# -- Define custom items -- # The defined id can then be used in recipes # matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches # material: Which type the item has to be # name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # lore: What has to be in the lore of the item customItems: # Three Example Items ex-item: # A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore %%%%MAT1%%%% name: 'Wall' lore: - '&7Very well protected' ex-item2: # Using matchAny only one of the following has to match. # In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore matchAny: true %%%%MAT2%%%% name: - 'Beechwood Door' lore: - 'A door' rasp: name: '&cRaspberry' # -- Ingredients in the Cauldron -- # Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them # name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # ingredients: List of 'material/amount' # With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe # (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work) # A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # color: Color of the base potion from a cauldron. Defaults to CYAN # Usable Colors: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, PINK, PURPLE, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, TEAL, OLIVE, GREEN, LIME, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY, WHITE # Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet) # lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) cauldron: # Example with all possible entries ex: name: Example ingredients: - Bedrock/2 - Diamond color: BLACK lore: - An example for a Base Potion - This is how it comes out of a Cauldron # -- One Ingredient: --