package com.dre.brewery; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import org.bukkit.inventory.BrewerInventory; public class Brew { // represents the liquid in the brewed Potions public static Map potions = new HashMap(); public static Boolean colorInBarrels; // color the Lore while in Barrels public static Boolean colorInBrewer; // color the Lore while in Brewer private BIngredients ingredients; private int quality; private int distillRuns; private float ageTime; private float wood; private BRecipe currentRecipe; private boolean unlabeled; private boolean persistent; private boolean stat; // static potions should not be changed public Brew(int uid, BIngredients ingredients) { this.ingredients = ingredients; potions.put(uid, this); } // quality already set public Brew(int uid, int quality, BRecipe recipe, BIngredients ingredients) { this.ingredients = ingredients; this.quality = quality; this.currentRecipe = recipe; potions.put(uid, this); } // loading from file public Brew(int uid, BIngredients ingredients, int quality, int distillRuns, float ageTime, float wood, String recipe, boolean unlabeled, boolean persistent, boolean stat) { potions.put(uid, this); this.ingredients = ingredients; this.quality = quality; this.distillRuns = distillRuns; this.ageTime = ageTime; this.wood = wood; this.unlabeled = unlabeled; this.persistent = persistent; this.stat = stat; setRecipeFromString(recipe); } // returns a Brew by its UID public static Brew get(int uid) { if (uid < -1) { if (!potions.containsKey(uid)) { P.p.errorLog("Database failure! unable to find UID " + uid + " of a custom Potion!"); return null;// throw some exception? } } else { return null; } return potions.get(uid); } // returns a Brew by PotionMeta public static Brew get(PotionMeta meta) { return get(getUID(meta)); } // returns a Brew by ItemStack public static Brew get(ItemStack item) { if (item.getType() == Material.POTION) { if (item.hasItemMeta()) { PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta(); return get(potionMeta); } } return null; } // returns UID of custom Potion item public static int getUID(ItemStack item) { return getUID((PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta()); } // returns UID of custom Potion meta public static int getUID(PotionMeta potionMeta) { if (potionMeta.hasCustomEffect(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) { for (PotionEffect effect : potionMeta.getCustomEffects()) { if (effect.getType().equals(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) { if (effect.getDuration() < -1) { return effect.getDuration(); } } } } return 0; } // generate an UID public static int generateUID() { int uid = -2; while (potions.containsKey(uid)) { uid -= 1; } return uid; } //returns the recipe with the given name, recalculates if not found public boolean setRecipeFromString(String name) { currentRecipe = null; if (name != null && !name.equals("")) { for (BRecipe recipe : { if (recipe.getName(5).equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { currentRecipe = recipe; return true; } } if (quality > 0) { currentRecipe = ingredients.getBestRecipe(wood, ageTime, distillRuns > 0); if (currentRecipe != null) { if (!stat) { this.quality = calcQuality(); } P.p.log("Brew was made from Recipe: '" + name + "' which could not be found. '" + currentRecipe.getName(5) + "' used instead!"); return true; } else { P.p.errorLog("Brew was made from Recipe: '" + name + "' which could not be found!"); } } } return false; } public boolean reloadRecipe() { if (currentRecipe != null) { return setRecipeFromString(currentRecipe.getName(5)); } return true; } // Copy a Brew with a new unique ID and return its item public ItemStack copy(ItemStack item) { ItemStack copy = item.clone(); int uid = generateUID(); clone(uid); PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) copy.getItemMeta(); meta.addCustomEffect((PotionEffectType.REGENERATION).createEffect((uid * 4), 0), true); copy.setItemMeta(meta); return copy; } // Clones this instance with a new unique ID public Brew clone(int uid) { Brew brew = new Brew(uid, quality, currentRecipe, ingredients); brew.distillRuns = distillRuns; brew.ageTime = ageTime; brew.unlabeled = unlabeled; if (!brew.persistent) { brew.stat = stat; } return brew; } // remove potion from file (drinking, despawning, combusting, cmdDeleting, should be more!) public void remove(ItemStack item) { if (!persistent) { potions.remove(getUID(item)); } } // calculate alcohol from recipe public int calcAlcohol() { if (quality == 0) { // Give bad potions some alc int badAlc = 0; if (distillRuns > 1) { badAlc = distillRuns; } if (ageTime > 10) { badAlc += 5; } else if (ageTime > 2) { badAlc += 3; } if (currentRecipe != null) { return badAlc; } else { return badAlc / 2; } } if (currentRecipe != null) { int alc = currentRecipe.getAlcohol(); if (currentRecipe.needsDistilling()) { if (distillRuns == 0) { return 0; } // bad quality can decrease alc by up to 40% alc *= 1 - ((float) (10 - quality) * 0.04); // distillable Potions should have half alc after one and full alc after all needed distills alc /= 2; alc *= 1.0F + ((float) distillRuns / currentRecipe.getDistillRuns()) ; } else { // quality decides 10% - 100% alc *= ((float) quality / 10.0); } if (alc > 0) { return alc; } } return 0; } // calculating quality public int calcQuality() { // calculate quality from all of the factors float quality = ingredients.getIngredientQuality(currentRecipe) + ingredients.getCookingQuality(currentRecipe, distillRuns > 0); if (currentRecipe.needsToAge() || ageTime > 0.5) { quality += ingredients.getWoodQuality(currentRecipe, wood) + ingredients.getAgeQuality(currentRecipe, ageTime); quality /= 4; } else { quality /= 2; } return Math.round(quality); } public int getQuality() { return quality; } public boolean canDistill() { if (currentRecipe != null) { return currentRecipe.getDistillRuns() > distillRuns; } else if (distillRuns >= 6) { return false; } return true; } // return special effect public ArrayList getEffects() { if (currentRecipe != null && quality > 0) { return currentRecipe.getEffects(); } return null; } // Set unlabeled to true to hide the numbers in Lore public void unLabel(ItemStack item) { PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta(); if (meta.hasLore()) { if (distillRuns > 0) { addOrReplaceLore(meta, P.p.color("&7"), P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Distilled")); } if (ageTime >= 1) { addOrReplaceLore(meta, P.p.color("&7"), P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_BarrelRiped")); } item.setItemMeta(meta); } unlabeled = true; } public boolean isPersistent() { return persistent; } // Make a potion persistent to not delete it when drinking it public void makePersistent() { persistent = true; } // Remove the Persistence Flag from a brew, so it will be normally deleted when drinking it public void removePersistence() { persistent = false; } public boolean isStatic() { return stat; } // Set the Static flag, so potion is unchangeable public void setStatic(boolean stat, ItemStack potion) { this.stat = stat; if (currentRecipe != null && canDistill()) { if (stat) { potion.setDurability(PotionColor.valueOf(currentRecipe.getColor()).getColorId(false)); } else { potion.setDurability(PotionColor.valueOf(currentRecipe.getColor()).getColorId(true)); } } } // Distilling section --------------- // distill all custom potions in the brewer public static void distillAll(BrewerInventory inv, Boolean[] contents) { int slot = 0; while (slot < 3) { if (contents[slot]) { ItemStack slotItem = inv.getItem(slot); PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) slotItem.getItemMeta(); Brew brew = get(potionMeta); brew.distillSlot(slotItem, potionMeta); } slot++; } } // distill custom potion in given slot public void distillSlot(ItemStack slotItem, PotionMeta potionMeta) { if (stat) { return; } distillRuns += 1; BRecipe recipe = ingredients.getdistillRecipe(wood, ageTime); if (recipe != null) { // distillRuns will have an effect on the amount of alcohol, not the quality currentRecipe = recipe; quality = calcQuality(); addOrReplaceEffects(potionMeta, getEffects(), quality); potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + recipe.getName(quality))); slotItem.setDurability(PotionColor.valueOf(recipe.getColor()).getColorId(canDistill())); } else { quality = 0; removeEffects(potionMeta); potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_DistillUndefined"))); slotItem.setDurability(PotionColor.GREY.getColorId(canDistill())); } // Distill Lore if (currentRecipe != null) { if (colorInBrewer != hasColorLore(potionMeta)) { convertLore(potionMeta, colorInBrewer); } } String prefix = P.p.color("&7"); if (colorInBrewer && currentRecipe != null) { prefix = getQualityColor(ingredients.getDistillQuality(recipe, distillRuns)); } updateDistillLore(prefix, potionMeta); slotItem.setItemMeta(potionMeta); } // Ageing Section ------------------ public void age(ItemStack item, float time, byte woodType) { if (stat) { return; } PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) item.getItemMeta(); ageTime += time; // if younger than half a day, it shouldnt get aged form if (ageTime > 0.5) { if (wood == 0) { wood = woodType; } else { if (wood != woodType) { woodShift(time, woodType); } } BRecipe recipe = ingredients.getAgeRecipe(wood, ageTime, distillRuns > 0); if (recipe != null) { currentRecipe = recipe; quality = calcQuality(); addOrReplaceEffects(potionMeta, getEffects(), quality); potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + recipe.getName(quality))); item.setDurability(PotionColor.valueOf(recipe.getColor()).getColorId(canDistill())); } else { quality = 0; removeEffects(potionMeta); potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_BadPotion"))); item.setDurability(PotionColor.GREY.getColorId(canDistill())); } } // Lore if (currentRecipe != null) { if (colorInBarrels != hasColorLore(potionMeta)) { convertLore(potionMeta, colorInBarrels); } } if (ageTime >= 1) { String prefix = P.p.color("&7"); if (colorInBarrels && currentRecipe != null) { prefix = getQualityColor(ingredients.getAgeQuality(currentRecipe, ageTime)); } updateAgeLore(prefix, potionMeta); } if (ageTime > 0.5) { if (colorInBarrels && !unlabeled && currentRecipe != null) { updateWoodLore(potionMeta); } } item.setItemMeta(potionMeta); } // Slowly shift the wood of the Brew to the new Type public void woodShift(float time, byte to) { byte factor = 1; if (ageTime > 5) { factor = 2; } else if (ageTime > 10) { factor = 2; factor += Math.round(ageTime / 10); } if (wood > to) { wood -= time / factor; if (wood < to) { wood = to; } } else { wood += time / factor; if (wood > to) { wood = to; } } } // Lore ----------- // Converts to/from qualitycolored Lore public void convertLore(PotionMeta meta, Boolean toQuality) { if (currentRecipe == null) { return; } meta.setLore(null); int quality; String prefix = P.p.color("&7"); String lore; // Ingredients if (toQuality && !unlabeled) { quality = ingredients.getIngredientQuality(currentRecipe); prefix = getQualityColor(quality); lore = P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Ingredients"); addOrReplaceLore(meta, prefix, lore); } // Cooking if (toQuality && !unlabeled) { if (distillRuns > 0 == currentRecipe.needsDistilling()) { quality = ingredients.getCookingQuality(currentRecipe, distillRuns > 0); prefix = getQualityColor(quality) + ingredients.getCookedTime() + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_minute"); if (ingredients.getCookedTime() > 1) { prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_MinutePluralPostfix"); } lore = " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_fermented"); addOrReplaceLore(meta, prefix, lore); } } // Distilling if (distillRuns > 0) { if (toQuality) { quality = ingredients.getDistillQuality(currentRecipe, distillRuns); prefix = getQualityColor(quality); } updateDistillLore(prefix, meta); } // Ageing if (ageTime >= 1) { if (toQuality) { quality = ingredients.getAgeQuality(currentRecipe, ageTime); prefix = getQualityColor(quality); } updateAgeLore(prefix, meta); } // WoodType if (toQuality && !unlabeled) { if (ageTime > 0.5) { updateWoodLore(meta); } } } // sets the DistillLore. Prefix is the color to be used public void updateDistillLore(String prefix, PotionMeta meta) { if (!unlabeled) { if (distillRuns > 1) { prefix = prefix + distillRuns + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_-times") + " "; } } addOrReplaceLore(meta, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Distilled")); } // sets the AgeLore. Prefix is the color to be used public void updateAgeLore(String prefix, PotionMeta meta) { if (!unlabeled) { if (ageTime >= 1 && ageTime < 2) { prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_OneYear") + " "; } else if (ageTime < 201) { prefix = prefix + (int) Math.floor(ageTime) + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Years") + " "; } else { prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_HundredsOfYears") + " "; } } addOrReplaceLore(meta, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_BarrelRiped")); } // updates/sets the color on WoodLore public void updateWoodLore(PotionMeta meta) { if (currentRecipe.getWood() > 0) { int quality = ingredients.getWoodQuality(currentRecipe, wood); addOrReplaceLore(meta, getQualityColor(quality), P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype")); } else { if (meta.hasLore()) { List existingLore = meta.getLore(); int index = indexOfSubstring(existingLore, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype")); if (index > -1) { existingLore.remove(index); meta.setLore(existingLore); } } } } // Adds or replaces a line of Lore. Searches for Substring lore and replaces it public static void addOrReplaceLore(PotionMeta meta, String prefix, String lore) { if (meta.hasLore()) { List existingLore = meta.getLore(); int index = indexOfSubstring(existingLore, lore); if (index > -1) { existingLore.set(index, prefix + lore); } else { existingLore.add(prefix + lore); } meta.setLore(existingLore); return; } List newLore = new ArrayList(); newLore.add(""); newLore.add(prefix + lore); meta.setLore(newLore); } // Adds the Effect names to the Items description public static void addOrReplaceEffects(PotionMeta meta, ArrayList effects, int quality) { if (effects != null) { for (BEffect effect : effects) { if (!effect.isHidden()) { effect.writeInto(meta, quality); } } } } // Removes all effects except regeneration which stores data public static void removeEffects(PotionMeta meta) { if (meta.hasCustomEffects()) { for (PotionEffect effect : meta.getCustomEffects()) { PotionEffectType type = effect.getType(); if (!type.equals(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) { meta.removeCustomEffect(type); } } } } // Returns the Index of a String from the list that contains this substring public static int indexOfSubstring(List list, String substring) { for (int index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { String string = list.get(index); if (string.contains(substring)) { return index; } } return -1; } // True if the PotionMeta has colored Lore public static Boolean hasColorLore(PotionMeta meta) { return meta.hasLore() && !meta.getLore().get(1).startsWith(P.p.color("&7")); } // gets the Color that represents a quality in Lore public static String getQualityColor(int quality) { String color; if (quality > 8) { color = "&a"; } else if (quality > 6) { color = "&e"; } else if (quality > 4) { color = "&6"; } else if (quality > 2) { color = "&c"; } else { color = "&4"; } return P.p.color(color); } // Saves all data public static void save(ConfigurationSection config) { for (Map.Entry entry : potions.entrySet()) { int uid = entry.getKey(); Brew brew = entry.getValue(); ConfigurationSection idConfig = config.createSection("" + uid); // not saving unneccessary data if (brew.quality != 0) { idConfig.set("quality", brew.quality); } if (brew.distillRuns != 0) { idConfig.set("distillRuns", brew.distillRuns); } if (brew.ageTime != 0) { idConfig.set("ageTime", brew.ageTime); } if (brew.wood != -1) { idConfig.set("wood", brew.wood); } if (brew.currentRecipe != null) { idConfig.set("recipe", brew.currentRecipe.getName(5)); } if (brew.unlabeled) { idConfig.set("unlabeled", true); } if (brew.persistent) { idConfig.set("persist", true); } if (brew.stat) { idConfig.set("stat", true); } // save the ingredients idConfig.set("ingId",; } } public static enum PotionColor { PINK(1), CYAN(2), ORANGE(3), GREEN(4), BRIGHT_RED(5), BLUE(6), BLACK(8), RED(9), GREY(10), WATER(11), DARK_RED(12), BRIGHT_GREY(14); private final int colorId; private PotionColor(int colorId) { this.colorId = colorId; } // gets the Damage Value, that sets a color on the potion // offset +32 is not accepted by brewer, so not further destillable public short getColorId(boolean destillable) { if (destillable) { return (short) (colorId + 64); } return (short) (colorId + 32); } } }