werden können [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false]
logRealChat: false
# Benutzte Zutaten und andere Brau-Daten werden in allen Brewery Tränken gespeichert. Um zu verhindern,
# dass gehackte clients diese Daten auslesen um Rezepte herauszufinden, können diese encodiert werden.
# Einziger Nachteil: Tränke können nur auf Servern mit dem gleichen encodeKey benutzt werden.
# Dies kann also aktiviert werden um Rezept-cheating schwerer zu machen, aber keine Tränke per World Download, Schematic, o.ä. geteilt werden. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Aktiviert das Suchen nach Updates für Brewery mit der curseforge api [true]
# Wenn ein Update gefunden wurde, wird dies bei Serverstart im log angezeigt, sowie OPs benachrichtigt
@ -67,8 +76,116 @@ updateCheck: true
# Autosave Intervall in Minuten [3]
autosave: 3
# Debug Nachrichten im Log anzeigen [false]
debug: false
# Config Version
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
# -- Eigene Items Definieren --
# Die festgelegte id kann dann in einem Rezept verwendet werden
# matchAny: true wenn es schon reicht wenn eine der Angaben zutrifft
# material: Welche Art das Item haben muss
# name: Welchen Namen das Item haben muss (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# lore: Was in der Lore des Items stehen muss
# Ein Barriere Item das Mauer heißt und in der Lore die angegebene Zeile hat
material: Barrier
name: 'Mauer'
- '&7Besonders gut geschützt'
# Mit matchAny muss nur eine der Angaben zutreffen.
# Hier also eine der Türarten, oder ein Item namens Buchenholztür, oder ein Item mit 'Eine Tür' in der Lore
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Buchenholztür'
- 'Eine Tür'
name: '&cHimbeere'
# -- Zutaten im Kessel --
# Hier kann angegeben werden welche Zutaten in den Kessel getan werden können und was mit ihnen geschieht.
# name: Name des Basistrankes der aus dem Kessel kommt (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# ingredients: Auflistung von 'Material/Anzahl'
# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew ItemName um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen
# (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Farbe des Trankes der aus dem Kessel kommt
# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen)
# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
name: Beispiel
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- Ein Beispiel für einen Basistrank
- So kommt er aus dem Kessel
# -- Eine Zutat: --
name: Getreideferment
ingredients: Wheat
name: Zuckersud
ingredients: Sugar_Cane
color: 'f1ffad' # gelbliches grün
name: Apfelmost
ingredients: Apple
name: Kartoffelmaische
ingredients: Potato
name: Kräuterbrühe
ingredients: Grass
color: '99ff66' # helles grün
name: Pilzsud
ingredients: Red_Mushroom
color: 'ff5c33' # bernsteinrot
name: Kakaobrühe
ingredients: Cocoa_Beans
color: '804600' # mokka
name: Milchiges Wasser
ingredients: Milk_Bucket
# -- Mehrere Zutaten: --
name: Apfel-Zuckersud
- Sugar_Cane/3
- Apple
color: 'e1ff4d' # grünliches gelb
# -- Rezepte für Getränke --
@ -78,6 +195,8 @@ version: '1.8'
# Halte ein Item in der Hand und benutze /brew ItemName um dessen Material herauszufinden und für ein Rezept zu benutzen
# (Item-ids anstatt Material können in Bukkit nicht mehr benutzt werden)
# Eine Liste von allen Materialien kann hier gefunden werden: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Plugin Items mit 'Plugin:Id' (Im Moment ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Oder ein oben definiertes Custom Item
# cookingtime: Zeit in Echtminuten die die Zutaten kochen müssen
# distillruns: Wie oft destilliert werden muss für vollen Alkoholgehalt (0=ohne Destillieren)
# distilltime: Wie lange (in sekunden) ein Destillations-Durchlauf braucht (0=Standard Zeit von 40 sek) MC Standard wäre 20 sek
@ -89,6 +208,12 @@ version: '1.8'
# Oder RGB Farben (Hex: also zB '99FF33') (Ohne #) (mit '') (Einfach nach "HTML color" im Internet suchen)
# difficulty: 1-10 Genauigkeit der Einhaltung der Vorgaben (1 = ungenau/einfach 10 = sehr genau/schwer)
# alcohol: Alkoholgehalt 0-100 in absoluter Menge bei perfektem Getränk (wird dem Spieler hinzugefügt, bei 100 = tot)
# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem fertigen Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)
# Lore nur für bestimmte Qualität möglich mit + Schlecht, ++ Mittel, +++ Gut, vorne anhängen.
# servercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Server wenn der Trank getrunken wird
# playercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Spieler wenn der Trank getrunken wird
# drinkmessage: Nachricht im Chat beim trinken des Trankes
# drinktitle: Nachricht als Titel auf dem Bildschirm an den Spieler beim trinken des Trankes
# effects: Auflistung Effekt/Level/Dauer Besonderere Trank-Effekte beim Trinken, Dauer in sek.
# Mögliche Effekte: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# Minimale und Maximale Level/Dauer können durch "-" festgelegt werden, Bsp: 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = Level 1 und 30 sek minimal, Level 2 und 40 sek maximal
@ -97,144 +222,179 @@ version: '1.8'
# Ein vollständiges Beispiel zuerst:
name: Schlechtes Beispiel/Beispiel/Gutes Beispiel
- Sugar_Cane/5
name: Schlechtes Beispiel/Beispiel/Gutes Beispiel
- Diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- Spruce_Planks/8
- Bedrock/1
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Brewery:Weißbier/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- bsp-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Dies ist ein Beispiel Trank
- ++Ganz normales Beispiel
- Dies würde auf dem Trank stehen
- + Riecht eklig
- ++ Riecht ganz ok
- +++ Riecht richtig gut
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Schmeckt toll
drinktitle: Wärmt dich von innen
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISON/1-0/20-0
name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier
name: Ranziges Weißbier/Weißbier/Feines Weißbier
- Wheat/3
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Ranziges Bier/Bier/Feines Bier
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Ranziges Bier/Bier/Feines Bier
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Ranziges Dunkelbier/Dunkelbier/Feines Dunkelbier
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
- +++ &8Das perlt
alcohol: 6
name: Ranziges Dunkelbier/Dunkelbier/Feines Dunkelbier
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Scheußlicher Met/Met/&6Goldener Met
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Scheußlicher Met/Met/&6Goldener Met
- Sugar_Cane/6
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Apfelmet/Süßer Apfelmet/&6Goldensüßer Apfelmet
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
- +++ Hat einen goldenen Schein
name: Apfelmet/Süßer Apfelmet/&6Goldensüßer Apfelmet
- Sugar_Cane/6
- Apple/2
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
- + Ist da wirklich Apfel drin?
- ++ Schmeckt nach süßem Apfel
- +++ Hat eine wunderbare Apfelnote
name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum
name: Bitterer Rum/Würziger Rum/&6Goldener Rum
- Sugar_Cane/14
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISON/1-0/30-0
name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka
name: Abgeranzter Vodka/Vodka/Russischer Vodka
- Potato/10
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
- + &8Fast nicht trinkbar
name: minderwertiger Absinth/Absinth/Starker Absinth
name: minderwertiger Absinth/Absinth/Starker Absinth
- Grass/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Kartoffelsuppe
name: Kartoffelsuppe
- Potato/5
- Grass/3
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Fader Kaffee/Kaffee/Starker Kaffee
name: Fader Kaffee/Kaffee/Starker Kaffee
- Cocoa_Beans/12
- Milk_Bucket/2
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
lore: + &8Bestimmt schon eine Woche alt
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -243,27 +403,13 @@ recipes:
# Der Serveradmin kann neue Rezepte hinzufügen und bestehende ändern, um das Abschauen aus der Standardconfig zu verhindern.
# cooked: ALLE möglichen Zutaten und die nach dem Gähren daraus entstehenden Tranknamen:
# [Beispiel] MATERIAL: Name nach Gähren
Wheat: Getreideferment
Sugar_Cane: Zuckersud
Apple: Apfelmost
Potato: Kartoffelmaische
Grass: Kräuterbrühe
Red_Mushroom: Pilzsud
Cocoa_Beans: Farbige Brühe
Milk_Bucket: Milchiges Wasser
# -- Plugin Kompatiblität --
# Andere Plugins (wenn installiert) nach Rechten zum öffnen von Fässern checken [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
# Änderungen an Fassinventaren mit LogBlock aufzeichen [true]
useLogBlock: true
@ -277,6 +423,9 @@ useLogBlock: true
# Unten kann noch eingestellt werden wie und was verändert wird
enableChatDistortion: true
# In den Serverlog loggen was der Spieler tatsächlich geschrieben hat, bevor seine Worte verändert wurden [false]
logRealChat: false
# Text nach den angegebenen Kommandos wird bei Trunkenheit ebenfalls Verändert (Liste) [- /gl]
- /gl
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Settings --
# Defaults are written in []
# Deleting of single settings disables them
# Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: en
@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ pukeDespawntime: 60
# Consumable Item/strength. Decreases the alcohol level by <strength> when consumed. (list)
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
# Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
@ -51,12 +50,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# If a Large Barrel can be opened by clicking on any of its blocks, not just Spigot or Sign. This is always true for Small Barrels. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
@ -64,8 +77,117 @@ updateCheck: true
# Autosave interval in minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Config Version
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
material: Barrier
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
name: Fermented wheat
ingredients: Wheat
name: Sugar brew
ingredients: Sugar_Cane
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Apple cider
ingredients: Apple
name: Potatomash
ingredients: Potato
name: Boiled herbs
ingredients: Grass
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Mushroom brew
ingredients: Red_Mushroom
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Chocolately brew
ingredients: Cocoa_Beans
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Milky water
ingredients: Milk_Bucket
# -- Multiple Ingredients: --
name: Apple-Sugar brew
- Sugar_Cane/3
- Apple
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Recipes for Potions --
@ -75,6 +197,8 @@ version: '1.8'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil
# distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
@ -86,6 +210,12 @@ version: '1.8'
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard)
# alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting)
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew
# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# effects: List of effect/level/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek.
# Possible Effects: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# Level or Duration ranges may be specified with a "-", ex. 'SPEED/1-2/30-40' = lvl 1 and 30 sec at worst and lvl 2 and 40 sec at best
@ -93,145 +223,181 @@ version: '1.8'
# Highest possible Duration: 1638 sec. Instant Effects dont need any duration specified.
# Example Recipe with every possible entry first:
name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example
- Sugar_Cane/5
# Example Recipe with every possible entry first:
name: Bad Example/Example/Good Example
- Diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- Spruce_Planks/8
- Bedrock/1
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- This is an examble brew
- ++Just a normal Example
- This text would be on the brew
- + Smells disgusting
- ++ Smells alright
- +++ Smells really good
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Tastes good
drinktitle: Warms you from inside
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISON/1-0/20-0
name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer
name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer
- Wheat/3
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
- +++ &8Crisp taste
alcohol: 6
name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
- +++ &8Roasted taste
alcohol: 7
name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead
- Sugar_Cane/6
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
- +++ Has a golden shine
alcohol: 9
name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead
- Sugar_Cane/6
- Apple/2
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
- +Is there any Apple in this?
- ++Refreshing taste of Apple
- +++Sweetest hint of Apple
name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum
name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum
- Sugar_Cane/14
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISON/1-0/30-0
name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka
name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka
- Potato/10
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
lore: +&8Almost undrinkable
name: Poor Absinthe/Absinthe/Strong Absinthe
name: Poor Absinthe/Absinthe/Strong Absinthe
- Grass/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
name: Potato soup
- Potato/5
- Grass/3
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Stale Coffee/Coffee/Strong Coffee
name: Stale Coffee/Coffee/Strong Coffee
- Cocoa_Beans/12
- Milk_Bucket/2
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
lore: + &8Probably a week old
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -240,28 +406,13 @@ recipes:
# It is up to the Serveradmin to change and add Recipes, so players cannot cheat from the default config.
# cooked: EVERY possible ingredient and the names for the originating potions after fermenting:
# [Example] MATERIAL: Name after cooking
Wheat: Fermented wheat
Sugar_Cane: Sugar brew
Apple: Apple cider
Potato: Potatomash
Grass: Boiled herbs
Red_Mushroom: Mushroom brew
Cocoa_Beans: Colored brew
Milk_Bucket: Milky water
# -- Plugin Compatibility --
# Enable checking of other Plugins (if installed) for Barrel Permissions [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
# Enable the Logging of Barrel Inventories to LogBlock [true]
useLogBlock: true
@ -269,8 +420,7 @@ useLogBlock: true
# -- Chat Distortion Settings --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk, so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
enableChatDistortion: true
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# config for Brewery.jar
# Quelques traductions en français ont été faites avec DeepL
# -- Paramètres --
# Les paramètres par défaut sont entre []
# Supprimer un paramètre le désactive
# Fichier de langage utilisé (trouvable dans plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: fr
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ pukeDespawntime: 60
# Consommables Objet/Force. Réduit le montant d'alcool par <Force> lors de la consommation. (list)
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
# Temps (en jours) pour que les données d'ivresse restent sauvergardées lorsque le joueur est déconnecté, pour appliquer les effets. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
@ -51,12 +51,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Toujours montrer les 1-5 étoiles sur les objets en fonction de leur qualité. S'ils sont faux, ils n'apparaîtront que lors de l'infusion. [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Toujours indiquer la teneur en alcool sur les objets. S'il est false, il n'apparaîtra que dans le stand de brassage. [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Si le grand tonneau peut être ouvert en cliquant sur n'importe quel bloc, non seulement le robinet ou le panneau. Toujours "true" pour les petits tonneaux. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
# Combien de boissons de brasserie peuvent être mises dans les barils Minecraft [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# Les ingrédients et autres données de brassage utilisés sont sauvegardés dans tous les articles de brasserie. [false]
# Pour empêcher les clients piratés de lire exactement ce qui a été utilisé pour infuser un élément, les données peuvent être encodées/brouillées.
# Il s'agit d'un processus rapide pour empêcher les joueurs de pirater des recettes, une fois qu'ils mettent la main sur une bière.
# Seul inconvénient: Les boissons brassicoles ne peuvent être utilisés que sur un autre serveur avec la même clé de chiffrement.
# Activez cette option si vous voulez rendre la tricherie des recettes plus difficile, mais ne partagez pas les infusions par téléchargement mondial, schémas ou autres moyens.
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Enable checking for Updates, Checks the curseforge api for updates to Brewery [true]
# If an Update is found a Message is logged on Server-start and displayed to OPs joining the game
updateCheck: true
@ -64,29 +78,147 @@ updateCheck: true
# Intervale de la sauvegarde automatique en minutes [3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Version de configuration
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
# -- Définir des objets personnalisés --
# L'id défini peut ensuite être utilisé dans les recettes
# matchAny: si c'est déjà assez si l'une des infos correspond
# material: le type d'article à utiliser
# name: Quel nom l'article doit porter (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# lore: Ce qui doit être dans la lore de l'objet
# Un objet Barrière appelé "Wall" et qui a la ligne donnée dans sa lore
material: Barrier
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# En utilisant matchAny, un seul des éléments suivants doit correspondre.
# Dans ce cas, l'un des types de porte, ou un article appelé "Beechwood Door", ou un objet avec "A door" dans sa lore.
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingrédients dans le chaudron --
# Quels sont les ingrédients acceptés par le chaudron et la potion de base qui en résulte
# name: Nom de la potion de base qui sort du chaudron (codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant'
# Avec un objet en main, utilisez /brew ItemName pour obtenir son matériau pour une recette de cuisine
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit)
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color : Couleur de la potion provenant d'un chaudron.
# (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Ou couleurs RGB (hex: par exemple '99FF33') (avec '') (recherche de "HTML color" sur internet)
# lore: Liste de texte supplémentaire sur la potion de base. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Exemple
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- Un exemple pour une potion de base
- Voici comment il sort d'un chaudron
# -- Un ingrédient: --
name: Blé fermenté
ingredients: Wheat
name: Sucre fermenté
ingredients: Sugar_Cane
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Cidre de pommes
ingredients: Apple
name: Purée de Pommes de Terre
ingredients: Potato
name: Herbes bouillies
ingredients: Grass
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Champignons fermentés
ingredients: Red_Mushroom
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Infusion au chocolat
ingredients: Cocoa_Beans
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Eau laiteuse
ingredients: Milk_Bucket
# -- Ingrédients multiples: --
name: Brassée pomme-sucre
- Sugar_Cane/3
- Apple
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Recette pour les boissons --
# name: Différents noms pour la mauvaise/moyen/bonne qualité (Les codes de mise en forme sont pris en charge: comme par exemple &6 pour la couleur Or.)
# ingredients: Liste des 'matériaux/montant'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# Avec un objet en main, utilisez /brew ItemName pour obtenir son matériau pour une recette de cuisine
# (Les id d'objets à la place des matériaux sont obsolètes pour bukkit)
# Ex: 'Sugar_Cane'
# Une liste des matériaux peuvent-être trouvés ici: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Plugin items avec 'plugin:id' (Actuellement supporté ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Ou un élément personnalisé défini ci-dessus
# cookingtime: Temps en minutes réelles durant lesquelles les ingrédients devront bouillir
# distillruns: Combien de fois le breuvage devra être distillé pour un alcool de qualité (0=Ne pas distiller)
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
# distilltime: Combien de temps (en secondes) dure une distillation (0=Temps par défaut de 40 secondes) MC Par défaut serait de 20 secondes
# wood: Type de bois du baril 0=aucun 1=Bouleau 2=Chêne 3=Jungle 4=Pin 5=Acacia 6=Chêne Noir
# The Minecraft barrel is made of oak
# Le tonneau Minecraft est en chêne.
# age: Temps en jours de Minecraft, la potion devra être âgée dans un baril. 0=Pas besoin d'âge
# color: Couleur de la potion après distillation/avoir laissé vieillir.
# Couleurs disponibles: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# (Dans l'ordre : Rouge foncé, Rouge, Rouge clair, Orange, Rose, Bleu, Cyan, Eau, Vert, Noir, Gris, Gris clair)
# Ou couleurs RGB (hex: par exemple '99FF33') (avec '') (recherche de "HTML color" sur internet)
# difficulty: 1-10 précision nécessaire pour obtenir une bonne qualité (1 = imprécis/facile, 10 = très précis/difficile)
# alcohol: Le montant d'alcool absolu dans une boisson parfaite (cela sera ajouté directement au joueur, où 100% entraînera l'évanouissement), un degré d'alcooléisme en fait
# lore: Liste des textes supplémentaires sur le breuvage fini. (Codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)
# Texte spécifique de qualité possible, en utilisant + mauvais, ++ normal, +++ bon, ajouté à l'avant de la ligne.
# servercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le serveur lors de la consommation de la potion
# playercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le joueur lors de la consommation de la potion
# drinkmessage: Chat-message au joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion
# drinktitle: Titre à l'écran du joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion
# effects: Liste des effets/durée en secondes lors de la consommation.
# Effets posssible: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# POUR LES EFFETS EN FONCTIONS DE LA QUALITE : Les Niveaux (I ou II) ou les Intervalles de durées d'effets doivent être spécifiés avec un "-".
@ -98,144 +230,168 @@ version: '1.8'
# Exemple de recette avec tous les paramètres possibles :
name: Mauvais Exemple/Exemple/Bonne Exemple
- Sugar_Cane/5
name: Mauvais Exemple/Exemple/Bonne Exemple
- Diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- Spruce_Planks/8
- Bedrock/1
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Brewery:Bière Blanche/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- C'est un breuvage d'exemple
- ++Juste un exemple normal
- Ce texte serait sur le breuvage
- + Ça sent dégueulasse.
- ++ Ça sent bon
- +++ Ça sent vraiment bon
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: C'est bon au goût
drinktitle: vous réchauffe à l'intérieur
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISON/1-0/20-0
name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche
name: Bière Blanche Fade/Bière Blanche/Bonne Bière Blanche
- Wheat/3
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Bière Fade/Bière/Bonne Bière
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Bière Fade/Bière/Bonne Bière
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Bière Brune Fade/Bière Brune/Bonne Bière Brune
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Bière Brune Fade/Bière Brune/Bonne Bière Brune
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Hydromel Bizarre/Hydromel/&6Hydromel Doré
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Hydromel Bizarre/Hydromel/&6Hydromel Doré
- Sugar_Cane/6
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Hydromel de Pommes/Doux Hydromel de Pommes/&6Doux Hydromel de Pommes Dorées
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Hydromel de Pommes/Doux Hydromel de Pommes/&6Doux Hydromel de Pommes Dorées
- Sugar_Cane/6
- Apple/2
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré
name: Rhum Amer/Rhum Epicé/&6Rhum Doré
- Sugar_Cane/14
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISON/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe
name: Vodka Sale/Vodka/Vodka Russe
- Potato/10
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: Absinthe pauvre/Absinthe/Absinthe forte
name: Absinthe pauvre/Absinthe/Absinthe forte
- Grass/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Potato soup
name: Potato soup
- Potato/5
- Grass/3
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Café fétide/Café/Café fort
name: Café fétide/Café/Café fort
- Cocoa_Beans/12
- Milk_Bucket/2
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -244,28 +400,13 @@ recipes:
# Ce sera aux Admins des serveurs de changer et d'ajouter les recettes, ainsi les joueurs ne pourront pas tricher avec les configuration de base.
# cooked: CHAQUE ingrédient possible avec le nom donné après la fermentation (la cuisson):
# [Exemple] MATERIEL: Nom après la cuisson
Wheat: Blé fermenté
Sugar_Cane: Sucre fermenté
Apple: Cidre de pommes
Potato: Purée de Pommes de Terre
Grass: Herbes bouillies
Red_Mushroom: Champignons fermentés
Cocoa_Beans: Fermentation colorée
Milk_Bucket: Eau laiteuse
# -- Compatibilité entre Plugins --
# Activer la vérification des autres plugins (si installés) pour les permissions des tonneaux. [true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
# Activer l'historique du contenu des tonneaux avec LogBlock [true]
useLogBlock: true
@ -273,10 +414,9 @@ useLogBlock: true
# -- Paramètres de la distorsion du Chat --
# If written Chat is distorted when the Player is Drunk,
# so that it looks like drunk writing
# How much the chat is distorted depends on how drunk the Player is
# Below are settings for what and how changes in chat occur
# Si le Chat écrit est déformé quand le joueur est ivre, de sorte qu'il ressemble à un chat bourré en train d'écrire
# Le degré de distorsion du chat dépend de l'état d'ébriété du joueur
# Ci-dessous sont les paramètres pour ce qui et comment les changements dans le chat se produisent
enableChatDistortion: true
# Ecrire dans les "logs" du serveur ce que le joueur devrait dire, à la place de la distorsion. [false]
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
# -- Opzioni --
# I valori di default sono scritti fra []
# Cancellare una voce la disabilita
# Lingua da usare (fra quelle in plugins/Brewery/languages)
language: it
@ -41,8 +40,8 @@ pukeDespawntime: 60
# Oggetto consumabile/forza. Questi oggetti se consumati calano il livello di alcool (della "forza" che avevi impsotato) (list)
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
- Bread/4
- Milk_Bucket/2
# Tempo in giorni che la sbronza resta in memoria dopo che il giocatore va offline, cioè il tempo per cui i postumi della sbornia durano. [7]
hangoverDays: 7
@ -51,12 +50,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# Se un barile grande può essere aperto cliccandoci sopra, non solo sul cartello e sulla staccionata. Questo è sempre true per i barili piccoli. [true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: true
# How many Brewery drinks can be put into the Minecraft barrels [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# Abilita il controllo degli aggiornamenti, controlla l'API di CurseForge per eventuali aggiornamenti di Brewery [true]
# Se quando un aggiornamento viene trovato un messaggio è loggato e mostrato agli OPs quando entrano in gioco.
updateCheck: true
@ -64,9 +77,116 @@ updateCheck: true
# Intervallo di autosalvataggio in minuti [3]
autosave: 3
# Versione del config
version: '1.8'
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# Versione del config
version: '2.0'
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
material: Barrier
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
name: Frumento fermentato
ingredients: Wheat
name: Miscela zuccherata
ingredients: Sugar_Cane
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: Sidro di mele
ingredients: Apple
name: Purè di patate
ingredients: Potato
name: Erbe bollite
ingredients: Grass
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: Miscela ai funghi
ingredients: Red_Mushroom
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: Miscela colorata
ingredients: Cocoa_Beans
color: '804600' # mocca
name: Acqua lattea
ingredients: Milk_Bucket
# -- Multiple Ingredients: --
name: Apple-Sugar brew
- Sugar_Cane/3
- Apple
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- Ricette per pozioni --
@ -75,6 +195,8 @@ version: '1.8'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Gli id invece dei materiali sono "disapprovati" da Bukkit)
# Una lista di materiali può essere trovata qui: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: Tempo in minuti richiesto dagli ingredienti per bollire
# distillruns: Quanto spesso deve essere distillato per ottenere la versione perfetta con il volume alcolico impostato (0=non serve distillare).
# distilltime: How long (in seconds) one distill-run takes (0=Default time of 40 sec) MC Default would be 20 sec
@ -86,6 +208,12 @@ version: '1.8'
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# difficoltà: Precisione richiesta per avere la migliore qualità da 1 a 10(1 = spreciso/più facile, 10 = molto preciso/più difficile)
# alcohol: Volume alcolico da 0 a 100 nella versione perfetta (sarà aggiunta direttamente al giocatore, dove 100 è la quantità massima di alcohol assorbibile.
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew
# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# effects: Eventuali effetti come quelli delle pozioni nel formato di effetto/livello/durata.
# Lista di effetti possibili: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# Intervalli di livelli o durate possono essere specificati con un "-", per esempio 'SPEED/1-2/30-40'. Ciò significa nel peggior caso livello 1 e 30 secondi di durata e livello 2 e 40 secondi nel migliore.
@ -93,145 +221,169 @@ version: '1.8'
# La durata massima possibile è 1638 secondi. Gli effetti instantaner non hanno bisogno che la durata sia specificata.
# Ricetta di esempio con ogni opzione possibile:
name: Cattivo esempio/Esempio/Buon esempio
- Sugar_Cane/5
# Ricetta di esempio con ogni opzione possibile:
name: Cattivo esempio/Esempio/Buon esempio
- Diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- Spruce_Planks/8
- Bedrock/1
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- This is an examble brew
- ++Just a normal Example
- This text would be on the brew
- + Smells disgusting
- ++ Smells alright
- +++ Smells really good
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Tastes good
drinktitle: Warms you from inside
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISON/1-0/20-0
name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata
name: Birra di frumento puzzolente/Birra di frumento/Birra di frumento pregiata
- Wheat/3
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Birra puzzolente/Birra/Birra pregiata
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: Birra puzzolente/Birra/Birra pregiata
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Birra scura puzzolente/Birra scura/Birra scura pregiata
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: Birra scura puzzolente/Birra scura/Birra scura pregiata
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Idromele scarso/Idromele/&6Idromele dorato
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: Idromele scarso/Idromele/&6Idromele dorato
- Sugar_Cane/6
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Idromele di mele/Idromele di mele dolci/&6Idromele di mele dolci dorato
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: Idromele di mele/Idromele di mele dolci/&6Idromele di mele dolci dorato
- Sugar_Cane/6
- Apple/2
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato
name: Rum amaro/Rum speziato/&6Rum dorato
- Sugar_Cane/14
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISON/1-0/30-0
name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa
name: Vodka schifosa/Vodka/Vodka russa
- Potato/10
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: Assenzio scarso/Assenzio/Assenzio forte
name: Assenzio scarso/Assenzio/Assenzio forte
- Grass/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: Zuppa di patate
name: Zuppa di patate
- Potato/5
- Grass/3
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: Caffè stantio/Caffè/Caffè forte
name: Caffè stantio/Caffè/Caffè forte
- Cocoa_Beans,3/12
- Milk_Bucket/2
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -241,27 +393,13 @@ recipes:
# cooked: OGNI possibile ingrediente e i nomi per la pozione originatasi dopo la fermentazione.
# (Esempio) MATERIALE: Nome dopo la cottura
Wheat: Frumento fermentato
Sugar_Cane: Miscela zuccherata
Apple: Sidro di mele
Potato: Purè di patate
Grass: Erbe bollite
Red_Mushroom: Miscela ai funghi
Cocoa_Beans: Miscela colorata
Milk_Bucket: Acqua lattea
# -- Compatibilità con altri plugin --
# Abilita il controllo della presenza di altri plugin per i permessi relativi ai barili[true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
# Abilita il logging degli inventari dei barili [true]
useLogBlock: true
@ -52,12 +52,26 @@ hangoverDays: 7
colorInBarrels: true
colorInBrewer: true
# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]
alwaysShowQuality: true
# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]
alwaysShowAlc: false
# 大型熟成木桶可以通过右击桶身任意一个位置来打开, 而不需要专门右击其龙头. 这一操作对小型酒桶总为真.[true]
openLargeBarrelEverywhere: false
# MC自带的桶内可以存放多少饮品 [6]
maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6
# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent
# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.
# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.
# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.
# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]
enableEncode: false
encodeKey: 0
# 是否检查更新.[true]
# 若有更新, 服务端后台与上线时的管理员会收到通知.
updateCheck: true
@ -65,8 +79,117 @@ updateCheck: true
# 自动保存时间间隔, 单位:分钟.[3]
autosave: 3
# Show debug messages in log [false]
debug: false
# 配置文件版本
version: '1.8'
version: '2.0'
# -- Define custom items --
# The defined id can then be used in recipes
# matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches
# material: Which type the item has to be
# name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# lore: What has to be in the lore of the item
# A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore
material: Barrier
name: 'Wall'
- '&7Very well protected'
# Using matchAny only one of the following has to match.
# In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore
matchAny: true
- Acacia_Door
- Oak_Door
- Spruce_Door
- 'Beechwood Door'
- 'A door'
name: '&cRaspberry'
# -- Ingredients in the Cauldron --
# Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them
# name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# ingredients: List of 'material/amount'
# With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe
# (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work)
# A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
# color: Color of the potion from a cauldron.
# Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet)
# lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
name: Example
- Bedrock/2
- Diamond
color: BLACK
- An example for a Base Potion
- This is how it comes out of a Cauldron
# -- One Ingredient: --
name: 发酵麦汁
ingredients: Wheat
name: 糖浆
ingredients: Sugar_Cane
color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green
name: 苹果汁
ingredients: Apple
name: 土豆泥
ingredients: Potato
name: 蒸煮过的药草
ingredients: Grass
color: '99ff66' # bright green
name: 蘑菇酿
ingredients: Red_Mushroom
color: 'ff5c33' # amber red
name: 上了色的水
ingredients: Cocoa_Beans
color: '804600' # mocca
name: 乳浊液体
ingredients: Milk_Bucket
# -- Multiple Ingredients: --
name: Apple-Sugar brew
- Sugar_Cane/3
- Apple
color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow
# -- 饮品配方列表 --
@ -76,6 +199,8 @@ version: '1.8'
# 手中持有物品的时候, 可以使用/brew ItemName来获取其物品id, 便于增改配方
# (请勿使用物品ID, 物品ID已被弃用, 使用材料名称是唯一支持的做法.)
# 材料名称列表详见此处: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html (可能需要挂梯子进行浏览)
# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)
# Or a custom item defined above
# cookingtime: 原料需要在炼药锅内烹制发酵的时间, 单位为现实分钟.
# distillruns: 饮品需要在酿造台上蒸馏的次数(0=无需蒸馏).
# distilltime: 每次蒸馏所需要耗费的时间(0=默认值, 即40秒), MC默认则为20秒/
@ -88,6 +213,12 @@ version: '1.8'
# 也可以使用RGB颜色(十六进制, 如'99FF33', 必须包含两个单引号)(在线搜索"HTML 颜色"或者其他颜色库即刻获得你需要的颜色的十六进制表示)
# difficulty: 酿制难度, 1 = 不需要非常精确的操作就可以制出优质饮品, 10 = 需要非常精确的操作才可以制出优质饮品.
# alcohol: 完美质量的饮品所含有的酒精度(百分数, 会被直接添加到玩家身上, 100意为直接昏迷)
# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)
# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.
# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew
# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew
# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew
# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew
# effects: 饮用后能够获得的药效的列表. 格式为"药效/强度/时长(秒)".
# 药效列表: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
# 药效强度与时长可以用"-"划分区间, 如: "SPEED/1-2/30-40" = 最劣质情况下的饮品会给予速度1三十秒, 最优质则会给予速度2四十秒.
@ -95,145 +226,170 @@ version: '1.8'
# 时长极限为1638秒. 药效强度极限为255级. 瞬间型药效无需附加时长.
# 例:
name: 劣质的 范例饮品/范例饮品/优质的 范例饮品
- Sugar_Cane/5
# 例:
name: 劣质的 范例饮品/范例饮品/优质的 范例饮品
- Diamond/1
- Cocoa_Beans/20
- Spruce_Planks/8
- Bedrock/1
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- Brewery:Wheatbeer/2
# - ExoticGarden:Grape/3
- ex-item/4
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 60
wood: 4
age: 11
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 3
alcohol: 23
- This is an examble brew
- ++Just a normal Example
- This text would be on the brew
- + Smells disgusting
- ++ Smells alright
- +++ Smells really good
- weather clear
- homes
drinkmessage: Tastes good
drinktitle: Warms you from inside
- HEAL/1
- WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60
- POISON/1-0/20-0
name: 劣质麦啤/麦啤/优质麦啤
name: 劣质麦啤/麦啤/优质麦啤
- Wheat/3
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: 劣质啤酒/啤酒/鲜啤
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 1
age: 2
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 5
name: 劣质啤酒/啤酒/鲜啤
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: 劣质黑啤/黑啤/精制黑啤
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 0
age: 3
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 1
alcohol: 6
name: 劣质黑啤/黑啤/精制黑啤
- Wheat/6
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: 粗制蜜酒/蜜酒/黄金蜜酒
cookingtime: 8
distillruns: 0
wood: 4
age: 8
color: BLACK
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 7
name: 粗制蜜酒/蜜酒/黄金蜜酒
- Sugar_Cane/6
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: 苹果蜜酒/甜苹果蜜酒/甘醇黄金苹果蜜酒
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 2
alcohol: 9
name: 苹果蜜酒/甜苹果蜜酒/甘醇黄金苹果蜜酒
- Sugar_Cane/6
- Apple/2
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
cookingtime: 4
distillruns: 0
wood: 2
age: 4
color: ORANGE
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 12
name: 苦涩的朗姆/辛辣的朗姆/金品朗姆
name: 苦涩的朗姆/辛辣的朗姆/金品朗姆
- Sugar_Cane/14
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
cookingtime: 5
distillruns: 2
distilltime: 30
wood: 2
age: 14
color: DARK_RED
difficulty: 6
alcohol: 30
- POISON/1-0/30-0
name: 劣质伏特加/伏特加/纯正俄式风味伏特加
name: 劣质伏特加/伏特加/纯正俄式风味伏特加
- Potato/10
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
cookingtime: 15
distillruns: 3
age: 0
difficulty: 4
alcohol: 20
name: 劣质苦艾酒/苦艾酒/劲猛苦艾酒
name: 劣质苦艾酒/苦艾酒/劲猛苦艾酒
- Grass/15
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
cookingtime: 3
distillruns: 6
distilltime: 80
color: GREEN
difficulty: 8
alcohol: 45
- POISON/20-30
name: 土豆汤
name: 土豆汤
- Potato/5
- Grass/3
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
cookingtime: 3
color: PINK
difficulty: 1
- HEAL/0-1
name: 平淡的咖啡/咖啡/浓苦黑咖
name: 平淡的咖啡/咖啡/浓苦黑咖
- Cocoa_Beans/12
- Milk_Bucket/2
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
cookingtime: 2
color: BLACK
difficulty: 3
- SPEED/1/30-140
@ -242,30 +398,13 @@ recipes:
# 插件的本意是让玩家自行实验饮品制造配方, 所以未来的新配方由服管决定是否加入.
# cooked: 炼药锅中烹制发酵过后的液体名称, 由一个饮品中的第一个原料决定.
# [例] 原料名称: 烹制后的名称
Wheat: 发酵麦汁
Sugar_Cane: 糖浆
Apple: 苹果汁
Potato: 土豆泥
Grass: 蒸煮过的药草
Red_Mushroom: 蘑菇酿
Cocoa_Beans: 上了色的水
Milk_Bucket: 乳浊液体
# -- 插件兼容性 --
# 检查插件以进行权限配置[true]
useWorldGuard: true
useLWC: true
useGriefPrevention: true
useGMInventories: true
# 对LogBlock启用方块数据录入[true]
useLogBlock: true
@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
# Brew
Brew_-times: -fach
Brew_BadPotion: Verdorbenes Getränk
Brew_BadPotion: Verdorbenes Gebräu
Brew_BarrelRiped: Fassgereift
Brew_DistillUndefined: Undefinierbares Destillat
Brew_DistillUndefined: Graues Destillat
Brew_Distilled: Destilliert
Brew_HundredsOfYears: Hunderte Jahre
Brew_Ingredients: Zutaten
Brew_MinutePluralPostfix: n
Brew_OneYear: Ein Jahr
Brew_ThickBrew: Schlammiger Sud
Brew_Undefined: Undefinierbarer Sud
Brew_Undefined: Kesselsud
Brew_Woodtype: Holzart
Brew_Years: Jahre
Brew_fermented: gegärt
Brew_minute: minute
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &cTränke haben nicht mehr in das Inventar gepasst'
@ -22,34 +23,24 @@ CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 ist nicht betrunken'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1 ist nun &6&v2% &abetrunken, mit einer Qualität von &6&v3'
CMD_Player_Error: '&cDie Qualität muss zwischen 1 und 10 liegen!'
CMD_Reload: '&aConfig wurde neu eingelesen'
CMD_Created: '&aTrank erstellt'
CMD_Configname: '&aName für Config ist: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cDu hast kein Item in der Hand'
CMD_UnLabel: '&aDas Label wurde entfernt'
CMD_Persistent: '&aTrankdaten sind nun permanent und unveränderlich und so kann der Trank nun wie jedes andere Item kopiert werden'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&cPermanente Tränke können nicht aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden, evtl. Kopien würden sonst unbrauchbar werden!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&aTrankdaten nicht mehr permanent und unveränderlich. &ePotentielle Kopien dieses Trankes, die nicht mit "/brew copy" gemacht wurden, könnten nun unbrauchbar werden!'
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&eDiese Kopien dieses Trankes werden nicht die permanenten und unveränderlichen Trankdaten haben!'
CMD_Static: '&aTrank ist nun unveränderlich und kann nicht weiter gereift oder destilliert werden.'
CMD_NonStatic: '&eTrank ist wieder veränderlich und kann normal gereift oder destilliert werden'
# Error
Error_ConfigUpdate: 'Unbekannte Brewery Config Version: v&v1, Config wurde nicht geupdated!'
Error_ItemNotPotion: '&cDas Item in deiner Hand konnte nicht als Trank identifiziert werden'
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&cDu hast keine Rechte dieses Fass zu öffnen!'
Error_NoBrewName: '&cKein Rezept mit Namen: "&v1&c" gefunden!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&cDu hast keine Rechte dies zu tun!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&cDieser Befehl kann nur als Spieler ausgeführt werden'
Error_Recipeload: '&cEs konnten nicht alle Rezepte wiederhergesellt werden: Siehe Serverlog!'
Error_ShowHelp: 'Benutze &6/brew help &fum die Hilfe anzuzeigen'
Error_UnknownCommand: Unbekannter Befehl
Error_ConfigUpdate: 'Unbekannte Brewery Config Version: v&v1, Config wurde nicht geupdated!'
Error_PersistStatic: '&cTränke mit permanenten Trankdaten sind immer unveränderlich!'
# Permission
Error_NoPermissions: '&cDu hast keine Rechte dies zu tun!'
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&cDu hast keine Rechte dieses Fass zu öffnen!'
Perms_NoBarrelCreate: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoSmallBarrelCreate: '&cDu kast keine Rechte kleine Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoBigBarrelCreate: '&cDu kast keine Rechte große Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoCauldronInsert: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Zutaten in Bottiche zu tun!'
Perms_NoCauldronFill: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Flaschen von diesem Bottich abzufüllen!'
Error_YmlRead: 'config.yml konnte nicht gelesen werden, ist die Datei im korrekten yml-Format (korrekte Leerzeichen usw.)?'
# Etc
Etc_Page: Seite
@ -72,10 +63,16 @@ Help_WakeupCheck: '&6/brew Wakeup Check &9Teleportiert zu allen Aufwachpunkten'
Help_WakeupCheckSpecific: '&6/brew Wakeup Check <id> &9Teleportiert zu einem Aufwachpunkt'
Help_WakeupList: '&6/brew Wakeup List <Seite> [Welt]&9 Listet die Aufwachpunkte einer Welt auf'
Help_WakeupRemove: '&6/brew Wakeup Remove <id> &9Entfernt einen Aufwachpunkt'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew Persist &9Trankdaten permanent machen -> Kopierbar durch andere Plugins'
Help_Static: '&6/brew Static &9Trank unveränderlich machen -> Kein weiteres reifen oder destillieren möglich'
Help_Create: '&6/brew Create <Rezept> [Qualität] [Spieler] &9Erstellt einen Trank mit optionaler Qualität (1-10)'
# Permission
Perms_NoBarrelCreate: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoSmallBarrelCreate: '&cDu kast keine Rechte kleine Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoBigBarrelCreate: '&cDu kast keine Rechte große Fässer zu erstellen!'
Perms_NoCauldronInsert: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Zutaten in Bottiche zu tun!'
Perms_NoCauldronFill: '&cDu hast keine Rechte Flaschen von diesem Bottich abzufüllen!'
# Player
Player_BarrelCreated: Fass erfolgreich erstellt
Player_BarrelFull: '&cHier passen nicht mehr Getränke hinein'
@ -2,35 +2,33 @@
Brew_-times: -times
Brew_BadPotion: Ruined Potion
Brew_BarrelRiped: Barrel aged
Brew_DistillUndefined: Indefinable Distillate
Brew_DistillUndefined: Murky Distillate
Brew_Distilled: Distilled
Brew_HundredsOfYears: Hundreds of Years
Brew_Ingredients: Ingredients
Brew_MinutePluralPostfix: s
Brew_OneYear: One Year
Brew_ThickBrew: Muddy Brew
Brew_Undefined: Indefinable Brew
Brew_Undefined: Cauldron Brew
Brew_Woodtype: Woodtype
Brew_Years: Years
Brew_fermented: fermented
Brew_minute: minute
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&eThese copies of this Brew will not be persistent or static!'
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &cPotions did not fit into your inventory'
CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1 is &6&v2% &fdrunk, with a quality of &6&v3'
CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 is not drunk'
CMD_NonStatic: '&ePotion is not static anymore and will normally age in barrels.'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&cPersistent Brews cannot be removed from the Database. It would render any copies of them useless!'
CMD_Persistent: '&aPotion is now Persistent and Static and may now be copied like any other item. You can remove the persistence with the same command.'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3'
CMD_Player_Error: '&cThe quality has to be between 1 and 10!'
CMD_Reload: '&aConfig was successfully reloaded'
CMD_Created: '&aBrew Created'
CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand'
CMD_Static: '&aPotion is now static and will not change in barrels or brewing stands.'
CMD_UnLabel: '&aLabel removed!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistence and static Removed. &eEvery Potential copy NOT made with ''/brew copy'' could become useless now!'
# Error
Error_ConfigUpdate: 'Unknown Brewery config version: v&v1, config was not updated!'
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ Error_ItemNotPotion: '&cThe item in your hand could not be identified as a potio
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&cYou don''t have permissions to access this barrel!'
Error_NoBrewName: '&cNo Recipe with Name: ''&v1&c'' found!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&cYou don''t have permissions to do this!'
Error_PersistStatic: '&cPersistent potions are always static!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&cThis command can only be executed as a player!'
Error_Recipeload: '&cNot all recipes could be restored: More information in the server log!'
Error_ShowHelp: Use &6/brew help &fto display the help
Error_UnknownCommand: Unknown Command
Error_YmlRead: 'Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)'
# Etc
Etc_Barrel: Barrel
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ Help_Delete: '&6/brew delete &9Deletes the potion in your hand'
Help_Help: '&6/brew help [Page] &9Shows a specific help-page'
Help_Info: '&6/brew info&9 Displays your current Drunkeness and Quality'
Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Player]&9 Displays the current Drunkeness and Quality of [Player]'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Make Brew persistent -> copyable by any plugin and technique'
Help_Player: '&6/brew <Player> <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player'
Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Reload config'
Help_Configname: '&6/brew ItemName &9Display name of item in hand for the config'
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Brew_BarrelRiped: Baril âgé
Brew_DistillUndefined: Distillation indéfinie
Brew_Distilled: Distillé
Brew_HundredsOfYears: Centaines d´années
Brew_Ingredients: Ingredients
Brew_Ingredients: Ingrédients
Brew_MinutePluralPostfix: s
Brew_OneYear: Un an
Brew_ThickBrew: Breuvage boueux
@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ Brew_Woodtype: Type de bois
Brew_Years: Années
Brew_fermented: fermenté
Brew_minute: minute
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&eLes copies de cette boisson ne seront pas persistantes ou statiques!'
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &cCes potions ne rentrent pas dans votre inventaire.'
CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1 est &6&v2% &fivre, avec une qualité de &6&v3'
CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 nest pas ivre'
CMD_NonStatic: '&eLa boisson n´est plus statique et vieillira normalement dans les barils.'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&cLes boissons persisitantes ne peuvent pas être supprimées de la base de donnée. Cela rendrait toute copie inutile!'
CMD_Persistent: '&aLa boisson est maintenant Persistante et Statique et peut être copiée comme n´importe quel autre objet. Vous pouvez enlever la persistance avec la même commande.'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1 est maintenant &6&v2% &aivre, avec une qualité de &6&v3'
CMD_Player_Error: '&cLa qualité doit être comprise entre 1 et 10 !'
CMD_Reload: '&aLa config a été reload avec succès.'
CMD_Created: '&aBrew créé'
CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cN´a pas pu trouver d´objet dans votre main'
CMD_Static: '&aLa boisson est maintenant statique et ne changera pas dans les barils ou les stands d´alchimie.'
CMD_UnLabel: '&aLabel supprimé!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistance et staticité supprimées. &eChaque copie potentionelle NON crée avec /brew copy deviendra inutile maintenant!'
# Erreurs
Error_ConfigUpdate: 'La version de la configuration de Brewery est inconnue: v&v1, la config n´a pas été mise à jour !'
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ Error_ItemNotPotion: '&cL´item dans votre main n´a pas pu être identifié com
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&cVous n´avez pas la permission d´acceder à ce baril !'
Error_NoBrewName: '&cAucune recette avec le nom: &v1&c n´a été trouvée!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&cVous ne pouvez pas faire ça !'
Error_PersistStatic: '&cLes boissons persistantes sont toujours statiques!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&cCette commande ne peut être executée que par un joueur !'
Error_Recipeload: '&cToutes les recettes n´ont pu être restaurées: Plus d´informations dans les logs du serveur !'
Error_ShowHelp: Utilisez &6/brew help &fpour regarder l´aide
Error_UnknownCommand: Commande inconnue
Error_YmlRead: 'Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)'
# Etc
Etc_Barrel: Baril
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ Help_Delete: '&6/brew delete &9Supprime la potion qui est dans votre main'
Help_Help: '&6/brew help [Page] &9Affiche une page spécifique de l´aide'
Help_Info: '&6/brew info&9 Affiche votre ivresse actuelle ainsi que sa qualité'
Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Player]&9 Affiche l´ivresse actuelle de <PLAYER>, cette commande affiche aussi sa qualité.<Player>'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Crée une boisson persistante -> peut être copiée par n´importe quel plugin et technique'
Help_Player: '&6/brew <Player> <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Définit l´ivresse (et la qualité) du joueur'
Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Reload la config'
Help_Configname: '&6/brew ItemName &9Display name of item in hand for the config'
@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ Brew_Woodtype: Tipo di legno
Brew_Years: Anni
Brew_fermented: fermentata
Brew_minute: minuto
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
# Comandi
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&eLe copie di questa miscela non saranno né persistenti né statiche!'
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &cLe copie di questa pozione non stavano nell''inventario.'
CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1 è &6&v2% &fsbronzo, con una qualità di &6&v3'
CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 non è sbronzo'
CMD_NonStatic: '&eLa pozione non è più statica ed invecchierà normalmente nei barili'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&cLe miscele persistenti non possono essere rimosse dal Database. Renderebbe le loro copie inutili!'
CMD_Persistent: '&aLa pozione è ora persistente e statica e può essere copiata come qualunque altro oggetto. Puoi rimuovere la persistenza con lo stesso comando.'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1 è ora &6&v2% &asbronzo, con una qualità di &6&v3'
CMD_Player_Error: '&cLa qualità deve essere fra 1 e 10!'
CMD_Reload: '&aLa configurazione è stata ricaricata con successo'
CMD_Created: '&aBrew Created'
CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand'
CMD_Static: '&aLa pozione è ora statica e non cambierà né nei barili né negli alambicchi.'
CMD_UnLabel: '&aEtichetta rimossa!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&aPersistenza e staticità rimosse. &eOgni copia non fatta con ''/brew copy'' potrebbe diventare inutile ora!'
# Errori
Error_ConfigUpdate: 'Versione della configurazione di Brewery sconosciuta: v&v1, la configurazione non è stato aggiornata!'
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ Error_ItemNotPotion: '&cL''oggetto nella tua mano non è una pozione!'
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&cNon hai il permesso di aprire questo barile!'
Error_NoBrewName: '&cNon è stata trovata nessuna ricetta chiamata ''&v1&c''!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&cNon hai il permesso di farlo!'
Error_PersistStatic: '&cLe pozioni persistenti sono sempre statiche!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&cQuesto comando può essere eseguito solo da un giocatore!'
Error_Recipeload: '&cNon è stato possibile recuperare tutte le ricette: ulteriori informazioni nel file log!'
Error_ShowHelp: Usa &6/brew help &fper visualizzare l''aiuto
Error_UnknownCommand: Comando sconosciuto
Error_YmlRead: 'Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)'
# Varie
Etc_Barrel: Barile
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ Help_Delete: '&6/brew delete &9Elimina la pozione nella tua mano'
Help_Help: '&6/brew help <Pagina> &9Mostra una specifica pagina dell''aiuto'
Help_Info: '&6/brew info&9 Mostra il tuo livello di sbronza attuale e la qualità'
Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [Giocatore]&9 Mostra l''attuale livello di sbronza e la qualità di [Giocatore]'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9Rendi una miscela persistente quindi copiabile normalmente in ogni modo e da ogni plugin.'
Help_Player: '&6/brew <Giocatore> <%Sbronza> [Qualità]&9 Imposta livello di sbronza (e qualità) di un giocatore.'
Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Ricarica la configurazione'
Help_Configname: '&6/brew ItemName &9Display name of item in hand for the config'
@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ Brew_Woodtype: 木材質
Brew_Years: 年
Brew_fermented: 發酵
Brew_minute: 分鐘
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&e這個釀造的副本不會持久或靜態!'
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &c藥水不適合你的庫存'
CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1 是 &6&v2% &f醉酒,酒的品質為 &6&v3'
CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 沒有醉酒'
CMD_NonStatic: '&e藥水不再是靜止的,會在桶木中老化.'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&c無法從數據庫中刪除持久性釀造.它會使任何副本無用!'
CMD_Persistent: '&a藥水現在是持久性和靜態,現在可以像任何其他項一樣被複製.您可以使用相同的命令刪除持久性.'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1 現在是 &6&v2% &a醉酒,酒的品質為 &6&v3'
CMD_Player_Error: '&c酒的品質必須在1到10之間!'
CMD_Reload: '&a設定檔已成功重新加載'
CMD_Created: '&aBrew Created'
CMD_Configname: '&aName for the Config is: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&cCould not find item in your hand'
CMD_Static: '&a藥水現在是靜止的,不會在桶或釀造台上變化.'
CMD_UnLabel: '&a標籤已刪除!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&a持久性和靜態刪除.&e每個隱藏的副本都不用''/brew copy'',現在可能變得無用了!'
# Error
Error_ConfigUpdate: '未知 釀酒 設定檔版本: v&v1,設定檔沒有更新!'
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ Error_ItemNotPotion: '&c你手上的物品不能確定為藥水'
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&c你沒有權限存取!'
Error_NoBrewName: '&c沒有這個配方: ''&v1&c'' 找到!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&c你沒有權限這樣做!'
Error_PersistStatic: '&c持久藥水總是靜止的!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&c這個指令只能由玩家執行!'
Error_Recipeload: '&c並非所有配方都可以有用:服務器日誌中的更多信息!'
Error_ShowHelp: 使用 &6/brew help &f顯示幫助
Error_UnknownCommand: 未知的指令
Error_YmlRead: 'Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)'
# Etc
Etc_Barrel: 釀造桶
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ Help_Delete: '&6/brew delete &9刪除你手中的藥水'
Help_Help: '&6/brew help [頁數] &9顯示幫助的頁面'
Help_Info: '&6/brew info&9 顯示您當前的醉酒和酒的品質'
Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [玩家]&9 顯示 [玩家] 當前醉酒程度和酒的品質程度'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9使釀造持久化 - >可通過任何插件和技術進行複制'
Help_Player: '&6/brew <玩家> <%醉酒> [數量]&9 設置玩家的醉酒度(和酒的品質)'
Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9重新加載設定檔'
Help_Configname: '&6/brew ItemName &9Display name of item in hand for the config'
@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ Brew_Woodtype: 木头种类
Brew_Years: 年
Brew_fermented: 炖煮发酵
Brew_minute: 分钟
Brew_Alc: Alc &v1ml
CMD_CopyNotPersistent: '&e复制饮品的数据并未静滞或固定! 请多加注意!'
CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1&r, &c你的背包塞不下了.'
CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1醉酒程度为&6&v2%&f, 醉酒质量为&6&v3.'
CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1没醉.'
CMD_NonStatic: '&e饮品已被取消静滞, 现在可以正常地进行蒸馏或进行木桶熟成了.'
CMD_PersistRemove: '&c当前饮品的数据已被固定, 无法从数据库中移除, 否则将使得任何该饮品的复制品无效!'
CMD_Persistent: '&a当前饮品的数据已被固定. 现在你可以正常地对该饮品进行复制. 再执行一次该命令将会撤销固定.'
CMD_Player: '&a&v1醉酒程度为&6&v2%&f, 醉酒质量为&6&v3.'
CMD_Player_Error: '&c醉酒质量必须在1到10之间.'
CMD_Reload: '&a配置文件重载成功.'
CMD_Created: '&aBrew Created'
CMD_Configname: '配置文件中&aName的名字是: &f&v1'
CMD_Configname_Error: '&c无法找到物品名称'
CMD_Static: '&a饮品已被静滞, 现在其无法被蒸馏或进行木桶熟成.'
CMD_UnLabel: '&a标签已被去除!'
CMD_UnPersist: '&a当前饮品的数据已被撤销固定, 通过非指令方式(/brew copy)复制的饮品将可能无效!'
# Error
Error_ConfigUpdate: '未知的配置版本:v&v1, 插件配置未更新!'
@ -38,11 +36,11 @@ Error_ItemNotPotion: '&c你手上的物品并未成功地被认定为饮品!'
Error_NoBarrelAccess: '&c你没有权限与该木桶互动!'
Error_NoBrewName: '&c未找到名字为''&v1&c''的饮品!'
Error_NoPermissions: '&c你没有权限这样做.'
Error_PersistStatic: '&c数据固定的饮品一定是静滞化饮品!'
Error_PlayerCommand: '&c该命令必须由玩家执行.'
Error_Recipeload: '&c加载饮品配方时出现问题, 请查看控制台以获得详细信息!'
Error_ShowHelp: 使用&6/brew help&f以查看帮助
Error_UnknownCommand: 未知命令.
Error_YmlRead: 'Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)'
# Etc
Etc_Barrel: 木桶
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ Help_Delete: '&6/brew delete &9删除手中的饮品.'
Help_Help: '&6/brew help [页数] &9显示某一页的帮助.'
Help_Info: '&6/brew info &9显示你目前的醉酒程度与质量, 醉酒质量将会影响宿醉程度.'
Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew info [指定玩家] &9显示指定玩家目前的醉酒程度与质量.'
Help_Persist: '&6/brew persist &9将手中的饮品数据固定在服务端, 这将允许其被任何手段复制并饮用而不影响原饮品本体.'
Help_Player: '&6/brew <目标玩家> <%醉酒程度> [醉酒质量] &9设定目标玩家的醉酒程度与质量.'
Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9重载插件配置, 可用以重载饮品配方.'
Help_Configname: '&6/brew ItemName &9显示手中物品的配置名称'
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Brewery
version: 1.8.2
version: 1.8.3
main: com.dre.brewery.P
softdepend: [LWC, LogBlock, WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, Vault, Citadel]
authors: [Milan Albrecht, Frank Baumann, ProgrammerDan, Daniel Saukel]
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ permissions:
brewery.cmd.create: true
brewery.cmd.copy: true
brewery.cmd.delete: true
brewery.cmd.persist: true
brewery.cmd.static: true
brewery.cmd.reload: true
# *
@ -69,8 +68,6 @@ permissions:
description: Copy Potions
description: Delete Potions
description: Make Potions Persistent
description: Make Potions Static
@ -1,28 +1,42 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Levelled;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.IngedientAddEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Levelled;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public class BCauldron {
public static CopyOnWriteArrayList<BCauldron> bcauldrons = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
public static final byte EMPTY = 0, SOME = 1, FULL = 2;
private static Set<UUID> plInteracted = new HashSet<>(); // Interact Event helper
public static Map<Block, BCauldron> bcauldrons = new HashMap<>(); // All active cauldrons. Mapped to their block for fast retrieve
private BIngredients ingredients = new BIngredients();
private Block block;
private final Block block;
private int state = 1;
private boolean someRemoved = false;
private boolean changed = false;
public BCauldron(Block block, ItemStack ingredient) {
public BCauldron(Block block) {
this.block = block;
bcauldrons.put(block, this);
// loading from file
@ -30,29 +44,30 @@ public class BCauldron {
this.block = block;
this.state = state;
this.ingredients = ingredients;
bcauldrons.put(block, this);
public void onUpdate() {
// Check if fire still alive
if (!Util.isChunkLoaded(block) || LegacyUtil.isFireForCauldron(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN))) {
if (!BUtil.isChunkLoaded(block) || LegacyUtil.isFireForCauldron(block.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN))) {
// add a minute to cooking time
if (someRemoved) {
ingredients = ingredients.clone();
someRemoved = false;
if (changed) {
ingredients = ingredients.copy();
changed = false;
// add an ingredient to the cauldron
public void add(ItemStack ingredient) {
if (someRemoved) {
ingredients = ingredients.clone();
someRemoved = false;
public void add(ItemStack ingredient, RecipeItem rItem) {
if (ingredient == null || ingredient.getType() == Material.AIR) return;
if (changed) {
ingredients = ingredients.copy();
changed = false;
ingredient = new ItemStack(ingredient.getType(), 1, ingredient.getDurability());
ingredients.add(ingredient, rItem);
block.getWorld().playEffect(block.getLocation(), Effect.EXTINGUISH, 0);
if (state > 1) {
@ -60,88 +75,97 @@ public class BCauldron {
// get cauldron by Block
public static BCauldron get(Block block) {
for (BCauldron bcauldron : bcauldrons) {
if (bcauldron.block.equals(block)) {
return bcauldron;
return null;
return bcauldrons.get(block);
// get cauldron from block and add given ingredient
public static boolean ingredientAdd(Block block, ItemStack ingredient) {
// Calls the IngredientAddEvent and may be cancelled or changed
public static boolean ingredientAdd(Block block, ItemStack ingredient, Player player) {
// if not empty
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(block) != 0) {
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(block) != EMPTY) {
if (!BCauldronRecipe.acceptedMaterials.contains(ingredient.getType()) && !ingredient.hasItemMeta()) {
// Extremely fast way to check for most items
return false;
// If the Item is on the list, or customized, we have to do more checks
RecipeItem rItem = RecipeItem.getMatchingRecipeItem(ingredient, false);
if (rItem == null) {
return false;
BCauldron bcauldron = get(block);
if (bcauldron != null) {
return true;
if (bcauldron == null) {
bcauldron = new BCauldron(block);
IngedientAddEvent event = new IngedientAddEvent(player, block, bcauldron, ingredient.clone(), rItem);
if (!event.isCancelled()) {
bcauldron.add(event.getIngredient(), event.getRecipeItem());
//P.p.debugLog("Cauldron add: t2 " + ((t2 - t1) / 1000) + " t3: " + ((t3 - t2) / 1000) + " t4: " + ((t4 - t3) / 1000) + " t5: " + ((t5 - t4) / 1000) + "µs");
return event.willTakeItem();
} else {
new BCauldron(block, ingredient);
return true;
return false;
return false;
// fills players bottle with cooked brew
public static boolean fill(Player player, Block block) {
BCauldron bcauldron = get(block);
if (bcauldron != null) {
if (!player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.fill")) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoCauldronFill"));
return true;
public boolean fill(Player player, Block block) {
if (!player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.fill")) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoCauldronFill"));
return true;
ItemStack potion = ingredients.cook(state);
if (potion == null) return false;
if (P.use1_13) {
BlockData data = block.getBlockData();
Levelled cauldron = ((Levelled) data);
if (cauldron.getLevel() <= 0) {
return false;
ItemStack potion = bcauldron.ingredients.cook(bcauldron.state);
if (potion != null) {
cauldron.setLevel(cauldron.getLevel() - 1);
// Update the new Level to the Block
// We have to use the BlockData variable "data" here instead of the casted "cauldron"
// otherwise < 1.13 crashes on plugin load for not finding the BlockData Class
if (P.use1_13) {
BlockData data = block.getBlockData();
Levelled cauldron = ((Levelled) data);
if (cauldron.getLevel() <= 0) {
return false;
cauldron.setLevel(cauldron.getLevel() - 1);
// Update the new Level to the Block
// We have to use the BlockData variable "data" here instead of the casted "cauldron"
// otherwise < 1.13 crashes on plugin load for not finding the BlockData Class
if (cauldron.getLevel() <= 0) {
} else {
changed = true;
if (cauldron.getLevel() <= 0) {
} else {
bcauldron.someRemoved = true;
} else {
byte data = block.getData();
if (data > 3) {
data = 3;
} else if (data <= 0) {
return false;
data -= 1;
LegacyUtil.setData(block, data);
} else {
byte data = block.getData();
if (data > 3) {
data = 3;
} else if (data <= 0) {
return false;
data -= 1;
LegacyUtil.setData(block, data);
if (data == 0) {
} else {
bcauldron.someRemoved = true;
// Bukkit Bug, inventory not updating while in event so this
// will delay the give
// but could also just use deprecated updateInventory()
giveItem(player, potion);
// player.getInventory().addItem(potion);
// player.getInventory().updateInventory();
return true;
if (data == 0) {
} else {
changed = true;
return false;
// Bukkit Bug, inventory not updating while in event so this
// will delay the give
// but could also just use deprecated updateInventory()
giveItem(player, potion);
// player.getInventory().addItem(potion);
// player.getInventory().updateInventory();
return true;
// prints the current cooking time to the player
@ -160,37 +184,147 @@ public class BCauldron {
// reset to normal cauldron
public static void remove(Block block) {
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(block) != 0) {
BCauldron bcauldron = get(block);
if (bcauldron != null) {
public static void clickCauldron(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Material materialInHand = event.getMaterial();
ItemStack item = event.getItem();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
Block clickedBlock = event.getClickedBlock();
assert clickedBlock != null;
if (materialInHand == null || materialInHand == Material.AIR || materialInHand == Material.BUCKET) {
} else if (materialInHand == LegacyUtil.CLOCK) {
printTime(player, clickedBlock);
// fill a glass bottle with potion
} else if (materialInHand == Material.GLASS_BOTTLE) {
assert item != null;
if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() != -1 || item.getAmount() == 1) {
BCauldron bcauldron = get(clickedBlock);
if (bcauldron != null) {
if (bcauldron.fill(player, clickedBlock)) {
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.fill")) {
if (item.getAmount() > 1) {
item.setAmount(item.getAmount() - 1);
} else {
setItemInHand(event, Material.AIR, false);
} else {
// reset cauldron when refilling to prevent unlimited source of potions
} else if (materialInHand == Material.WATER_BUCKET) {
if (!P.use1_9) {
// We catch >=1.9 cases in the Cauldron Listener
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(clickedBlock) == 1) {
// will only remove when existing
// Check if fire alive below cauldron when adding ingredients
Block down = clickedBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
if (LegacyUtil.isFireForCauldron(down)) {
boolean handSwap = false;
// Interact event is called twice!!!?? in 1.9, once for each hand.
// Certain Items in Hand cause one of them to be cancelled or not called at all sometimes.
// We mark if a player had the event for the main hand
// If not, we handle the main hand in the event for the off hand
if (P.use1_9) {
if (event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.HAND) {
final UUID id = player.getUniqueId();
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(P.p, () -> plInteracted.remove(id));
} else if (event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND) {
if (!plInteracted.remove(player.getUniqueId())) {
item = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
if (item != null && item.getType() != Material.AIR) {
materialInHand = item.getType();
handSwap = true;
} else {
item = event.getItem();
if (item == null) return;
if (!player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.insert")) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoCauldronInsert"));
if (ingredientAdd(clickedBlock, item, player)) {
boolean isBucket = item.getType().equals(Material.WATER_BUCKET)
|| item.getType().equals(Material.LAVA_BUCKET)
|| item.getType().equals(Material.MILK_BUCKET);
if (item.getAmount() > 1) {
item.setAmount(item.getAmount() - 1);
if (isBucket) {
giveItem(player, new ItemStack(Material.BUCKET));
} else {
if (isBucket) {
setItemInHand(event, Material.BUCKET, handSwap);
} else {
setItemInHand(event, Material.AIR, handSwap);
public static void setItemInHand(PlayerInteractEvent event, Material mat, boolean swapped) {
if (P.use1_9) {
if ((event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND) != swapped) {
event.getPlayer().getInventory().setItemInOffHand(new ItemStack(mat));
} else {
event.getPlayer().getInventory().setItemInMainHand(new ItemStack(mat));
} else {
event.getPlayer().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(mat));
// reset to normal cauldron
public static boolean remove(Block block) {
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(block) != EMPTY) {
return bcauldrons.remove(block) != null;
return false;
// unloads cauldrons that are in a unloading world
// as they were written to file just before, this is safe to do
public static void onUnload(String name) {
for (BCauldron bcauldron : bcauldrons) {
if (bcauldron.block.getWorld().getName().equals(name)) {
bcauldrons.keySet().removeIf(block -> block.getWorld().getName().equals(name));
public static void save(ConfigurationSection config, ConfigurationSection oldData) {
if (!bcauldrons.isEmpty()) {
int id = 0;
for (BCauldron cauldron : bcauldrons) {
for (BCauldron cauldron : bcauldrons.values()) {
String worldName = cauldron.block.getWorld().getName();
String prefix;
if (worldName.startsWith("DXL_")) {
prefix = Util.getDxlName(worldName) + "." + id;
prefix = BUtil.getDxlName(worldName) + "." + id;
} else {
prefix = cauldron.block.getWorld().getUID().toString() + "." + id;
@ -216,11 +350,7 @@ public class BCauldron {
// bukkit bug not updating the inventory while executing event, have to
// schedule the give
public static void giveItem(final Player player, final ItemStack item) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(P.p, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1L);
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(P.p, () -> player.getInventory().addItem(item), 1L);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.BrewLore;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Updated for 1.9 to replicate the "Brewing" process for distilling.
* Because of how metadata has changed, the brewer no longer triggers as previously described.
* So, I've added some event tracking and manual forcing of the brewing "animation" if the
* set of ingredients in the brewer can be distilled.
* Nothing here should interfere with vanilla brewing.
* @author ProgrammerDan (1.9 distillation update only)
public class BDistiller {
private static final int DISTILLTIME = 400;
private static Map<Block, BDistiller> trackedDistillers = new HashMap<>();
private int taskId;
private int runTime = -1;
private int brewTime = -1;
private Block standBlock;
private int fuel;
public BDistiller(Block standBlock, int fuel) {
this.standBlock = standBlock;
this.fuel = fuel;
public void cancelDistill() {
Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(taskId); // cancel prior
public void start() {
taskId = new DistillRunnable().runTaskTimer(P.p, 2L, 1L).getTaskId();
public static void distillerClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
BrewerInventory standInv = (BrewerInventory) event.getInventory();
final Block standBlock = standInv.getHolder().getBlock();
// If we were already tracking the brewer, cancel any ongoing event due to the click.
BDistiller distiller = trackedDistillers.get(standBlock);
if (distiller != null) {
standInv.getHolder().setBrewingTime(0); // Fixes brewing continuing without fuel for normal potions
final int fuel = standInv.getHolder().getFuelLevel();
// Now check if we should bother to track it.
distiller = new BDistiller(standBlock, fuel);
trackedDistillers.put(standBlock, distiller);
public static boolean isTrackingDistiller(Block block) {
return trackedDistillers.containsKey(block);
// Returns a Brew or null for every Slot in the BrewerInventory
public static Brew[] getDistillContents(BrewerInventory inv) {
ItemStack item;
Brew[] contents = new Brew[3];
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
item = inv.getItem(slot);
if (item != null) {
contents[slot] = Brew.get(item);
return contents;
public static void checkContents(BrewerInventory inv, Brew[] contents) {
ItemStack item;
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] != null) {
item = inv.getItem(slot);
if (item == null || !Brew.isBrew(item)) {
contents[slot] = null;
public static byte hasBrew(BrewerInventory brewer, Brew[] contents) {
ItemStack item = brewer.getItem(3); // ingredient
boolean glowstone = (item != null && Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST == item.getType()); // need dust in the top slot.
byte customFound = 0;
for (Brew brew : contents) {
if (brew != null) {
if (!glowstone) {
return 1;
if (brew.canDistill()) {
return 2;
} else {
customFound = 1;
return customFound;
public static boolean runDistill(BrewerInventory inv, Brew[] contents) {
boolean custom = false;
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] == null) continue;
if (contents[slot].canDistill()) {
// is further distillable
custom = true;
} else {
contents[slot] = null;
if (custom) {
Brew.distillAll(inv, contents);
return true;
return false;
public static int getLongestDistillTime(Brew[] contents) {
int bestTime = 0;
int time;
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] == null) continue;
time = contents[slot].getDistillTimeNextRun();
if (time == 0) {
// Undefined Potion needs 40 seconds
time = 800;
if (time > bestTime) {
bestTime = time;
if (bestTime > 0) {
return bestTime;
return 800;
public static void showAlc(BrewerInventory inv, Brew[] contents) {
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] != null) {
// Show Alc in lore
ItemStack item = inv.getItem(slot);
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
BrewLore brewLore = new BrewLore(contents[slot], meta);
public class DistillRunnable extends BukkitRunnable {
Brew[] contents = null;
public void run() {
BlockState now = standBlock.getState();
if (now instanceof BrewingStand) {
BrewingStand stand = (BrewingStand) now;
if (brewTime == -1) { // only check at the beginning (and end) for distillables
BrewerInventory inventory = stand.getInventory();
if (contents == null) {
contents = getDistillContents(inventory);
} else {
checkContents(inventory, contents);
switch (hasBrew(inventory, contents)) {
case 1:
// Custom potion but not for distilling. Stop any brewing and cancel this task
if (stand.getBrewingTime() > 0) {
if (P.use1_11) {
// The trick below doesnt work in 1.11, but we dont need it anymore
// This should only happen with older Brews that have been made with the old Potion Color System
} else {
// Brewing time is sent and stored as short
// This sends a negative short value to the Client
// In the client the Brewer will look like it is not doing anything
stand.setBrewingTime(Short.MAX_VALUE << 1);
case 0:
// No custom potion, cancel and ignore
showAlc(inventory, contents);
P.p.debugLog("nothing to distill");
runTime = getLongestDistillTime(contents);
brewTime = runTime;
P.p.debugLog("using brewtime: " + runTime);
brewTime--; // count down.
stand.setBrewingTime((int) ((float) brewTime / ((float) runTime / (float) DISTILLTIME)) + 1);
if (brewTime <= 1) { // Done!
checkContents(stand.getInventory(), contents);
if (!runDistill(stand.getInventory(), contents)) {
P.p.debugLog("All done distilling");
} else {
brewTime = -1; // go again.
P.p.debugLog("Can distill more! Continuing.");
} else {
} else {
P.p.debugLog("The block was replaced; not a brewing stand.");
@ -1,130 +1,192 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew.BrewModifyEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.Base91EncoderStream;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.BrewLore;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.Ingredient;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.ItemLoader;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PotionColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents ingredients in Cauldron, Brew
public class BIngredients {
public static Set<Material> possibleIngredients = new HashSet<>();
public static ArrayList<BRecipe> recipes = new ArrayList<>();
public static Map<Material, String> cookedNames = new HashMap<>();
private static int lastId = 0;
private static int lastId = 0; // Legacy
private int id;
private ArrayList<ItemStack> ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<Material, Integer> materials = new HashMap<>(); // Merged List Of ingredients that doesnt consider Durability
private int id; // Legacy
private List<Ingredient> ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
private int cookedTime;
// Represents ingredients in Cauldron, Brew
// Init a new BIngredients
* Init a new BIngredients
public BIngredients() {
this.id = lastId;
//this.id = lastId;
// Load from File
public BIngredients(ArrayList<ItemStack> ingredients, int cookedTime) {
* Load from File
public BIngredients(List<Ingredient> ingredients, int cookedTime) {
this.ingredients = ingredients;
this.cookedTime = cookedTime;
this.id = lastId;
//this.id = lastId;
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
* Load from legacy Brew section
public BIngredients(List<Ingredient> ingredients, int cookedTime, boolean legacy) {
this(ingredients, cookedTime);
if (legacy) {
this.id = lastId;
// Add an ingredient to this
* Force add an ingredient to this.
* <p>Will not check if item is acceptable
* @param ingredient the item to add
public void add(ItemStack ingredient) {
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
if (item.isSimilar(ingredient)) {
item.setAmount(item.getAmount() + ingredient.getAmount());
for (Ingredient existing : ingredients) {
if (existing.matches(ingredient)) {
existing.setAmount(existing.getAmount() + 1);
Ingredient ing = RecipeItem.getMatchingRecipeItem(ingredient, true).toIngredient(ingredient);
private void addMaterial(ItemStack ingredient) {
if (materials.containsKey(ingredient.getType())) {
int newAmount = materials.get(ingredient.getType()) + ingredient.getAmount();
materials.put(ingredient.getType(), newAmount);
} else {
materials.put(ingredient.getType(), ingredient.getAmount());
* Add an ingredient to this with corresponding RecipeItem
* @param ingredient the item to add
* @param rItem the RecipeItem that matches the ingredient
public void add(ItemStack ingredient, RecipeItem rItem) {
Ingredient ingredientItem = rItem.toIngredient(ingredient);
for (Ingredient existing : ingredients) {
if (existing.isSimilar(ingredientItem)) {
existing.setAmount(existing.getAmount() + 1);
// returns an Potion item with cooked ingredients
* returns an Potion item with cooked ingredients
public ItemStack cook(int state) {
ItemStack potion = new ItemStack(Material.POTION);
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) potion.getItemMeta();
assert potionMeta != null;
// cookedTime is always time in minutes, state may differ with number of ticks
cookedTime = state;
String cookedName = null;
BRecipe cookRecipe = getCookRecipe();
Brew brew;
int uid = Brew.generateUID();
//int uid = Brew.generateUID();
if (cookRecipe != null) {
// Potion is best with cooking only
int quality = (int) Math.round((getIngredientQuality(cookRecipe) + getCookingQuality(cookRecipe, false)) / 2.0);
P.p.debugLog("cooked potion has Quality: " + quality);
Brew brew = new Brew(uid, quality, cookRecipe, this);
Brew.addOrReplaceEffects(potionMeta, brew.getEffects(), brew.getQuality());
int alc = (int) Math.round(cookRecipe.getAlcohol() * ((float) quality / 10.0f));
P.p.debugLog("cooked potion has Quality: " + quality + ", Alc: " + alc);
brew = new Brew(quality, alc, cookRecipe, this);
BrewLore lore = new BrewLore(brew, potionMeta);
lore.addOrReplaceEffects(brew.getEffects(), brew.getQuality());
cookedName = cookRecipe.getName(quality);
Brew.PotionColor.fromString(cookRecipe.getColor()).colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
cookRecipe.getColor().colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
} else {
// new base potion
new Brew(uid, this);
brew = new Brew(this);
if (state <= 1) {
cookedName = P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_ThickBrew");
Brew.PotionColor.BLUE.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
PotionColor.BLUE.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
} else {
for (Material ingredient : materials.keySet()) {
if (cookedNames.containsKey(ingredient)) {
// if more than half of the ingredients is of one kind
if (materials.get(ingredient) > (getIngredientsCount() / 2)) {
cookedName = cookedNames.get(ingredient);
Brew.PotionColor.CYAN.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
BCauldronRecipe cauldronRecipe = getCauldronRecipe();
if (cauldronRecipe != null) {
P.p.debugLog("Found Cauldron Recipe: " + cauldronRecipe.getName());
cookedName = cauldronRecipe.getName();
if (cauldronRecipe.getLore() != null) {
BrewLore lore = new BrewLore(brew, potionMeta);
cauldronRecipe.getColor().colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
if (cookedName == null) {
// if no name could be found
cookedName = P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Undefined");
Brew.PotionColor.CYAN.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
PotionColor.CYAN.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + cookedName));
if (!P.use1_14) {
//if (!P.use1_14) {
// Before 1.14 the effects duration would strangely be only a quarter of what we tell it to be
// This is due to the Duration Modifier, that is removed in 1.14
uid *= 4;
// uid *= 4;
// This effect stores the UID in its Duration
potionMeta.addCustomEffect((PotionEffectType.REGENERATION).createEffect(uid, 0), true);
//potionMeta.addCustomEffect((PotionEffectType.REGENERATION).createEffect((uid * 4), 0), true);
BrewModifyEvent modifyEvent = new BrewModifyEvent(brew, potionMeta, BrewModifyEvent.Type.FILL);
if (modifyEvent.isCancelled()) {
return null;
return potion;
// returns amount of ingredients
private int getIngredientsCount() {
* returns amount of ingredients
public int getIngredientsCount() {
int count = 0;
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
count += item.getAmount();
for (Ingredient ing : ingredients) {
count += ing.getAmount();
return count;
@ -137,8 +199,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
return cookedTime;
// best recipe for current state of potion, STILL not always returns the
// correct one...
* best recipe for current state of potion, STILL not always returns the correct one...
public BRecipe getBestRecipe(float wood, float time, boolean distilled) {
float quality = 0;
int ingredientQuality;
@ -146,7 +209,7 @@ public class BIngredients {
int woodQuality;
int ageQuality;
BRecipe bestRecipe = null;
for (BRecipe recipe : recipes) {
for (BRecipe recipe : BRecipe.getAllRecipes()) {
ingredientQuality = getIngredientQuality(recipe);
cookingQuality = getCookingQuality(recipe, distilled);
@ -179,8 +242,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
return bestRecipe;
// returns recipe that is cooking only and matches the ingredients and
// cooking time
* returns recipe that is cooking only and matches the ingredients and cooking time
public BRecipe getCookRecipe() {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(0, 0, false);
@ -193,9 +257,31 @@ public class BIngredients {
return null;
// returns the currently best matching recipe for distilling for the
// ingredients and cooking time
public BRecipe getdistillRecipe(float wood, float time) {
* Get Cauldron Recipe that matches the contents of the cauldron
public BCauldronRecipe getCauldronRecipe() {
BCauldronRecipe best = null;
float bestMatch = 0;
float match;
for (BCauldronRecipe recipe : BCauldronRecipe.getAllRecipes()) {
match = recipe.getIngredientMatch(ingredients);
if (match >= 10) {
return recipe;
if (match > bestMatch) {
best = recipe;
bestMatch = match;
return best;
* returns the currently best matching recipe for distilling for the ingredients and cooking time
public BRecipe getDistillRecipe(float wood, float time) {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(wood, time, true);
// Check if best recipe needs to be destilled
@ -207,8 +293,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
return null;
// returns currently best matching recipe for ingredients, cooking- and
// ageingtime
* returns currently best matching recipe for ingredients, cooking- and ageingtime
public BRecipe getAgeRecipe(float wood, float time, boolean distilled) {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(wood, time, distilled);
@ -220,8 +307,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
return null;
// returns the quality of the ingredients conditioning given recipe, -1 if
// no recipe is near them
* returns the quality of the ingredients conditioning given recipe, -1 if no recipe is near them
public int getIngredientQuality(BRecipe recipe) {
float quality = 10;
int count;
@ -230,20 +318,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
// when ingredients are not complete
return -1;
ArrayList<Material> mergedChecked = new ArrayList<>();
for (ItemStack ingredient : ingredients) {
if (mergedChecked.contains(ingredient.getType())) {
// This ingredient type was already checked as part of a merged material
for (Ingredient ingredient : ingredients) {
int amountInRecipe = recipe.amountOf(ingredient);
// If we dont consider durability for this ingredient, check the merged material
if (recipe.hasExactData(ingredient)) {
count = ingredient.getAmount();
} else {
count = materials.get(ingredient.getType());
count = ingredient.getAmount();
if (amountInRecipe == 0) {
// this ingredient doesnt belong into the recipe
if (count > (getIngredientsCount() / 2)) {
@ -270,7 +347,9 @@ public class BIngredients {
return -1;
// returns the quality regarding the cooking-time conditioning given Recipe
* returns the quality regarding the cooking-time conditioning given Recipe
public int getCookingQuality(BRecipe recipe, boolean distilled) {
if (!recipe.needsDistilling() == distilled) {
return -1;
@ -286,15 +365,19 @@ public class BIngredients {
return -1;
// returns pseudo quality of distilling. 0 if doesnt match the need of the recipes distilling
public int getDistillQuality(BRecipe recipe, int distillRuns) {
* returns pseudo quality of distilling. 0 if doesnt match the need of the recipes distilling
public int getDistillQuality(BRecipe recipe, byte distillRuns) {
if (recipe.needsDistilling() != distillRuns > 0) {
return 0;
return 10 - Math.abs(recipe.getDistillRuns() - distillRuns);
// returns the quality regarding the barrel wood conditioning given Recipe
* returns the quality regarding the barrel wood conditioning given Recipe
public int getWoodQuality(BRecipe recipe, float wood) {
if (recipe.getWood() == 0) {
// type of wood doesnt matter
@ -305,24 +388,100 @@ public class BIngredients {
return Math.max(quality, 0);
// returns the quality regarding the ageing time conditioning given Recipe
* returns the quality regarding the ageing time conditioning given Recipe
public int getAgeQuality(BRecipe recipe, float time) {
int quality = 10 - Math.round(Math.abs(time - recipe.getAge()) * ((float) recipe.getDifficulty() / 2));
return Math.max(quality, 0);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof BIngredients)) return false;
BIngredients other = ((BIngredients) obj);
return cookedTime == other.cookedTime &&
// Creates a copy ingredients
public BIngredients clone() {
public BIngredients copy() {
BIngredients copy = new BIngredients();
copy.cookedTime = cookedTime;
return copy;
public String toString() {
return "BIngredients{" +
"cookedTime=" + cookedTime +
", total ingredients: " + getIngredientsCount() + '}';
/*public void testStore(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
public void testLoad(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
if (in.readInt() != cookedTime) {
P.p.log("cookedtime wrong");
if (in.readUnsignedByte() != ingredients.size()) {
P.p.log("size wrong");
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
if (!in.readUTF().equals(item.getType().name())) {
P.p.log("name wrong");
if (in.readShort() != item.getDurability()) {
P.p.log("dur wrong");
if (in.readShort() != item.getAmount()) {
P.p.log("amount wrong");
public void save(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
for (Ingredient ing : ingredients) {
out.writeShort(Math.min(ing.getAmount(), Short.MAX_VALUE));
public static BIngredients load(DataInputStream in, short dataVersion) throws IOException {
int cookedTime = in.readInt();
byte size = in.readByte();
List<Ingredient> ing = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (; size > 0; size--) {
ItemLoader itemLoader = new ItemLoader(dataVersion, in, in.readUTF());
if (Ingredient.LOADERS.containsKey(itemLoader.getSaveID())) {
Ingredient loaded = Ingredient.LOADERS.get(itemLoader.getSaveID()).apply(itemLoader);
int amount = in.readShort();
if (loaded != null) {
return new BIngredients(ing, cookedTime);
// saves data into main Ingredient section. Returns the save id
public int save(ConfigurationSection config) {
// Only needed for legacy potions
public int saveLegacy(ConfigurationSection config) {
String path = "Ingredients." + id;
if (cookedTime != 0) {
config.set(path + ".cookedTime", cookedTime);
@ -332,13 +491,26 @@ public class BIngredients {
//convert the ingredient Material to String
public Map<String, Integer> serializeIngredients() {
/*public Map<String, Integer> serializeIngredients() {
Map<String, Integer> mats = new HashMap<>();
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
String mat = item.getType().name() + "," + item.getDurability();
mats.put(mat, item.getAmount());
return mats;
// Serialize Ingredients to String for storing in yml, ie for Cauldrons
public String serializeIngredients() {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new Base91EncoderStream(byteStream))) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return "";
return byteStream.toString();
@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.PlayerEffectEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.PlayerPukeEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.PlayerPushEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew.BrewDrinkEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BEffect;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableInt;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
@ -10,8 +17,11 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
@ -24,20 +34,9 @@ public class BPlayer {
private static int taskId;
private static boolean modAge = true;
private static Random pukeRand;
private static Method gh;
private static Method itemHandle;
private static Field age;
// Settings
public static Map<Material, Integer> drainItems = new HashMap<>();// DrainItem Material and Strength
public static Material pukeItem;
public static int pukeDespawntime;
public static int hangoverTime;
public static boolean overdrinkKick;
public static boolean enableHome;
public static boolean enableLoginDisallow;
public static boolean enablePuke;
public static String homeType;
private int quality = 0;// = quality of drunkeness * drunkeness
private int drunkeness = 0;// = amount of drunkeness
private int offlineDrunk = 0;// drunkeness when gone offline
@ -55,14 +54,16 @@ public class BPlayer {
players.put(name, this);
public static BPlayer get(Player player) {
if (!players.isEmpty()) {
return players.get(Util.playerString(player));
return players.get(BUtil.playerString(player));
return null;
// This method may be slow and should not be used if not needed
public static BPlayer getByName(String playerName) {
if (P.useUUID) {
for (Map.Entry<String, BPlayer> entry : players.entrySet()) {
@ -105,18 +106,18 @@ public class BPlayer {
public static boolean hasPlayer(Player player) {
return players.containsKey(Util.playerString(player));
return players.containsKey(BUtil.playerString(player));
// Create a new BPlayer and add it to the list
public static BPlayer addPlayer(Player player) {
BPlayer bPlayer = new BPlayer();
players.put(Util.playerString(player), bPlayer);
players.put(BUtil.playerString(player), bPlayer);
return bPlayer;
public static void remove(Player player) {
public static int numDrunkPlayers() {
@ -124,9 +125,10 @@ public class BPlayer {
public void remove() {
for (Map.Entry<String, BPlayer> entry : players.entrySet()) {
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, BPlayer>> iterator = players.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Map.Entry<String, BPlayer> entry = iterator.next();
if (entry.getValue() == this) {
@ -137,39 +139,58 @@ public class BPlayer {
// Drink a brew and apply effects, etc.
public static void drink(Brew brew, Player player) {
int brewAlc = brew.calcAlcohol();
if (brewAlc == 0) {
//no alcohol so we dont need to add a BPlayer
addBrewEffects(brew, player);
public static boolean drink(Brew brew, ItemMeta meta, Player player) {
BPlayer bPlayer = get(player);
if (bPlayer == null) {
bPlayer = addPlayer(player);
BrewDrinkEvent drinkEvent = new BrewDrinkEvent(brew, meta, player, bPlayer);
if (drinkEvent.isCancelled()) {
if (bPlayer.drunkeness <= 0) {
return false;
if (brew.hasRecipe()) {
int brewAlc = drinkEvent.getAddedAlcohol();
int quality = drinkEvent.getQuality();
List<PotionEffect> effects = getBrewEffects(brew.getEffects(), quality);
if (brewAlc < 1) {
//no alcohol so we dont need to add a BPlayer
applyEffects(effects, player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.DRINK);
if (bPlayer.drunkeness <= 0) {
return true;
bPlayer.drunkeness += brewAlc;
if (brew.getQuality() > 0) {
bPlayer.quality += brew.getQuality() * brewAlc;
if (quality > 0) {
bPlayer.quality += quality * brewAlc;
} else {
bPlayer.quality += brewAlc;
applyEffects(effects, player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.DRINK);
applyEffects(getQualityEffects(quality, brewAlc), player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.QUALITY);
if (bPlayer.drunkeness <= 100) {
addBrewEffects(brew, player);
addQualityEffects(brew.getQuality(), brewAlc, player);
} else {
if (bPlayer.drunkeness > 100) {
return true;
// Player has drunken too much
public void drinkCap(Player player) {
quality = getQuality() * 100;
drunkeness = 100;
if (overdrinkKick && !player.hasPermission("brewery.bypass.overdrink")) {
if (BConfig.overdrinkKick && !player.hasPermission("brewery.bypass.overdrink")) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(P.p, () -> passOut(player), 1);
} else {
addPuke(player, 60 + (int) (Math.random() * 60.0));
@ -187,7 +208,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
// Eat something to drain the drunkeness
public void drainByItem(Player player, Material mat) {
int strength = drainItems.get(mat);
int strength = BConfig.drainItems.get(mat);
if (drain(player, strength)) {
@ -211,7 +232,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
quality = getQuality();
if (drunkeness <= -offlineDrunk) {
return drunkeness <= -hangoverTime;
return drunkeness <= -BConfig.hangoverTime;
return false;
@ -244,6 +265,13 @@ public class BPlayer {
push.setX(Math.random() - 0.5);
push.setZ(Math.random() - 0.5);
PlayerPushEvent pushEvent = new PlayerPushEvent(player, push, this);
push = pushEvent.getPush();
if (pushEvent.isCancelled() || push.lengthSquared() <= 0) {
time = -10;
} else if (time < 0 && time > -10) {
// push him some more in the same direction
@ -272,7 +300,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
if (drunkeness <= 70) {
return 0;
if (!enableLoginDisallow) {
if (!BConfig.enableLoginDisallow) {
if (drunkeness <= 100) {
return 0;
} else {
@ -302,24 +330,20 @@ public class BPlayer {
// delayed login event as the player is not fully accessible pre login
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(P.p, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1L);
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskLater(P.p, () -> login(player), 1L);
// he may be having a hangover
public void login(final Player player) {
if (drunkeness < 10) {
if (offlineDrunk > 60) {
if (enableHome && !player.hasPermission("brewery.bypass.teleport")) {
if (BConfig.enableHome && !player.hasPermission("brewery.bypass.teleport")) {
// wird der spieler noch gebraucht?
} else if (offlineDrunk - drunkeness >= 30) {
Location randomLoc = Wakeup.getRandom(player.getLocation());
@ -339,6 +363,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
public void goHome(final Player player) {
String homeType = BConfig.homeType;
if (homeType != null) {
Location home = null;
if (homeType.equalsIgnoreCase("bed")) {
@ -365,11 +390,11 @@ public class BPlayer {
public void drunkPuke(Player player) {
if (drunkeness >= 80) {
if (drunkeness >= 90) {
if (Math.random() < 0.15 - (getQuality() / 100)) {
if (Math.random() < 0.15f - (getQuality() / 100f)) {
addPuke(player, 20 + (int) (Math.random() * 40));
} else {
if (Math.random() < 0.08 - (getQuality() / 100)) {
if (Math.random() < 0.08f - (getQuality() / 100f)) {
addPuke(player, 10 + (int) (Math.random() * 30));
@ -378,18 +403,20 @@ public class BPlayer {
// make a Player puke "count" items
public static void addPuke(Player player, int count) {
if (!enablePuke) {
if (!BConfig.enablePuke) {
PlayerPukeEvent event = new PlayerPukeEvent(player, count);
if (event.isCancelled() || event.getCount() < 1) {
if (pTasks.isEmpty()) {
taskId = P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(P.p, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 1L, 1L);
taskId = P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(P.p, BPlayer::pukeTask, 1L, 1L);
pTasks.put(player, new MutableInt(count));
pTasks.put(player, new MutableInt(event.getCount()));
public static void pukeTask() {
@ -415,8 +442,8 @@ public class BPlayer {
if (pukeRand == null) {
pukeRand = new Random();
if (pukeItem == null || pukeItem == Material.AIR) {
pukeItem = Material.SOUL_SAND;
if (BConfig.pukeItem == null || BConfig.pukeItem == Material.AIR) {
BConfig.pukeItem = Material.SOUL_SAND;
Location loc = player.getLocation();
loc.setY(loc.getY() + 1.1);
@ -425,19 +452,20 @@ public class BPlayer {
Vector direction = loc.getDirection();
Item item = player.getWorld().dropItem(loc, new ItemStack(pukeItem));
Item item = player.getWorld().dropItem(loc, new ItemStack(BConfig.pukeItem));
item.setPickupDelay(32767); // Item can never be picked up when pickup delay is 32767
//item.setTicksLived(6000 - pukeDespawntime); // Well this does not work...
if (modAge) {
int pukeDespawntime = BConfig.pukeDespawntime;
if (pukeDespawntime >= 5800) {
try {
if (gh == null) {
gh = Class.forName(P.p.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".entity.CraftItem").getMethod("getHandle", (Class<?>[]) null);
if (itemHandle == null) {
itemHandle = Class.forName(P.p.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".entity.CraftItem").getMethod("getHandle", (Class<?>[]) null);
Object entityItem = gh.invoke(item, (Object[]) null);
Object entityItem = itemHandle.invoke(item, (Object[]) null);
if (age == null) {
age = entityItem.getClass().getDeclaredField("age");
@ -459,13 +487,25 @@ public class BPlayer {
modAge = false;
P.p.errorLog("Failed to set Despawn Time on item " + pukeItem.name());
P.p.errorLog("Failed to set Despawn Time on item " + BConfig.pukeItem.name());
// #### Effects ####
public static void applyEffects(List<PotionEffect> effects, Player player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType effectType) {
PlayerEffectEvent event = new PlayerEffectEvent(player, effectType, effects);
effects = event.getEffects();
if (event.isCancelled() || effects == null) {
for (PotionEffect effect : effects) {
BUtil.reapplyPotionEffect(player, effect, true);
public void drunkEffects(Player player) {
int duration = 10 - getQuality();
duration += drunkeness / 2;
@ -478,10 +518,22 @@ public class BPlayer {
if (!P.use1_14) {
duration *= 4;
PotionEffectType.CONFUSION.createEffect(duration, 0).apply(player);
List<PotionEffect> l = new ArrayList<>(1);
l.add(PotionEffectType.CONFUSION.createEffect(duration, 0));
PlayerEffectEvent event = new PlayerEffectEvent(player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.ALCOHOL, l);
l = event.getEffects();
if (event.isCancelled() || l == null) {
for (PotionEffect effect : l) {
public static void addQualityEffects(int quality, int brewAlc, Player player) {
public static List<PotionEffect> getQualityEffects(int quality, int brewAlc) {
List<PotionEffect> out = new ArrayList<>(2);
int duration = 7 - quality;
if (quality == 0) {
duration *= 125;
@ -497,7 +549,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
duration *= 4;
if (duration > 0) {
Util.reapplyPotionEffect(player, PotionEffectType.POISON.createEffect(duration, 0), true);
out.add(PotionEffectType.POISON.createEffect(duration, 0));
if (brewAlc > 10) {
@ -511,12 +563,39 @@ public class BPlayer {
if (!P.use1_14) {
duration *= 4;
Util.reapplyPotionEffect(player, PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS.createEffect(duration, 0), true);
out.add(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS.createEffect(duration, 0));
return out;
public static void addQualityEffects(int quality, int brewAlc, Player player) {
List<PotionEffect> list = getQualityEffects(quality, brewAlc);
PlayerEffectEvent event = new PlayerEffectEvent(player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.QUALITY, list);
list = event.getEffects();
if (event.isCancelled() || list == null) {
for (PotionEffect effect : list) {
BUtil.reapplyPotionEffect(player, effect, true);
public static List<PotionEffect> getBrewEffects(List<BEffect> effects, int quality) {
List<PotionEffect> out = new ArrayList<>();
if (effects != null) {
for (BEffect effect : effects) {
PotionEffect e = effect.generateEffect(quality);
if (e != null) {
return out;
public static void addBrewEffects(Brew brew, Player player) {
ArrayList<BEffect> effects = brew.getEffects();
List<BEffect> effects = brew.getEffects();
if (effects != null) {
for (BEffect effect : effects) {
effect.apply(brew.getQuality(), player);
@ -531,8 +610,19 @@ public class BPlayer {
int amplifier = getHangoverQuality() / 3;
Util.reapplyPotionEffect(player, PotionEffectType.SLOW.createEffect(duration, amplifier), true);
Util.reapplyPotionEffect(player, PotionEffectType.HUNGER.createEffect(duration, amplifier), true);
List<PotionEffect> list = new ArrayList<>(2);
list.add(PotionEffectType.SLOW.createEffect(duration, amplifier));
list.add(PotionEffectType.HUNGER.createEffect(duration, amplifier));
PlayerEffectEvent event = new PlayerEffectEvent(player, PlayerEffectEvent.EffectType.HANGOVER, list);
list = event.getEffects();
if (event.isCancelled() || list == null) {
for (PotionEffect effect : list) {
BUtil.reapplyPotionEffect(player, effect, true);
@ -545,12 +635,12 @@ public class BPlayer {
if (bplayer.drunkeness > 30) {
if (bplayer.offlineDrunk == 0) {
Player player = Util.getPlayerfromString(name);
Player player = BUtil.getPlayerfromString(name);
if (player != null) {
if (enablePuke) {
if (BConfig.enablePuke) {
@ -573,7 +663,7 @@ public class BPlayer {
// Prevent 0 drunkeness
if (bplayer.drain(Util.getPlayerfromString(name), soberPerMin)) {
if (bplayer.drain(BUtil.getPlayerfromString(name), soberPerMin)) {
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class BRecipe {
private String[] name;
private ArrayList<ItemStack> ingredients = new ArrayList<>(); // material and amount
private int cookingTime; // time to cook in cauldron
private int distillruns; // runs through the brewer
private int distillTime; // time for one distill run in seconds
private byte wood; // type of wood the barrel has to consist of
private int age; // time in minecraft days for the potions to age in barrels
private String color; // color of the destilled/finished potion
private int difficulty; // difficulty to brew the potion, how exact the instruction has to be followed
private int alcohol; // Alcohol in perfect potion
private ArrayList<BEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(); // Special Effects when drinking
public BRecipe(ConfigurationSection configSectionRecipes, String recipeId) {
String nameList = configSectionRecipes.getString(recipeId + ".name");
if (nameList != null) {
String[] name = nameList.split("/");
if (name.length > 2) {
this.name = name;
} else {
this.name = new String[1];
this.name[0] = name[0];
} else {
List<String> ingredientsList = configSectionRecipes.getStringList(recipeId + ".ingredients");
if (ingredientsList != null) {
for (String item : ingredientsList) {
String[] ingredParts = item.split("/");
if (ingredParts.length == 2) {
String[] matParts;
if (ingredParts[0].contains(",")) {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split(",");
} else if (ingredParts[0].contains(":")) {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split(":");
} else if (ingredParts[0].contains(";")) {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split(";");
} else {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split("\\.");
Material mat = Material.matchMaterial(matParts[0]);
short durability = -1;
if (matParts.length == 2) {
durability = (short) P.p.parseInt(matParts[1]);
if (mat == null && P.p.hasVault) {
try {
net.milkbowl.vault.item.ItemInfo vaultItem = net.milkbowl.vault.item.Items.itemByString(matParts[0]);
if (vaultItem != null) {
mat = vaultItem.getType();
if (durability == -1 && vaultItem.getSubTypeId() != 0) {
durability = vaultItem.getSubTypeId();
if (mat.name().contains("LEAVES")) {
if (durability > 3) {
durability -= 4; // Vault has leaves with higher durability
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check vault for Item Name");
if (mat != null) {
ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(mat, P.p.parseInt(ingredParts[1]), durability);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Unknown Material: " + ingredParts[0]);
this.ingredients = null;
} else {
this.cookingTime = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".cookingtime", 1);
this.distillruns = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".distillruns", 0);
this.distillTime = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".distilltime", 0) * 20;
this.wood = (byte) configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".wood", 0);
this.age = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".age", 0);
this.color = configSectionRecipes.getString(recipeId + ".color");
this.difficulty = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".difficulty", 0);
this.alcohol = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".alcohol", 0);
List<String> effectStringList = configSectionRecipes.getStringList(recipeId + ".effects");
if (effectStringList != null) {
for (String effectString : effectStringList) {
BEffect effect = new BEffect(effectString);
if (effect.isValid()) {
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Error adding Effect to Recipe: " + getName(5));
// check every part of the recipe for validity
public boolean isValid() {
if (name == null || name.length < 1) {
P.p.errorLog("Recipe Name missing or invalid!");
return false;
if (getName(5) == null || getName(5).length() < 1) {
P.p.errorLog("Recipe Name invalid");
return false;
if (ingredients == null || ingredients.isEmpty()) {
P.p.errorLog("No ingredients could be loaded for Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (cookingTime < 1) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid cooking time '" + cookingTime + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (distillruns < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid distillruns '" + distillruns + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (distillTime < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid distilltime '" + distillTime + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (wood < 0 || wood > 6) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid wood type '" + wood + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (age < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid age time '" + age + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
String c = getColor();
if (!c.equals("WATER") && Brew.PotionColor.fromString(c) == Brew.PotionColor.WATER) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid Color '" + color + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (difficulty < 0 || difficulty > 10) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid difficulty '" + difficulty + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
if (alcohol < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid alcohol '" + alcohol + "' in Recipe: " + getName(5));
return false;
return true;
// allowed deviation to the recipes count of ingredients at the given difficulty
public int allowedCountDiff(int count) {
if (count < 8) {
count = 8;
int allowedCountDiff = Math.round((float) ((11.0 - difficulty) * (count / 10.0)));
if (allowedCountDiff == 0) {
return 1;
return allowedCountDiff;
// allowed deviation to the recipes cooking-time at the given difficulty
public int allowedTimeDiff(int time) {
if (time < 8) {
time = 8;
int allowedTimeDiff = Math.round((float) ((11.0 - difficulty) * (time / 10.0)));
if (allowedTimeDiff == 0) {
return 1;
return allowedTimeDiff;
// difference between given and recipe-wanted woodtype
public float getWoodDiff(float wood) {
return Math.abs(wood - this.wood);
public boolean isCookingOnly() {
return age == 0 && distillruns == 0;
public boolean needsDistilling() {
return distillruns != 0;
public boolean needsToAge() {
return age != 0;
// true if given list misses an ingredient
public boolean isMissingIngredients(List<ItemStack> list) {
if (list.size() < ingredients.size()) {
return true;
for (ItemStack ingredient : ingredients) {
boolean matches = false;
for (ItemStack used : list) {
if (ingredientsMatch(used, ingredient)) {
matches = true;
if (!matches) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if this ingredient cares about durability
public boolean hasExactData(ItemStack item) {
for (ItemStack ingredient : ingredients) {
if (ingredient.getType().equals(item.getType())) {
return ingredient.getDurability() != -1;
return true;
// Returns true if this item matches the item from a recipe
public static boolean ingredientsMatch(ItemStack usedItem, ItemStack recipeItem) {
if (!recipeItem.getType().equals(usedItem.getType())) {
return false;
return recipeItem.getDurability() == -1 || recipeItem.getDurability() == usedItem.getDurability();
// Create a Potion from this Recipe with best values. Quality can be set, but will reset to 10 if put in a barrel
public ItemStack create(int quality) {
ItemStack potion = new ItemStack(Material.POTION);
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) potion.getItemMeta();
int uid = Brew.generateUID();
ArrayList<ItemStack> list = new ArrayList<>(ingredients.size());
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
if (item.getDurability() == -1) {
list.add(new ItemStack(item.getType(), item.getAmount()));
} else {
BIngredients bIngredients = new BIngredients(list, cookingTime);
Brew brew = new Brew(uid, bIngredients, quality, distillruns, getAge(), wood, getName(5), false, false, true, 0);
Brew.PotionColor.fromString(getColor()).colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + getName(quality)));
if (!P.use1_14) {
// Before 1.14 the effects duration would strangely be only a quarter of what we tell it to be
// This is due to the Duration Modifier, that is removed in 1.14
uid *= 4;
// This effect stores the UID in its Duration
potionMeta.addCustomEffect((PotionEffectType.REGENERATION).createEffect(uid, 0), true);
brew.convertLore(potionMeta, false);
Brew.addOrReplaceEffects(potionMeta, effects, quality);
return potion;
// Getter
// how many of a specific ingredient in the recipe
public int amountOf(ItemStack item) {
for (ItemStack ingredient : ingredients) {
if (ingredientsMatch(item, ingredient)) {
return ingredient.getAmount();
return 0;
// name that fits the quality
public String getName(int quality) {
if (name.length > 2) {
if (quality <= 3) {
return name[0];
} else if (quality <= 7) {
return name[1];
} else {
return name[2];
} else {
return name[0];
// If one of the quality names equalIgnoreCase given name
public boolean hasName(String name) {
for (String test : this.name) {
if (test.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return true;
return false;
public int getCookingTime() {
return cookingTime;
public int getDistillRuns() {
return distillruns;
public int getDistillTime() {
return distillTime;
public String getColor() {
if (color != null) {
return color.toUpperCase();
return "BLUE";
// get the woodtype
public byte getWood() {
return wood;
public float getAge() {
return (float) age;
public int getDifficulty() {
return difficulty;
public int getAlcohol() {
return alcohol;
public ArrayList<BEffect> getEffects() {
return effects;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BoundingBox;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Objects;
* The Blocks that make up a Barrel in the World
public class BarrelBody {
private final Barrel barrel;
private final Block spigot;
private BoundingBox bounds;
private byte signoffset;
public BarrelBody(Barrel barrel, byte signoffset) {
this.barrel = barrel;
this.signoffset = signoffset;
spigot = barrel.getSpigot();
this.bounds = new BoundingBox(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
* Loading from file
public BarrelBody(Barrel barrel, byte signoffset, BoundingBox bounds) {
this(barrel, signoffset);
if (bounds == null || bounds.area() > 64 ) {
// If loading from old data, or block locations are missing, or other error, regenerate BoundingBox
// This will only be done in those extreme cases.
Block broken = getBrokenBlock(true);
if (broken != null) {
barrel.remove(broken, null, true);
} else {
this.bounds = bounds;
public Barrel getBarrel() {
return barrel;
public Block getSpigot() {
return spigot;
public BoundingBox getBounds() {
return bounds;
public void setBounds(@NotNull BoundingBox bounds) {
this.bounds = bounds;
public byte getSignoffset() {
return signoffset;
public void setSignoffset(byte signoffset) {
this.signoffset = signoffset;
* If the Sign of a Large Barrel gets destroyed, set signOffset to 0
public void destroySign() {
signoffset = 0;
* direction of the barrel from the spigot
public static int getDirection(Block spigot) {
int direction = 0;// 1=x+ 2=x- 3=z+ 4=z-
Material type = spigot.getRelative(0, 0, 1).getType();
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
direction = 3;
type = spigot.getRelative(0, 0, -1).getType();
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
if (direction == 0) {
direction = 4;
} else {
return 0;
type = spigot.getRelative(1, 0, 0).getType();
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
if (direction == 0) {
direction = 1;
} else {
return 0;
type = spigot.getRelative(-1, 0, 0).getType();
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
if (direction == 0) {
direction = 2;
} else {
return 0;
return direction;
* is this a Large barrel?
public boolean isLarge() {
return barrel.isLarge();
* is this a Small barrel?
public boolean isSmall() {
return barrel.isSmall();
* woodtype of the block the spigot is attached to
public byte getWood() {
Block wood;
switch (getDirection(spigot)) { // 1=x+ 2=x- 3=z+ 4=z-
case 0:
return 0;
case 1:
wood = spigot.getRelative(1, 0, 0);
case 2:
wood = spigot.getRelative(-1, 0, 0);
case 3:
wood = spigot.getRelative(0, 0, 1);
wood = spigot.getRelative(0, 0, -1);
try {
return LegacyUtil.getWoodType(wood);
} catch (NoSuchFieldError | NoClassDefFoundError noSuchFieldError) {
// Using older minecraft versions some fields and classes do not exist
return 0;
* Returns true if this Block is part of this Barrel
* @param block the block to check
* @return true if the given block is part of this Barrel
public boolean hasBlock(Block block) {
if (block != null) {
if (spigot.equals(block)) {
return true;
if (spigot.getWorld().equals(block.getWorld())) {
return bounds != null && bounds.contains(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
return false;
* Returns true if the Offset of the clicked Sign matches the Barrel.
* <p>This prevents adding another sign to the barrel and clicking that.
public boolean isSignOfBarrel(byte offset) {
return offset == 0 || signoffset == 0 || signoffset == offset;
* returns the Sign of a large barrel, the spigot if there is none
public Block getSignOfSpigot() {
if (signoffset != 0) {
if (LegacyUtil.isSign(spigot.getType())) {
return spigot;
if (LegacyUtil.isSign(spigot.getRelative(0, signoffset, 0).getType())) {
return spigot.getRelative(0, signoffset, 0);
} else {
signoffset = 0;
return spigot;
* returns the fence above/below a block, itself if there is none
public static Block getSpigotOfSign(Block block) {
int y = -2;
while (y <= 1) {
// Fence and Netherfence
Block relative = block.getRelative(0, y, 0);
if (LegacyUtil.isFence(relative.getType())) {
return (relative);
return block;
* returns null if Barrel is correctly placed; the block that is missing when not.
* <p>the barrel needs to be formed correctly
* @param force to also check even if chunk is not loaded
public Block getBrokenBlock(boolean force) {
if (force || BUtil.isChunkLoaded(spigot)) {
//spigot = getSpigotOfSign(spigot);
if (LegacyUtil.isSign(spigot.getType())) {
return checkSBarrel();
} else {
return checkLBarrel();
return null;
public Block checkSBarrel() {
int direction = getDirection(spigot);// 1=x+ 2=x- 3=z+ 4=z-
if (direction == 0) {
return spigot;
int startX;
int startZ;
int endX;
int endZ;
if (direction == 1) {
startX = 1;
startZ = -1;
} else if (direction == 2) {
startX = -2;
startZ = 0;
} else if (direction == 3) {
startX = 0;
startZ = 1;
} else {
startX = -1;
startZ = -2;
endX = startX + 1;
endZ = startZ + 1;
Material type;
int x = startX;
int y = 0;
int z = startZ;
while (y <= 1) {
while (x <= endX) {
while (z <= endZ) {
Block block = spigot.getRelative(x, y, z);
type = block.getType();
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
if (y == 0) {
// stairs have to be upside down
if (!LegacyUtil.areStairsInverted(block)) {
return block;
} else {
return spigot.getRelative(x, y, z);
z = startZ;
z = startZ;
x = startX;
bounds = new BoundingBox(
spigot.getX() + startX,
spigot.getZ() + startZ,
spigot.getX() + endX,
spigot.getY() + 1,
spigot.getZ() + endZ);
return null;
public Block checkLBarrel() {
int direction = getDirection(spigot);// 1=x+ 2=x- 3=z+ 4=z-
if (direction == 0) {
return spigot;
int startX;
int startZ;
int endX;
int endZ;
if (direction == 1) {
startX = 1;
startZ = -1;
} else if (direction == 2) {
startX = -4;
startZ = -1;
} else if (direction == 3) {
startX = -1;
startZ = 1;
} else {
startX = -1;
startZ = -4;
if (direction == 1 || direction == 2) {
endX = startX + 3;
endZ = startZ + 2;
} else {
endX = startX + 2;
endZ = startZ + 3;
Material type;
int x = startX;
int y = 0;
int z = startZ;
while (y <= 2) {
while (x <= endX) {
while (z <= endZ) {
Block block = spigot.getRelative(x, y, z);
type = block.getType();
if (direction == 1 || direction == 2) {
if (y == 1 && z == 0) {
} else {
if (y == 1 && x == 0) {
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
} else {
return block;
z = startZ;
z = startZ;
x = startX;
bounds = new BoundingBox(
spigot.getX() + startX,
spigot.getZ() + startZ,
spigot.getX() + endX,
spigot.getY() + 2,
spigot.getZ() + endZ);
return null;
public void save(ConfigurationSection config, String prefix) {
if (signoffset != 0) {
config.set(prefix + ".sign", signoffset);
config.set(prefix + ".bounds", bounds.serialize());
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.PlayerChatDistortEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;
@ -9,11 +10,11 @@ import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Words {
public class DistortChat {
// represends Words and letters, that are replaced in drunk players messages
public static ArrayList<Words> words = new ArrayList<>();
public static List<DistortChat> words = new ArrayList<>();
public static List<String> commands;
public static List<String[]> ignoreText = new ArrayList<>();
public static Boolean doSigns;
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ public class Words {
private int alcohol = 1;
private int percentage = 100;
public Words(Map<?, ?> part) {
public DistortChat(Map<?, ?> part) {
for (Map.Entry<?, ?> wordPart : part.entrySet()) {
String key = (String) wordPart.getKey();
@ -79,9 +80,15 @@ public class Words {
P.p.log(P.p.languageReader.get("Player_TriedToSay", name, chat));
String message = chat.substring(command.length() + 1);
message = distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness());
String distorted = distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness());
PlayerChatDistortEvent call = new PlayerChatDistortEvent(event.isAsynchronous(), event.getPlayer(), bPlayer, message, distorted);
if (call.isCancelled()) {
distorted = call.getDistortedMessage();
event.setMessage(chat.substring(0, command.length() + 1) + message);
event.setMessage(chat.substring(0, command.length() + 1) + distorted);
waitPlayers.put(name, System.currentTimeMillis());
@ -101,12 +108,17 @@ public class Words {
int index = 0;
for (String message : event.getLines()) {
if (message.length() > 1) {
message = distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness());
String distorted = distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness());
PlayerChatDistortEvent call = new PlayerChatDistortEvent(event.isAsynchronous(), event.getPlayer(), bPlayer, message, distorted);
if (!call.isCancelled()) {
distorted = call.getDistortedMessage();
if (message.length() > 15) {
message = message.substring(0, 14);
if (distorted.length() > 15) {
distorted = distorted.substring(0, 14);
event.setLine(index, distorted);
event.setLine(index, message);
@ -123,7 +135,16 @@ public class Words {
if (log) {
P.p.log(P.p.languageReader.get("Player_TriedToSay", event.getPlayer().getName(), message));
event.setMessage(distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness()));
String distorted = distortMessage(message, bPlayer.getDrunkeness());
PlayerChatDistortEvent call = new PlayerChatDistortEvent(event.isAsynchronous(), event.getPlayer(), bPlayer, message, distorted);
if (call.isCancelled()) {
distorted = call.getDistortedMessage();
@ -164,7 +185,9 @@ public class Words {
// distorts a message without checking ignoreText letters
private static String distortString(String message, int drunkeness) {
if (message.length() > 1) {
for (Words word : words) {
// Create our own reference to the words list, in case of config reload
List<DistortChat> words = DistortChat.words;
for (DistortChat word : words) {
if (word.alcohol <= drunkeness) {
message = word.distort(message);
@ -80,8 +80,7 @@ public class MCBarrel {
// This is the last viewer
for (ItemStack item : inv.getContents()) {
if (item != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(item)) {
// We found a brew, so set time on this Barrel
if (inv.getHolder() instanceof org.bukkit.block.Barrel) {
Barrel barrel = (Barrel) inv.getHolder();
@ -97,6 +96,26 @@ public class MCBarrel {
public void countBrews() {
brews = 0;
for (ItemStack item : inv.getContents()) {
if (item != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(item)) {
public Inventory getInventory() {
return inv;
public static void onUpdate() {
// Used to visually stop Players from placing more than 6 (configurable) brews in the MC Barrels.
// There are still methods to place more Brews in that would be too tedious to catch.
// This is only for direct visual Notification, the age routine above will never age more than 6 brews in any case.
@ -113,11 +132,9 @@ public class MCBarrel {
// Placing Brew in MC Barrel
if (event.getCursor() != null && event.getClickedInventory() != null && event.getClickedInventory().getType() == InventoryType.BARREL && event.getCursor().getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew b = Brew.get(event.getCursor());
if (b != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(event.getCursor())) {
if (event.getAction() == InventoryAction.SWAP_WITH_CURSOR && event.getCurrentItem() != null && event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew bb = Brew.get(event.getCurrentItem());
if (bb != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(event.getCurrentItem())) {
// The item we are swapping with is also a brew, dont change the count and allow
@ -130,8 +147,7 @@ public class MCBarrel {
if (event.getCurrentItem() != null && event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.POTION && event.getClickedInventory() != null) {
if (event.getClickedInventory().getType() == InventoryType.BARREL) {
// Moving Brew out of MC Barrel
Brew b = Brew.get(event.getCurrentItem());
if (b != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(event.getCurrentItem())) {
if (brews == -1) {
@ -140,8 +156,7 @@ public class MCBarrel {
} else if (event.getClickedInventory().getType() == InventoryType.PLAYER) {
// Moving Brew into MC Barrel
Brew b = Brew.get(event.getCurrentItem());
if (b != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(event.getCurrentItem())) {
adding = true;
@ -155,8 +170,7 @@ public class MCBarrel {
// Pickup Brew from MC Barrel
if (event.getCurrentItem() != null && event.getClickedInventory() != null && event.getClickedInventory().getType() == InventoryType.BARREL && event.getCurrentItem().getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew b = Brew.get(event.getCurrentItem());
if (b != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(event.getCurrentItem())) {
if (brews == -1) {
@ -184,24 +198,4 @@ public class MCBarrel {
public void countBrews() {
brews = 0;
for (ItemStack item : inv.getContents()) {
if (item != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
public Inventory getInventory() {
return inv;
public static void onUpdate() {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.UUID;
public class Util {
/********** Bukkit Utils **********/
// Check if the Chunk of a Block is loaded !without loading it in the process!
public static boolean isChunkLoaded(Block block) {
return block.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(block.getX() >> 4, block.getZ() >> 4);
public static String color(String msg) {
if (msg != null) {
msg = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', msg);
return msg;
// Returns either uuid or Name of player, depending on bukkit version
public static String playerString(Player player) {
if (P.useUUID) {
return player.getUniqueId().toString();
} else {
return player.getName();
// returns the Player if online
public static Player getPlayerfromString(String name) {
if (P.useUUID) {
try {
return Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(name));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Bukkit.getPlayerExact(name);
return Bukkit.getPlayerExact(name);
// Apply a Potion Effect, if player already has this effect, overwrite the existing effect.
// Optionally only overwrite if the new one is stronger, i.e. has higher level or longer duration
public static void reapplyPotionEffect(Player player, PotionEffect effect, boolean onlyIfStronger) {
final PotionEffectType type = effect.getType();
if (player.hasPotionEffect(type)) {
PotionEffect plEffect;
if (P.use1_11) {
plEffect = player.getPotionEffect(type);
} else {
plEffect = player.getActivePotionEffects().stream().filter(e -> e.getType().equals(type)).findAny().get();
if (plEffect.getAmplifier() < effect.getAmplifier() || (plEffect.getAmplifier() == effect.getAmplifier() && plEffect.getDuration() < effect.getDuration())) {
} else {
/********** Other Utils **********/
// prints a list of Strings at the specified page
public static void list(CommandSender sender, ArrayList<String> strings, int page) {
int pages = (int) Math.ceil(strings.size() / 7F);
if (page > pages || page < 1) {
page = 1;
sender.sendMessage(color("&7-------------- &f" + P.p.languageReader.get("Etc_Page") + " &6" + page + "&f/&6" + pages + " &7--------------"));
ListIterator<String> iter = strings.listIterator((page - 1) * 7);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (iter.hasNext()) {
} else {
// gets the Name of a DXL World
public static String getDxlName(String worldName) {
File dungeonFolder = new File(worldName);
if (dungeonFolder.isDirectory()) {
for (File file : dungeonFolder.listFiles()) {
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
if (file.getName().startsWith(".id_")) {
return file.getName().substring(1).toLowerCase();
return worldName;
// create empty World save Sections
public static void createWorldSections(ConfigurationSection section) {
for (World world : P.p.getServer().getWorlds()) {
String worldName = world.getName();
if (worldName.startsWith("DXL_")) {
worldName = getDxlName(worldName);
} else {
worldName = world.getUID().toString();
public static void saveFile(InputStream in, File dest, String name, boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
if (in == null) return;
if (!dest.exists()) {
File result = new File(dest, name);
if (result.exists()) {
if (overwrite) {
} else {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(result);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int length;
//copy the file content in bytes
while ((length = in.read(buffer)) > 0){
out.write(buffer, 0, length);
@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.List;
public class Wakeup {
public static ArrayList<Wakeup> wakeups = new ArrayList<>();
public static List<Wakeup> wakeups = new ArrayList<>();
public static P p = P.p;
public static int checkId = -1;
public static Player checkPlayer = null;
@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ public class Wakeup {
locs.add("&6" + s + id + "&f" + s + ": " + world + " " + x + "," + y + "," + z);
Util.list(sender, locs, page);
BUtil.list(sender, locs, page);
public static void check(CommandSender sender, int id, boolean all) {
@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ public class Wakeup {
public static void save(ConfigurationSection section, ConfigurationSection oldData) {
// loc is saved as a String in world sections with format x/y/z/pitch/yaw
if (!wakeups.isEmpty()) {
@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public class Wakeup {
String prefix;
if (worldName.startsWith("DXL_")) {
prefix = Util.getDxlName(worldName) + "." + id;
prefix = BUtil.getDxlName(worldName) + "." + id;
} else {
prefix = wakeup.loc.getWorld().getUID().toString() + "." + id;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api;
import com.dre.brewery.BCauldron;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
* Convenience methods to get common objects or do common things.
* <p>Contains shortcuts and collects of some of the main functions of this Plugin
* <p>Next to this there are lots of public Methods in many Objects
* like Brew, Barrel, BCauldron, BRecipe, etc
* <p>In the api package, you can also find custom Events.
public class BreweryApi {
* Remove any data that this Plugin may associate with the given Block.
* <p>Currently Cauldrons and Barrels (Cauldron, Wood, Woodstairs, Fence, Sign)
* <p>Does not remove any actual Blocks
* <p>Returns true if anything was removed
* @return true if anything was removed
public static boolean removeAny(Block block) {
if (removeCauldron(block)) return true;
return removeBarrel(block, true);
* <p>Like removeAny() but removes data as if the given player broke the Block.
* <p>Currently only makes a difference for Logging
public static boolean removeAnyByPlayer(Block block, Player player) {
if (removeCauldron(block)) return true;
return removeBarrelByPlayer(block, player, true);
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Player # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get the BPlayer for the given Player, containing drunkeness and hangover data.
public static BPlayer getBPlayer(Player player) {
return BPlayer.get(player);
* Set the Players drunkeness state.
* @param player The Player to set the drunkeness on
* @param drunkeness The amount of drunkeness 0-100 to apply to the player
* @param quality The Quality 1-10 the drunkeness of the player should have.
* <br>zero Quality keeps the players current quality
public static void setPlayerDrunk(Player player, int drunkeness, int quality) {
if (drunkeness < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drunkeness can not be <0");
if (quality > 10) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quality can not be >10");
BPlayer bPlayer = BPlayer.get(player);
if (bPlayer == null && player != null) {
if (drunkeness == 0) {
bPlayer = BPlayer.addPlayer(player);
if (bPlayer == null) {
if (drunkeness == 0) {
} else {
bPlayer.setData(drunkeness, quality);
if (drunkeness > 100) {
if (player != null) {
} else {
if (!BConfig.overdrinkKick) {
bPlayer.setData(100, 0);
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Brew # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get a Brew from an ItemStack.
* <p>Reads the Brew data from the saved data on the item
* <p>Checks if item is actually a Brew
* <p>Returns null if item is not a Brew
public static Brew getBrew(ItemStack item) {
return Brew.get(item);
* Get a Brew from an ItemMeta.
* <p>Reads the Brew data from the saved data in the Meta
* <p>Checks if meta has a Brew saved
* <p>Returns null if meta is not a Brew
public static Brew getBrew(ItemMeta meta) {
return Brew.get(meta);
* Performant way to check if an item is a brew.
* <p>Does not give any guarantees that getBrew() will return notnull for this item, i.e. if it is a brew but couldn't be loaded
public static boolean isBrew(ItemStack item) {
return Brew.isBrew(item);
* Create a Brew from the given Recipe.
* @param recipe The Recipe to create a brew from
* @return The Brew that was created. Can use brew.createItem() to get an ItemStack
public static Brew createBrew(BRecipe recipe, int quality) {
return recipe.createBrew(quality);
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Barrel # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get a Barrel from a Block.
* <p>May be any Wood, Fence, Sign that is part of a Barrel
* <p>Returns null if block is not part of a Barrel
public static Barrel getBarrel(Block block) {
return Barrel.get(block);
* Get the Inventory of a Block part of a Barrel.
* <p>May be any Wood, Fence or Sign that is part of a Barrel
* <p>Returns null if block is not part of a Barrel
public static Inventory getBarrelInventory(Block block) {
Barrel barrel = Barrel.get(block);
if (barrel != null) {
return barrel.getInventory();
return null;
* Remove any Barrel that this Block may be Part of.
* Does not remove any actual Block
* @param block The Block thats part of the barrel, potions will drop there
* @param dropItems If the items in the barrels inventory should drop to the ground
* @return True if a Barrel was removed
public static boolean removeBarrel(Block block, boolean dropItems) {
return removeBarrelByPlayer(block, null, dropItems);
* Remove any Barrel that this Block may be Part of, as if broken by the Player.
* Does not remove any actual Block from the World
* @param block The Block thats part of the barrel, potions will drop there
* @param player The Player that broke the Block
* @param dropItems If the items in the barrels inventory should drop to the ground
* @return True if a Barrel was removed
public static boolean removeBarrelByPlayer(Block block, Player player, boolean dropItems) {
Barrel barrel = Barrel.get(block);
if (barrel != null) {
barrel.remove(block, player, dropItems);
return true;
return false;
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Cauldron # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get a BCauldron from a Block.
* <p>Returns null if block is not a BCauldron
public static BCauldron getCauldron(Block block) {
return BCauldron.get(block);
* Remove any data associated with a Cauldron at that given Block.
* <p>Returns true if a Cauldron was removed
* <p>Does not remove the Block from the World
public static boolean removeCauldron(Block block) {
return BCauldron.remove(block);
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Recipe # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get a BRecipe by its name.
* <p>The name is the middle one of the three if three are set in the config
* <p>Returns null if recipe with that name does not exist
public static BRecipe getRecipe(String name) {
return BRecipe.get(name);
* Add a New Recipe.
* <p>Brews can be made out of this Recipe.
* <p>The recipe can be changed or removed later.
* @param recipe The Recipe to add
* @param saveForever Not Implemented yet.
* <br>If the recipe should be saved forever, even after the Server restarts
* <br>If True: Recipe will be saved until removed manually
* <br>If False: Recipe will be removed when the Server restarts, existing potions using
* <br>this Recipe will become bad after continued aging, if the recipe is not added again.
public static void addRecipe(BRecipe recipe, boolean saveForever) {
if (saveForever) {
throw new NotImplementedException("SaveForever is not implemented yet");
* Removes a Recipe from the List of all Recipes.
* <p>This can also remove Recipes that were loaded from config, though these will be readded when reloading the config
* @param name The name of the recipe to remove
* @return The Recipe that was removed, null if none was removed
public static BRecipe removeRecipe(String name) {
List<BRecipe> recipes = BRecipe.getAllRecipes();
for (int i = 0; i < recipes.size(); i++) {
if (recipes.get(i).getRecipeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
BRecipe remove = recipes.remove(i);
if (i < BRecipe.numConfigRecipes) {
// We removed one of the Config Recipes
return remove;
return null;
* Create a New Recipe with a Recipe Builder.
* @param recipeNames Either 1 or 3 names. Sets the Name for Quality (Bad, Normal, Good)
* @return A Recipe Builder
public static BRecipe.Builder recipeBuilder(String... recipeNames) {
return new BRecipe.Builder(recipeNames);
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
// # # # # # Cauldron Recipe # # # # #
// # # # # # # # # # # # #
* Get A BCauldronRecipe by its name.
* <p>Returns null if recipe with that name does not exist
public static BCauldronRecipe getCauldronRecipe(String name) {
return BCauldronRecipe.get(name);
* Add a New Cauldron Recipe.
* <p>Base Brews coming out of the Cauldron can be made from this recipe
* <p>The recipe can be changed or removed later.
* @param recipe The Cauldron Recipe to add
* @param saveForever Not Implemented yet.
* <br>If the recipe should be saved forever, even after the Server restarts
* <br>If True: Recipe will be saved until removed manually
* <br>If False: Recipe will be removed when the Server restarts
public static void addCauldronRecipe(BCauldronRecipe recipe, boolean saveForever) {
if (saveForever) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
* Removes a Cauldron Recipe from the List of all Cauldron Recipes.
* <p>This can also remove Cauldron Recipes that were loaded from config,
* though these will be readded when reloading the config
* @param name The name of the cauldron recipe to remove
* @return The Cauldron Recipe that was removed, null if none was removed
public static BCauldronRecipe removeCauldronRecipe(String name) {
List<BCauldronRecipe> recipes = BCauldronRecipe.getAllRecipes();
for (int i = 0; i < recipes.size(); i++) {
if (recipes.get(i).getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
BCauldronRecipe remove = recipes.remove(i);
if (i < BCauldronRecipe.numConfigRecipes) {
// We removed one of the Config Recipes
return remove;
return null;
* Create a New Cauldron Recipe with a Recipe Builder.
* @param name The name of the new Cauldron Recipe
* @return A Cauldron Recipe Builder
public static BCauldronRecipe.Builder cauldronRecipeBuilder(String name) {
return new BCauldronRecipe.Builder(name);
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import com.dre.brewery.api.BreweryApi;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* The Brewery Config was reloaded.
* <p>The Recipes added by a Plugin to the Added Recipes will not be reloaded and stay where they are.
public class ConfigLoadEvent extends Event {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
* Removes a Recipe, can also remove config recipes.
* One of the things one might need to do after reloading.
* @param name Name of the Recipe to remove
* @return The Recipe that was removed, null if none was removed
public BRecipe removeRecipe(String name) {
return BreweryApi.removeRecipe(name);
* Removes a Cauldron Recipe, can also remove config recipes.
* One of the things one might need to do after reloading.
* @param name Name of the Cauldron Recipe to remove
* @return The Cauldron Recipe that was removed, null if none was removed
public BCauldronRecipe removeCauldronRecipe(String name) {
return BreweryApi.removeCauldronRecipe(name);
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import com.dre.brewery.BCauldron;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Levelled;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Player adding an ingredient to a cauldron.
* <p>Always one item added at a time.
* <p>If needed use the caudrons add method to manually add more Items
public class IngedientAddEvent extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Block block;
private final BCauldron cauldron;
private ItemStack ingredient;
private RecipeItem rItem;
private boolean cancelled;
private boolean takeItem = true;
public IngedientAddEvent(Player who, Block block, BCauldron bCauldron, ItemStack ingredient, RecipeItem rItem) {
this.block = block;
cauldron = bCauldron;
this.rItem = rItem;
this.ingredient = ingredient;
public Block getBlock() {
return block;
public BCauldron getCauldron() {
return cauldron;
* The Recipe item that matches the ingredient.
* <p>This might not be the only recipe item that will match the ingredient
* <p>Will be recalculated if the Ingredient is changed with the setIngredient Method
public RecipeItem getRecipeItem() {
return rItem;
* Get the item currently being added to the cauldron by the player.
* <p>Can be changed directly (mutable) or with the setter Method
* <p>The amount is ignored and always one added
* @return The item being added
public ItemStack getIngredient() {
return ingredient;
* Set the ingredient added to the cauldron to something else.
* <p>Will always be accepted, even when not in a recipe or the cooked lis
* <p>The amount is ignored and always one added
* <p>This also recalculates the recipeItem!
* @param ingredient The item to add instead
public void setIngredient(ItemStack ingredient) {
this.ingredient = ingredient;
// The Ingredient has been changed. Recalculate RecipeItem!
rItem = RecipeItem.getMatchingRecipeItem(ingredient, true);
* If the amount of the item in the players hand should be decreased.
* (Default true)
public boolean willTakeItem() {
return takeItem;
* Set if the amount of the item in the players hand should be decreased.
* @param takeItem if the item amount in the hand should be decreased
public void setTakeItem(boolean takeItem) {
this.takeItem = takeItem;
* Get the BlockData of the Cauldron.
* <p>May be null if the Cauldron does not exist anymore
* @return The BlockData of the cauldron
public Levelled getCauldronData() {
BlockData data = block.getBlockData();
if (data instanceof Levelled) {
return (Levelled) data;
return null;
* Get the water fill level of the Cauldron.
* <p>0 = empty, 1 = something in, 2 = full
* <p>Can use BCauldron.EMPTY, BCauldron.SOME, BCauldron.FULL
* @return The fill level as a byte 0-2
public byte getFillLevel() {
return LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(block);
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
* If the event is cancelled, no item will be added or taken from the player.
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.Objects;
* The Player writes something in Chat or on a Sign and his words are distorted.
* <p>This Event may be Async if the Chat Event is Async!
public class PlayerChatDistortEvent extends Event implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Player player;
private final BPlayer bPlayer;
private final String prevMsg;
private String distortMsg;
private boolean cancelled;
public PlayerChatDistortEvent(boolean async, Player player, BPlayer bPlayer, String prevMsg, String distortMsg) {
this.player = player;
this.bPlayer = bPlayer;
this.prevMsg = prevMsg;
this.distortMsg = distortMsg;
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
public BPlayer getbPlayer() {
return bPlayer;
* @return The Message the Player had actually written
public String getWrittenMessage() {
return prevMsg;
* @return The message after it was distorted
public String getDistortedMessage() {
return distortMsg;
* @return The drunkeness of the player that is writing the message
public int getDrunkeness() {
return bPlayer.getDrunkeness();
* Set the Message that the player will say instead of what he wrote
public void setDistortedMessage(String distortMsg) {
this.distortMsg = Objects.requireNonNull(distortMsg);
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.List;
* A List of effects is applied to the player.
* <p>This happens for various reasons like Alcohol level, Brew quality, Brew effects, etc.
* <p>Can be changed or cancelled
public class PlayerEffectEvent extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final EffectType effectType;
private List<PotionEffect> effects;
private boolean cancelled;
public PlayerEffectEvent(Player who, EffectType effectType, List<PotionEffect> effects) {
this.effectType = effectType;
this.effects = effects;
* @return The effects being applied. Effects can be added or removed from this list.
public List<PotionEffect> getEffects() {
return effects;
public void setEffects(List<PotionEffect> effects) {
this.effects = effects;
* @return What type of effects are applied, see EffectType
public EffectType getEffectType() {
return effectType;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
* The Type of Effect, or why an effect is being added to the player.
public enum EffectType {
* The Alcohol level demands its toll.
* <p>Regularly applied depending on the players alcohol level
* <p>By default it is just one Confusion effect
* Effects of a Brew are applied to the player (drinking the Brew).
* <p>These depend on alcohol and quality of the brew
* When drinking a Brew with low Quality, these effects are applied.
* When logging in after drinking, Hangover Effects are applied.
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* The player pukes (throws puke items to the ground).
* <p>Those items can never be picked up and despawn after the time set in the config
* <p>Number of items to drop can be changed with count
public class PlayerPukeEvent extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private int count;
private boolean cancelled;
private BPlayer bPlayer;
public PlayerPukeEvent(Player who, int count) {
this.count = count;
* Get the Amount of items being dropped this time
public int getCount() {
return count;
* Set the amount of items being dropped this time
public void setCount(int count) {
this.count = count;
public BPlayer getBPlayer() {
if (bPlayer == null) {
bPlayer = BPlayer.get(player);
return bPlayer;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* The Players movement is hindered because of drunkeness.
* <p>Called each time before pushing the Player with the Vector push 10 times
* <p>The Push Vector can be changed or multiplied
public class PlayerPushEvent extends PlayerEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final BPlayer bPlayer;
private Vector push;
private boolean cancelled;
public PlayerPushEvent(Player who, Vector push, BPlayer bPlayer) {
this.push = push;
this.bPlayer = bPlayer;
public BPlayer getBPlayer() {
return bPlayer;
* Get the Vector in which direction and magnitude the player is pushed.
* <p>Can be changed directly or through setPush
* @return The current push vector
public Vector getPush() {
return push;
* Set the Push vector.
* @param push The new push vector, not null
public void setPush(@NotNull Vector push) {
if (push == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Push Vector is null");
this.push = push;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* A Player opens a Barrel by rightclicking it.
* <p>The PlayerInteractEvent on the Barrel may be cancelled. In that case this never gets called
* <p>Can be cancelled to silently deny opening the Barrel
public class BarrelAccessEvent extends BarrelEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Player player;
private final Block clickedBlock;
private boolean isCancelled;
public BarrelAccessEvent(Barrel barrel, Player player, Block clickedBlock) {
this.player = player;
this.clickedBlock = clickedBlock;
* Gets the Block that was actually clicked.
* <p>For access Permissions getSpigot() should be used
public Block getClickedBlock() {
return clickedBlock;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return isCancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
isCancelled = cancelled;
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* Called when a Barrel is created by a Player by placing a Sign.
* <p>Cancelling this will silently fail the Barrel creation
public class BarrelCreateEvent extends BarrelEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Player player;
private boolean cancelled;
public BarrelCreateEvent(Barrel barrel, Player player) {
this.player = player;
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* A Barrel is being destroyed by something, may not be by a Player.
* <p>A BarrelRemoveEvent will be called after this, if this is not cancelled
* <p>Use the BarrelRemoveEvent to monitor any and all barrels being removed in a non cancellable way
* <p>Cancelling the Event will stop the barrel from being destroyed
public class BarrelDestroyEvent extends BarrelEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Block broken;
private final Reason reason;
private final Player player;
private boolean cancelled;
public BarrelDestroyEvent(Barrel barrel, Block broken, Reason reason, Player player) {
this.broken = broken;
this.player = player;
this.reason = reason;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
* Cancelling the Event will stop the barrel from being destroyed.
* Any Blocks that are part of the barrel will not be destroyed
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
* @return The Block of the Barrel that was broken
public Block getBroken() {
return broken;
* @return The Reason of destruction of this barrel, see Reason
public Reason getReason() {
return reason;
* If a Player was recorded destroying the barrel
public boolean hasPlayer() {
return player != null;
* @return The Player, Null if no Player is involved
public Player getPlayerOptional() {
return player;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
* The Reason why the Barrel is being destroyed.
public enum Reason {
* A Player Broke the Barrel
* A Block was broken by something
* A Block burned away
* The Barrel exploded somehow
* The Barrel was broken somehow else
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
public abstract class BarrelEvent extends Event {
protected final Barrel barrel;
public BarrelEvent(Barrel barrel) {
this.barrel = barrel;
public Barrel getBarrel() {
return barrel;
public Inventory getInventory() {
return barrel.getInventory();
* @return The Spigot Block of the Barrel, usually Sign or a Fence
public Block getSpigot() {
return barrel.getSpigot();
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* A Barrel is being removed.
* <p>There may have been a BarrelDestroyEvent before this.
* If not, Worldedit, other Plugins etc may be the cause for unexpected removal
public class BarrelRemoveEvent extends BarrelEvent {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean dropItems;
public BarrelRemoveEvent(Barrel barrel, boolean dropItems) {
this.dropItems = dropItems;
public boolean willDropItems() {
return dropItems;
* @param dropItems Should the Items contained in this Barrel drop to the ground?
public void setShouldDropItems(boolean dropItems) {
this.dropItems = dropItems;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* A Player Drinks a Brew.
* <p>The amount of alcohol and quality that will be added to the player can be get/set here
* <p>If cancelled the drinking will fail silently
public class BrewDrinkEvent extends BrewEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Player player;
private final BPlayer bPlayer;
private int alc;
private int quality;
private boolean cancelled;
public BrewDrinkEvent(Brew brew, ItemMeta meta, Player player, BPlayer bPlayer) {
super(brew, meta);
this.player = player;
this.bPlayer = bPlayer;
alc = brew.getOrCalcAlc();
quality = brew.getQuality();
public Player getPlayer() {
return player;
public BPlayer getbPlayer() {
return bPlayer;
public int getAddedAlcohol() {
return alc;
public void setAddedAlcohol(int alc) {
this.alc = alc;
public int getQuality() {
return quality;
public void setQuality(int quality) {
if (quality > 10 || quality < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quality must be in range from 0 to 10");
this.quality = quality;
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public abstract class BrewEvent extends Event {
protected final Brew brew;
protected final ItemMeta meta;
public BrewEvent(@NotNull Brew brew, @NotNull ItemMeta meta) {
this.brew = brew;
this.meta = meta;
public Brew getBrew() {
return brew;
* Gets the Meta of the Item this Brew is attached to
public ItemMeta getItemMeta() {
return meta;
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.BrewLore;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* A Brew has been created or modified.
* <p>Usually happens on filling from cauldron, distilling and aging.
* <p>Modifications to the Brew or the PotionMeta can be done now
* <p>Cancelling reverts the Brew to the state it was before the modification
public class BrewModifyEvent extends BrewEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private final Type type;
private boolean cancelled;
public BrewModifyEvent(@NotNull Brew brew, @NotNull ItemMeta meta, @NotNull Type type) {
super(brew, meta);
this.type = type;
* Get the Type of modification being applied to the Brew.
public Type getType() {
return type;
* Get the BrewLore to modify lore on the Brew
public BrewLore getLore() {
return new BrewLore(getBrew(), (PotionMeta) getItemMeta());
public boolean isCancelled() {
return cancelled;
* Setting the Event cancelled cancels all modificatons to the brew.
* <p>Modifications to the Brew or ItemMeta will not be applied
public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) {
this.cancelled = cancelled;
public HandlerList getHandlers() {
return handlers;
// Required by Bukkit
public static HandlerList getHandlerList() {
return handlers;
* The Type of Modification being applied to the Brew.
public enum Type {
* A new Brew is created with arbitrary ways, like the create command.
* <p>Cancelling this will disallow the creation
* Filled from a Cauldron into a new Brew.
* Distilled in the Brewing stand.
* Aged in a Barrel.
* Unlabeling Brew with command.
* Making Brew static with command.
* Unknown modification, unused.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.DistortChat;
import com.dre.brewery.MCBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.ConfigLoadEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.WGBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.WGBarrel5;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.WGBarrel6;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.WGBarrel7;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.item.BreweryPluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.item.MMOItemsPluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.item.SlimefunPluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class BConfig {
public static final String configVersion = "2.0";
public static boolean updateCheck;
public static CommandSender reloader;
// Third Party Enabled
public static boolean useWG; //WorldGuard
public static WGBarrel wg;
public static boolean useLWC; //LWC
public static boolean useLB; //LogBlock
public static boolean useGP; //GriefPrevention
public static boolean hasVault; // Vault
public static boolean useCitadel; // CivCraft/DevotedMC Citadel
public static boolean useGMInventories; // GamemodeInventories
public static Boolean hasSlimefun = null; // Slimefun ; Null if not checked
public static Boolean hasMMOItems = null; // MMOItems ; Null if not checked
// Barrel
public static boolean openEverywhere;
public static Map<Material, Integer> drainItems = new HashMap<>();// DrainItem Material and Strength
public static Material pukeItem;
public static int pukeDespawntime;
public static int hangoverTime;
public static boolean overdrinkKick;
public static boolean enableHome;
public static boolean enableLoginDisallow;
public static boolean enablePuke;
public static String homeType;
public static boolean colorInBarrels; // color the Lore while in Barrels
public static boolean colorInBrewer; // color the Lore while in Brewer
public static boolean enableEncode;
public static boolean alwaysShowQuality; // Always show quality stars
public static boolean alwaysShowAlc; // Always show alc%
public static List<RecipeItem> customItems = new ArrayList<>();
public static P p = P.p;
private static boolean checkConfigs() {
File cfg = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
if (!cfg.exists()) {
p.log("§1§lNo config.yml found, creating default file! You may want to choose a config according to your language!");
p.log("§1§lYou can find them in plugins/Brewery/configs/");
p.log("§1§lJust copy the config for your language into the Brewery folder and /brew reload");
InputStream defconf = p.getResource("config/" + (P.use1_13 ? "v13/" : "v12/") + "en/config.yml");
if (defconf == null) {
p.errorLog("default config file not found, your jarfile may be corrupt. Disabling Brewery!");
return false;
try {
BUtil.saveFile(defconf, p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml", false);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
if (!cfg.exists()) {
p.errorLog("default config file could not be copied, your jarfile may be corrupt. Disabling Brewery!");
return false;
return true;
private static void copyDefaultConfigs(boolean overwrite) {
File configs = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "configs");
File languages = new File(p.getDataFolder(), "languages");
for (String l : new String[] {"de", "en", "fr", "it", "zh", "tw"}) {
File lfold = new File(configs, l);
try {
BUtil.saveFile(p.getResource("config/" + (P.use1_13 ? "v13/" : "v12/") + l + "/config.yml"), lfold, "config.yml", overwrite);
BUtil.saveFile(p.getResource("languages/" + l + ".yml"), languages, l + ".yml", false); // Never overwrite languages, they get updated with their updater
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!(l.equals("zh") || l.equals("tw"))) {
// zh and tw not available for some versions
public static FileConfiguration loadConfigFile() {
File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
if (!checkConfigs()) {
return null;
try {
YamlConfiguration cfg = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
if (cfg.contains("version") && cfg.contains("language")) {
return cfg;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Failed to load
if (p.languageReader != null) {
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Could not read file config.yml, please make sure the file is in valid yml format (correct spaces etc.)");
return null;
public static void readConfig(FileConfiguration config) {
// Set the Language
p.language = config.getString("language", "en");
// Load LanguageReader
p.languageReader = new LanguageReader(new File(p.getDataFolder(), "languages/" + p.language + ".yml"), "languages/" + p.language + ".yml");
// Has to config still got old materials
boolean oldMat = config.getBoolean("oldMat", false);
// Check if config is the newest version
String version = config.getString("version", null);
if (version != null) {
if (!version.equals(configVersion) || (oldMat && P.use1_13)) {
File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
new ConfigUpdater(file).update(version, oldMat, p.language, config);
P.p.log("Config Updated to version: " + configVersion);
config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
// If the Update Checker should be enabled
updateCheck = config.getBoolean("updateCheck", false);
PluginManager plMan = p.getServer().getPluginManager();
// Third-Party
useWG = config.getBoolean("useWorldGuard", true) && plMan.isPluginEnabled("WorldGuard");
if (useWG) {
Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldEdit");
if (plugin != null) {
String wgv = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
if (wgv.startsWith("6.")) {
wg = new WGBarrel6();
} else if (wgv.startsWith("5.")) {
wg = new WGBarrel5();
} else {
wg = new WGBarrel7();
if (wg == null) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed loading WorldGuard Integration! Opening Barrels will NOT work!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 5.8, 6.1 and 7.0 of WorldGuard!");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the WorldGuard support in the config and do /brew reload");
useLWC = config.getBoolean("useLWC", true) && plMan.isPluginEnabled("LWC");
useGP = config.getBoolean("useGriefPrevention", true) && plMan.isPluginEnabled("GriefPrevention");
useLB = config.getBoolean("useLogBlock", false) && plMan.isPluginEnabled("LogBlock");
useGMInventories = config.getBoolean("useGMInventories", false);
useCitadel = config.getBoolean("useCitadel", false) && plMan.isPluginEnabled("Citadel");
// The item util has been removed in Vault 1.7+
hasVault = plMan.isPluginEnabled("Vault")
&& Integer.parseInt(plMan.getPlugin("Vault").getDescription().getVersion().split("\\.")[1]) <= 6;
// various Settings
DataSave.autosave = config.getInt("autosave", 3);
P.debug = config.getBoolean("debug", false);
pukeItem = Material.matchMaterial(config.getString("pukeItem", "SOUL_SAND"));
hangoverTime = config.getInt("hangoverDays", 0) * 24 * 60;
overdrinkKick = config.getBoolean("enableKickOnOverdrink", false);
enableHome = config.getBoolean("enableHome", false);
enableLoginDisallow = config.getBoolean("enableLoginDisallow", false);
enablePuke = config.getBoolean("enablePuke", false);
pukeDespawntime = config.getInt("pukeDespawntime", 60) * 20;
homeType = config.getString("homeType", null);
colorInBarrels = config.getBoolean("colorInBarrels", false);
colorInBrewer = config.getBoolean("colorInBrewer", false);
alwaysShowQuality = config.getBoolean("alwaysShowQuality", false);
alwaysShowAlc = config.getBoolean("alwaysShowAlc", false);
enableEncode = config.getBoolean("enableEncode", false);
openEverywhere = config.getBoolean("openLargeBarrelEverywhere", false);
MCBarrel.maxBrews = config.getInt("maxBrewsInMCBarrels", 6);
Brew.loadSeed(config, new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"));
PluginItem.registerForConfig("brewery", BreweryPluginItem::new);
PluginItem.registerForConfig("mmoitems", MMOItemsPluginItem::new);
PluginItem.registerForConfig("slimefun", SlimefunPluginItem::new);
PluginItem.registerForConfig("exoticgarden", SlimefunPluginItem::new);
// Loading custom items
ConfigurationSection configSection = config.getConfigurationSection("customItems");
if (configSection != null) {
for (String custId : configSection.getKeys(false)) {
RecipeItem custom = RecipeItem.fromConfigCustom(configSection, custId);
if (custom != null) {
} else {
p.errorLog("Loading the Custom Item with id: '" + custId + "' failed!");
// loading recipes
configSection = config.getConfigurationSection("recipes");
if (configSection != null) {
List<BRecipe> configRecipes = BRecipe.getConfigRecipes();
for (String recipeId : configSection.getKeys(false)) {
BRecipe recipe = BRecipe.fromConfig(configSection, recipeId);
if (recipe != null && recipe.isValid()) {
} else {
p.errorLog("Loading the Recipe with id: '" + recipeId + "' failed!");
BRecipe.numConfigRecipes = configRecipes.size();
// Loading Cauldron Recipes
configSection = config.getConfigurationSection("cauldron");
if (configSection != null) {
List<BCauldronRecipe> configRecipes = BCauldronRecipe.getConfigRecipes();
for (String id : configSection.getKeys(false)) {
BCauldronRecipe recipe = BCauldronRecipe.fromConfig(configSection, id);
if (recipe != null) {
} else {
p.errorLog("Loading the Cauldron-Recipe with id: '" + id + "' failed!");
BCauldronRecipe.numConfigRecipes = configRecipes.size();
// Recalculating Cauldron-Accepted Items for non-config recipes
for (BRecipe recipe : BRecipe.getAddedRecipes()) {
for (BCauldronRecipe recipe : BCauldronRecipe.getAddedRecipes()) {
// loading drainItems
List<String> drainList = config.getStringList("drainItems");
if (drainList != null) {
for (String drainString : drainList) {
String[] drainSplit = drainString.split("/");
if (drainSplit.length > 1) {
Material mat = Material.matchMaterial(drainSplit[0]);
int strength = p.parseInt(drainSplit[1]);
if (mat == null && hasVault && strength > 0) {
try {
net.milkbowl.vault.item.ItemInfo vaultItem = net.milkbowl.vault.item.Items.itemByString(drainSplit[0]);
if (vaultItem != null) {
mat = vaultItem.getType();
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check vault for Item Name");
if (mat != null && strength > 0) {
drainItems.put(mat, strength);
// Loading Words
DistortChat.words = new ArrayList<>();
DistortChat.ignoreText = new ArrayList<>();
if (config.getBoolean("enableChatDistortion", false)) {
for (Map<?, ?> map : config.getMapList("words")) {
new DistortChat(map);
for (String bypass : config.getStringList("distortBypass")) {
DistortChat.commands = config.getStringList("distortCommands");
DistortChat.log = config.getBoolean("logRealChat", false);
DistortChat.doSigns = config.getBoolean("distortSignText", false);
// The Config was reloaded, call Event
ConfigLoadEvent event = new ConfigLoadEvent();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import com.dre.brewery.*;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.Base91DecoderStream;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.CustomItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.Ingredient;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.SimpleItem;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BoundingBox;
import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
public class BData {
// load all Data
public static void readData() {
File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
if (file.exists()) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
FileConfiguration data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (t2 - t1 > 8000) {
// Spigot is very slow at loading inventories from yml. Notify Admin that loading Data took long
P.p.log("Bukkit took " + (t2 - t1) / 1000.0 + "s to load the Data File,");
P.p.log("consider switching to Paper, or have less items in Barrels");
} else {
P.p.debugLog("Loading data.yml: " + (t2 - t1) + "ms");
Brew.installTime = data.getLong("installTime", System.currentTimeMillis());
MCBarrel.mcBarrelTime = data.getLong("MCBarrelTime", 0);
List<Integer> brewsCreated = data.getIntegerList("brewsCreated");
if (brewsCreated != null && brewsCreated.size() == 7) {
int hash = data.getInt("brewsCreatedH");
// Check the hash to prevent tampering with statistics
if (brewsCreated.hashCode() == hash) {
P.p.brewsCreated = brewsCreated.get(0);
P.p.brewsCreatedCmd = brewsCreated.get(1);
P.p.exc = brewsCreated.get(2);
P.p.good = brewsCreated.get(3);
P.p.norm = brewsCreated.get(4);
P.p.bad = brewsCreated.get(5);
P.p.terr = brewsCreated.get(6);
// Check if data is the newest version
String version = data.getString("Version", null);
if (version != null) {
if (!version.equals(DataSave.dataVersion)) {
P.p.log("Data File is being updated...");
new DataUpdater(data, file).update(version);
data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
P.p.log("Data Updated to version: " + DataSave.dataVersion);
// Register Item Loaders
// loading Ingredients into ingMap
// Only for Legacy Brews
Map<String, BIngredients> ingMap = new HashMap<>();
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("Ingredients");
if (section != null) {
for (String id : section.getKeys(false)) {
if (section.isConfigurationSection(id + ".mats")) {
// Old way of saving
ConfigurationSection matSection = section.getConfigurationSection(id + ".mats");
if (matSection != null) {
// matSection has all the materials + amount as Integers
List<Ingredient> ingredients = oldDeserializeIngredients(matSection);
ingMap.put(id, new BIngredients(ingredients, section.getInt(id + ".cookedTime", 0), true));
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Ingredient id: '" + id + "' incomplete in data.yml");
} else {
// New way of saving ingredients
ingMap.put(id, deserializeIngredients(section.getString(id + ".mats")));
// loading Brew legacy
section = data.getConfigurationSection("Brew");
if (section != null) {
// All sections have the UID as name
for (String uid : section.getKeys(false)) {
BIngredients ingredients = getIngredients(ingMap, section.getString(uid + ".ingId"));
int quality = section.getInt(uid + ".quality", 0);
int alc = section.getInt(uid + ".alc", 0);
byte distillRuns = (byte) section.getInt(uid + ".distillRuns", 0);
float ageTime = (float) section.getDouble(uid + ".ageTime", 0.0);
float wood = (float) section.getDouble(uid + ".wood", -1.0);
String recipe = section.getString(uid + ".recipe", null);
boolean unlabeled = section.getBoolean(uid + ".unlabeled", false);
boolean persistent = section.getBoolean(uid + ".persist", false);
boolean stat = section.getBoolean(uid + ".stat", false);
int lastUpdate = section.getInt(uid + ".lastUpdate", 0);
Brew.loadLegacy(ingredients, P.p.parseInt(uid), quality, alc, distillRuns, ageTime, wood, recipe, unlabeled, persistent, stat, lastUpdate);
// Store how many legacy brews were created
if (P.p.brewsCreated <= 0) {
P.p.brewsCreated = 0;
P.p.brewsCreatedCmd = 0;
P.p.exc = 0;
P.p.good = 0;
P.p.norm = 0;
P.p.bad = 0;
P.p.terr = 0;
if (!Brew.noLegacy()) {
for (Brew brew : Brew.legacyPotions.values()) {
// Remove Legacy Potions that haven't been touched in a long time, these may have been lost
if (!Brew.noLegacy()) {
int currentHoursAfterInstall = (int) ((double) (System.currentTimeMillis() - Brew.installTime) / 3600000D);
int purgeTime = currentHoursAfterInstall - (24 * 30 * 4); // Purge Time is 4 Months ago
if (purgeTime > 0) {
int removed = 0;
for (Iterator<Brew> iterator = Brew.legacyPotions.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
Brew brew = iterator.next();
if (brew.getLastUpdate() < purgeTime) {
if (removed > 0) {
P.p.log("Removed " + removed + " Legacy Brews older than 3 months");
// loading BPlayer
section = data.getConfigurationSection("Player");
if (section != null) {
// keys have players name
for (String name : section.getKeys(false)) {
try {
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
if (!P.useUUID) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (P.useUUID) {
int quality = section.getInt(name + ".quality");
int drunk = section.getInt(name + ".drunk");
int offDrunk = section.getInt(name + ".offDrunk", 0);
new BPlayer(name, quality, drunk, offDrunk);
for (World world : P.p.getServer().getWorlds()) {
if (world.getName().startsWith("DXL_")) {
loadWorldData(BUtil.getDxlName(world.getName()), world, data);
} else {
loadWorldData(world.getUID().toString(), world, data);
} else {
P.p.log("No data.yml found, will create new one!");
public static BIngredients deserializeIngredients(String mat) {
try (DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new Base91DecoderStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(mat.getBytes())))) {
byte ver = in.readByte();
return BIngredients.load(in, ver);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new BIngredients();
// Loading from the old way of saving ingredients
public static List<Ingredient> oldDeserializeIngredients(ConfigurationSection matSection) {
List<Ingredient> ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
for (String mat : matSection.getKeys(false)) {
String[] matSplit = mat.split(",");
Material m = Material.getMaterial(matSplit[0]);
if (m == null && P.use1_13) {
if (matSplit[0].equals("LONG_GRASS")) {
m = Material.GRASS;
} else {
m = Material.matchMaterial(matSplit[0], true);
P.p.debugLog("converting Data Material from " + matSplit[0] + " to " + m);
if (m == null) continue;
SimpleItem item;
if (matSplit.length == 2) {
item = new SimpleItem(m, (short) P.p.parseInt(matSplit[1]));
} else {
item = new SimpleItem(m);
return ingredients;
// returns Ingredients by id from the specified ingMap
public static BIngredients getIngredients(Map<String, BIngredients> ingMap, String id) {
if (!ingMap.isEmpty()) {
if (ingMap.containsKey(id)) {
return ingMap.get(id);
P.p.errorLog("Ingredient id: '" + id + "' not found in data.yml");
return new BIngredients();
// loads BIngredients from an ingredient section
public static BIngredients loadCauldronIng(ConfigurationSection section, String path) {
if (section.isConfigurationSection(path)) {
// Old way of saving
ConfigurationSection matSection = section.getConfigurationSection(path);
if (matSection != null) {
// matSection has all the materials + amount as Integers
return new BIngredients(oldDeserializeIngredients(section), 0);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Cauldron is missing Ingredient Section");
return new BIngredients();
} else {
// New way of saving ingredients
return deserializeIngredients(section.getString(path));
// load Block locations of given world
public static void loadWorldData(String uuid, World world, FileConfiguration data) {
if (data == null) {
File file = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
if (file.exists()) {
data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
} else {
// loading BCauldron
if (data.contains("BCauldron." + uuid)) {
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("BCauldron." + uuid);
for (String cauldron : section.getKeys(false)) {
// block is splitted into x/y/z
String block = section.getString(cauldron + ".block");
if (block != null) {
String[] splitted = block.split("/");
if (splitted.length == 3) {
Block worldBlock = world.getBlockAt(P.p.parseInt(splitted[0]), P.p.parseInt(splitted[1]), P.p.parseInt(splitted[2]));
BIngredients ingredients = loadCauldronIng(section, cauldron + ".ingredients");
int state = section.getInt(cauldron + ".state", 1);
new BCauldron(worldBlock, ingredients, state);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Incomplete Block-Data in data.yml: " + section.getCurrentPath() + "." + cauldron);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Missing Block-Data in data.yml: " + section.getCurrentPath() + "." + cauldron);
// loading Barrel
if (data.contains("Barrel." + uuid)) {
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("Barrel." + uuid);
for (String barrel : section.getKeys(false)) {
// block spigot is splitted into x/y/z
String spigot = section.getString(barrel + ".spigot");
if (spigot != null) {
String[] splitted = spigot.split("/");
if (splitted.length == 3) {
// load itemStacks from invSection
ConfigurationSection invSection = section.getConfigurationSection(barrel + ".inv");
Block block = world.getBlockAt(P.p.parseInt(splitted[0]), P.p.parseInt(splitted[1]), P.p.parseInt(splitted[2]));
float time = (float) section.getDouble(barrel + ".time", 0.0);
byte sign = (byte) section.getInt(barrel + ".sign", 0);
BoundingBox box = null;
if (section.contains(barrel + ".bounds")) {
String[] bds = section.getString(barrel + ".bounds", "").split(",");
if (bds.length == 6) {
box = new BoundingBox(P.p.parseInt(bds[0]), P.p.parseInt(bds[1]), P.p.parseInt(bds[2]), P.p.parseInt(bds[3]), P.p.parseInt(bds[4]), P.p.parseInt(bds[5]));
} else if (section.contains(barrel + ".st")) {
// Convert from Stair and Wood Locations to BoundingBox
String[] st = section.getString(barrel + ".st", "").split(",");
String[] wo = section.getString(barrel + ".wo", "").split(",");
int woLength = wo.length;
if (woLength <= 1) {
woLength = 0;
String[] points = new String[st.length + woLength];
System.arraycopy(st, 0, points, 0, st.length);
if (woLength > 1) {
System.arraycopy(wo, 0, points, st.length, woLength);
int[] locs = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(Arrays.stream(points).map(s -> P.p.parseInt(s)).toArray(Integer[]::new));
box = BoundingBox.fromPoints(locs);
Barrel b;
if (invSection != null) {
b = new Barrel(block, sign, box, invSection.getValues(true), time);
} else {
// Barrel has no inventory
b = new Barrel(block, sign, box, null, time);
// In case Barrel Block locations were missing and could not be recreated: do not add the barrel
if (b.getBody().getBounds() != null) {
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Incomplete Block-Data in data.yml: " + section.getCurrentPath() + "." + barrel);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Missing Block-Data in data.yml: " + section.getCurrentPath() + "." + barrel);
// loading Wakeup
if (data.contains("Wakeup." + uuid)) {
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("Wakeup." + uuid);
for (String wakeup : section.getKeys(false)) {
// loc of wakeup is splitted into x/y/z/pitch/yaw
String loc = section.getString(wakeup);
if (loc != null) {
String[] splitted = loc.split("/");
if (splitted.length == 5) {
double x = NumberUtils.toDouble(splitted[0]);
double y = NumberUtils.toDouble(splitted[1]);
double z = NumberUtils.toDouble(splitted[2]);
float pitch = NumberUtils.toFloat(splitted[3]);
float yaw = NumberUtils.toFloat(splitted[4]);
Location location = new Location(world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
Wakeup.wakeups.add(new Wakeup(location));
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Incomplete Location-Data in data.yml: " + section.getCurrentPath() + "." + wakeup);
@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import com.dre.brewery.LegacyUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
public class ConfigUpdater {
@ -49,6 +48,25 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
config.addAll(index, Arrays.asList(newLines));
public void removeLine(int index) {
public void addLinesAt(String[] search, int offset, String... newLines) {
int index = indexOfStart(search[0]);
int s = 1;
while (index == -1 && s < search.length) {
index = indexOfStart(search[s]);
if (index != -1) {
addLines(index + offset, newLines);
} else {
public void saveConfig() {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String line : config) {
@ -82,10 +100,35 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
// ---- Updating Scramble Seed ----
public void setEncodeKey(long key) {
int index = indexOfStart("encodeKey:");
if (index != -1) {
setLine(index, "encodeKey: " + key);
// Old key not present
index = indexOfStart("enableEncode:");
if (index == -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder");
if (index == -1) {
index = indexOfStart("version:");
if (index != -1) {
addLines(index + 1, "encodeKey: " + key);
} else {
addLines(1, "encodeKey: " + key);
// ---- Updating to newer Versions ----
// Update from a specified Config version and language to the newest version
public void update(String fromVersion, boolean oldMat, String lang) {
public void update(String fromVersion, boolean oldMat, String lang, FileConfiguration yml) {
if (fromVersion.equals("0.5")) {
// Version 0.5 was only released for de, but with en as setting, so default to de
if (!lang.equals("de")) {
@ -162,12 +205,24 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
fromVersion = "1.8";
if (fromVersion.equals("1.8")) {
if (de) {
} else if (lang.equals("fr")) {
} else {
fromVersion = BConfig.configVersion;
if (P.use1_13 && oldMat) {
if (!fromVersion.equals("1.8")) {
if (!fromVersion.equals(BConfig.configVersion)) {
P.p.log(P.p.languageReader.get("Error_ConfigUpdate", fromVersion));
@ -526,12 +581,12 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW und SPEED sind immer verborgen.) Mögliche Effekte:");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Bei Effekten mit sofortiger Wirkung ");
if (index != -1) {
@ -625,12 +680,12 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED are always hidden.) Possible Effects:");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# instant effects ");
if (index != -1) {
@ -693,7 +748,7 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
int index = indexOfStart("# SamplePlugin = installiertes home plugin. Unterstützt: ManagerXL.");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Ob der Spieler nach etwas kürzerem Ausloggen an einem zufälligen Ort \"aufwacht\" (diese müssen durch '/br Wakeup add");
@ -815,7 +870,7 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
int index = indexOfStart("# SamplePlugin = installed home plugin. Supports: ManagerXL.");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# If the player \"wakes up\" at a random place when offline for some time while drinking (the places have to be defined with '/br Wakeup add'");
@ -1221,13 +1276,360 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
if (P.use1_13) updateMaterialDescriptions(false);
private void update18de(FileConfiguration yml) {
int index = indexOfStart("# Löschen einzelner Einstellungen");
if (index != -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[] {"colorInBrewer:", "colorInBarrels:", "hangoverDays:", "language:"}, 1, "",
"# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer 1-5 Sterne für die Qualität angezeigt werden sollen, oder nur beim brauen [true]",
"alwaysShowQuality: true",
"# Ob in den Iteminformationen immer der Alkoholgehalt angezeigt weden soll, oder nur im Braustand [false]",
"alwaysShowAlc: false");
addLinesAt(new String[] {"maxBrewsInMCBarrels:", "openLargeBarrelEverywhere:", "language:"}, 1, "",
"# Benutzte Zutaten und andere Brau-Daten werden in allen Brewery Tränken gespeichert. Um zu verhindern,",
"# dass gehackte clients diese Daten auslesen um Rezepte herauszufinden, können diese encodiert werden.",
"# Einziger Nachteil: Tränke können nur auf Servern mit dem gleichen encodeKey benutzt werden.",
"# Dies kann also aktiviert werden um Rezept-cheating schwerer zu machen, aber keine Tränke per World Download, Schematic, o.ä. geteilt werden. [false]",
"enableEncode: false",
"encodeKey: 0");
if (indexOfStart("debug:") == -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[]{"autosave:", "version:"}, 1, "",
"# Debug Nachrichten im Log anzeigen [false]",
"debug: false");
index = indexOfStart("oldMat:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = indexOfStart("version:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = 2;
// Custom Items and start of cauldron section
applyPatch("config/patches/de18.txt", index);
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT1%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
setLine(index, " material: Barrier");
} else {
setLine(index, " material: BEDROCK");
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT2%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - Acacia_Door",
" - Oak_Door",
" - Spruce_Door");
} else {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - IRON_DOOR");
index = indexOfStart("# -- Eine Zutat:");
if (index == -1) {
index = indexOfStart("cauldron:");
if (index == -1) {
// Patch failed
index = indexOfStart("version:");
if (index == -1) {
index = 0;
addLines(index + 1, "cauldron:");
index ++;
convertCookedSection(yml, index + 1);
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# Eine Liste von allen Materialien", "# ingredients:"}, 1,
"# Plugin Items mit 'Plugin:Id' (Im Moment ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)",
"# Oder ein oben definiertes Custom Item");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# alcohol:", "# difficulty:", "# ingredients:", "# -- Rezepte"}, 1,
"# lore: Auflistung von zusätzlichem Text auf dem fertigen Trank. (Farbcodes möglich: z.b. &6)",
"# Lore nur für bestimmte Qualität möglich mit + Schlecht, ++ Mittel, +++ Gut, vorne anhängen.",
"# servercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Server wenn der Trank getrunken wird",
"# playercommands: Liste von Befehlen ausgeführt vom Spieler wenn der Trank getrunken wird",
"# drinkmessage: Nachricht im Chat beim trinken des Trankes",
"# drinktitle: Nachricht als Titel auf dem Bildschirm an den Spieler beim trinken des Trankes");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"useGriefPrevention:", "useWorldGuard:", "# -- Plugin Kompatiblit"}, 1, "useGMInventories: true");
index = indexOfStart("# cooked:");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# [Beispiel] MATERIAL:");
if (index != -1) {
private void update18fr(FileConfiguration yml) {
int index = indexOfStart("# Supprimer un para");
if (index != -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[] {"colorInBrewer:", "colorInBarrels:", "hangoverDays:", "language:"}, 1, "\n" +
"# Toujours montrer les 1-5 étoiles sur les objets en fonction de leur qualité. S'ils sont faux, ils n'apparaîtront que lors de l'infusion. [true]",
"alwaysShowQuality: true",
"# Toujours indiquer la teneur en alcool sur les objets. S'il est false, il n'apparaîtra que dans le stand de brassage. [false]",
"alwaysShowAlc: false");
addLinesAt(new String[] {"maxBrewsInMCBarrels:", "openLargeBarrelEverywhere:", "language:"}, 1, "",
"# Les ingrédients et autres données de brassage utilisés sont sauvegardés dans tous les articles de brasserie. [false]",
"# Pour empêcher les clients piratés de lire exactement ce qui a été utilisé pour infuser un élément, les données peuvent être encodées/brouillées.",
"# Il s'agit d'un processus rapide pour empêcher les joueurs de pirater des recettes, une fois qu'ils mettent la main sur une bière.",
"# Seul inconvénient: Les boissons brassicoles ne peuvent être utilisés que sur un autre serveur avec la même clé de chiffrement.",
"# Activez cette option si vous voulez rendre la tricherie des recettes plus difficile, mais ne partagez pas les infusions par téléchargement mondial, schémas ou autres moyens.",
"enableEncode: false",
"encodeKey: 0");
if (indexOfStart("debug:") == -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[]{"autosave:", "version:"}, 1, "",
"# Show debug messages in log [false]",
"debug: false");
index = indexOfStart("oldMat:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = indexOfStart("version:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = 2;
// Custom Items and start of cauldron section
applyPatch("config/patches/fr18.txt", index);
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT1%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
setLine(index, " material: Barrier");
} else {
setLine(index, " material: BEDROCK");
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT2%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - Acacia_Door",
" - Oak_Door",
" - Spruce_Door");
} else {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - IRON_DOOR");
index = indexOfStart(" # -- Un ingr");
if (index == -1) {
index = indexOfStart("cauldron:");
if (index == -1) {
// Patch failed
index = indexOfStart("version:");
if (index == -1) {
index = 0;
addLines(index + 1, "cauldron:");
index ++;
convertCookedSection(yml, index + 1);
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# Une liste des mat", "# ingredients:"}, 1,
"# Plugin items avec 'plugin:id' (Actuellement supporté ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)",
"# Ou un élément personnalisé défini ci-dessus");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# alcohol:", "# difficulty:", "# ingredients:", "# -- Recette "}, 1,
"# lore: Liste des textes supplémentaires sur le breuvage fini. (Codes de formatage possibles : tels que &6)",
"# Texte spécifique de qualité possible, en utilisant + mauvais, ++ normal, +++ bon, ajouté à l'avant de la ligne.",
"# servercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le serveur lors de la consommation de la potion",
"# playercommands: Liste des commandes exécutées par le joueur lors de la consommation de la potion",
"# drinkmessage: Chat-message au joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion",
"# drinktitle: Titre à l'écran du joueur lorsqu'il boit la potion");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"useGriefPrevention:", "useWorldGuard:", "# -- Plugin Compatibility"}, 1, "useGMInventories: true");
index = indexOfStart("# cooked:");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# [Exemple] MATERIEL");
if (index != -1) {
private void update18en(FileConfiguration yml) {
int index = indexOfStart("# Deleting of single settings");
if (index != -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[] {"colorInBrewer:", "colorInBarrels:", "hangoverDays:", "language:"}, 1, "",
"# Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true]",
"alwaysShowQuality: true",
"# Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false]",
"alwaysShowAlc: false");
addLinesAt(new String[] {"maxBrewsInMCBarrels:", "openLargeBarrelEverywhere:", "language:"}, 1, "",
"# The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent",
"# hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled.",
"# This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew.",
"# Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey.",
"# So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false]",
"enableEncode: false",
"encodeKey: 0");
if (indexOfStart("debug:") == -1) {
addLinesAt(new String[]{"autosave:", "version:"}, 1, "",
"# Show debug messages in log [false]",
"debug: false");
index = indexOfStart("oldMat:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = indexOfStart("version:") + 1;
if (index == 0) {
index = 2;
// Custom Items and start of cauldron section
applyPatch("config/patches/en18.txt", index);
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT1%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
setLine(index, " material: Barrier");
} else {
setLine(index, " material: BEDROCK");
index = indexOfStart("%%%%MAT2%%%%");
if (index != -1) {
if (P.use1_13) {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - Acacia_Door",
" - Oak_Door",
" - Spruce_Door");
} else {
addLines(index, " material:",
" - IRON_DOOR");
index = indexOfStart(" # -- One Ingredient");
if (index == -1) {
index = indexOfStart("cauldron:");
if (index == -1) {
// Patch failed
index = indexOfStart("version:");
if (index == -1) {
index = 0;
addLines(index + 1, "cauldron:");
index ++;
convertCookedSection(yml, index + 1);
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# A list of materials", "# ingredients:"}, 1,
"# Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery)",
"# Or a custom item defined above");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"# alcohol:", "# difficulty:", "# ingredients:", "# -- Recipes"}, 1,
"# lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6)",
"# Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line.",
"# servercommands: List of Commands executed by the Server when drinking the brew",
"# playercommands: List of Commands executed by the Player when drinking the brew",
"# drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew",
"# drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew");
addLinesAt(new String[]{"useGriefPrevention:", "useWorldGuard:", "# -- Plugin Compatibility"}, 1, "useGMInventories: true");
index = indexOfStart("# cooked:");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# [Example] MATERIAL:");
if (index != -1) {
private void convertCookedSection(FileConfiguration yml, int toLine) {
ConfigurationSection cookedSection = yml.getConfigurationSection("cooked");
if (cookedSection != null) {
for (String ing : cookedSection.getKeys(false)) {
String name = cookedSection.getString(ing);
" " + ing.toLowerCase() + ":",
" name: " + name,
" ingredients:",
" - " + ing,
toLine += 5;
int index = indexOfStart("cooked:");
if (index != -1) {
int size = cookedSection.getKeys(false).size();
while (size >= 0) {
public void applyPatch(String resourcePath, int toLine) {
try {
List<String> patch = new ArrayList<>();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Objects.requireNonNull(P.p.getResource(resourcePath), "Resource not found")));
String currentLine;
while((currentLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
config.addAll(toLine, patch);
} catch (IOException | NullPointerException e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not apply Patch: " + resourcePath);
// Update all Materials to Minecraft 1.13
private void updateMaterials(boolean toMC113) {
int index;
if (toMC113) {
index = indexOfStart("oldMat:");
if (index != -1) {
} else {
index = indexOfStart("version:");
@ -1286,6 +1688,29 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
index = indexOfStart("cauldron:");
if (index != -1) {
int endIndex = indexOfStart("recipes:");
if (endIndex < index) {
endIndex = indexOfStart(" cookingtime:");
if (endIndex < index) {
endIndex = indexOfStart("useWorldGuard:");
while (index < endIndex) {
if (config.get(index).matches("^\\s+ingredients:.*")) {
while (config.get(index).matches("^\\s+- .+")) {
line = config.get(index);
setLine(index, convertMaterial(line, "^\\s+- ", "(,.*|)/.*", toMC113));
private String convertMaterial(String line, String regexPrefix, String regexPostfix, boolean toMC113) {
@ -1337,33 +1762,33 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
index = indexOfStart("# Es kann ein Data-Wert (durability) angegeben werden");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Wenn Vault installiert ist");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Vault erkennt Namen wie");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Nur mit Vault");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# - Green Dye/6 # Nur mit Vault");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Ein 'X' an den Namen");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Effekte sind ab der 1.9 immer verborgen");
if (index != -1) {
} else {
index = indexOfStart("# ingredients: List of 'material,data/amount'");
@ -1373,33 +1798,33 @@ public class ConfigUpdater {
index = indexOfStart("# You can specify a data (durability) value");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# If Vault is installed normal names can be used");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Vault will recognize things");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# - Jungle Leaves/64 # Only with Vault");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# - Green Dye/6 # Only with Vault");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect");
if (index != -1) {
index = indexOfStart("# Effects are always hidden in 1.9 and newer");
if (index != -1) {
@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import java.io.File;
import com.dre.brewery.MCBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Util;
import com.dre.brewery.*;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import com.dre.brewery.BCauldron;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.Wakeup;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
@ -39,6 +33,7 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
public void run() {
long saveTime = System.nanoTime();
FileConfiguration oldData;
if (read != null) {
if (!read.done) {
@ -64,8 +59,21 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
configFile.set("installTime", Brew.installTime);
configFile.set("MCBarrelTime", MCBarrel.mcBarrelTime);
if (!Brew.potions.isEmpty()) {
List<Integer> brewsCreated = new ArrayList<>(7);
configFile.set("brewsCreated", brewsCreated);
configFile.set("brewsCreatedH", brewsCreated.hashCode());
if (!Brew.legacyPotions.isEmpty()) {
if (!BCauldron.bcauldrons.isEmpty() || oldData.contains("BCauldron")) {
@ -88,6 +96,9 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
configFile.set("Version", dataVersion);
collected = true;
P.p.debugLog("saving: " + ((System.nanoTime() - saveTime) / 1000000.0) + "ms");
if (P.p.isEnabled()) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(P.p, new WriteData(configFile));
} else {
@ -111,7 +122,6 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
// Save all data. Takes a boolean whether all data should be collected in instantly
public static void save(boolean collectInstant) {
long time = System.nanoTime();
if (running != null) {
P.p.log("Another Save was started while a Save was in Progress");
if (collectInstant) {
@ -119,24 +129,17 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
File datafile = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
if (datafile.exists()) {
ReadOldData read = new ReadOldData();
if (collectInstant) {
running = new DataSave(read);
} else {
running = new DataSave(read);
running.runTaskTimer(P.p, 1, 2);
} else {
running = new DataSave(null);
ReadOldData read = new ReadOldData();
if (collectInstant) {
running = new DataSave(read);
} else {
running = new DataSave(read);
running.runTaskTimer(P.p, 1, 2);
P.p.debugLog("saving: " + ((System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000.0) + "ms");
public static void autoSave() {
@ -154,7 +157,7 @@ public class DataSave extends BukkitRunnable {
for (World world : P.p.getServer().getWorlds()) {
String worldName = world.getName();
if (worldName.startsWith("DXL_")) {
worldName = Util.getDxlName(worldName);
worldName = BUtil.getDxlName(worldName);
root.set("Worlds." + worldName, 0);
} else {
worldName = world.getUID().toString();
@ -1,107 +1,106 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import com.dre.brewery.LegacyUtil;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
public class DataUpdater {
private FileConfiguration data;
private File file;
public DataUpdater(FileConfiguration data, File file) {
this.data = data;
this.file = file;
public void update(String fromVersion) {
if (fromVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1.0")) {
//fromVersion = "1.1";
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void update10() {
data.set("Version", DataSave.dataVersion);
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("Ingredients");
try {
if (section != null) {
for (String id : section.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection matSection = section.getConfigurationSection(id + ".mats");
if (matSection != null) {
// matSection has all the materials + amount as Integers
Map<String, Integer> ingredients = new HashMap<>();
for (String ingredient : matSection.getKeys(false)) {
// convert to Material
Material mat = LegacyUtil.getMaterial(P.p.parseInt(ingredient));
if (mat != null) {
ingredients.put(mat.name(), matSection.getInt(ingredient));
section.set(id + ".mats", ingredients);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Ingredient id: '" + id + "' incomplete in data.yml");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getting Material by id may not work in the future
P.p.errorLog("Error Converting Ingredient Section of the Data File, newer versions of Bukkit may not support the old Save File anymore:");
section = data.getConfigurationSection("BCauldron");
if (section != null) {
try {
for (String uuid : section.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection cauldrons = section.getConfigurationSection(uuid);
if (cauldrons != null) {
for (String id : cauldrons.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection ingredientSection = cauldrons.getConfigurationSection(id + ".ingredients");
if (ingredientSection != null) {
// has all the materials + amount as Integers
Map<String, Integer> ingredients = new HashMap<>();
for (String ingredient : ingredientSection.getKeys(false)) {
// convert to Material
Material mat = LegacyUtil.getMaterial(P.p.parseInt(ingredient));
if (mat != null) {
ingredients.put(mat.name(), ingredientSection.getInt(ingredient));
cauldrons.set(id + ".ingredients", ingredients);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("BCauldron " + id + " is missing Ingredient Section");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getting Material by id may not work in the future
P.p.errorLog("Error Converting Ingredient Section of Cauldrons, newer versions of Bukkit may not support the old Save File anymore:");
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class DataUpdater {
private FileConfiguration data;
private File file;
public DataUpdater(FileConfiguration data, File file) {
this.data = data;
this.file = file;
public void update(String fromVersion) {
if (fromVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1.0")) {
//fromVersion = "1.1";
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void update10() {
data.set("Version", DataSave.dataVersion);
ConfigurationSection section = data.getConfigurationSection("Ingredients");
try {
if (section != null) {
for (String id : section.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection matSection = section.getConfigurationSection(id + ".mats");
if (matSection != null) {
// matSection has all the materials + amount as Integers
Map<String, Integer> ingredients = new HashMap<>();
for (String ingredient : matSection.getKeys(false)) {
// convert to Material
Material mat = LegacyUtil.getMaterial(P.p.parseInt(ingredient));
if (mat != null) {
ingredients.put(mat.name(), matSection.getInt(ingredient));
section.set(id + ".mats", ingredients);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Ingredient id: '" + id + "' incomplete in data.yml");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getting Material by id may not work in the future
P.p.errorLog("Error Converting Ingredient Section of the Data File, newer versions of Bukkit may not support the old Save File anymore:");
section = data.getConfigurationSection("BCauldron");
if (section != null) {
try {
for (String uuid : section.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection cauldrons = section.getConfigurationSection(uuid);
if (cauldrons != null) {
for (String id : cauldrons.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection ingredientSection = cauldrons.getConfigurationSection(id + ".ingredients");
if (ingredientSection != null) {
// has all the materials + amount as Integers
Map<String, Integer> ingredients = new HashMap<>();
for (String ingredient : ingredientSection.getKeys(false)) {
// convert to Material
Material mat = LegacyUtil.getMaterial(P.p.parseInt(ingredient));
if (mat != null) {
ingredients.put(mat.name(), ingredientSection.getInt(ingredient));
cauldrons.set(id + ".ingredients", ingredients);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("BCauldron " + id + " is missing Ingredient Section");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Getting Material by id may not work in the future
P.p.errorLog("Error Converting Ingredient Section of Cauldrons, newer versions of Bukkit may not support the old Save File anymore:");
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
package com.dre.brewery.filedata;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
public class LanguageReader {
private Map<String, String> entries = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, String> defaults = new TreeMap<>();
private Map<String, String> entries = new HashMap<>(128);
private File file;
private boolean changed;
public LanguageReader(File file) {
public LanguageReader(File file, String defaultPath) {
/* Load */
this.file = file;
@ -30,149 +32,55 @@ public class LanguageReader {
/* Check */
private void setDefaults() {
/* Player */
defaults.put("Player_BarrelCreated", "Barrel created");
defaults.put("Player_BarrelFull", "&cThis barrel can''t hold any more drinks");
defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo1", "This cauldron has been boiling for &v1 minutes.");
defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo2", "This cauldron has just started boiling.");
defaults.put("Player_CantDrink", "You can't drink any more.");
defaults.put("Player_DrunkPassOut", "You drank too much and passed out.");
defaults.put("Player_LoginDeny", "Your character tries to log in, but is too drunk to find the server. Try again!");
defaults.put("Player_LoginDenyLong", "Your character is really drunk and has passed out. Try again in 10 minutes!");
defaults.put("Player_Wake", "Ohh no! I cannot remember how I got here...");
defaults.put("Player_WakeCreated", "&aWakeup Point with id: &6&v1 &awas created successfully!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeNotExist", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &cdoesn't exist!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeDeleted", "&aThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &awas successfully deleted!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeAlreadyDeleted", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &chas already been deleted!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeFilled", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&c at position &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5&c is filled with Blocks!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeNoPoints", "&cThere are no Wakeup Points!");
defaults.put("Player_WakeLast", "&aThis was the last Wakeup Point");
defaults.put("Player_WakeTeleport", "Teleport to Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&f At position: &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5");
defaults.put("Player_WakeHint1", "To Next Wakeup Point: Punch your fist in the air");
defaults.put("Player_WakeHint2", "To Cancel: &9/br wakeup cancel");
defaults.put("Player_WakeCancel", "&6Wakeup Point Check was cancelled");
defaults.put("Player_WakeNoCheck", "&cNo Wakeup Point Check is currently active");
defaults.put("Player_TriedToSay", "&v1 tried to say: &0&v2");
/* Brew */
defaults.put("Brew_Distilled", "Distilled");
defaults.put("Brew_BarrelRiped", "Barrel aged");
defaults.put("Brew_Undefined", "Indefinable Brew");
defaults.put("Brew_DistillUndefined", "Indefinable Distillate");
defaults.put("Brew_BadPotion", "Ruined Potion");
defaults.put("Brew_Ingredients", "Ingredients");
defaults.put("Brew_minute", "minute");
defaults.put("Brew_MinutePluralPostfix", "s");
defaults.put("Brew_fermented", "fermented");
defaults.put("Brew_-times", "-times");
defaults.put("Brew_OneYear", "One Year");
defaults.put("Brew_Years", "Years");
defaults.put("Brew_HundredsOfYears", "Hundreds of Years");
defaults.put("Brew_Woodtype", "Woodtype");
defaults.put("Brew_ThickBrew", "Muddy Brew");
/* Commands */
defaults.put("CMD_Reload", "&aConfig was successfully reloaded");
defaults.put("CMD_Configname", "&aName for the Config is: &f&v1");
defaults.put("CMD_Configname_Error", "&cCould not find item in your hand");
defaults.put("CMD_Player", "&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3");
defaults.put("CMD_Player_Error", "&cThe quality has to be between 1 and 10!");
defaults.put("CMD_Info_NotDrunk", "&v1 is not drunk");
defaults.put("CMD_Info_Drunk", "&v1 is &6&v2% &fdrunk, with a quality of &6&v3");
defaults.put("CMD_UnLabel", "&aLabel removed!");
defaults.put("CMD_Persistent", "&aPotion is now Persistent and Static and may now be copied like any other item. You can remove the persistence with the same command.");
defaults.put("CMD_PersistRemove", "&cPersistent Brews cannot be removed from the Database. It would render any copies of them useless!");
defaults.put("CMD_UnPersist", "&aPersistence and static Removed. &eEvery Potential copy NOT made with '/brew copy' could become useless now!");
defaults.put("CMD_Copy_Error", "&6&v1 &cPotions did not fit into your inventory");
defaults.put("CMD_CopyNotPersistent", "&eThese copies of this Brew will not be persistent or static!");
defaults.put("CMD_Static", "&aPotion is now static and will not change in barrels or brewing stands.");
defaults.put("CMD_NonStatic", "&ePotion is not static anymore and will normally age in barrels.");
/* Error */
defaults.put("Error_UnknownCommand", "Unknown Command");
defaults.put("Error_ShowHelp", "Use &6/brew help &fto display the help");
defaults.put("Error_PlayerCommand", "&cThis command can only be executed as a player!");
defaults.put("Error_ItemNotPotion", "&cThe item in your hand could not be identified as a potion!");
defaults.put("Error_NoBrewName", "&cNo Recipe with Name: '&v1&c' found!");
defaults.put("Error_Recipeload", "&cNot all recipes could be restored: More information in the server log!");
defaults.put("Error_ConfigUpdate", "Unknown Brewery config version: v&v1, config was not updated!");
defaults.put("Error_PersistStatic", "&cPersistent potions are always static!");
/* Permissions */
defaults.put("Error_NoPermissions", "&cYou don't have permissions to do this!");
defaults.put("Error_NoBarrelAccess", "&cYou don't have permissions to access this barrel!");
defaults.put("Perms_NoBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create barrels!");
defaults.put("Perms_NoSmallBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create small barrels!");
defaults.put("Perms_NoBigBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create big barrels!");
defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronInsert", "&cYou don't have permissions to put ingredients into cauldrons!");
defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronFill", "&cYou don't have permissions to fill bottles from this cauldron!");
/* Help */
defaults.put("Help_Help", "&6/brew help [Page] &9Shows a specific help-page");
defaults.put("Help_Player", "&6/brew <Player> <%Drunkeness> [Quality]&9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player");
defaults.put("Help_Info", "&6/brew info&9 Displays your current Drunkeness and Quality");
defaults.put("Help_UnLabel", "&6/brew unlabel &9Removes the detailled label of a potion");
defaults.put("Help_Copy", "&6/brew copy [Quantity]>&9 Copies the potion in your hand");
defaults.put("Help_Delete", "&6/brew delete &9Deletes the potion in your hand");
defaults.put("Help_InfoOther", "&6/brew info [Player]&9 Displays the current Drunkeness and Quality of [Player]");
defaults.put("Help_Wakeup", "&6/brew wakeup list <Page>&9 Lists all wakeup points");
defaults.put("Help_WakeupList", "&6/brew wakeup list <Page> [World]&9 Lists all wakeup points of [world]");
defaults.put("Help_WakeupCheck", "&6/brew wakeup check &9Teleports to all wakeup points");
defaults.put("Help_WakeupCheckSpecific", "&6/brew wakeup check <id> &9Teleports to the wakeup point with <id>");
defaults.put("Help_WakeupAdd", "&6/brew wakeup add &9Adds a wakeup point at your current position");
defaults.put("Help_WakeupRemove", "&6/brew wakeup remove <id> &9Removes the wakeup point with <id>");
defaults.put("Help_Reload", "&6/brew reload &9Reload config");
defaults.put("Help_Configname", "&6/brew ItemName &9Display name of item in hand for the config");
defaults.put("Help_Persist", "&6/brew persist &9Make Brew persistent -> copyable by any plugin and technique");
defaults.put("Help_Static", "&6/brew static &9Make Brew static -> No further ageing or distilling");
defaults.put("Help_Create", "&6/brew create <Recipe> [Quality] [Player] &9Create a Brew with optional quality (1-10)");
/* Etc. */
defaults.put("Etc_Usage", "Usage:");
defaults.put("Etc_Page", "Page");
defaults.put("Etc_Barrel", "Barrel");
private void check() {
for (String defaultEntry : defaults.keySet()) {
if (!entries.containsKey(defaultEntry)) {
entries.put(defaultEntry, defaults.get(defaultEntry));
changed = true;
private void check(String defaultPath) {
FileConfiguration defaults = null;
ConfigUpdater updater = null;
String line;
InputStream resource = P.p.getResource(defaultPath);
if (resource == null) return;
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resource))) {
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
int index = line.indexOf(':');
if (index != -1) {
String key = line.substring(0, index);
if (!entries.containsKey(key)) {
if (defaults == null) {
defaults = new YamlConfiguration();
defaults.load(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Objects.requireNonNull(P.p.getResource(defaultPath)))));
updater = new ConfigUpdater(file);
updater.appendLines("", "# Updated");
entries.put(key, defaults.getString(key));
if (updater != null) {
P.p.log("Language file updated");
} catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {
P.p.errorLog("Language File could not be updated");
public void save() {
if (changed) {
/* Copy old File */
File source = new File(file.getPath());
String filePath = file.getPath();
File temp = new File(filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - 4) + "_old.yml");
private void createBackup() {
/* Copy old File */
File source = new File(file.getPath());
String filePath = file.getPath();
File backup = new File(filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - 4) + "_old.yml");
if (temp.exists())
/* Save */
FileConfiguration configFile = new YamlConfiguration();
for (String key : entries.keySet()) {
configFile.set(key, entries.get(key));
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (backup.exists()) {
public String get(String key, String... args) {
@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ public class ReadOldData extends BukkitRunnable {
public void run() {
File datafile = new File(P.p.getDataFolder(), "data.yml");
if (!datafile.exists()) {
data = new YamlConfiguration();
done = true;
data = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(datafile);
if (DataSave.lastBackup > 10) {
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
* Writes the collected Data to file in Async Thread
public class WriteData implements Runnable {
private FileConfiguration data;
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import vg.civcraft.mc.citadel.Citadel;
import vg.civcraft.mc.citadel.ReinforcementManager;
import vg.civcraft.mc.citadel.reinforcement.NullReinforcement;
import vg.civcraft.mc.citadel.reinforcement.PlayerReinforcement;
import vg.civcraft.mc.citadel.reinforcement.Reinforcement;
* Basic Citadel support to prevent randos from stealing your barrel aging brews
* @author ProgrammerDan
public class CitadelBarrel {
static P brewery = P.p;
public static boolean checkAccess(Player player, Block sign) {
ReinforcementManager manager = Citadel.getReinforcementManager();
Reinforcement rein = manager.getReinforcement(sign);
if (rein == null) return true; // no protections in place.
if (rein instanceof PlayerReinforcement) {
PlayerReinforcement prein = (PlayerReinforcement) rein;
if (prein.canAccessChests(player)) {
return true;
} else if (rein instanceof NullReinforcement) {
return true;
// no support for multiblock atm, would require namelayer support.
// special locked, or no access.
brewery.msg(player, brewery.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelAccessEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelDestroyEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelRemoveEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.GriefPreventionBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.LWCBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel.LogBlockBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.item.MMOItemsPluginItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import net.Indyuce.mmoitems.MMOItems;
import net.Indyuce.mmoitems.api.item.NBTItem;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class IntegrationListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBarrelAccessLowest(BarrelAccessEvent event) {
if (BConfig.useWG) {
Plugin plugin = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("WorldGuard");
if (plugin != null) {
try {
if (!BConfig.wg.checkAccess(event.getPlayer(), event.getSpigot(), plugin)) {
P.p.msg(event.getPlayer(), P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check WorldGuard for Barrel Open Permissions!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 5.8, 6.1 to 7.0 of WorldGuard!");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the WorldGuard support in the config and do /brew reload");
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.admin") || player.hasPermission("brewery.mod")) {
P.p.msg(player, "&cWorldGuard check Error, Brewery was tested with up to v7.0 of Worldguard");
P.p.msg(player, "&cSet &7useWorldGuard: false &cin the config and /brew reload");
} else {
P.p.msg(player, "&cError opening Barrel, please report to an Admin!");
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBarrelAccess(BarrelAccessEvent event) {
if (BConfig.useGMInventories) {
Plugin pl = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("GameModeInventories");
if (pl != null && pl.isEnabled()) {
try {
if (pl.getConfig().getBoolean("restrict_creative")) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE) {
if (!pl.getConfig().getBoolean("bypass.inventories") || (!player.hasPermission("gamemodeinventories.bypass") && !player.isOp())) {
if (!pl.getConfig().getBoolean("dont_spam_chat")) {
P.p.msg(event.getPlayer(), P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check GameModeInventories for Barrel Open Permissions!");
P.p.errorLog("Players will be able to open Barrel with GameMode Creative");
BConfig.useGMInventories = false;
} else {
BConfig.useGMInventories = false;
if (BConfig.useGP) {
if (P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("GriefPrevention")) {
try {
if (!GriefPreventionBarrel.checkAccess(event)) {
P.p.msg(event.getPlayer(), P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check GriefPrevention for Barrel Open Permissions!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with GriefPrevention v14.5 - v16.9");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the GriefPrevention support in the config and do /brew reload");
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.admin") || player.hasPermission("brewery.mod")) {
P.p.msg(player, "&cGriefPrevention check Error, Brewery was tested with up to v16.9 of GriefPrevention");
P.p.msg(player, "&cSet &7useGriefPrevention: false &cin the config and /brew reload");
} else {
P.p.msg(player, "&cError opening Barrel, please report to an Admin!");
if (BConfig.useLWC) {
Plugin plugin = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("LWC");
if (plugin != null) {
// If the Clicked Block was the Sign, LWC already knows and we dont need to do anything here
if (!LegacyUtil.isSign(event.getClickedBlock().getType())) {
Block sign = event.getBarrel().getBody().getSignOfSpigot();
// If the Barrel does not have a Sign, it cannot be locked
if (!sign.equals(event.getClickedBlock())) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
try {
if (!LWCBarrel.checkAccess(player, sign, plugin)) {
P.p.msg(event.getPlayer(), P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check LWC for Barrel Open Permissions!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 4.5.0 of LWC!");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the LWC support in the config and do /brew reload");
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.admin") || player.hasPermission("brewery.mod")) {
P.p.msg(player, "&cLWC check Error, Brewery was tested with up to v4.5.0 of LWC");
P.p.msg(player, "&cSet &7useLWC: false &cin the config and /brew reload");
} else {
P.p.msg(player, "&cError opening Barrel, please report to an Admin!");
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.LOW)
public void onBarrelDestroy(BarrelDestroyEvent event) {
if (!BConfig.useLWC) return;
if (event.hasPlayer()) {
try {
if (LWCBarrel.denyDestroy(event.getPlayerOptional(), event.getBarrel())) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check LWC for Barrel Break Permissions!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 4.5.0 of LWC!");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the LWC support in the config and do /brew reload");
Player player = event.getPlayerOptional();
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.admin") || player.hasPermission("brewery.mod")) {
P.p.msg(player, "&cLWC check Error, Brewery was tested with up to v4.5.0 of LWC");
P.p.msg(player, "&cSet &7useLWC: false &cin the config and /brew reload");
} else {
P.p.msg(player, "&cError breaking Barrel, please report to an Admin!");
} else {
try {
if (event.getReason() == BarrelDestroyEvent.Reason.EXPLODED) {
if (LWCBarrel.denyExplosion(event.getBarrel())) {
} else {
if (LWCBarrel.denyDestroyOther(event.getBarrel())) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check LWC on Barrel Destruction!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 4.5.0 of LWC!");
P.p.errorLog("Disable the LWC support in the config and do /brew reload");
public void onBarrelRemove(BarrelRemoveEvent event) {
if (!BConfig.useLWC) return;
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Remove LWC Lock from Barrel!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 4.5.0 of LWC!");
public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
if (BConfig.useLB) {
if (event.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof Barrel) {
try {
LogBlockBarrel.closeBarrel(event.getPlayer(), event.getInventory());
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Log Barrel to LogBlock!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 1.94 of LogBlock!");
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
// Cancel the Interact Event early, so MMOItems does not act before us and consume the item when trying to add item to Cauldron
if (!P.use1_9) return;
if (BConfig.hasMMOItems == null) {
BConfig.hasMMOItems = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("MMOItems");
if (!BConfig.hasMMOItems) return;
try {
if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK && event.hasItem() && event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.HAND) {
if (event.getClickedBlock() != null && event.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.CAULDRON) {
NBTItem item = MMOItems.plugin.getNMS().getNBTItem(event.getItem());
if (item.hasType()) {
for (RecipeItem rItem : BCauldronRecipe.acceptedCustom) {
if (rItem instanceof MMOItemsPluginItem) {
MMOItemsPluginItem mmo = ((MMOItemsPluginItem) rItem);
if (mmo.matches(event.getItem())) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check MMOItems for Item");
@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelAccessEvent;
import me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.Claim;
import me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.GriefPrevention;
import me.ryanhamshire.GriefPrevention.PlayerData;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class GriefPreventionBarrel {
static P brewery = P.p;
static GriefPrevention griefPrevention = GriefPrevention.instance;
private static P brewery = P.p;
public static boolean checkAccess(Player player, Block sign) {
public static boolean checkAccess(BarrelAccessEvent event) {
GriefPrevention griefPrevention = GriefPrevention.instance;
Player player = event.getPlayer();
PlayerData playerData = griefPrevention.dataStore.getPlayerData(player.getUniqueId());
if (!griefPrevention.claimsEnabledForWorld(player.getWorld()) || playerData.ignoreClaims || !griefPrevention.config_claims_preventTheft) {
@ -21,17 +22,15 @@ public class GriefPreventionBarrel {
// block container use during pvp combat
if (playerData.inPvpCombat()) {
brewery.msg(player, brewery.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
return false;
// check permissions for the claim the Barrel is in
Claim claim = griefPrevention.dataStore.getClaimAt(sign.getLocation(), false, playerData.lastClaim);
Claim claim = griefPrevention.dataStore.getClaimAt(event.getSpigot().getLocation(), false, playerData.lastClaim);
if (claim != null) {
playerData.lastClaim = claim;
String noContainersReason = claim.allowContainers(player);
if (noContainersReason != null) {
brewery.msg(player, brewery.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess") + " " + noContainersReason);
return false;
@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventException;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
@ -15,13 +7,24 @@ import com.griefcraft.lwc.LWC;
import com.griefcraft.model.Flag;
import com.griefcraft.model.Protection;
import com.griefcraft.scripting.event.LWCProtectionDestroyEvent;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventException;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.bukkit.event.block.Action;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener;
public class LWCBarrel {
public static boolean checkDestroy(Player player, Barrel barrel) {
public static boolean denyDestroy(Player player, Barrel barrel) {
LWC lwc = LWC.getInstance();
Block sign = barrel.getSignOfSpigot();
Block sign = barrel.getBody().getSignOfSpigot();
//if (!Boolean.parseBoolean(lwc.resolveProtectionConfiguration(sign, "ignoreBlockDestruction"))) {
Protection protection = lwc.findProtection(sign);
if (protection != null) {
@ -33,21 +36,21 @@ public class LWCBarrel {
if (evt.isCancelled()) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
lwc.sendLocale(player, "protection.internalerror", "id", "BLOCK_BREAK");
P.p.errorLog("Failed to dispatch LWCProtectionDestroyEvent");
return false;
return true;
return true;
return false;
public static boolean checkAccess(Player player, Block sign, PlayerInteractEvent event, Plugin plugin) {
public static boolean checkAccess(Player player, Block sign, Plugin plugin) {
LWC lwc = LWC.getInstance();
// Disallow Chest Access with these permissions
@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ public class LWCBarrel {
// We just fake a BlockInteractEvent on the Sign for LWC, it handles it nicely. Otherwise we could copy LWCs listener in here...
PlayerInteractEvent lwcEvent = new PlayerInteractEvent(player, event.getAction(), event.getItem(), sign, event.getBlockFace());
PlayerInteractEvent lwcEvent = new PlayerInteractEvent(player, Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK, new ItemStack(Material.AIR), sign, BlockFace.EAST);
for (RegisteredListener listener : HandlerList.getRegisteredListeners(plugin)) {
if (listener.getListener() instanceof LWCPlayerListener) {
try {
@ -79,26 +82,21 @@ public class LWCBarrel {
// If a Barrel is destroyed without player
public static void remove(Barrel barrel) {
Protection protection = LWC.getInstance().findProtection(barrel.getSignOfSpigot());
Protection protection = LWC.getInstance().findProtection(barrel.getBody().getSignOfSpigot());
if (protection != null) {
// Returns true if the block that exploded should not be removed
public static boolean blockExplosion(Barrel barrel, Block block) {
Protection protection = LWC.getInstance().findProtection(barrel.getSignOfSpigot());
public static boolean denyExplosion(Barrel barrel) {
Protection protection = LWC.getInstance().findProtection(barrel.getBody().getSignOfSpigot());
if (protection == null) {
barrel.remove(block, null);
return false;
return protection != null && !protection.hasFlag(Flag.Type.ALLOWEXPLOSIONS);
if (protection.hasFlag(Flag.Type.ALLOWEXPLOSIONS)) {
barrel.remove(block, null);
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if the block that was destroyed should not be removed
public static boolean denyDestroyOther(Barrel barrel) {
return LWC.getInstance().findProtection(barrel.getBody().getSignOfSpigot()) != null;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.LegacyUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import de.diddiz.LogBlock.Actor;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.StateFlag;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.managers.RegionManager;
public class WGBarrelOld implements WGBarrel {
public class WGBarrel5 implements WGBarrel {
private Method allows;
private Method canBuild;
private Method getApplicableRegions;
public WGBarrelOld() {
public WGBarrel5() {
try {
allows = ApplicableRegionSet.class.getMethod("allows", StateFlag.class, LocalPlayer.class);
canBuild = ApplicableRegionSet.class.getMethod("canBuild", LocalPlayer.class);
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ public class WGBarrelOld implements WGBarrel {
if (!(Boolean) allows.invoke(region, DefaultFlag.CHEST_ACCESS, localPlayer)) {
if (!(Boolean) canBuild.invoke(region, localPlayer)) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
return false;
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.RegionQuery;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.WorldGuardPlugin;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.bukkit.permission.RegionPermissionModel;
import com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.flags.DefaultFlag;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
public class WGBarrelNew implements WGBarrel {
public class WGBarrel6 implements WGBarrel {
public boolean checkAccess(Player player, Block spigot, Plugin plugin) {
WorldGuardPlugin wg = (WorldGuardPlugin) plugin;
@ -21,12 +19,8 @@ public class WGBarrelNew implements WGBarrel {
RegionQuery query = wg.getRegionContainer().createQuery();
if (!query.testBuild(spigot.getLocation(), player, DefaultFlag.USE, DefaultFlag.CHEST_ACCESS)) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
return false;
return query.testBuild(spigot.getLocation(), player, DefaultFlag.USE, DefaultFlag.CHEST_ACCESS);
return true;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration;
package com.dre.brewery.integration.barrel;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
@ -55,12 +55,7 @@ public class WGBarrel7 implements WGBarrel {
RegionQuery query = platform.getRegionContainer().createQuery();
if (!query.testBuild(new Location(world, spigot.getX(), spigot.getY(), spigot.getZ()), wg.wrapPlayer(player), Flags.USE, Flags.CHEST_ACCESS)) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBarrelAccess"));
return false;
return true;
return query.testBuild(new Location(world, spigot.getX(), spigot.getY(), spigot.getZ()), wg.wrapPlayer(player), Flags.USE, Flags.CHEST_ACCESS);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration.item;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PluginItem;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
* For recipes that use Brewery Items as input
public class BreweryPluginItem extends PluginItem {
// When implementing this, put Brewery as softdepend in your plugin.yml!
// We're calling this as server start:
// PluginItem.registerForConfig("brewery", BreweryPluginItem::new);
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
BRecipe recipe = brew.getCurrentRecipe();
if (recipe != null) {
return recipe.getRecipeName().equalsIgnoreCase(getItemId()) || recipe.getName(10).equalsIgnoreCase(getItemId());
return ChatColor.stripColor(item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName()).equalsIgnoreCase(getItemId());
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration.item;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PluginItem;
import net.Indyuce.mmoitems.MMOItems;
import net.Indyuce.mmoitems.api.item.NBTItem;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public class MMOItemsPluginItem extends PluginItem {
// When implementing this, put Brewery as softdepend in your plugin.yml!
// We're calling this as server start:
// PluginItem.registerForConfig("mmoitems", MMOItemsPluginItem::new);
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
if (BConfig.hasMMOItems == null) {
BConfig.hasMMOItems = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("MMOItems");
if (!BConfig.hasMMOItems) return false;
try {
NBTItem nbtItem = MMOItems.plugin.getNMS().getNBTItem(item);
return nbtItem.hasType() && nbtItem.getString("MMOITEMS_ITEM_ID").equalsIgnoreCase(getItemId());
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check MMOItems for Item ID");
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package com.dre.brewery.integration.item;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PluginItem;
import me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Objects.SlimefunItem.SlimefunItem;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
public class SlimefunPluginItem extends PluginItem {
// When implementing this, put Brewery as softdepend in your plugin.yml!
// We're calling this as server start:
// PluginItem.registerForConfig("slimefun", SlimefunPluginItem::new);
// PluginItem.registerForConfig("exoticgarden", SlimefunPluginItem::new);
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
if (BConfig.hasSlimefun == null) {
BConfig.hasSlimefun = P.p.getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Slimefun");
if (!BConfig.hasSlimefun) return false;
try {
SlimefunItem sfItem = SlimefunItem.getByItem(item);
if (sfItem != null) {
return sfItem.getID().equalsIgnoreCase(getItemId());
} catch (Throwable e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check Slimefun for Item ID");
return false;
return false;
@ -1,78 +1,81 @@
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.Words;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
public class BlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onSignChange(SignChangeEvent event) {
String[] lines = event.getLines();
if (lines[0].equalsIgnoreCase("Barrel") || lines[0].equalsIgnoreCase(P.p.languageReader.get("Etc_Barrel"))) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (!player.hasPermission("brewery.createbarrel.small") && !player.hasPermission("brewery.createbarrel.big")) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoBarrelCreate"));
if (Barrel.create(event.getBlock(), player)) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Player_BarrelCreated"));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onSignChangeLow(SignChangeEvent event) {
if (Words.doSigns) {
if (BPlayer.hasPlayer(event.getPlayer())) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
if (!P.p.blockDestroy(event.getBlock(), event.getPlayer())) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockBurn(BlockBurnEvent event) {
P.p.blockDestroy(event.getBlock(), null);
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent event) {
if (event.isSticky()) {
Block block = event.getRetractLocation().getBlock();
if (Barrel.get(block) != null) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
for (Block block : event.getBlocks()) {
if (Barrel.get(block) != null) {
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.DistortChat;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelDestroyEvent;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonExtendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockPistonRetractEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
public class BlockListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onSignChange(SignChangeEvent event) {
String[] lines = event.getLines();
if (lines[0].equalsIgnoreCase("Barrel") || lines[0].equalsIgnoreCase(P.p.languageReader.get("Etc_Barrel"))) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (!player.hasPermission("brewery.createbarrel.small") && !player.hasPermission("brewery.createbarrel.big")) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoBarrelCreate"));
if (Barrel.create(event.getBlock(), player)) {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Player_BarrelCreated"));
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onSignChangeLow(SignChangeEvent event) {
if (DistortChat.doSigns) {
if (BPlayer.hasPlayer(event.getPlayer())) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
if (!BUtil.blockDestroy(event.getBlock(), event.getPlayer(), BarrelDestroyEvent.Reason.PLAYER)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBlockBurn(BlockBurnEvent event) {
if (!BUtil.blockDestroy(event.getBlock(), null, BarrelDestroyEvent.Reason.BURNED)) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPistonRetract(BlockPistonRetractEvent event) {
if (event.isSticky()) {
Block block = event.getRetractLocation().getBlock();
if (Barrel.get(block) != null) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPistonExtend(BlockPistonExtendEvent event) {
for (Block block : event.getBlocks()) {
if (Barrel.get(block) != null) {
@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import com.dre.brewery.Util;
import com.dre.brewery.*;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.brew.BrewModifyEvent;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import com.dre.brewery.BIngredients;
import com.dre.brewery.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.Wakeup;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
public P p = P.p;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
public boolean onCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String label, @NotNull String[] args) {
String cmd = "help";
if (args.length > 0) {
@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.reload")) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Reload"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoPermissions"));
@ -103,14 +101,6 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoPermissions"));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("persist") || cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("persistent")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.persist")) {
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoPermissions"));
} else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("static")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.static")) {
@ -167,7 +157,7 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
p.msg(sender, "&6" + p.getDescription().getName() + " v" + p.getDescription().getVersion());
Util.list(sender, commands, page);
BUtil.list(sender, commands, page);
@ -188,18 +178,19 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_UnLabel"));
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.copy")) {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_Copy"));
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.delete")) {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_Delete"));
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.infoOther")) {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_InfoOther"));
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.create")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.reload")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.wakeup")) {
@ -209,21 +200,16 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.reload")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.persist")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.static")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.create")) {
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.copy")) {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_Copy"));
if (sender.hasPermission("brewery.cmd.delete")) {
cmds.add (p.languageReader.get("Help_Delete"));
return cmds;
@ -328,7 +314,7 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
if (player != null) {
} else {
if (!BPlayer.overdrinkKick) {
if (!BConfig.overdrinkKick) {
bPlayer.setData(100, 0);
@ -365,162 +351,138 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
public void cmdItemName(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = P.use1_9 ? player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand() : player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname", hand.getType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname_Error"));
} else {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = P.use1_9 ? player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand() : player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname", hand.getType().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Configname_Error"));
public void cmdCopy(CommandSender sender, int count) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (count < 1 || count > 36) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Etc_Usage"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Help_Copy"));
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
if (count < 1 || count > 36) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Etc_Usage"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Help_Copy"));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(hand)) {
while (count > 0) {
ItemStack item = hand.clone();
if (!(player.getInventory().addItem(item)).isEmpty()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Copy_Error", "" + count));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
while (count > 0) {
ItemStack item = brew.copy(hand);
if (!(player.getInventory().addItem(item)).isEmpty()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Copy_Error", "" + count));
if (brew.isPersistent()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_CopyNotPersistent"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
public void cmdDelete(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
if (brew.isPersistent()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_PersistRemove"));
} else {
player.setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
} else {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
public void cmdPersist(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
if (brew.isPersistent()) {
brew.setStatic(false, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_UnPersist"));
} else {
brew.setStatic(true, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Persistent"));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
if (Brew.isBrew(hand)) {
player.setItemInHand(new ItemStack(Material.AIR));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
public void cmdStatic(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
if (brew.isStatic()) {
if (!brew.isPersistent()) {
brew.setStatic(false, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_NonStatic"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PersistStatic"));
} else {
brew.setStatic(true, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Static"));
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
if (brew.isStatic()) {
brew.setStatic(false, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_NonStatic"));
} else {
brew.setStatic(true, hand);
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Static"));
ItemMeta meta = hand.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
BrewModifyEvent modifyEvent = new BrewModifyEvent(brew, meta, BrewModifyEvent.Type.STATIC);
if (modifyEvent.isCancelled()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
public void cmdUnlabel(CommandSender sender) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_UnLabel"));
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
Player player = (Player) sender;
ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
if (hand != null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(hand);
if (brew != null) {
ItemMeta origMeta = hand.getItemMeta();
ItemMeta meta = hand.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
BrewModifyEvent modifyEvent = new BrewModifyEvent(brew, meta, BrewModifyEvent.Type.UNLABEL);
if (modifyEvent.isCancelled()) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_UnLabel"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_ItemNotPotion"));
@ -555,51 +517,56 @@ public class CommandListener implements CommandExecutor {
player = p.getServer().getPlayer(pName);
if (sender instanceof Player || player != null) {
if (player == null) {
player = ((Player) sender);
int stringLength = args.length - 1;
if (pName != null) {
if (hasQuality) {
String name;
if (stringLength > 1) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(args[1]);
for (int i = 2; i < stringLength + 1; i++) {
builder.append(" ").append(args[i]);
name = builder.toString();
} else {
name = args[1];
if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Copy_Error", "1"));
BRecipe recipe = null;
for (BRecipe r : BIngredients.recipes) {
if (r.hasName(name)) {
recipe = r;
if (recipe != null) {
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBrewName", name));
} else {
if (!(sender instanceof Player) && player == null) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_PlayerCommand"));
if (player == null) {
player = ((Player) sender);
int stringLength = args.length - 1;
if (pName != null) {
if (hasQuality) {
String name;
if (stringLength > 1) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(args[1]);
for (int i = 2; i < stringLength + 1; i++) {
builder.append(" ").append(args[i]);
name = builder.toString();
} else {
name = args[1];
if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Copy_Error", "1"));
BRecipe recipe = null;
for (BRecipe r : BRecipe.getAllRecipes()) {
if (r.hasName(name)) {
recipe = r;
if (recipe != null) {
ItemStack item = recipe.create(quality);
if (item != null) {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("CMD_Created"));
} else {
p.msg(sender, p.languageReader.get("Error_NoBrewName", name));
@ -1,51 +1,48 @@
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.LWCBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelDestroyEvent;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Item;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityChangeBlockEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
public class EntityListener implements Listener {
// Remove the Potion from Brew when it despawns
// Legacy Brew removal
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onItemDespawn(ItemDespawnEvent event) {
if (Brew.noLegacy()) return;
ItemStack item = event.getEntity().getItemStack();
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent event) {
if (Brew.noLegacy()) return;
Entity entity = event.getEntity();
if (entity.getType() == EntityType.DROPPED_ITEM) {
if (entity instanceof Item) {
ItemStack item = ((Item) entity).getItemStack();
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
@ -56,31 +53,33 @@ public class EntityListener implements Listener {
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent event) {
ListIterator<Block> iter = event.blockList().listIterator();
Barrel barrel = null;
boolean removedBarrel = false;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Block block = iter.next();
if (barrel == null || !barrel.hasBlock(block)) {
barrel = Barrel.get(block);
removedBarrel = false;
if (!removedBarrel) {
if (barrel != null) {
if (P.p.useLWC) {
try {
if (LWCBarrel.blockExplosion(barrel, block)) {
} else {
removedBarrel = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Check LWC on Barrel Explosion!");
removedBarrel = true;
if (!iter.hasNext()) return;
List<BarrelDestroyEvent> breakEvents = new ArrayList<>(6);
Block block;
blocks: while (iter.hasNext()) {
block = iter.next();
if (!breakEvents.isEmpty()) {
for (BarrelDestroyEvent breakEvent : breakEvents) {
if (breakEvent.getBarrel().hasBlock(block)) {
if (breakEvent.isCancelled()) {
continue blocks;
Barrel barrel = Barrel.get(block);
if (barrel != null) {
BarrelDestroyEvent breakEvent = new BarrelDestroyEvent(barrel, block, BarrelDestroyEvent.Reason.EXPLODED, null);
// Listened to by LWCBarrel (IntegrationListener)
if (breakEvent.isCancelled()) {
} else {
barrel.remove(block, null, true);
@ -1,63 +1,36 @@
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import com.dre.brewery.BPlayer;
import com.dre.brewery.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.BDistiller;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.MCBarrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.integration.LogBlockBarrel;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.BrewLore;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
import org.bukkit.block.BrewingStand;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryAction;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryDragEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.UUID;
* Updated for 1.9 to replicate the "Brewing" process for distilling.
* Because of how metadata has changed, the brewer no longer triggers as previously described.
* So, I've added some event tracking and manual forcing of the brewing "animation" if the
* set of ingredients in the brewer can be distilled.
* Nothing here should interfere with vanilla brewing.
* @author ProgrammerDan (1.9 distillation update only)
public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
/* === Recreating manually the prior BrewEvent behavior. === */
private HashSet<UUID> trackedBrewmen = new HashSet<>();
private HashMap<Block, Integer> trackedBrewers = new HashMap<>();
private static final int DISTILLTIME = 400;
* Start tracking distillation for a person when they open the brewer window.
* @param event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBrewerOpen(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
@ -72,7 +45,6 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
* Stop tracking distillation for a person when they close the brewer window.
* @param event
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBrewerClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
@ -96,14 +68,13 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
* Clicking can either start or stop the new brew distillation tracking.
* Note that server restart will halt any ongoing brewing processes and
* <p>Note that server restart will halt any ongoing brewing processes and
* they will _not_ restart until a new click event.
* @param event the Click event.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBrewerClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
if (!P.use1_9) return;
HumanEntity player = event.getWhoClicked();
Inventory inv = event.getInventory();
if (player == null || !(inv instanceof BrewerInventory)) return;
@ -114,171 +85,22 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
if (InventoryType.BREWING != inv.getType()) return;
if (event.getAction() == InventoryAction.NOTHING) return; // Ignore clicks that do nothing
BrewerInventory brewer = (BrewerInventory) inv;
final Block brewery = brewer.getHolder().getBlock();
// If we were already tracking the brewer, cancel any ongoing event due to the click.
Integer curTask = trackedBrewers.get(brewery);
if (curTask != null) {
Bukkit.getScheduler().cancelTask(curTask); // cancel prior
brewer.getHolder().setBrewingTime(0); // Fixes brewing continuing without fuel for normal potions
final int fuel = brewer.getHolder().getFuelLevel();
// Now check if we should bother to track it.
trackedBrewers.put(brewery, new BukkitRunnable() {
private int runTime = -1;
private int brewTime = -1;
public void run() {
BlockState now = brewery.getState();
if (now instanceof BrewingStand) {
BrewingStand stand = (BrewingStand) now;
if (brewTime == -1) { // only check at the beginning (and end) for distillables
switch (hasCustom(stand.getInventory())) {
case 1:
// Custom potion but not for distilling. Stop any brewing and cancel this task
if (stand.getBrewingTime() > 0) {
if (P.use1_11) {
// The trick below doesnt work in 1.11, but we dont need it anymore
// This should only happen with older Brews that have been made with the old Potion Color System
} else {
// Brewing time is sent and stored as short
// This sends a negative short value to the Client
// In the client the Brewer will look like it is not doing anything
stand.setBrewingTime(Short.MAX_VALUE << 1);
case 0:
// No custom potion, cancel and ignore
P.p.debugLog("nothing to distill");
runTime = getLongestDistillTime(stand.getInventory());
brewTime = runTime;
P.p.debugLog("using brewtime: " + runTime);
brewTime--; // count down.
stand.setBrewingTime((int) ((float) brewTime / ((float) runTime / (float) DISTILLTIME)) + 1);
if (brewTime <= 1) { // Done!
BrewerInventory brewer = stand.getInventory();
if (!runDistill(brewer)) {
P.p.debugLog("All done distilling");
} else {
brewTime = -1; // go again.
P.p.debugLog("Can distill more! Continuing.");
} else {
} else {
P.p.debugLog("The block was replaced; not a brewing stand.");
}.runTaskTimer(P.p, 2L, 1L).getTaskId());
// Returns a Brew or null for every Slot in the BrewerInventory
private Brew[] getDistillContents(BrewerInventory inv) {
ItemStack item;
Brew[] contents = new Brew[3];
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
item = inv.getItem(slot);
if (item != null) {
contents[slot] = Brew.get(item);
return contents;
private byte hasCustom(BrewerInventory brewer) {
ItemStack item = brewer.getItem(3); // ingredient
boolean glowstone = (item != null && Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST == item.getType()); // need dust in the top slot.
byte customFound = 0;
for (Brew brew : getDistillContents(brewer)) {
if (brew != null) {
if (!glowstone) {
return 1;
if (brew.canDistill()) {
return 2;
} else {
customFound = 1;
return customFound;
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onBrew(BrewEvent event) {
if (P.use1_9) {
if (hasCustom(event.getContents()) != 0) {
if (BDistiller.hasBrew(event.getContents(), BDistiller.getDistillContents(event.getContents())) != 0) {
if (runDistill(event.getContents())) {
if (BDistiller.runDistill(event.getContents(), BDistiller.getDistillContents(event.getContents()))) {
private boolean runDistill(BrewerInventory inv) {
boolean custom = false;
Brew[] contents = getDistillContents(inv);
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] == null) continue;
if (contents[slot].canDistill()) {
// is further distillable
custom = true;
} else {
contents[slot] = null;
if (custom) {
Brew.distillAll(inv, contents);
return true;
return false;
private int getLongestDistillTime(BrewerInventory inv) {
int bestTime = 0;
int time;
Brew[] contents = getDistillContents(inv);
for (int slot = 0; slot < 3; slot++) {
if (contents[slot] == null) continue;
time = contents[slot].getDistillTimeNextRun();
if (time == 0) {
// Undefined Potion needs 40 seconds
time = 800;
if (time > bestTime) {
bestTime = time;
if (bestTime > 0) {
return bestTime;
return 800;
// Clicked a Brew somewhere, do some updating
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOW, ignoreCancelled = false)
public void onInventoryClickLow(InventoryClickEvent event) {
@ -286,18 +108,33 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
ItemStack item = event.getCurrentItem();
if (item.hasItemMeta()) {
PotionMeta potion = ((PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta());
Brew brew = Brew.get(potion);
if (brew != null) {
// convert potions from 1.8 to 1.9 for color and to remove effect descriptions
if (P.use1_9 && !potion.hasItemFlag(ItemFlag.HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS)) {
BRecipe recipe = brew.getCurrentRecipe();
if (recipe != null) {
Brew.PotionColor.fromString(recipe.getColor()).colorBrew(potion, item, brew.canDistill());
assert potion != null;
if (P.use1_11) {
// Convert potions from 1.10 to 1.11 for new color
if (potion.getColor() == null) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(potion);
if (brew != null) {
} else {
// convert potions from 1.8 to 1.9 for color and to remove effect descriptions
if (P.use1_9 && !potion.hasItemFlag(ItemFlag.HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS)) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(potion);
if (brew != null) {
//long t1 = System.nanoTime();
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
//long t2 = System.nanoTime();
if (brew != null) {
//P.p.log("Brew.get(): " + (t2 - t1) / 1000000.0 + "ms");
@ -315,15 +152,28 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
ItemStack item = event.getCurrentItem();
if (item != null) {
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION) {
if (item.hasItemMeta()) {
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
Brew brew = Brew.get(meta);
if (brew != null) {
if (Brew.hasColorLore(meta)) {
brew.convertLore(meta, false);
if (item != null && item.getType() == Material.POTION && item.hasItemMeta()) {
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
Brew brew = Brew.get(meta);
if (brew != null) {
BrewLore lore = null;
if (BrewLore.hasColorLore(meta)) {
lore = new BrewLore(brew, meta);
} else if (!BConfig.alwaysShowAlc && event.getInventory().getType() == InventoryType.BREWING) {
lore = new BrewLore(brew, meta);
if (lore != null) {
if (event.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
// Fix a Graphical glitch of item still showing colors until clicking it
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(P.p, () -> ((Player) event.getWhoClicked()).updateInventory());
@ -332,7 +182,7 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
// Check if the player tries to add more than the allowed amount of brews into an mc-barrel
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryClickMCBarrel(InventoryClickEvent event) {
if (!P.use1_14) return;
if (event.getInventory().getType() != InventoryType.BARREL) return;
@ -351,6 +201,27 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
//public static boolean opening = false;
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = false)
public void onInventoryOpenLegacyConvert(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
if (Brew.noLegacy()) {
if (event.getInventory().getType() == InventoryType.PLAYER) {
for (ItemStack item : event.getInventory().getContents()) {
if (item != null && item.getType() == Material.POTION) {
int uid = Brew.getUID(item);
// Check if the uid exists first, otherwise it will log that it can't find the id
if (uid < 0 && Brew.legacyPotions.containsKey(uid)) {
// This will convert the Brew
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryOpen(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
if (!P.use1_14) return;
@ -383,38 +254,53 @@ public class InventoryListener implements Listener {
// block the pickup of items where getPickupDelay is > 1000 (puke)
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryPickupItem(InventoryPickupItemEvent event){
if (event.getItem().getPickupDelay() > 1000 && event.getItem().getItemStack().getType() == BPlayer.pukeItem) {
public void onHopperPickupPuke(InventoryPickupItemEvent event){
if (event.getItem().getPickupDelay() > 1000 && event.getItem().getItemStack().getType() == BConfig.pukeItem) {
// Block taking out items from running distillers,
// Convert Color Lore from MC Barrels back into normal color on taking out
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
public void onHopperMove(InventoryMoveItemEvent event){
if (event.getSource() instanceof BrewerInventory) {
if (BDistiller.isTrackingDistiller(((BrewerInventory) event.getSource()).getHolder().getBlock())) {
if (!P.use1_14) return;
if (event.getSource().getType() == InventoryType.BARREL) {
ItemStack item = event.getItem();
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION && Brew.isBrew(item)) {
PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
if (BrewLore.hasColorLore(meta)) {
// has color lore, convert lore back to normal
Brew brew = Brew.get(meta);
if (brew != null) {
BrewLore lore = new BrewLore(brew, meta);
public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
if (P.p.useLB) {
if (event.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof Barrel) {
try {
LogBlockBarrel.closeBarrel(event.getPlayer(), event.getInventory());
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Failed to Log Barrel to LogBlock!");
P.p.errorLog("Brewery was tested with version 1.94 of LogBlock!");
if (!P.use1_14) return;
// Barrel Closing Sound
if (event.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof Barrel) {
Barrel barrel = ((Barrel) event.getInventory().getHolder());
float randPitch = (float) (Math.random() * 0.1);
if (barrel.isLarge()) {
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_BARREL_CLOSE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5f, 0.5f + randPitch);
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.2f, 0.6f + randPitch);
} else {
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_BARREL_CLOSE, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5f, 0.8f + randPitch);
// Check for MC Barrel
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import com.dre.brewery.*;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.UpdateChecker;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
@ -18,219 +17,93 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
public static boolean openEverywhere;
private static Set<UUID> interacted = new HashSet<>();
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
Block clickedBlock = event.getClickedBlock();
if (clickedBlock == null) return;
if (clickedBlock != null) {
if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (!player.isSneaking()) {
Material type = clickedBlock.getType();
if (event.getAction() != Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) return;
// Interacting with a Cauldron
if (type == Material.CAULDRON) {
Material materialInHand = event.getMaterial();
ItemStack item = event.getItem();
Player player = event.getPlayer();
if (player.isSneaking()) return;
if (materialInHand == null || materialInHand == Material.BUCKET) {
Material type = clickedBlock.getType();
} else if (materialInHand == LegacyUtil.CLOCK) {
BCauldron.printTime(player, clickedBlock);
// Interacting with a Cauldron
if (type == Material.CAULDRON) {
// Handle the Cauldron Interact
// The Event might get cancelled in here
// fill a glass bottle with potion
} else if (materialInHand == Material.GLASS_BOTTLE) {
if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() != -1 || item.getAmount() == 1) {
if (BCauldron.fill(player, clickedBlock)) {
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.fill")) {
if (item.getAmount() > 1) {
item.setAmount(item.getAmount() - 1);
} else {
setItemInHand(event, Material.AIR, false);
} else {
// Do not process Off Hand for Barrel interaction
if (P.use1_9 && event.getHand() != EquipmentSlot.HAND) {
// reset cauldron when refilling to prevent unlimited source of potions
} else if (materialInHand == Material.WATER_BUCKET) {
if (!P.use1_9) {
// We catch >=1.9 cases in the Cauldron Listener
if (LegacyUtil.getFillLevel(clickedBlock) == 1) {
// will only remove when existing
// Check if fire alive below cauldron when adding ingredients
Block down = clickedBlock.getRelative(BlockFace.DOWN);
if (LegacyUtil.isFireForCauldron(down)) {
boolean handSwap = false;
// Interact event is called twice!!!?? in 1.9, once for each hand.
// Certain Items in Hand cause one of them to be cancelled or not called at all sometimes.
// We mark if a player had the event for the main hand
// If not, we handle the main hand in the event for the off hand
if (P.use1_9) {
if (event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.HAND) {
final UUID id = player.getUniqueId();
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().runTask(P.p, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else if (event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND) {
if (!interacted.remove(player.getUniqueId())) {
item = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
if (item != null && item.getType() != Material.AIR) {
materialInHand = item.getType();
handSwap = true;
} else {
item = event.getItem();
if (item == null) return;
// add ingredient to cauldron that meet the previous conditions
if (BIngredients.possibleIngredients.contains(materialInHand)) {
if (player.hasPermission("brewery.cauldron.insert")) {
if (BCauldron.ingredientAdd(clickedBlock, item)) {
boolean isBucket = item.getType().equals(Material.WATER_BUCKET)
|| item.getType().equals(Material.LAVA_BUCKET)
|| item.getType().equals(Material.MILK_BUCKET);
if (item.getAmount() > 1) {
item.setAmount(item.getAmount() - 1);
if (isBucket) {
BCauldron.giveItem(player, new ItemStack(Material.BUCKET));
} else {
if (isBucket) {
setItemInHand(event, Material.BUCKET, handSwap);
} else {
setItemInHand(event, Material.AIR, handSwap);
} else {
P.p.msg(player, P.p.languageReader.get("Perms_NoCauldronInsert"));
if (P.use1_9 && event.getHand() != EquipmentSlot.HAND) {
// Access a Barrel
Barrel barrel = null;
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type)) {
if (openEverywhere) {
barrel = Barrel.get(clickedBlock);
} else if (LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
for (Barrel barrel2 : Barrel.barrels) {
if (barrel2.hasStairsBlock(clickedBlock)) {
if (openEverywhere || !barrel2.isLarge()) {
barrel = barrel2;
} else if (LegacyUtil.isFence(type) || LegacyUtil.isSign(type)) {
barrel = Barrel.getBySpigot(clickedBlock);
if (barrel != null) {
if (!barrel.hasPermsOpen(player, event)) {
if (P.use1_14) {
// When right clicking a normal Block in 1.14 with a potion or any edible item in hand,
// even when cancelled the consume animation will continue playing while opening the Barrel inventory.
// The Animation and sound will play endlessly while the inventory is open, though no item is consumed.
// This seems to be a client bug.
// This workaround switches the currently selected slot to another for a short time, it needs to be a slot with a different item in it.
// This seems to make the client stop animating a consumption
// If there is a better way to do this please let me know
Material hand = event.getMaterial();
if ((hand == Material.POTION || hand.isEdible()) && !LegacyUtil.isSign(type)) {
PlayerInventory inv = player.getInventory();
final int held = inv.getHeldItemSlot();
int useSlot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
ItemStack item = inv.getItem(i);
if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
useSlot = i;
} else if (useSlot == -1 && item.getType() != hand) {
useSlot = i;
if (useSlot != -1) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(P.p, () -> player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(held), 2);
// Barrel opening Sound
float randPitch = (float) (Math.random() * 0.1);
if (barrel.isLarge()) {
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.4f, 0.55f + randPitch);
//barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.ITEM_BUCKET_EMPTY, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5f, 0.6f + randPitch);
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_BREWING_STAND_BREW, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.4f, 0.45f + randPitch);
} else {
barrel.getSpigot().getWorld().playSound(barrel.getSpigot().getLocation(), Sound.BLOCK_BARREL_OPEN, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.5f, 0.8f + randPitch);
// Access a Barrel
Barrel barrel = null;
if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type)) {
if (BConfig.openEverywhere) {
barrel = Barrel.getByWood(clickedBlock);
} else if (LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)) {
barrel = Barrel.getByWood(clickedBlock);
if (barrel != null) {
if (!BConfig.openEverywhere && barrel.isLarge()) {
barrel = null;
} else if (LegacyUtil.isFence(type) || LegacyUtil.isSign(type)) {
barrel = Barrel.getBySpigot(clickedBlock);
public void setItemInHand(PlayerInteractEvent event, Material mat, boolean swapped) {
if (P.use1_9) {
if ((event.getHand() == EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND) != swapped) {
event.getPlayer().getInventory().setItemInOffHand(new ItemStack(mat));
} else {
event.getPlayer().getInventory().setItemInMainHand(new ItemStack(mat));
if (barrel != null) {
P.p.debugLog("Barrel has area of: " + barrel.getBody().getBounds().area());
if (!barrel.hasPermsOpen(player, event)) {
if (P.use1_14) {
// When right clicking a normal Block in 1.14 with a potion or any edible item in hand,
// even when cancelled, the consume animation will continue playing while opening the Barrel inventory.
// The Animation and sound will play endlessly while the inventory is open, though no item is consumed.
// This seems to be a client bug.
// This workaround switches the currently selected slot to another for a short time, it needs to be a slot with a different item in it.
// This seems to make the client stop animating a consumption
// If there is a better way to do this please let me know
Material hand = event.getMaterial();
if ((hand == Material.POTION || hand.isEdible()) && !LegacyUtil.isSign(type)) {
PlayerInventory inv = player.getInventory();
final int held = inv.getHeldItemSlot();
int useSlot = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
ItemStack item = inv.getItem(i);
if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) {
useSlot = i;
} else if (useSlot == -1 && item.getType() != hand) {
useSlot = i;
if (useSlot != -1) {
P.p.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(P.p, () -> player.getInventory().setHeldItemSlot(held), 2);
} else {
event.getPlayer().setItemInHand(new ItemStack(mat));
@ -256,10 +129,13 @@ public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION) {
Brew brew = Brew.get(item);
if (brew != null) {
BPlayer.drink(brew, player);
if (player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE) {
if (!BPlayer.drink(brew, item.getItemMeta(), player)) {
/*if (player.getGameMode() != org.bukkit.GameMode.CREATIVE) {
if (P.use1_9) {
if (player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE) {
// replace the potion with an empty potion to avoid effects
@ -270,7 +146,7 @@ public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
} else if (BPlayer.drainItems.containsKey(item.getType())) {
} else if (BConfig.drainItems.containsKey(item.getType())) {
BPlayer bplayer = BPlayer.get(player);
if (bplayer != null) {
bplayer.drainByItem(player, item.getType());
@ -303,13 +179,13 @@ public class PlayerListener implements Listener {
// player talks while drunk, but he cant speak very well
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
// player commands while drunk, distort chat commands
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.LOWEST)
public void onCommandPreProcess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent event) {
// player joins while passed out
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package com.dre.brewery.listeners;
import com.dre.brewery.BCauldron;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.Util;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BData;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.DataSave;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ public class WorldListener implements Listener {
World world = event.getWorld();
if (world.getName().startsWith("DXL_")) {
P.p.loadWorldData(Util.getDxlName(world.getName()), world);
BData.loadWorldData(BUtil.getDxlName(world.getName()), world, null);
} else {
P.p.loadWorldData(world.getUID().toString(), world);
BData.loadWorldData(world.getUID().toString(), world, null);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
public class Base91DecoderStream extends FilterInputStream {
private final basE91 decoder = new basE91();
private byte[] decbuf = new byte[32];
private byte[] buf = new byte[32];
private int reader = 0;
private int count = 0;
private byte[] markBuf = null;
public Base91DecoderStream(InputStream in) {
private void decode() throws IOException {
reader = 0;
count = in.read(decbuf);
if (count < 1) {
count = decoder.decEnd(buf);
if (count < 1) {
count = -1;
count = decoder.decode(decbuf, count, buf);
public int read() throws IOException {
if (count == -1) return -1;
if (count == 0 || reader == count) {
return read();
return buf[reader++] & 0xFF;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (b == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (off < 0 || len < 0 || len > b.length - off) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (len == 0) return 0;
if (count == -1) return -1;
if (count == 0 || reader == count) {
if (count == -1) return -1;
if (count > 0 && count - reader >= len) {
// enough data in buffer, copy it out directly
System.arraycopy(buf, reader, b, off, len);
reader += len;
return len;
int out = 0;
int writeSize;
while (count > 0) {
// Not enough data in buffer, write all out, decode and repeat
writeSize = Math.min(len, count - reader);
System.arraycopy(buf, reader, b, off + out, writeSize);
out += writeSize;
len -= writeSize;
if (len > 0) {
} else {
reader += writeSize;
return out;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
if (count == -1) return 0;
if (count > 0 && count - reader >= n) {
reader += n;
return n;
long skipped = count - reader;
while (count > 0) {
if (count > n - skipped) {
reader = (int) (n - skipped);
return n;
skipped += count;
return skipped;
public int available() throws IOException {
if (count == -1) return 0;
return (int) (in.available() * 0.813F) + count - reader; // Ratio encoded to decoded with random data
public void close() throws IOException {
count = -1;
buf = null;
decbuf = null;
public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
if (!markSupported()) return;
if (count == -1) return;
if (count > 0 && reader < count) {
markBuf = new byte[count - reader];
System.arraycopy(buf, reader, markBuf, 0, markBuf.length);
} else {
markBuf = null;
public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
if (!markSupported()) throw new IOException("mark and reset not supported by underlying Stream");
reader = 0;
count = 0;
if (markBuf != null) {
System.arraycopy(markBuf, 0, buf, 0, markBuf.length);
count = markBuf.length;
public boolean markSupported() {
return in.markSupported();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
public class Base91EncoderStream extends FilterOutputStream {
private final basE91 encoder = new basE91();
private byte[] buf = new byte[32];
private byte[] encBuf = new byte[48];
private int writer = 0;
private int encoded = 0;
public Base91EncoderStream(OutputStream out) {
private void encFlush() throws IOException {
encoded = encoder.encode(buf, writer, encBuf);
out.write(encBuf, 0, encoded);
writer = 0;
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
buf[writer++] = (byte) b;
if (writer >= buf.length) {
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (len == 0) return;
if (b == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (len < 0 || off < 0 || (off + len) > b.length || off > b.length || (off + len) < 0) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (buf.length - writer >= len) {
// Enough space in the buffer, copy it in
System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, writer, len);
writer += len;
if (writer >= buf.length) {
if (off == 0 && buf.length >= len) {
// Buffer is too full but it would fit, so flush and encode data directly
encoded = encoder.encode(b, len, encBuf);
out.write(encBuf, 0, encoded);
// More data than space in the Buffer
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(b, off, len);
while (true) {
writer += in.read(buf, writer, buf.length - writer);
if (writer >= buf.length) {
} else {
public void flush() throws IOException {
if (writer > 0) {
encoded = encoder.encEnd(encBuf);
if (encoded > 0) {
out.write(encBuf, 0, encoded);
public void close() throws IOException {
buf = null;
encBuf = null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BEffect;
import com.dre.brewery.BIngredients;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents the Lore on a Brew under Modification.
* <p>Can efficiently replace certain lines of lore, to update brew information on an item.
public class BrewLore {
private Brew brew;
private PotionMeta meta;
private List<String> lore;
private boolean lineAddedOrRem = false;
public BrewLore(Brew brew, PotionMeta meta) {
this.brew = brew;
this.meta = meta;
if (meta.hasLore()) {
lore = meta.getLore();
} else {
lore = new ArrayList<>();
* Write the new lore into the Meta.
* <p>Should be called at the end of operation on this Brew Lore
public PotionMeta write() {
if (lineAddedOrRem) {
return meta;
* adds or removes an empty line in lore to space out the text a bit
public void updateSpacer() {
boolean hasCustom = false;
boolean hasSpace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
Type t = Type.get(lore.get(i));
if (t == Type.CUSTOM) {
hasCustom = true;
} else if (t == Type.SPACE) {
hasSpace = true;
} else if (t != null && t.isAfter(Type.SPACE)) {
if (hasSpace) return;
if (hasCustom || P.useNBT) {
// We want to add the spacer if we have Custom Lore, to have a space between custom and brew lore.
// Also add a space if there is no Custom Lore but we don't already have a invisible data line
lore.add(i, Type.SPACE.id);
if (hasSpace) {
// There was a space but nothing after the space
/*private void addSpacer() {
if (!P.useNBT) return;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) != null) {
if (i == 0 || !lore.get(i - 1).equals("")) {
lore.add(i, "");
* Add the list of strings as custom lore for the base potion coming out of the cauldron
public void addCauldronLore(List<String> l) {
int index = -1;
for (String line : l) {
if (index == -1) {
index = addLore(Type.CUSTOM, "", line);
} else {
lore.add(index, Type.CUSTOM.id + line);
* updates the IngredientLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateIngredientLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe()) {
String prefix = getQualityColor(brew.getIngredients().getIngredientQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe()));
addOrReplaceLore(Type.INGR, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Ingredients"));
} else {
removeLore(Type.INGR, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Ingredients"));
* updates the CookLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateCookLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe() && brew.getDistillRuns() > 0 == brew.getCurrentRecipe().needsDistilling()) {
BIngredients ingredients = brew.getIngredients();
int quality = ingredients.getCookingQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), brew.getDistillRuns() > 0);
String prefix = getQualityColor(quality) + ingredients.getCookedTime() + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_minute");
if (ingredients.getCookedTime() > 1) {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_MinutePluralPostfix");
addOrReplaceLore(Type.COOK, prefix, " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_fermented"));
} else {
removeLore(Type.COOK, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_fermented"));
* updates the DistillLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateDistillLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (brew.getDistillRuns() <= 0) return;
String prefix;
byte distillRuns = brew.getDistillRuns();
if (qualityColor && !brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.hasRecipe()) {
prefix = getQualityColor(brew.getIngredients().getDistillQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), distillRuns));
} else {
prefix = "§7";
if (!brew.isUnlabeled()) {
if (distillRuns > 1) {
prefix = prefix + distillRuns + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_-times") + " ";
addOrReplaceLore(Type.DISTILL, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Distilled"));
* updates the AgeLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateAgeLore(boolean qualityColor) {
String prefix;
float age = brew.getAgeTime();
if (qualityColor && !brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.hasRecipe()) {
prefix = getQualityColor(brew.getIngredients().getAgeQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), age));
} else {
prefix = "§7";
if (!brew.isUnlabeled()) {
if (age >= 1 && age < 2) {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_OneYear") + " ";
} else if (age < 201) {
prefix = prefix + (int) Math.floor(age) + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Years") + " ";
} else {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_HundredsOfYears") + " ";
addOrReplaceLore(Type.AGE, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_BarrelRiped"));
* updates the WoodLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateWoodLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe() && !brew.isUnlabeled()) {
int quality = brew.getIngredients().getWoodQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), brew.getWood());
addOrReplaceLore(Type.WOOD, getQualityColor(quality), P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype"));
} else {
removeLore(Type.WOOD, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype"));
* updates the Custom Lore
public void updateCustomLore() {
BRecipe recipe = brew.getCurrentRecipe();
if (recipe != null && recipe.hasLore()) {
int index = -1;
for (String line : recipe.getLoreForQuality(brew.getQuality())) {
if (index == -1) {
index = addLore(Type.CUSTOM, "", line);
} else {
lore.add(index, Type.CUSTOM.id + line);
public void updateQualityStars(boolean qualityColor) {
if (brew.hasRecipe() && brew.getCurrentRecipe().needsToAge() && brew.getAgeTime() < 0.5) {
if (!brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.getQuality() > 0 && (qualityColor || BConfig.alwaysShowQuality)) {
int stars = (brew.getQuality() + 1) / 2;
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(stars);
for (; stars > 0; stars--) {
String color;
if (qualityColor) {
color = getQualityColor(brew.getQuality());
} else {
color = brew.getQuality() >= 10 ? "§6" : "§8";
addOrReplaceLore(Type.STARS, color, b.toString());
} else {
public void updateAlc(boolean inDistiller) {
if (!brew.isUnlabeled() && (inDistiller || BConfig.alwaysShowAlc) && (!brew.hasRecipe() || brew.getCurrentRecipe().getAlcohol() > 0)) {
int alc = brew.getOrCalcAlc();
addOrReplaceLore(Type.ALC, "§8", P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Alc", alc + ""));
} else {
* Converts to/from qualitycolored Lore
public void convertLore(boolean toQuality) {
if (!brew.hasRecipe()) {
if (toQuality && brew.isUnlabeled()) {
// Ingredients
// Cooking
// Distilling
// Ageing
if (brew.getAgeTime() >= 1) {
// WoodType
if (brew.getAgeTime() > 0.5) {
* Adds or replaces a line of Lore.
* <p>Searches for type and if not found for Substring lore and replaces it
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to replace
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or replace
public int addOrReplaceLore(Type type, String prefix, String line) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index == -1) {
index = BUtil.indexOfSubstring(lore, line);
if (index > -1) {
lore.set(index, type.id + prefix + line);
return index;
} else {
return addLore(type, prefix, line);
* Adds a line of Lore in the correct ordering
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to add
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or add
public int addLore(Type type, String prefix, String line) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
Type existing = Type.get(lore.get(i));
if (existing != null && existing.isAfter(type)) {
lore.add(i, type.id + prefix + line);
return i;
lore.add(type.id + prefix + line);
return lore.size() - 1;
* Searches for type and if not found for Substring lore and removes it
public void removeLore(Type type, String line) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index == -1) {
index = BUtil.indexOfSubstring(lore, line);
if (index > -1) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Searches for type and removes it
public void removeLore(Type type) {
if (type != Type.CUSTOM) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index > -1) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
} else {
// Lore could have multiple lines of this type
for (int i = lore.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) == type) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Removes all Brew Lore lines
public void removeAll() {
for (int i = lore.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) != null) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Adds the Effect names to the Items description
public void addOrReplaceEffects(List<BEffect> effects, int quality) {
if (!P.use1_9 && effects != null) {
for (BEffect effect : effects) {
if (!effect.isHidden()) {
effect.writeInto(meta, quality);
* If the Lore Line at index is a Brew Lore line
* @param index the index in lore to check
* @return true if the line at index is of any Brew Lore type
public boolean isBrewLore(int index) {
return index < lore.size() && Type.get(lore.get(index)) != null;
* Removes all effects
public void removeEffects() {
if (meta.hasCustomEffects()) {
for (PotionEffect effect : new ArrayList<>(meta.getCustomEffects())) {
PotionEffectType type = effect.getType();
//if (!type.equals(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) {
* Remove the Old Spacer from the legacy potion data system
public void removeLegacySpacing() {
if (P.useNBT) {
// Using NBT we don't get the invisible line, so we keep our spacing
if (lore.size() > 0 && lore.get(0).equals("")) {
* Remove any Brew Data from Lore
public void removeLoreData() {
int index = BUtil.indexOfStart(lore, LoreSaveStream.IDENTIFIER);
if (index != -1) {
lore.set(index, "");
* True if the PotionMeta has Lore in quality color
public static boolean hasColorLore(PotionMeta meta) {
if (!meta.hasLore()) return false;
List<String> lore = meta.getLore();
if (lore.size() < 2) {
return false;
if (Type.INGR.findInLore(lore) != -1) {
// Ingredient lore present, must be quality colored
return true;
return false;
* gets the Color that represents a quality in Lore
* @param quality The Quality for which to find the color code
* @return Color Code for given Quality
public static String getQualityColor(int quality) {
String color;
if (quality > 8) {
color = "&a";
} else if (quality > 6) {
color = "&e";
} else if (quality > 4) {
color = "&6";
} else if (quality > 2) {
color = "&c";
} else {
color = "&4";
return P.p.color(color);
* Type of Lore Line
public enum Type {
public final String id;
* @param id Identifier as Prefix of the Loreline
Type(String id) {
this.id = id;
* Find this type in the Lore
* @param lore The lore to search in
* @return index of this type in the lore, -1 if not found
public int findInLore(List<String> lore) {
return BUtil.indexOfStart(lore, id);
* Is this type after the other in lore
* @param other the other type
* @return true if this type should be after the other type in lore
public boolean isAfter(Type other) {
return other.ordinal() <= ordinal();
* Get the Type of the given line of Lore
public static Type get(String loreLine) {
if (loreLine.length() >= 2) {
return getById(loreLine.substring(0, 2));
} else {
return null;
* Get the Type of the given Identifier, prefix of a line of lore
public static Type getById(String id) {
for (Type t : values()) {
if (t.id.equals(id)) {
return t;
return null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
public class LoreLoadStream extends ByteArrayInputStream {
public static final String IDENTIFIER = "§%";
public LoreLoadStream(ItemMeta meta) throws IllegalArgumentException {
this(meta, -1);
public LoreLoadStream(ItemMeta meta, int line) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super(loreToBytes(meta, line));
private static byte[] loreToBytes(ItemMeta meta, int lineNum) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (meta.hasLore()) {
List<String> lore = meta.getLore();
if (lineNum >= 0) {
String line = lore.get(lineNum);
if (line.startsWith(IDENTIFIER)) {
return loreLineToBytes(line);
for (String line : lore) {
if (line.startsWith(IDENTIFIER)) {
return loreLineToBytes(line);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Meta has no data in lore");
private static byte[] loreLineToBytes(String line) {
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder((int) (line.length() / 2F));
byte skip = 2;
for (char c : line.toCharArray()) {
if (skip > 0) {
if (c == '§') continue;
return build.toString().getBytes();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class LoreSaveStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
public static final String IDENTIFIER = "§%";
private ItemMeta meta;
private int line;
private boolean flushed = false;
public LoreSaveStream(ItemMeta meta) {
this(meta, -1);
public LoreSaveStream(ItemMeta meta, int line) {
this.meta = meta;
this.line = line;
// Writes to the Lore
// Without calling this, the ItemMeta remains unchanged
public void flush() throws IOException {
if (size() <= 0) return;
if (flushed || meta == null) {
// Dont write twice
flushed = true;
String s = toString();
StringBuilder loreLineBuilder = new StringBuilder((s.length() * 2) + 6);
for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
List<String> lore;
if (meta.hasLore()) {
lore = meta.getLore();
} else {
lore = new ArrayList<>();
int prev = 0;
for (Iterator<String> iterator = lore.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
if (iterator.next().startsWith(IDENTIFIER)) {
if (line < 0) {
if (prev >= 0) {
line = prev;
} else {
line = lore.size();
while (lore.size() < line) {
lore.add(line, loreLineBuilder.toString());
public void close() throws IOException {
meta = null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
public class NBTLoadStream extends ByteArrayInputStream {
private static final String TAG = "brewdata";
private static final NamespacedKey KEY = new NamespacedKey(P.p, TAG);
public NBTLoadStream(ItemMeta meta) {
private static byte[] getNBTBytes(ItemMeta meta) {
byte[] bytes = LegacyUtil.readBytesItem(meta, KEY);
if (bytes == null) {
return new byte[0];
return bytes;
public boolean hasData() {
return count > 0;
public static boolean hasDataInMeta(ItemMeta meta) {
return LegacyUtil.hasBytesItem(meta, KEY);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.LegacyUtil;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
public class NBTSaveStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
private static final String TAG = "brewdata";
private static final NamespacedKey KEY = new NamespacedKey(P.p, TAG);
private final ItemMeta meta;
public NBTSaveStream(ItemMeta meta) {
this.meta = meta;
public void flush() throws IOException {
if (size() <= 0) return;
LegacyUtil.writeBytesItem(toByteArray(), meta, KEY);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SeedInputStream extends InputStream {
// From java.util.Random
private static final long multiplier = 0x5DEECE66DL;
private static final long addend = 0xBL;
private static final long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;
private long seed;
private byte[] buf = new byte[4];
private byte reader = 4;
private long markSeed;
private byte[] markbuf;
public SeedInputStream(long seed) {
this.seed = (seed ^ multiplier) & mask;
private void calcSeed() {
seed = (seed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
private void genNext() {
int next = (int)(seed >>> 16);
buf[0] = (byte) (next >> 24);
buf[1] = (byte) (next >> 16);
buf[2] = (byte) (next >> 8);
buf[3] = (byte) next;
reader = 0;
public int read(@NotNull byte[] b, int off, int len) {
for (int i = off; i < len; i++) {
if (reader >= 4) {
b[i] = buf[reader++];
return len;
public int read() {
if (reader == 4) {
return buf[reader++];
public long skip(long toSkip) {
long n = toSkip;
while (n > 0) {
if (reader < 4) {
} else if (n >= 4) {
n -= 4;
} else {
return toSkip;
public void close() {
buf = null;
public boolean markSupported() {
return true;
public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
markbuf = new byte[] {buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], reader};
markSeed = seed;
public synchronized void reset() {
seed = markSeed;
buf = Arrays.copyOfRange(markbuf, 0, 4);
reader = markbuf[4];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Random;
* A Scramble Stream that uses XOR operations to scramble an outputstream.
* <p>a byte generator feeded with the seed is used as xor source
* <p>The resulting data can be unscrambled by the XORUnscrambleStream
public class XORScrambleStream extends FilterOutputStream {
private final long seed;
private SeedInputStream xorStream;
private boolean running;
* Create a new instance of an XORScrambler, scrambling the given outputstream
* @param out The Outputstream to be scrambled
* @param seed The seed used for scrambling
public XORScrambleStream(OutputStream out, long seed) {
this.seed = seed;
* To start the scrambling process this has to be called before writing any data to this stream.
* <br>Before starting the scrambler, any data will just be passed through unscrambled to the underlying stream.
* <br>The Scrambling can be started and stopped arbitrarily at any point, allowing for parts of unscrambled data in the stream.
* @throws IOException IOException
public void start() throws IOException {
running = true;
if (xorStream == null) {
short id = 0;
while (id == 0) {
id = (short) new Random().nextInt();
xorStream = new SeedInputStream(seed ^ id);
out.write((byte) (id >> 8));
out.write((byte) id);
write((int) (seed >> 48) & 0xFF); // parity/sanity
* Stop the scrambling, any following data will be passed through unscrambled.
* <br>The scrambling can be started again at any point after calling this
public void stop() {
running = false;
* Mark the stream as unscrambled, any effort of unscrambing the data later will automatically read the already unscrambled data.
* <p>Useful if a stream may be scrambled or unscrambled, the unscrambler will automatically identify either way.
* @throws IOException IOException
* @throws IllegalStateException If the Scrambler was started in normal scrambling mode before
public void startUnscrambled() throws IOException, IllegalStateException {
if (xorStream != null) throw new IllegalStateException("The Scrambler was started in scrambling mode before");
short id = 0;
out.write((byte) (id >> 8));
out.write((byte) id);
public void write(int b) throws IOException {
if (!running) {
out.write(b ^ xorStream.read());
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (!running) {
out.write(b, off, len);
byte[] xored = new byte[len];
int j = off;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
xored[i] ^= b[j++];
public void close() throws IOException {
running = false;
xorStream = null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.security.InvalidKeyException;
import java.util.List;
* A Scramble Stream that uses XOR operations to unscramble an inputstream.
* <p>a byte generator feeded with the seed is used as xor source
* <p>Used to unscramble data generated by the XORScrambleStream
public class XORUnscrambleStream extends FilterInputStream {
private long seed;
private final List<Long> prevSeeds;
private SeedInputStream xorStream;
private boolean running;
private boolean markRunning;
private boolean markxor;
private SuccessType successType = SuccessType.NONE;
* Create a new instance of an XORUnscrambler, unscrambling the given inputstream.
* @param in The Inputstream to be unscrambled
* @param seed The seed used for unscrambling
public XORUnscrambleStream(InputStream in, long seed) {
this.seed = seed;
prevSeeds = null;
* Create a new instance of an XORUnscrambler, unscrambling the given inputstream.
* <p>If given a List of previous Seeds, the unscrambler will try all of them for unscrambling the stream in case the seed fails.
* @param in The Inputstream to be unscrambled
* @param seed The seed used for unscrambling
* @param prevSeeds List of previously used seeds
public XORUnscrambleStream(InputStream in, long seed, List<Long> prevSeeds) {
this.seed = seed;
this.prevSeeds = prevSeeds;
* Before unscrambling, this has to be called to tell the unscrambler that scrambled data will follow.
* <br>Before starting the unscrambler, any data will just be passed through unmodified to the underlying stream.
* <br>The Unscrambling can be started and stopped arbitrarily at any point, allowing for parts of already unscrambled data in the stream.
* @throws IOException IOException
* @throws InvalidKeyException If the scrambled data could not be read, very likely caused by a wrong seed. Thrown after checking all previous seeds.
public void start() throws IOException, InvalidKeyException {
running = true;
if (xorStream == null) {
short id = (short) (in.read() << 8 | in.read());
if (id == 0) {
running = false;
successType = SuccessType.UNSCRAMBLED;
P.p.debugLog("Unscrambled data");
int parity = in.read();
xorStream = new SeedInputStream(seed ^ id);
boolean success = checkParity(parity);
if (success) {
successType = SuccessType.MAIN_SEED;
P.p.debugLog("Using main Seed to unscramble");
if (!success && prevSeeds != null) {
for (int i = prevSeeds.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
seed = prevSeeds.get(i);
xorStream = new SeedInputStream(seed ^ id);
if (success = checkParity(parity)) {
successType = SuccessType.PREV_SEED;
P.p.debugLog("Had to use prevSeed to unscramble");
if (!success) {
throw new InvalidKeyException("Could not read scrambled data, is the seed wrong?");
private boolean checkParity(int parity) {
return ((parity ^ xorStream.read()) & 0xFF) == ((int) (seed >> 48) & 0xFF); // Parity/Sanity
* Stop the unscrambling, any following data will be passed through unmodified.
* <p>The unscrambling can be started again at any point after calling this
public void stop() {
running = false;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (!running) {
return in.read();
return (in.read() ^ xorStream.read()) & 0xFF;
public int read(@NotNull byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
if (!running) {
return in.read(b, off, len);
len = in.read(b, off, len);
for (int i = off; i < len + off; i++) {
b[i] ^= xorStream.read();
return len;
* What was used to unscramble the stream: it was already unscrambled | Main Seed | Prev Seed
* @return The Type of Seed used to unscramble this, if any
public SuccessType getSuccessType() {
return successType;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
long skipped = in.skip(n);
if (running && skipped > 0) {
return skipped;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (xorStream != null) {
xorStream = null;
running = false;
public boolean markSupported() {
return in.markSupported();
public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
if (markxor) {
} else {
xorStream = null;
running = markRunning;
public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
if (xorStream != null) {
markxor = true;
markRunning = running;
* What succeeded in unscrambling the Stream.
public static enum SuccessType {
* The Stream was already unscrambled.
* The Main Seed was used to unscramble the Stream.
* One of the Previous Seeds was used to unscramble the Stream.
* It was not successful.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package com.dre.brewery.lore;
* basE91 encoding/decoding routines
* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Joachim Henke
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* - Neither the name of Joachim Henke nor the names of his contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
public class basE91
public static final byte[] enctab;
private static final byte[] dectab;
private int ebq, en, dbq, dn, dv;
private int[] marker = null;
public int encode(byte[] ib, int n, byte[] ob)
int i, c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ebq |= (ib[i] & 255) << en;
en += 8;
if (en > 13) {
int ev = ebq & 8191;
if (ev > 88) {
ebq >>= 13;
en -= 13;
} else {
ev = ebq & 16383;
ebq >>= 14;
en -= 14;
ob[c++] = enctab[ev % 91];
ob[c++] = enctab[ev / 91];
return c;
public int encEnd(byte[] ob)
int c = 0;
if (en > 0) {
ob[c++] = enctab[ebq % 91];
if (en > 7 || ebq > 90)
ob[c++] = enctab[ebq / 91];
return c;
public void encReset()
ebq = 0;
en = 0;
public int decode(byte[] ib, int n, byte[] ob)
int i, c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (dectab[ib[i]] == -1)
if (dv == -1)
dv = dectab[ib[i]];
else {
dv += dectab[ib[i]] * 91;
dbq |= dv << dn;
dn += (dv & 8191) > 88 ? 13 : 14;
do {
ob[c++] = (byte) dbq;
dbq >>= 8;
dn -= 8;
} while (dn > 7);
dv = -1;
return c;
public int decEnd(byte[] ob)
int c = 0;
if (dv != -1)
ob[c++] = (byte) (dbq | dv << dn);
return c;
public void decReset()
dbq = 0;
dn = 0;
dv = -1;
public void decMark() {
marker = new int[] {dbq, dn, dv};
public void decUnmark() {
if (marker == null) return;
dbq = marker[0];
dn = marker[1];
dv = marker[2];
public basE91()
static {
int i;
String ts = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~\""; // Added '-' removed '#'
enctab = ts.getBytes();
dectab = new byte[256];
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
dectab[i] = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 91; ++i)
dectab[enctab[i]] = (byte) i;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.Tuple;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* A Recipe for the Base Potion coming out of the Cauldron.
public class BCauldronRecipe {
public static List<BCauldronRecipe> recipes = new ArrayList<>();
public static int numConfigRecipes;
public static List<RecipeItem> acceptedCustom = new ArrayList<>(); // All accepted custom and other items
public static Set<Material> acceptedSimple = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class); // All accepted simple items
public static Set<Material> acceptedMaterials = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class); // Fast cache for all accepted Materials
private String name;
private List<RecipeItem> ingredients;
//private List<String> particles
private PotionColor color;
private List<String> lore;
private boolean saveInData; // If this recipe should be saved in data and loaded again when the server restarts. Applicable to non-config recipes
* A New Cauldron Recipe with the given name.
* <p>Use new BCauldronRecipe.Builder() for easier Cauldron Recipe Creation
* @param name Name of the Cauldron Recipe
public BCauldronRecipe(String name) {
this.name = name;
color = PotionColor.CYAN;
public static BCauldronRecipe fromConfig(ConfigurationSection cfg, String id) {
String name = cfg.getString(id + ".name");
if (name != null) {
name = P.p.color(name);
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Missing name for Cauldron-Recipe: " + id);
return null;
BCauldronRecipe recipe = new BCauldronRecipe(name);
recipe.ingredients = BRecipe.loadIngredients(cfg, id);
if (recipe.ingredients == null || recipe.ingredients.isEmpty()) {
P.p.errorLog("No ingredients for Cauldron-Recipe: " + recipe.name);
return null;
String col = cfg.getString(id + ".color");
if (col != null) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromString(col);
} else {
recipe.color = PotionColor.CYAN;
if (recipe.color == PotionColor.WATER && !col.equals("WATER")) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.CYAN;
// Don't throw error here as old mc versions will not know even the default colors
//P.p.errorLog("Invalid Color '" + col + "' in Cauldron-Recipe: " + recipe.name);
//return null;
List<Tuple<Integer,String>> lore = BRecipe.loadLore(cfg, id + ".lore");
if (lore != null && !lore.isEmpty()) {
recipe.lore = lore.stream().map(Tuple::second).collect(Collectors.toList());
return recipe;
// Getter
public String getName() {
return name;
public List<RecipeItem> getIngredients() {
return ingredients;
public PotionColor getColor() {
return color;
public List<String> getLore() {
return lore;
public boolean isSaveInData() {
return saveInData;
// Setter
* When Changing ingredients, Accepted Lists have to be updated in BCauldronRecipe
public void setIngredients(@NotNull List<RecipeItem> ingredients) {
this.ingredients = ingredients;
public void setColor(@NotNull PotionColor color) {
this.color = color;
public void setLore(List<String> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
public void setSaveInData(boolean saveInData) {
this.saveInData = saveInData;
* Find how much these ingredients match the given ones from 0-10.
* <p>If any ingredient is missing, returns 0
* <br>If all Ingredients and their amounts are equal, returns 10
* <br>Returns something between 0 and 10 if all ingredients present, but differing amounts, depending on how much the amount differs.
public float getIngredientMatch(List<Ingredient> items) {
if (items.size() < ingredients.size()) {
return 0;
float match = 10;
search: for (RecipeItem recipeIng : ingredients) {
for (Ingredient ing : items) {
if (recipeIng.matches(ing)) {
double difference = Math.abs(recipeIng.getAmount() - ing.getAmount());
if (difference >= 1000) {
return 0;
// The Item Amount is the determining part here, the higher the better.
// But let the difference in amount to what the recipe expects have a tiny factor as well.
// This way for the same amount, the recipe with the lower difference wins.
double factor = ing.getAmount() * (1.0 - (difference / 1000.0)) ;
//double mod = 0.1 + (0.9 * Math.exp(-0.03 * difference)); // logarithmic curve from 1 to 0.1
double mod = 1 + (0.9 * -Math.exp(-0.03 * factor)); // logarithmic curve from 0.1 to 1, small for a low factor
P.p.debugLog("Mod for " + recipeIng + ": " + mod);
match *= mod;
continue search;
return 0;
if (items.size() > ingredients.size()) {
// If there are too many items in the List, multiply the match by 0.1 per Item thats too much
float tooMuch = items.size() - ingredients.size();
float mod = 0.1f / tooMuch;
match *= mod;
P.p.debugLog("Match for Cauldron Recipe " + name + ": " + match);
return match;
public void updateAcceptedLists() {
for (RecipeItem ingredient : getIngredients()) {
if (ingredient.hasMaterials()) {
if (ingredient instanceof SimpleItem) {
BCauldronRecipe.acceptedSimple.add(((SimpleItem) ingredient).getMaterial());
} else {
// Add it as acceptedCustom
if (!BCauldronRecipe.acceptedCustom.contains(ingredient)) {
public String toString() {
return "BCauldronRecipe{" + name + '}';
public static BCauldronRecipe get(String name) {
for (BCauldronRecipe recipe : recipes) {
if (recipe.name.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return recipe;
return null;
* Gets a Modifiable Sublist of the CauldronRecipes that are loaded by config.
* <p>Changes are directly reflected by the main list of all recipes
* <br>Changes to the main List of all CauldronRecipes will make the reference to this sublist invalid
* <p>After adding or removing elements, CauldronRecipes.numConfigRecipes MUST be updated!
public static List<BCauldronRecipe> getConfigRecipes() {
return recipes.subList(0, numConfigRecipes);
* Gets a Modifiable Sublist of the CauldronRecipes that are added by plugins.
* <p>Changes are directly reflected by the main list of all recipes
* <br>Changes to the main List of all CauldronRecipes will make the reference to this sublist invalid
public static List<BCauldronRecipe> getAddedRecipes() {
return recipes.subList(numConfigRecipes, recipes.size());
* Gets the main List of all CauldronRecipes.
public static List<BCauldronRecipe> getAllRecipes() {
return recipes;
/*public static boolean acceptItem(ItemStack item) {
if (acceptedMaterials.contains(item.getType())) {
// Extremely fast way to check for most items
return true;
if (!item.hasItemMeta()) {
return false;
// If the Item is not on the list, but customized, we have to do more checks
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
if (meta.hasDisplayName() || meta.hasLore()) {
for (BItem bItem : acceptedCustom) {
if (bItem.matches(item)) {
return true;
return false;
public static RecipeItem acceptItem(ItemStack item) {
if (!acceptedMaterials.contains(item.getType()) && !item.hasItemMeta()) {
// Extremely fast way to check for most items
return null;
// If the Item is on the list, or customized, we have to do more checks
for (RecipeItem rItem : acceptedItems) {
if (rItem.matches(item)) {
return rItem;
return null;
* Builder to easily create BCauldron recipes.
public static class Builder {
private BCauldronRecipe recipe;
public Builder(String name) {
recipe = new BCauldronRecipe(name);
public Builder addIngredient(RecipeItem... item) {
if (recipe.ingredients == null) {
recipe.ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.addAll(recipe.ingredients, item);
return this;
public Builder addIngredient(ItemStack... item) {
if (recipe.ingredients == null) {
recipe.ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
for (ItemStack i : item) {
recipe.ingredients.add(new CustomItem(i));
return this;
public Builder color(String colorString) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromString(colorString);
return this;
public Builder color(PotionColor color) {
recipe.color = color;
return this;
public Builder color(Color color) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromColor(color);
return this;
public Builder addLore(String line) {
if (recipe.lore == null) {
recipe.lore = new ArrayList<>();
return this;
public BCauldronRecipe get() {
if (recipe.name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CauldronRecipe name is null");
if (BCauldronRecipe.get(recipe.getName()) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CauldronRecipe with name " + recipe.getName() + " already exists");
if (recipe.color == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CauldronRecipe has no color");
if (recipe.ingredients == null || recipe.ingredients.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CauldronRecipe has no ingredients");
return recipe;
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
public class BEffect {
@ -14,6 +17,15 @@ public class BEffect {
private boolean hidden = false;
public BEffect(PotionEffectType type, short minlvl, short maxlvl, short minduration, short maxduration, boolean hidden) {
this.type = type;
this.minlvl = minlvl;
this.maxlvl = maxlvl;
this.minduration = minduration;
this.maxduration = maxduration;
this.hidden = hidden;
public BEffect(String effectString) {
String[] effectSplit = effectString.split("/");
String effect = effectSplit[0];
@ -81,19 +93,26 @@ public class BEffect {
public void apply(int quality, Player player) {
public PotionEffect generateEffect(int quality) {
int duration = calcDuration(quality);
int lvl = calcLvl(quality);
if (lvl < 1 || (duration < 1 && !type.isInstant())) {
return null;
duration *= 20;
if (!P.use1_14) {
duration /= type.getDurationModifier();
Util.reapplyPotionEffect(player, type.createEffect(duration, lvl - 1), true);
return type.createEffect(duration, lvl - 1);
public void apply(int quality, Player player) {
PotionEffect effect = generateEffect(quality);
if (effect != null) {
BUtil.reapplyPotionEffect(player, effect, true);
public int calcDuration(float quality) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.BIngredients;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.Tuple;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
* A Recipe used to Brew a Brewery Potion.
public class BRecipe {
private static List<BRecipe> recipes = new ArrayList<>();
public static int numConfigRecipes; // The number of recipes in the list that are from config
// info
private String[] name;
private boolean saveInData; // If this recipe should be saved in data and loaded again when the server restarts. Applicable to non-config recipes
// brewing
private List<RecipeItem> ingredients = new ArrayList<>(); // Items and amounts
private int difficulty; // difficulty to brew the potion, how exact the instruction has to be followed
private int cookingTime; // time to cook in cauldron
private byte distillruns; // runs through the brewer
private int distillTime; // time for one distill run in seconds
private byte wood; // type of wood the barrel has to consist of
private int age; // time in minecraft days for the potions to age in barrels
// outcome
private PotionColor color; // color of the distilled/finished potion
private int alcohol; // Alcohol in perfect potion
private List<Tuple<Integer, String>> lore; // Custom Lore on the Potion. The int is for Quality Lore, 0 = any, 1,2,3 = Bad,Middle,Good
// drinking
private List<BEffect> effects = new ArrayList<>(); // Special Effects when drinking
private List<String> playercmds; // Commands executed as the player when drinking
private List<String> servercmds; // Commands executed as the server when drinking
private String drinkMsg; // Message when drinking
private String drinkTitle; // Title to show when drinking
private BRecipe() {
* New BRecipe with Name.
* <p>Use new BRecipe.Builder() for easier Recipe Creation
* @param name The name for all qualities
public BRecipe(String name, @NotNull PotionColor color) {
this.name = new String[] {name};
this.color = color;
difficulty = 5;
* New BRecipe with Names.
* <p>Use new BRecipe.Builder() for easier Recipe Creation
* @param names {name bad, name normal, name good}
public BRecipe(String[] names, @NotNull PotionColor color) {
this.name = names;
this.color = color;
difficulty = 5;
public static BRecipe fromConfig(ConfigurationSection configSectionRecipes, String recipeId) {
BRecipe recipe = new BRecipe();
String nameList = configSectionRecipes.getString(recipeId + ".name");
if (nameList != null) {
String[] name = nameList.split("/");
if (name.length > 2) {
recipe.name = name;
} else {
recipe.name = new String[1];
recipe.name[0] = name[0];
} else {
P.p.errorLog(recipeId + ": Recipe Name missing or invalid!");
return null;
if (recipe.getRecipeName() == null || recipe.getRecipeName().length() < 1) {
P.p.errorLog(recipeId + ": Recipe Name invalid");
return null;
recipe.ingredients = loadIngredients(configSectionRecipes, recipeId);
if (recipe.ingredients == null || recipe.ingredients.isEmpty()) {
P.p.errorLog("No ingredients for: " + recipe.getRecipeName());
return null;
recipe.cookingTime = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".cookingtime", 1);
int dis = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".distillruns", 0);
if (dis > Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
recipe.distillruns = Byte.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
recipe.distillruns = (byte) dis;
recipe.distillTime = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".distilltime", 0) * 20;
recipe.wood = (byte) configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".wood", 0);
recipe.age = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".age", 0);
recipe.difficulty = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".difficulty", 0);
recipe.alcohol = configSectionRecipes.getInt(recipeId + ".alcohol", 0);
String col = configSectionRecipes.getString(recipeId + ".color", "BLUE");
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromString(col);
if (recipe.color == PotionColor.WATER && !col.equals("WATER")) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid Color '" + col + "' in Recipe: " + recipe.getRecipeName());
return null;
recipe.lore = loadLore(configSectionRecipes, recipeId + ".lore");
recipe.servercmds = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(configSectionRecipes, recipeId + ".servercommands");
recipe.playercmds = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(configSectionRecipes, recipeId + ".playercommands");
if (recipe.servercmds != null && !recipe.servercmds.isEmpty()) {
for (ListIterator<String> iter = recipe.servercmds.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String cmd = iter.next();
if (cmd.startsWith("/")) {
if (recipe.playercmds != null && !recipe.playercmds.isEmpty()) {
for (ListIterator<String> iter = recipe.playercmds.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String cmd = iter.next();
if (cmd.startsWith("/")) {
recipe.drinkMsg = P.p.color(BUtil.loadCfgString(configSectionRecipes, recipeId + ".drinkmessage"));
recipe.drinkTitle = P.p.color(BUtil.loadCfgString(configSectionRecipes, recipeId + ".drinktitle"));
List<String> effectStringList = configSectionRecipes.getStringList(recipeId + ".effects");
if (effectStringList != null) {
for (String effectString : effectStringList) {
BEffect effect = new BEffect(effectString);
if (effect.isValid()) {
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Error adding Effect to Recipe: " + recipe.getRecipeName());
return recipe;
public static List<RecipeItem> loadIngredients(ConfigurationSection cfg, String recipeId) {
List<String> ingredientsList;
if (cfg.isString(recipeId + ".ingredients")) {
ingredientsList = new ArrayList<>(1);
ingredientsList.add(cfg.getString(recipeId + ".ingredients", "x"));
} else {
ingredientsList = cfg.getStringList(recipeId + ".ingredients");
if (ingredientsList == null) {
return null;
List<RecipeItem> ingredients = new ArrayList<>(ingredientsList.size());
listLoop: for (String item : ingredientsList) {
String[] ingredParts = item.split("/");
int amount = 1;
if (ingredParts.length == 2) {
amount = P.p.parseInt(ingredParts[1]);
if (amount < 1) {
P.p.errorLog(recipeId + ": Invalid Item Amount: " + ingredParts[1]);
return null;
String[] matParts;
if (ingredParts[0].contains(",")) {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split(",");
} else if (ingredParts[0].contains(";")) {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split(";");
} else {
matParts = ingredParts[0].split("\\.");
// Check if this is a Plugin Item
String[] pluginItem = matParts[0].split(":");
if (pluginItem.length > 1) {
RecipeItem custom = PluginItem.fromConfig(pluginItem[0], pluginItem[1]);
if (custom != null) {
} else {
// TODO Maybe load later ie on first use of recipe?
P.p.errorLog(recipeId + ": Could not Find Plugin: " + ingredParts[1]);
return null;
// Try to find this Ingredient as Custom Item
for (RecipeItem custom : BConfig.customItems) {
if (custom.getConfigId().equalsIgnoreCase(matParts[0])) {
custom = custom.getMutableCopy();
if (custom.hasMaterials()) {
// Add it as acceptedCustom
if (!BCauldronRecipe.acceptedCustom.contains(custom)) {
/*if (custom instanceof PluginItem || !custom.hasMaterials()) {
} else if (custom instanceof CustomMatchAnyItem) {
CustomMatchAnyItem ma = (CustomMatchAnyItem) custom;
if (ma.hasNames() || ma.hasLore()) {
continue listLoop;
Material mat = Material.matchMaterial(matParts[0]);
short durability = -1;
if (matParts.length == 2) {
durability = (short) P.p.parseInt(matParts[1]);
if (mat == null && BConfig.hasVault) {
try {
net.milkbowl.vault.item.ItemInfo vaultItem = net.milkbowl.vault.item.Items.itemByString(matParts[0]);
if (vaultItem != null) {
mat = vaultItem.getType();
if (durability == -1 && vaultItem.getSubTypeId() != 0) {
durability = vaultItem.getSubTypeId();
if (mat.name().contains("LEAVES")) {
if (durability > 3) {
durability -= 4; // Vault has leaves with higher durability
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check vault for Item Name");
if (mat != null) {
RecipeItem rItem;
if (durability > -1) {
rItem = new SimpleItem(mat, durability);
} else {
rItem = new SimpleItem(mat);
} else {
P.p.errorLog(recipeId + ": Unknown Material: " + ingredParts[0]);
return null;
return ingredients;
public static List<Tuple<Integer, String>> loadLore(ConfigurationSection cfg, String path) {
List<String> load = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(cfg, path);
if (load != null) {
List<Tuple<Integer, String>> lore = new ArrayList<>(load.size());
for (String line : load) {
line = P.p.color(line);
int plus = 0;
if (line.startsWith("+++")) {
plus = 3;
line = line.substring(3);
} else if (line.startsWith("++")) {
plus = 2;
line = line.substring(2);
} else if (line.startsWith("+")) {
plus = 1;
line = line.substring(1);
if (line.startsWith(" ")) {
line = line.substring(1);
if (!line.startsWith("§")) {
line = "§9" + line;
lore.add(new Tuple<>(plus, line));
return lore;
return null;
* check every part of the recipe for validity.
public boolean isValid() {
if (ingredients == null || ingredients.isEmpty()) {
P.p.errorLog("No ingredients could be loaded for Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (cookingTime < 1) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid cooking time '" + cookingTime + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (distillruns < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid distillruns '" + distillruns + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (distillTime < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid distilltime '" + distillTime + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (wood < 0 || wood > 6) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid wood type '" + wood + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (age < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid age time '" + age + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (difficulty < 0 || difficulty > 10) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid difficulty '" + difficulty + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
if (alcohol < 0) {
P.p.errorLog("Invalid alcohol '" + alcohol + "' in Recipe: " + getRecipeName());
return false;
return true;
* allowed deviation to the recipes count of ingredients at the given difficulty
public int allowedCountDiff(int count) {
if (count < 8) {
count = 8;
int allowedCountDiff = Math.round((float) ((11.0 - difficulty) * (count / 10.0)));
if (allowedCountDiff == 0) {
return 1;
return allowedCountDiff;
* allowed deviation to the recipes cooking-time at the given difficulty
public int allowedTimeDiff(int time) {
if (time < 8) {
time = 8;
int allowedTimeDiff = Math.round((float) ((11.0 - difficulty) * (time / 10.0)));
if (allowedTimeDiff == 0) {
return 1;
return allowedTimeDiff;
* difference between given and recipe-wanted woodtype
public float getWoodDiff(float wood) {
return Math.abs(wood - this.wood);
public boolean isCookingOnly() {
return age == 0 && distillruns == 0;
public boolean needsDistilling() {
return distillruns != 0;
public boolean needsToAge() {
return age != 0;
* true if given list misses an ingredient
public boolean isMissingIngredients(List<Ingredient> list) {
if (list.size() < ingredients.size()) {
return true;
for (RecipeItem rItem : ingredients) {
boolean matches = false;
for (Ingredient used : list) {
if (rItem.matches(used)) {
matches = true;
if (!matches) {
return true;
return false;
public void applyDrinkFeatures(Player player) {
if (playercmds != null && !playercmds.isEmpty()) {
for (String cmd : playercmds) {
player.performCommand(cmd.replaceAll("%player_name%", player.getName()));
if (servercmds != null && !servercmds.isEmpty()) {
for (String cmd : servercmds) {
P.p.getServer().dispatchCommand(P.p.getServer().getConsoleSender(), cmd.replaceAll("%player_name%", player.getName()));
if (drinkMsg != null) {
player.sendMessage(drinkMsg.replaceAll("%player_name%", player.getName()));
if (drinkTitle != null) {
player.sendTitle("", drinkTitle.replaceAll("%player_name%", player.getName()), 10, 90, 30);
* Create a Potion from this Recipe with best values.
* Quality can be set, but will reset to 10 if unset immutable and put in a barrel
* @param quality The Quality of the Brew
* @return The Created Item
public ItemStack create(int quality) {
return createBrew(quality).createItem(this);
* Create a Brew from this Recipe with best values.
* Quality can be set, but will reset to 10 if unset immutable and put in a barrel
* @param quality The Quality of the Brew
* @return The created Brew
public Brew createBrew(int quality) {
List<Ingredient> list = new ArrayList<>(ingredients.size());
for (RecipeItem rItem : ingredients) {
Ingredient ing = rItem.toIngredientGeneric();
BIngredients bIngredients = new BIngredients(list, cookingTime);
return new Brew(bIngredients, quality, 0, distillruns, getAge(), wood, getRecipeName(), false, true, 0);
public void updateAcceptedLists() {
for (RecipeItem ingredient : getIngredients()) {
if (ingredient.hasMaterials()) {
if (ingredient instanceof SimpleItem) {
BCauldronRecipe.acceptedSimple.add(((SimpleItem) ingredient).getMaterial());
} else {
// Add it as acceptedCustom
if (!BCauldronRecipe.acceptedCustom.contains(ingredient)) {
// Getter
* how many of a specific ingredient in the recipe
public int amountOf(Ingredient ing) {
for (RecipeItem rItem : ingredients) {
if (rItem.matches(ing)) {
return rItem.getAmount();
return 0;
* how many of a specific ingredient in the recipe
public int amountOf(ItemStack item) {
for (RecipeItem rItem : ingredients) {
if (rItem.matches(item)) {
return rItem.getAmount();
return 0;
* Same as getName(5)
public String getRecipeName() {
return getName(5);
* name that fits the quality
public String getName(int quality) {
if (name.length > 2) {
if (quality <= 3) {
return name[0];
} else if (quality <= 7) {
return name[1];
} else {
return name[2];
} else {
return name[0];
* If one of the quality names equalIgnoreCase given name
public boolean hasName(String name) {
for (String test : this.name) {
if (test.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return true;
return false;
public List<RecipeItem> getIngredients() {
return ingredients;
public int getCookingTime() {
return cookingTime;
public byte getDistillRuns() {
return distillruns;
public int getDistillTime() {
return distillTime;
public PotionColor getColor() {
return color;
* get the woodtype
public byte getWood() {
return wood;
public float getAge() {
return (float) age;
public int getDifficulty() {
return difficulty;
public int getAlcohol() {
return alcohol;
public boolean hasLore() {
return lore != null && !lore.isEmpty();
public List<Tuple<Integer, String>> getLore() {
return lore;
public List<String> getLoreForQuality(int quality) {
if (lore == null) return null;
int plus;
if (quality <= 3) {
plus = 1;
} else if (quality <= 7) {
plus = 2;
} else {
plus = 3;
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(lore.size());
for (Tuple<Integer, String> line : lore) {
if (line.first() == 0 || line.first() == plus) {
return list;
public List<String> getPlayercmds() {
return playercmds;
public List<String> getServercmds() {
return servercmds;
public String getDrinkMsg() {
return drinkMsg;
public String getDrinkTitle() {
return drinkTitle;
public List<BEffect> getEffects() {
return effects;
public boolean isSaveInData() {
return saveInData;
// Setters
* When Changing ingredients, Accepted Lists have to be updated in BCauldronRecipe
public void setIngredients(List<RecipeItem> ingredients) {
this.ingredients = ingredients;
public void setCookingTime(int cookingTime) {
this.cookingTime = cookingTime;
public void setDistillruns(byte distillruns) {
this.distillruns = distillruns;
public void setDistillTime(int distillTime) {
this.distillTime = distillTime;
public void setWood(byte wood) {
this.wood = wood;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public void setColor(@NotNull PotionColor color) {
this.color = color;
public void setDifficulty(int difficulty) {
this.difficulty = difficulty;
public void setAlcohol(int alcohol) {
this.alcohol = alcohol;
public void setLore(List<Tuple<Integer, String>> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
public void setEffects(List<BEffect> effects) {
this.effects = effects;
public void setSaveInData(boolean saveInData) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
//this.saveInData = saveInData;
public String toString() {
return "BRecipe{" + getRecipeName() + '}';
* Gets a Modifiable Sublist of the Recipes that are loaded by config.
* <p>Changes are directly reflected by the main list of all recipes
* <br>Changes to the main List of all recipes will make the reference to this sublist invalid
* <p>After adding or removing elements, BRecipe.numConfigRecipes MUST be updated!
public static List<BRecipe> getConfigRecipes() {
return recipes.subList(0, numConfigRecipes);
* Gets a Modifiable Sublist of the Recipes that are added by plugins.
* <p>Changes are directly reflected by the main list of all recipes
* <br>Changes to the main List of all recipes will make the reference to this sublist invalid
public static List<BRecipe> getAddedRecipes() {
return recipes.subList(numConfigRecipes, recipes.size());
* Gets the main List of all recipes.
public static List<BRecipe> getAllRecipes() {
return recipes;
public static BRecipe get(String name) {
for (BRecipe recipe : recipes) {
if (recipe.getRecipeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return recipe;
return null;
/*public static void saveAddedRecipes(ConfigurationSection cfg) {
int i = 0;
for (BRecipe recipe : getAddedRecipes()) {
if (recipe.isSaveInData()) {
cfg.set(i + ".name", recipe.name);
* Builder to easily create Recipes
public static class Builder {
private BRecipe recipe;
public Builder(String name) {
recipe = new BRecipe(name, PotionColor.WATER);
public Builder(String... names) {
recipe = new BRecipe(names, PotionColor.WATER);
public Builder addIngredient(RecipeItem... item) {
Collections.addAll(recipe.ingredients, item);
return this;
public Builder addIngredient(ItemStack... item) {
for (ItemStack i : item) {
CustomItem customItem = new CustomItem(i);
return this;
public Builder difficulty(int difficulty) {
recipe.difficulty = difficulty;
return this;
public Builder color(String colorString) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromString(colorString);
return this;
public Builder color(PotionColor color) {
recipe.color = color;
return this;
public Builder color(Color color) {
recipe.color = PotionColor.fromColor(color);
return this;
public Builder cook(int cookTime) {
recipe.cookingTime = cookTime;
return this;
public Builder distill(byte distillRuns, int distillTime) {
recipe.distillruns = distillRuns;
recipe.distillTime = distillTime;
return this;
public Builder age(int age, byte wood) {
recipe.age = age;
recipe.wood = wood;
return this;
public Builder alcohol(int alcohol) {
recipe.alcohol = alcohol;
return this;
public Builder addLore(String line) {
return addLore(0, line);
* Add a Line of Lore
* @param quality 0 for any quality, 1: bad, 2: normal, 3: good
* @param line The Line for custom lore to add
* @return this
public Builder addLore(int quality, String line) {
if (quality < 0 || quality > 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lore Quality must be 0 - 3");
if (recipe.lore == null) {
recipe.lore = new ArrayList<>();
recipe.lore.add(new Tuple<>(quality, line));
return this;
* Add Commands that are executed by the player on drinking
public Builder addPlayerCmds(String... cmds) {
if (recipe.playercmds == null) {
recipe.playercmds = new ArrayList<>(cmds.length);
Collections.addAll(recipe.playercmds, cmds);
return this;
* Add Commands that are executed by the server on drinking
public Builder addServerCmds(String... cmds) {
if (recipe.servercmds == null) {
recipe.servercmds = new ArrayList<>(cmds.length);
Collections.addAll(recipe.servercmds, cmds);
return this;
* Add Message that is sent to the player in chat when he drinks the brew
public Builder drinkMsg(String msg) {
recipe.drinkMsg = msg;
return this;
* Add Message that is sent to the player as a small title when he drinks the brew
public Builder drinkTitle(String title) {
recipe.drinkTitle = title;
return this;
public Builder addEffects(BEffect... effects) {
Collections.addAll(recipe.effects, effects);
return this;
public BRecipe get() {
if (recipe.name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe name is null");
if (recipe.name.length != 1 && recipe.name.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe name neither 1 nor 3");
if (BRecipe.get(recipe.getRecipeName()) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe with name " + recipe.getRecipeName() + " already exists");
if (recipe.color == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe has no color");
if (recipe.ingredients == null || recipe.ingredients.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe has no ingredients");
if (!recipe.isValid()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recipe has not valid");
for (RecipeItem ingredient : recipe.ingredients) {
return recipe;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Minecraft Item with custon name and lore.
* <p>Mostly used for Custom Items of the Config, but also for general custom items
public class CustomItem extends RecipeItem implements Ingredient {
private Material mat;
private String name;
private List<String> lore;
public CustomItem() {
public CustomItem(Material mat) {
this.mat = mat;
public CustomItem(Material mat, String name, List<String> lore) {
this.mat = mat;
this.name = name;
this.lore = lore;
public CustomItem(ItemStack item) {
mat = item.getType();
if (!item.hasItemMeta()) {
ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
assert itemMeta != null;
if (itemMeta.hasDisplayName()) {
name = itemMeta.getDisplayName();
if (itemMeta.hasLore()) {
lore = itemMeta.getLore();
public boolean hasMaterials() {
return mat != null;
public boolean hasName() {
return name != null;
public boolean hasLore() {
return lore != null && !lore.isEmpty();
public List<Material> getMaterials() {
List<Material> l = new ArrayList<>(1);
return l;
public Material getMaterial() {
return mat;
protected void setMat(Material mat) {
this.mat = mat;
public String getName() {
return name;
protected void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public List<String> getLore() {
return lore;
protected void setLore(List<String> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
public Ingredient toIngredient(ItemStack forItem) {
return ((CustomItem) getMutableCopy());
public Ingredient toIngredientGeneric() {
return ((CustomItem) getMutableCopy());
public boolean matches(Ingredient ingredient) {
if (isSimilar(ingredient)) {
return true;
if (ingredient instanceof RecipeItem) {
RecipeItem rItem = ((RecipeItem) ingredient);
if (rItem instanceof SimpleItem) {
// If the recipe item is just a simple item, only match if we also only define material
// If this is a custom item with more info, we don't want to match a simple item
return hasMaterials() && !hasLore() && !hasName() && getMaterial() == ((SimpleItem) rItem).getMaterial();
} else if (rItem instanceof CustomItem) {
// If the other is a CustomItem as well and not Similar to ours, it might have more data and we still match
CustomItem other = ((CustomItem) rItem);
if (mat == null || mat == other.mat) {
if (!hasName() || (other.name != null && name.equalsIgnoreCase(other.name))) {
return !hasLore() || lore == other.lore || (other.hasLore() && matchLore(other.lore));
return false;
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
if (mat != null) {
if (item.getType() != mat) {
return false;
if (name == null && !hasLore()) {
return true;
if (!item.hasItemMeta()) {
return false;
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
if (name != null) {
if (!meta.hasDisplayName() || !name.equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getDisplayName())) {
return false;
if (hasLore()) {
if (!meta.hasLore()) {
return false;
return matchLore(meta.getLore());
return true;
* If this item has lore that matches the given lore.
* <p>It matches if our lore is contained in the given lore consecutively, ignoring color of the given lore.
* @param usedLore The given lore to match
* @return True if the given lore contains our lore consecutively
public boolean matchLore(List<String> usedLore) {
if (lore == null) return true;
int lastIndex = 0;
boolean foundFirst = false;
for (String line : lore) {
do {
if (lastIndex == usedLore.size()) {
// There is more in lore than in usedLore, bad
return false;
String usedLine = usedLore.get(lastIndex);
if (line.equalsIgnoreCase(usedLine) || line.equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.stripColor(usedLine))) {
// If the line is correct, we have found our first and we want all consecutive lines to also equal
foundFirst = true;
} else if (foundFirst) {
// If a consecutive line is not equal, thats bad
return false;
// If we once found one correct line, iterate over 'lore' consecutively
} while (!foundFirst);
return true;
// We don't compare id here
public boolean isSimilar(Ingredient item) {
if (this == item) {
return true;
if (item instanceof CustomItem) {
CustomItem ci = ((CustomItem) item);
return mat == ci.mat && Objects.equals(name, ci.name) && Objects.equals(lore, ci.lore);
return false;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!super.equals(obj)) return false;
if (obj instanceof CustomItem) {
return isSimilar(((CustomItem) obj));
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), mat, name, lore);
public String toString() {
return "CustomItem{" +
"id=" + getConfigId() +
", mat=" + (mat != null ? mat.name().toLowerCase() : "null") +
", name='" + name + '\'' +
", loresize: " + (lore != null ? lore.size() : 0) +
public void saveTo(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
if (mat != null) {
} else {
if (name != null) {
} else {
if (lore != null) {
short size = (short) Math.min(lore.size(), Short.MAX_VALUE);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
} else {
public static CustomItem loadFrom(ItemLoader loader) {
try {
DataInputStream in = loader.getInputStream();
CustomItem item = new CustomItem();
if (in.readBoolean()) {
item.mat = Material.getMaterial(in.readUTF());
if (in.readBoolean()) {
item.name = in.readUTF();
short size = in.readShort();
if (size > 0) {
item.lore = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (short i = 0; i < size; i++) {
return item;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
// Needs to be called at Server start
public static void registerItemLoader() {
Ingredient.registerForItemLoader("CI", CustomItem::loadFrom);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Custom Item that matches any one of the given info.
* <p>Does not implement Ingredient, as it can not directly be added to an ingredient
public class CustomMatchAnyItem extends RecipeItem {
private List<Material> materials;
private List<String> names;
private List<String> lore;
public boolean hasMaterials() {
return materials != null && !materials.isEmpty();
public boolean hasNames() {
return names != null && !names.isEmpty();
public boolean hasLore() {
return lore != null && !lore.isEmpty();
public List<Material> getMaterials() {
return materials;
protected void setMaterials(List<Material> materials) {
this.materials = materials;
public List<String> getNames() {
return names;
protected void setNames(List<String> names) {
this.names = names;
public List<String> getLore() {
return lore;
protected void setLore(List<String> lore) {
this.lore = lore;
public Ingredient toIngredient(ItemStack forItem) {
// We only use the one part of this item that actually matched the given item to add to ingredients
Material mat = getMaterialMatch(forItem);
if (mat != null) {
return new CustomItem(mat);
String name = getNameMatch(forItem);
if (name != null) {
return new CustomItem(null, name, null);
String l = getLoreMatch(forItem);
if (l != null) {
List<String> lore = new ArrayList<>(1);
return new CustomItem(null, null, lore);
// Shouldnt happen
return new SimpleItem(Material.GOLDEN_HOE);
public Ingredient toIngredientGeneric() {
if (hasMaterials()) {
return new CustomItem(materials.get(0));
if (hasNames()) {
return new CustomItem(null, names.get(0), null);
if (hasLore()) {
List<String> l = new ArrayList<>(1);
return new CustomItem(null, null, l);
// Shouldnt happen
return new SimpleItem(Material.GOLDEN_HOE);
public Material getMaterialMatch(ItemStack item) {
if (!hasMaterials()) return null;
Material usedMat = item.getType();
for (Material mat : materials) {
if (usedMat == mat) {
return mat;
return null;
public String getNameMatch(ItemStack item) {
if (!item.hasItemMeta() || !hasNames()) {
return null;
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
if (meta.hasDisplayName()) {
return getNameMatch(meta.getDisplayName());
return null;
public String getNameMatch(String usedName) {
if (!hasNames()) return null;
for (String name : names) {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(usedName)) {
return name;
return null;
public String getLoreMatch(ItemStack item) {
if (!item.hasItemMeta() || !hasLore()) {
return null;
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
assert meta != null;
if (meta.hasLore()) {
return getLoreMatch(meta.getLore());
return null;
public String getLoreMatch(List<String> usedLore) {
if (!hasLore()) return null;
for (String line : this.lore) {
for (String usedLine : usedLore) {
if (line.equalsIgnoreCase(usedLine) || line.equalsIgnoreCase(ChatColor.stripColor(usedLine))) {
return line;
return null;
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
if (getMaterialMatch(item) != null) {
return true;
if (getNameMatch(item) != null) {
return true;
return getLoreMatch(item) != null;
public boolean matches(Ingredient ingredient) {
// Ingredient can not be CustomMatchAnyItem, so we don't need to/can't check for similarity.
if (ingredient instanceof CustomItem) {
// If the custom item has any of our data, we match
CustomItem ci = ((CustomItem) ingredient);
if (hasMaterials() && ci.hasMaterials()) {
if (materials.contains(ci.getMaterial())) {
return true;
if (hasNames() && ci.hasName()) {
if (getNameMatch(ci.getName()) != null) {
return true;
if (hasLore() && ci.hasLore()) {
return getLoreMatch(ci.getLore()) != null;
} else if (ingredient instanceof SimpleItem) {
// If we contain the Material of the Simple Item, we match
SimpleItem si = (SimpleItem) ingredient;
return hasMaterials() && materials.contains(si.getMaterial());
return false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
CustomMatchAnyItem that = (CustomMatchAnyItem) o;
return Objects.equals(materials, that.materials) &&
Objects.equals(names, that.names) &&
Objects.equals(lore, that.lore);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), materials, names, lore);
public String toString() {
return "CustomMatchAnyItem{" +
"id=" + getConfigId() +
", materials: " + (materials != null ? materials.size() : 0) +
", names:" + (names != null ? names.size() : 0) +
", loresize: " + (lore != null ? lore.size() : 0) +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Item used in a BIngredients, inside BCauldron or Brew,
* Represents the Items used as ingredients in the Brewing process.
* <p>Can be a copy of a recipe item
* <p>Will be saved and loaded with a DataStream
* <p>Each implementing class needs to register a static function as Item Loader
public interface Ingredient {
Map<String, Function<ItemLoader, Ingredient>> LOADERS = new HashMap<>();
* Register a Static function as function that takes an ItemLoader, containing a DataInputStream.
* <p>Using the Stream it constructs a corresponding Ingredient for the chosen SaveID
* @param saveID The SaveID should be a small identifier like "AB"
* @param loadFct The Static Function that loads the Item, i.e.
* public static AItem loadFrom(ItemLoader loader)
static void registerForItemLoader(String saveID, Function<ItemLoader, Ingredient> loadFct) {
LOADERS.put(saveID, loadFct);
* Unregister the ItemLoader
* @param saveID the chosen SaveID
static void unRegisterItemLoader(String saveID) {
* Saves this Ingredient to the DataOutputStream.
* <p>The first data HAS to be storing the SaveID like:
* out.writeUTF("AB");
* <p>Amount will be saved automatically and does not have to be saved here.
* <p>Saving is done to Brew or for BCauldron into data.yml
* @param out The outputstream to write to
* @throws IOException Any IOException
void saveTo(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException;
int getAmount();
void setAmount(int amount);
* Does this Ingredient match the given ItemStack
* @param item The given ItemStack to match
* @return true if all required data is contained on the item
boolean matches(ItemStack item);
* Does this Item match the given RecipeItem.
* <p>An IngredientItem matches a RecipeItem if all required info of the RecipeItem are fulfilled on this IngredientItem
* <p>This does not imply that the same holds the other way round, as this item might have more info than needed
* @param recipeItem The recipeItem whose requirements need to be fulfilled
* @return True if this matches the required info of the recipeItem
//boolean matches(RecipeItem recipeItem);
* The other Ingredient is Similar if it is equal except amount.
* @param item The item to check similarity with
* @return True if this is equal to item except for amount
boolean isSimilar(Ingredient item);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
public class ItemLoader {
private final int version;
private final DataInputStream in;
private final String saveID;
public ItemLoader(int version, DataInputStream in, String saveID) {
this.version = version;
this.in = in;
this.saveID = saveID;
public int getVersion() {
return version;
public DataInputStream getInputStream() {
return in;
public String getSaveID() {
return saveID;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* An Item of a Recipe or as Ingredient in a Brew that corresponds to an item from another plugin.
* <p>See /integration/item for examples on how to extend this class.
* <p>This class stores items as name of the plugin and item id
public abstract class PluginItem extends RecipeItem implements Ingredient {
private static Map<String, Supplier<PluginItem>> constructors = new HashMap<>();
private String plugin;
private String itemId;
* New Empty PluginItem
public PluginItem() {
* New PluginItem with both fields already set
* @param plugin The name of the Plugin
* @param itemId The ItemID
public PluginItem(String plugin, String itemId) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.itemId = itemId;
public boolean hasMaterials() {
return false;
public List<Material> getMaterials() {
return null;
public String getPlugin() {
return plugin;
public String getItemId() {
return itemId;
protected void setPlugin(String plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
protected void setItemId(String itemId) {
this.itemId = itemId;
* Called after Loading this Plugin Item from Config, or (by default) from Ingredients.
* <p>Allows Override to define custom actions after an Item was constructed
protected void onConstruct() {
* Does this PluginItem Match the other Ingredient.
* <p>By default it matches exactly when they are similar, i.e. also a PluginItem with same parameters
* @param ingredient The ingredient that needs to fulfill the requirements
* @return True if the ingredient matches the required info of this
public boolean matches(Ingredient ingredient) {
return isSimilar(ingredient);
public Ingredient toIngredient(ItemStack forItem) {
return ((PluginItem) getMutableCopy());
public Ingredient toIngredientGeneric() {
return ((PluginItem) getMutableCopy());
public boolean isSimilar(Ingredient item) {
if (item instanceof PluginItem) {
return Objects.equals(plugin, ((PluginItem) item).plugin) && Objects.equals(itemId, ((PluginItem) item).itemId);
return false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
PluginItem item = (PluginItem) o;
return Objects.equals(plugin, item.plugin) &&
Objects.equals(itemId, item.itemId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), plugin, itemId);
public void saveTo(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
* Called when loading this Plugin Item from Ingredients (of a Brew).
* <p>The default loading is the same as loading from Config
* @param loader The ItemLoader from which to load the data, use loader.getInputStream()
* @return The constructed PluginItem
public static PluginItem loadFrom(ItemLoader loader) {
try {
DataInputStream in = loader.getInputStream();
String plugin = in.readUTF();
String itemId = in.readUTF();
PluginItem item = fromConfig(plugin, itemId);
if (item == null) {
// Plugin not found when loading from Item, use a generic PluginItem that never matches other items
item = new PluginItem(plugin, itemId) {
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
return false;
return item;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Registers the chosen SaveID and the loading Method for loading from Brew or BCauldron.
* <p>Needs to be called at Server start.
public static void registerItemLoader() {
Ingredient.registerForItemLoader("PI", PluginItem::loadFrom);
* Called when loading trying to find a config defined Plugin Item. By default also when loading from ingredients
* <p>Will call a registered constructor matching the given plugin identifier
* @param plugin The Identifier of the Plugin used in the config
* @param itemId The Identifier of the Item belonging to this Plugin used in the config
* @return The Plugin Item if found, or null if there is no plugin for the given String
public static PluginItem fromConfig(String plugin, String itemId) {
plugin = plugin.toLowerCase();
if (constructors.containsKey(plugin)) {
PluginItem item = constructors.get(plugin).get();
return item;
return null;
* This needs to be called at Server Start before Brewery loads its data.
* <p>When implementing this, put Brewery as softdepend in your plugin.yml!
* <p>Registers a Constructor that returns a new or cloned instance of a PluginItem
* <br>This Constructor will be called when loading a Plugin Item from Config or by default from ingredients
* <br>After the Constructor is called, the plugin and itemid will be set on the new instance
* <p>Finally the onConstruct is called.
* @param pluginId The ID to use in the config
* @param constructor The constructor i.e. YourPluginItem::new
public static void registerForConfig(String pluginId, Supplier<PluginItem> constructor) {
constructors.put(pluginId.toLowerCase(), constructor);
public static void unRegisterForConfig(String pluginId) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionType;
public class PotionColor {
public static final PotionColor PINK = new PotionColor(1, PotionType.REGEN, Color.FUCHSIA);
public static final PotionColor CYAN = new PotionColor(2, PotionType.SPEED, Color.AQUA);
public static final PotionColor ORANGE = new PotionColor(3, PotionType.FIRE_RESISTANCE, Color.ORANGE);
public static final PotionColor GREEN = new PotionColor(4, PotionType.POISON, Color.GREEN);
public static final PotionColor BRIGHT_RED = new PotionColor(5, PotionType.INSTANT_HEAL, Color.fromRGB(255,0,0));
public static final PotionColor BLUE = new PotionColor(6, PotionType.NIGHT_VISION, Color.NAVY);
public static final PotionColor BLACK = new PotionColor(8, PotionType.WEAKNESS, Color.BLACK);
public static final PotionColor RED = new PotionColor(9, PotionType.STRENGTH, Color.fromRGB(196,0,0));
public static final PotionColor GREY = new PotionColor(10, PotionType.SLOWNESS, Color.GRAY);
public static final PotionColor WATER = new PotionColor(11, P.use1_9 ? PotionType.WATER_BREATHING : null, Color.BLUE);
public static final PotionColor DARK_RED = new PotionColor(12, PotionType.INSTANT_DAMAGE, Color.fromRGB(128,0,0));
public static final PotionColor BRIGHT_GREY = new PotionColor(14, PotionType.INVISIBILITY, Color.SILVER);
private final int colorId;
private final PotionType type;
private final Color color;
PotionColor(int colorId, PotionType type, Color color) {
this.colorId = colorId;
this.type = type;
this.color = color;
public PotionColor(Color color) {
colorId = -1;
type = WATER.getType();
this.color = color;
// gets the Damage Value, that sets a color on the potion
// offset +32 is not accepted by brewer, so not further destillable
// Only for minecraft pre 1.9
public short getColorId(boolean destillable) {
if (destillable) {
return (short) (colorId + 64);
return (short) (colorId + 32);
public PotionType getType() {
return type;
public Color getColor() {
return color;
public void colorBrew(PotionMeta meta, ItemStack potion, boolean destillable) {
if (P.use1_9) {
// We need to Hide Potion Effects even in 1.12, as it would otherwise show "No Effects"
if (P.use1_11) {
// BasePotionData was only used for the Color, so starting with 1.12 we can use setColor instead
} else {
meta.setBasePotionData(new PotionData(getType()));
} else {
public static PotionColor fromString(String string) {
switch (string) {
case "PINK": return PINK;
case "CYAN": return CYAN;
case "ORANGE": return ORANGE;
case "GREEN": return GREEN;
case "BRIGHT_RED": return BRIGHT_RED;
case "BLUE": return BLUE;
case "BLACK": return BLACK;
case "RED": return RED;
case "GREY": return GREY;
case "WATER": return WATER;
case "DARK_RED": return DARK_RED;
if (string.length() >= 7) {
string = string.substring(1);
return new PotionColor(Color.fromRGB(
Integer.parseInt(string.substring( 0, 2 ), 16 ),
Integer.parseInt(string.substring( 2, 4 ), 16 ),
Integer.parseInt(string.substring( 4, 6 ), 16 )
} catch (Exception e) {
return WATER;
public static PotionColor fromColor(Color color) {
return new PotionColor(color);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* Item that can be used in a Recipe.
* <p>They are not necessarily only loaded from config
* <p>They are immutable if used in a recipe. If one implements Ingredient,
* it can be used as mutable copy directly in a
* BIngredients. Otherwise it needs to be converted to an Ingredient
public abstract class RecipeItem implements Cloneable {
private String cfgId;
private int amount;
private boolean immutable = false;
* Does this RecipeItem match the given ItemStack?
* <p>Used to determine if the given item corresponds to this recipeitem
* @param item The ItemStack for comparison
* @return True if the given item matches this recipeItem
public abstract boolean matches(ItemStack item);
* Does this Item match the given Ingredient?
* <p>A RecipeItem matches an Ingredient if all required info of the RecipeItem are fulfilled on the Ingredient
* <br>This does not imply that the same holds the other way round, as the ingredient item might have more info than needed
* @param ingredient The ingredient that needs to fulfill the requirements
* @return True if the ingredient matches the required info of this
public abstract boolean matches(Ingredient ingredient);
* Get the Corresponding Ingredient Item. For Items implementing Ingredient, just getMutableCopy()
* <p>This is called when this recipe item is added to a BIngredients
* @param forItem The ItemStack that has previously matched this RecipeItem. Used if the resulting Ingredient needs more info from the ItemStack
* @return The IngredientItem corresponding to this RecipeItem
public abstract Ingredient toIngredient(ItemStack forItem);
* Gets a Generic Ingredient for this recipe item
public abstract Ingredient toIngredientGeneric();
* @return True if this recipeItem has one or more materials that could classify an item. if true, getMaterials() is NotNull
public abstract boolean hasMaterials();
* @return List of one or more Materials this recipeItem uses.
public abstract List<Material> getMaterials();
* @return The Id this Item uses in the config in the custom-items section
public String getConfigId() {
return cfgId;
* @return The Amount of this Item in a Recipe
public int getAmount() {
return amount;
* Set the Amount of this Item in a Recipe.
* <p>The amount can not be set on an existing item in a recipe or existing custom item.
* <br>To change amount you need to use getMutableCopy() and change the amount on the copy
* @param amount The new amount
public void setAmount(int amount) {
if (immutable) throw new IllegalStateException("Setting amount only possible on mutable copy");
this.amount = amount;
* Makes this Item immutable, for example when loaded from config. Used so if this is added to BIngredients,
* it needs to be cloned before changing anything like amount
public void makeImmutable() {
immutable = true;
* Gets a shallow clone of this RecipeItem whose fields like amount can be changed.
* @return A mutable copy of this
public RecipeItem getMutableCopy() {
try {
RecipeItem i = (RecipeItem) super.clone();
i.immutable = false;
return i;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new InternalError(e);
* Tries to find a matching RecipeItem for this item. It checks custom items and if it has found a unique custom item
* it will return that. If there are multiple matching custom items, a new CustomItem with all item info is returned.
* <br>If there is no matching CustomItem, it will return a SimpleItem with the items type
* @param item The Item for which to find a matching RecipeItem
* @param acceptAll If true it will accept any item and return a SimpleItem even if not on the accepted list
* <br>If false it will return null if the item is not acceptable by the Cauldron
* @return The Matched CustomItem, new CustomItem with all item info or SimpleItem
@Contract("_, true -> !null")
public static RecipeItem getMatchingRecipeItem(ItemStack item, boolean acceptAll) {
RecipeItem rItem = null;
boolean multiMatch = false;
for (RecipeItem ri : BCauldronRecipe.acceptedCustom) {
// If we already have a multi match, only check if there is a PluginItem that matches more strictly
if (!multiMatch || (ri instanceof PluginItem)) {
if (ri.matches(item)) {
// If we match a plugin item, thats a very strict match, so immediately return it
if (ri instanceof PluginItem) {
return ri;
if (rItem == null) {
rItem = ri;
} else {
multiMatch = true;
if (multiMatch) {
// We have multiple Custom Items matching, so just store all item info
return new CustomItem(item);
if (rItem == null && (acceptAll || BCauldronRecipe.acceptedSimple.contains(item.getType()))) {
// No Custom item found
if (P.use1_13) {
return new SimpleItem(item.getType());
} else {
//noinspection deprecation
return new SimpleItem(item.getType(), item.getDurability());
return rItem;
public static RecipeItem fromConfigCustom(ConfigurationSection cfg, String id) {
RecipeItem rItem;
if (cfg.getBoolean(id + ".matchAny", false)) {
rItem = new CustomMatchAnyItem();
} else {
rItem = new CustomItem();
rItem.cfgId = id;
rItem.immutable = true;
List<Material> materials;
List<String> names;
List<String> lore;
List<String> load = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(cfg, id + ".material");
if (load != null && !load.isEmpty()) {
if ((materials = loadMaterials(load)) == null) {
return null;
} else {
materials = new ArrayList<>(0);
load = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(cfg, id + ".name");
if (load != null && !load.isEmpty()) {
names = load.stream().map(l -> P.p.color(l)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (P.use1_13) {
// In 1.13 trailing Color white is removed from display names
names = names.stream().map(l -> l.startsWith("§f") ? l.substring(2) : l).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
names = new ArrayList<>(0);
load = BUtil.loadCfgStringList(cfg, id + ".lore");
if (load != null && !load.isEmpty()) {
lore = load.stream().map(l -> P.p.color(l)).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
lore = new ArrayList<>(0);
if (materials.isEmpty() && names.isEmpty() && lore.isEmpty()) {
P.p.errorLog("No Config Entries found for Custom Item");
return null;
if (rItem instanceof CustomItem) {
CustomItem cItem = ((CustomItem) rItem);
if (!materials.isEmpty()) {
if (!names.isEmpty()) {
} else {
CustomMatchAnyItem maItem = (CustomMatchAnyItem) rItem;
return rItem;
protected static List<Material> loadMaterials(List<String> ingredientsList) {
List<Material> materials = new ArrayList<>(ingredientsList.size());
for (String item : ingredientsList) {
String[] ingredParts = item.split("/");
if (ingredParts.length == 2) {
P.p.errorLog("Item Amount can not be specified for Custom Items: " + item);
return null;
Material mat = Material.matchMaterial(ingredParts[0]);
if (mat == null && BConfig.hasVault) {
try {
net.milkbowl.vault.item.ItemInfo vaultItem = net.milkbowl.vault.item.Items.itemByString(ingredParts[0]);
if (vaultItem != null) {
mat = vaultItem.getType();
} catch (Exception e) {
P.p.errorLog("Could not check vault for Item Name");
if (mat != null) {
} else {
P.p.errorLog("Unknown Material: " + ingredParts[0]);
return null;
return materials;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof RecipeItem)) return false;
RecipeItem that = (RecipeItem) o;
return amount == that.amount &&
immutable == that.immutable &&
Objects.equals(cfgId, that.cfgId);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(cfgId, amount, immutable);
public String toString() {
return "RecipeItem{(" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ") ID: " + getConfigId() + " Materials: " + (hasMaterials() ? getMaterials().size() : 0) + " Amount: " + getAmount();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package com.dre.brewery.recipe;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* Simple Minecraft Item with just Material
public class SimpleItem extends RecipeItem implements Ingredient {
private Material mat;
private short dur; // Old Mc
public SimpleItem(Material mat) {
this(mat, (short) 0);
public SimpleItem(Material mat, short dur) {
this.mat = mat;
this.dur = dur;
public boolean hasMaterials() {
return mat != null;
public Material getMaterial() {
return mat;
public List<Material> getMaterials() {
List<Material> l = new ArrayList<>(1);
return l;
public Ingredient toIngredient(ItemStack forItem) {
return ((SimpleItem) getMutableCopy());
public Ingredient toIngredientGeneric() {
return ((SimpleItem) getMutableCopy());
public boolean matches(ItemStack item) {
if (!mat.equals(item.getType())) {
return false;
//noinspection deprecation
return P.use1_13 || dur == item.getDurability();
public boolean matches(Ingredient ingredient) {
if (isSimilar(ingredient)) {
return true;
if (ingredient instanceof RecipeItem) {
if (!((RecipeItem) ingredient).hasMaterials()) {
return false;
if (ingredient instanceof CustomItem) {
// Only match if the Custom Item also only defines material
// If the custom item has more info like name and lore, it is not supposed to match a simple item
CustomItem ci = (CustomItem) ingredient;
return !ci.hasLore() && !ci.hasName() && mat == ci.getMaterial();
return false;
public boolean isSimilar(Ingredient item) {
if (this == item) {
return true;
if (item instanceof SimpleItem) {
SimpleItem si = ((SimpleItem) item);
return si.mat == mat && si.dur == dur;
return false;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
if (!super.equals(o)) return false;
SimpleItem item = (SimpleItem) o;
return dur == item.dur &&
mat == item.mat;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), mat, dur);
public String toString() {
return "SimpleItem{" +
"mat=" + mat.name().toLowerCase() +
" amount=" + getAmount() +
public void saveTo(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
public static SimpleItem loadFrom(ItemLoader loader) {
try {
DataInputStream in = loader.getInputStream();
Material mat = Material.getMaterial(in.readUTF());
if (mat != null) {
SimpleItem item = new SimpleItem(mat, in.readShort());
return item;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
// Needs to be called at Server start
public static void registerItemLoader() {
Ingredient.registerForItemLoader("SI", SimpleItem::loadFrom);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
package com.dre.brewery.utility;
import com.dre.brewery.BCauldron;
import com.dre.brewery.Barrel;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.api.events.barrel.BarrelDestroyEvent;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.UUID;
public class BUtil {
/* **************************************** */
/* ********* ********* */
/* ********* Bukkit Utils ********* */
/* ********* ********* */
/* **************************************** */
* Check if the Chunk of a Block is loaded !without loading it in the process!
public static boolean isChunkLoaded(Block block) {
return block.getWorld().isChunkLoaded(block.getX() >> 4, block.getZ() >> 4);
public static String color(String msg) {
if (msg != null) {
msg = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', msg);
return msg;
* Returns either uuid or Name of player, depending on bukkit version
public static String playerString(Player player) {
if (P.useUUID) {
return player.getUniqueId().toString();
} else {
return player.getName();
* returns the Player if online
public static Player getPlayerfromString(String name) {
if (P.useUUID) {
try {
return Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(name));
} catch (Exception e) {
return Bukkit.getPlayerExact(name);
return Bukkit.getPlayerExact(name);
* Apply a Potion Effect, if player already has this effect, overwrite the existing effect.
* @param onlyIfStronger Optionally only overwrite if the new one is stronger, i.e. has higher level or longer duration
public static void reapplyPotionEffect(Player player, PotionEffect effect, boolean onlyIfStronger) {
final PotionEffectType type = effect.getType();
if (player.hasPotionEffect(type)) {
PotionEffect plEffect;
if (P.use1_11) {
plEffect = player.getPotionEffect(type);
} else {
plEffect = player.getActivePotionEffects().stream().filter(e -> e.getType().equals(type)).findAny().get();
if (!onlyIfStronger ||
plEffect.getAmplifier() < effect.getAmplifier() ||
(plEffect.getAmplifier() == effect.getAmplifier() && plEffect.getDuration() < effect.getDuration())) {
} else {
* Load A List of Strings from config, if found a single String, will convert to List
public static List<String> loadCfgStringList(ConfigurationSection cfg, String path) {
if (cfg.isString(path)) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(1);
return list;
} else if (cfg.isList(path)) {
return cfg.getStringList(path);
return null;
* Load a String from config, if found a List, will return the first String
public static String loadCfgString(ConfigurationSection cfg, String path) {
if (cfg.isString(path)) {
return cfg.getString(path);
} else if (cfg.isList(path)) {
List<String> list = cfg.getStringList(path);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
return list.get(0);
return null;
/* **************************************** */
/* ********* ********* */
/* ********* String Utils ********* */
/* ********* ********* */
/* **************************************** */
* Returns the Index of a String from the list that contains this substring
* @param list The List in which to search for a substring
* @param substring Part of the String to search for in each of <tt>list</tt>
public static int indexOfSubstring(List<String> list, String substring) {
if (list.isEmpty()) return -1;
for (int index = 0, size = list.size(); index < size; index++) {
String string = list.get(index);
if (string.contains(substring)) {
return index;
return -1;
* Returns the index of a String from the list that starts with 'lineStart', returns -1 if not found;
public static int indexOfStart(List<String> list, String lineStart) {
for (int i = 0, size = list.size(); i < size; i++) {
if (list.get(i).startsWith(lineStart)) {
return i;
return -1;
/* **************************************** */
/* ********* ********* */
/* ********* Brewery Utils ********* */
/* ********* ********* */
/* **************************************** */
* create empty World save Sections
public static void createWorldSections(ConfigurationSection section) {
for (World world : P.p.getServer().getWorlds()) {
String worldName = world.getName();
if (worldName.startsWith("DXL_")) {
worldName = getDxlName(worldName);
} else {
worldName = world.getUID().toString();
* Returns true if the Block can be destroyed by the Player or something else (null)
* @param player The Player that destroyed a Block, Null if no Player involved
* @return True if the Block can be destroyed
public static boolean blockDestroy(Block block, Player player, BarrelDestroyEvent.Reason reason) {
Material type = block.getType();
if (type == Material.CAULDRON) {
// will only remove when existing
return true;
} else if (LegacyUtil.isFence(type)) {
// remove barrel and throw potions on the ground
Barrel barrel = Barrel.getBySpigot(block);
if (barrel != null) {
if (barrel.hasPermsDestroy(player, block, reason)) {
barrel.remove(null, player, true);
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
} else if (LegacyUtil.isSign(type)) {
// remove small Barrels
Barrel barrel2 = Barrel.getBySpigot(block);
if (barrel2 != null) {
if (!barrel2.isLarge()) {
if (barrel2.hasPermsDestroy(player, block, reason)) {
barrel2.remove(null, player, true);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else if (LegacyUtil.isWoodPlanks(type) || LegacyUtil.isWoodStairs(type)){
Barrel barrel3 = Barrel.getByWood(block);
if (barrel3 != null) {
if (barrel3.hasPermsDestroy(player, block, reason)) {
barrel3.remove(block, player, true);
} else {
return false;
return true;
/* **************************************** */
/* ********* ********* */
/* ********* Other Utils ********* */
/* ********* ********* */
/* **************************************** */
* prints a list of Strings at the specified page
* @param sender The CommandSender to send the Page to
public static void list(CommandSender sender, ArrayList<String> strings, int page) {
int pages = (int) Math.ceil(strings.size() / 7F);
if (page > pages || page < 1) {
page = 1;
sender.sendMessage(color("&7-------------- &f" + P.p.languageReader.get("Etc_Page") + " &6" + page + "&f/&6" + pages + " &7--------------"));
ListIterator<String> iter = strings.listIterator((page - 1) * 7);
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (iter.hasNext()) {
} else {
* gets the Name of a DXL World
public static String getDxlName(String worldName) {
File dungeonFolder = new File(worldName);
if (dungeonFolder.isDirectory()) {
for (File file : dungeonFolder.listFiles()) {
if (!file.isDirectory()) {
if (file.getName().startsWith(".id_")) {
return file.getName().substring(1).toLowerCase();
return worldName;
public static void saveFile(InputStream in, File dest, String name, boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
if (in == null) return;
if (!dest.exists()) {
File result = new File(dest, name);
if (result.exists()) {
if (overwrite) {
} else {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(result);
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int length;
//copy the file content in bytes
while ((length = in.read(buffer)) > 0){
out.write(buffer, 0, length);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package com.dre.brewery.utility;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
public class BoundingBox {
private final int x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
public BoundingBox(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2) {
this.x1 = Math.min(x1, x2);
this.y1 = Math.min(y1, y2);
this.z1 = Math.min(z1, z2);
this.x2 = Math.max(x2, x1);
this.y2 = Math.max(y2, y1);
this.z2 = Math.max(z2, z1);
public boolean contains(int x, int y, int z) {
return (x >= x1 && x <= x2) && (y >= y1 && y <= y2) && (z >= z1 && z <= z2);
public boolean contains(Location loc) {
return contains(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ());
public boolean contains(Block block) {
return contains(block.getX(), block.getY(), block.getZ());
public int area() {
return (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1) * (z2 - z1 + 1);
public String serialize() {
return x1 + "," + y1 + "," + z1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2 + "," + z2;
public static BoundingBox fromPoints(int[] locations) {
if (locations.length % 3 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Locations has to be pairs of three");
int length = locations.length / 3;
int minx = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
miny = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
minz = Integer.MAX_VALUE,
maxx = Integer.MIN_VALUE,
maxy = Integer.MIN_VALUE,
maxz = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
minx = Math.min(locations[i], minx);
miny = Math.min(locations[i + 1], miny);
minz = Math.min(locations[i + 2], minz);
maxx = Math.max(locations[i], maxx);
maxy = Math.max(locations[i + 1], maxy);
maxz = Math.max(locations[i + 2], maxz);
return new BoundingBox(minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz);
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
package com.dre.brewery;
package com.dre.brewery.utility;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.TreeSpecies;
import org.bukkit.World;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.data.BlockData;
import org.bukkit.block.data.Levelled;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.material.Cauldron;
import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
import org.bukkit.material.Tree;
@ -15,8 +13,12 @@ import org.bukkit.material.Wood;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.dre.brewery.BCauldron.EMPTY;
import static com.dre.brewery.BCauldron.FULL;
import static com.dre.brewery.BCauldron.SOME;
public class LegacyUtil {
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
private static Method GET_BLOCK_TYPE_ID_AT;
private static Method SET_DATA;
public static boolean NewNbtVer;
static {
// <= 1.12.2 methods
// These will be rarely used
@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException ignored) {
List<Material> planks = new ArrayList<>(6);
Set<Material> planks = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
for (Material m : Material.values()) {
if (m.name().endsWith("PLANKS")) {
@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
PLANKS = planks;
List<Material> fences = new ArrayList<>(7);
Set<Material> fences = EnumSet.noneOf(Material.class);
for (Material m : Material.values()) {
if (m.name().endsWith("FENCE")) {
@ -64,8 +68,8 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
public static final Material JUNGLE_STAIRS = get("JUNGLE_STAIRS", "JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS");
public static final Material ACACIA_STAIRS = get("ACACIA_STAIRS");
public static final Material DARK_OAK_STAIRS = get("DARK_OAK_STAIRS");
public static final List<Material> PLANKS;
public static final List<Material> FENCES;
public static final Set<Material> PLANKS;
public static final Set<Material> FENCES;
// Materials removed in 1.13
public static final Material STATIONARY_LAVA = get("STATIONARY_LAVA");
@ -187,35 +191,39 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
// 0 = empty, 1 = something in, 2 = full
* Get The Fill Level of a Cauldron Block, 0 = empty, 1 = something in, 2 = full
* @return 0 = empty, 1 = something in, 2 = full
public static byte getFillLevel(Block block) {
if (block.getType() != Material.CAULDRON) {
return 0;
return EMPTY;
if (P.use1_13) {
Levelled cauldron = ((Levelled) block.getBlockData());
if (cauldron.getLevel() == 0) {
return 0;
return EMPTY;
} else if (cauldron.getLevel() == cauldron.getMaximumLevel()) {
return 2;
return FULL;
} else {
return 1;
return SOME;
} else {
Cauldron cauldron = (Cauldron) block.getState().getData();
if (cauldron.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
return EMPTY;
} else if (cauldron.isFull()) {
return 2;
return FULL;
} else {
return 1;
return SOME;
* only used to convert a very old Datafile or config from a very old version
public static Material getMaterial(int id) {
@ -243,4 +251,57 @@ public class LegacyUtil {
* MC 1.13 uses a different NBT API than the newer versions..
* We decide here which to use, the new or the old
* @return true if we can use nbt at all
public static boolean initNbt() {
try {
NewNbtVer = true;
P.p.log("Using the NEW nbt api");
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
try {
NewNbtVer = false;
P.p.log("Using the OLD nbt api");
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
NewNbtVer = false;
P.p.log("No nbt api found, using Lore Save System");
return false;
public static void writeBytesItem(byte[] bytes, ItemMeta meta, NamespacedKey key) {
if (NewNbtVer) {
meta.getPersistentDataContainer().set(key, org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataType.BYTE_ARRAY, bytes);
} else {
meta.getCustomTagContainer().setCustomTag(key, org.bukkit.inventory.meta.tags.ItemTagType.BYTE_ARRAY, bytes);
public static byte[] readBytesItem(ItemMeta meta, NamespacedKey key) {
if (NewNbtVer) {
return meta.getPersistentDataContainer().get(key, org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataType.BYTE_ARRAY);
} else {
return meta.getCustomTagContainer().getCustomTag(key, org.bukkit.inventory.meta.tags.ItemTagType.BYTE_ARRAY);
public static boolean hasBytesItem(ItemMeta meta, NamespacedKey key) {
if (NewNbtVer) {
return meta.getPersistentDataContainer().has(key, org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataType.BYTE_ARRAY);
} else {
return meta.getCustomTagContainer().hasCustomTag(key, org.bukkit.inventory.meta.tags.ItemTagType.BYTE_ARRAY);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* Copyright 2011 Tyler Blair. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
* permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
* conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
* of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
* provided with the distribution.
* The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are those of the
* authors and contributors and should not be interpreted as representing official policies,
* either expressed or implied, of anybody else.
package com.dre.brewery.utility;
public class Tuple<A, B> {
* The first value in the tuple
private final A a;
* The second value in the tuple
private final B b;
public Tuple(A a, B b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
* Gets the first value in the tuple
public A first() {
return a;
* Gets the second value in the tuple
public B second() {
return b;
* Gets the first value in the tuple, Synonym for first()
public A a() {
return a;
* Gets the second value in the tuple, Synonym for second()
public B b() {
return b;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof Tuple)) {
return false;
Tuple<?, ?> tuple = (Tuple<?, ?>) object;
return tuple.a == a && tuple.b == b;
public int hashCode() {
return a.hashCode() ^ b.hashCode();
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