# Brewery插件的配置文件 #翻译由Neubulae贡献, mcbbsID: 891215991 # -- 设置 -- # 方框[]内的设定为默认设定 # 移除某一行可以禁用该功能, 或者true为启用, false为禁用 # 语言文件(可在plugins/Brewery/languages下找到) language: zh # 喝高了的下线玩家会在家里醒来(需要/home等功能支持)[true] enableHome: true # 上述功能的回家方式: ['cmd: home'] # bed = 会在床边醒来 # 'cmd: home' = 强制让玩家执行/home. 需要设置好玩家权限, 以避免传送出现延迟. # 'cmd: spawn' = 强制让玩家执行/spawn. # 'cmd: 指定命令' = 强制让玩家执行该命令, 例如'cmd: warp xxx'等. homeType: 'cmd: home' # 玩家醉酒以后下线一段时间醒来是否会在某些苏醒处醒来(苏醒处需要管理员通过'/brew Wakeup add'进行设定). # 玩家将会在最近的两个苏醒处之一醒来.[true] enableWake: true # 醉酒的玩家是否需要反复尝试登录才能进入服务器.[true] enableLoginDisallow: true # 饮酒过量的玩家是否会晕倒一小段时间(即被暂时踢出服务器).[false] enableKickOnOverdrink: false # 醉酒程度过高的玩家是否会呕吐(呕吐物在下面定义).[true] # 物品无法被捡起, 直至消失. enablePuke: true # 呕吐物[Soul_Sand] pukeItem: Soul_Sand # 呕吐物消失的时间, 单位为秒(MC默认为300 = 5分钟)[60] # 如果spigot.yml中的物品消失时间被变更, 此处也会变更. pukeDespawntime: 60 # Display his drunkeness to the player when he drinks a brew or eats a drainItem [true] showStatusOnDrink: true # 解酒物/解酒强度. 降低玩家一定程度的醉酒程度, 解救强度为百分数.(下列) drainItems: - Bread/4 - Milk_Bucket/2 # 最大玩家下线记忆时长(单位为天). 饮酒的记忆保持时间, 便于计算宿醉.[7] hangoverDays: 7 # Show Particles over Cauldrons when they have ingredients and a heat source. [true] enableCauldronParticles: true # If crafting and using of the Brew Sealing Table is enabled (2 Bottles over 4 Planks) [true, true] craftSealingTable: true enableSealingTable: true # 饮品上是否显示带颜色的提示, 颜色由执行步骤的正误决定. 第一项为在熟成酒桶内显示颜色, 第二项为在酿造台内显示颜色.[true, true] colorInBarrels: true colorInBrewer: true # Always show the 1-5 stars on the item depending on the quality. If false, they will only appear when brewing [true] alwaysShowQuality: true # Always show the alcohol content on the item. If false, it will only show in the brewing stand [false] alwaysShowAlc: false # 大型熟成木桶可以通过右击桶身任意一个位置来打开, 而不需要专门右击其龙头. 这一操作对小型酒桶总为真.[true] openLargeBarrelEverywhere: false # MC自带的桶内可以存放多少饮品 [6] ageInMCBarrels: true maxBrewsInMCBarrels: 6 # The used Ingredients and other brewing-data is saved to all Brewery Items. To prevent # hacked clients from reading what exactly was used to brew an item, the data can be encoded/scrambled. # This is a fast process to stop players from hacking out recipes, once they get hold of a brew. # Only drawback: brew items can only be used on another server with the same encodeKey. # When using Brews on multiple (BungeeCord) Servers, define a shared Database below at 'multiServerDB' # So enable this if you want to make recipe cheating harder, but don't share any brews by world download, schematics, or other means. [false] enableEncode: false encodeKey: 0 # 是否检查更新.[true] # 若有更新, 服务端后台与上线时的管理员会收到通知. updateCheck: true # 自动保存时间间隔, 单位:分钟.[3] autosave: 3 # Show debug messages in log [false] debug: false # 配置文件版本 version: '2.1.1' # -- Define custom items -- # The defined id can then be used in recipes # matchAny: true if it is already enough if one of the info matches # material: Which type the item has to be # name: Which name the item has to be (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # lore: What has to be in the lore of the item customItems: # Three Example Items ex-item: # A Barrier item called Wall and has the given line in its lore material: Barrier name: 'Wall' lore: - '&7Very well protected' ex-item2: # Using matchAny only one of the following has to match. # In this case on of the door types, or an item called Beechwood Door, or an item with 'A door' in its lore matchAny: true material: - Acacia_Door - Oak_Door - Spruce_Door name: - 'Beechwood Door' lore: - 'A door' rasp: name: '&cRaspberry' blue-flowers: matchAny: true material: - cornflower - blue_orchid # -- Ingredients in the Cauldron -- # Which Ingredients are accepted by the Cauldron and the base potion resulting from them # You only need to add something here if you want to specify a custom name or color for the base potion # name: Name of the base potion coming out of the Cauldron (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # ingredients: List of 'material/amount' # With an item in your hand, use /brew ItemName to get its material for use in a recipe # (Item-ids instead of material are not supported by bukkit anymore and will not work) # A list of materials can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # color: Color of the potion from a cauldron. Defaults to CYAN # Usable Colors: DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, PINK, PURPLE, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, TEAL, OLIVE, GREEN, LIME, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY, WHITE # Or RGB colors (hex: for example '99FF33') (with '') (search for "HTML color" on the internet) # lore: List of additional text on the base potion. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # customModelData: Custom Model Data Tag. This is a number that can be used to add custom textures to the item. cauldron: # Example with all possible entries ex: name: Example ingredients: - Bedrock/2 - Diamond color: BLACK lore: - An example for a Base Potion - This is how it comes out of a Cauldron customModelData: 545 # -- One Ingredient: -- wheat: name: 发酵麦汁 ingredients: Wheat sugarcane: name: 糖浆 ingredients: Sugar_Cane color: 'f1ffad' # yellowish green sugar: name: Sugarwater ingredients: Sugar apple: name: 苹果汁 ingredients: Apple berries: name: Grape must ingredients: Sweet_Berries color: RED potato: name: 土豆泥 ingredients: Potato grass: name: 蒸煮过的药草 ingredients: Grass color: '99ff66' # bright green rmushroom: name: 蘑菇酿 ingredients: Red_Mushroom color: 'ff5c33' # amber red bmushroom: name: Mushroom brew ingredients: Brown_Mushroom color: 'c68c53' # brighter brown cocoa: name: 上了色的水 ingredients: Cocoa_Beans color: '804600' # mocca milk: name: 乳浊液体 ingredients: Milk_Bucket color: BRIGHT_GREY bl_flow: name: Blueish brew ingredients: blue-flowers color: '0099ff' # sky blue cactus: name: Agave brew ingredients: cactus color: '00b300' # cactus green poi_potato: name: Poisonous Broth ingredients: Poisonous_Potato egg: name: Sticky brew ingredients: Egg oak_sapling: name: Stringy hebry broth ingredients: Oak_Sapling vine: name: Boiled herbs ingredients: vine color: '99ff66' # bright green rot_flesh: name: Foul pest ingredients: Rotten_Flesh color: '263300' # brown green melon: name: Melon juice ingredients: melon_slice wheat_seeds: name: Bitter brew ingredients: Wheat_Seeds melon_seeds: name: Bitter brew ingredients: Melon_Seeds pumpkin_seeds: name: Bitter brew ingredients: Pumpkin_Seeds bone_meal: name: Bony Brew ingredients: bone_meal color: BRIGHT_GREY cookie: name: Chocolately sap ingredients: Cookie color: '804600' # mocca fer_spid_eye: name: Fermented Eye ingredients: Fermented_Spider_Eye ghast_tear: name: Sad brew ingredients: ghast_tear snowball: name: Icewater ingredients: Snowball Gold_Nugget: name: Glistering brew ingredients: Gold_Nugget color: 'ffd11a' # gold glowstone_dust: name: Glowing brew ingredients: Glowstone_Dust color: 'ffff33' # bright yellow # -- Multiple Ingredients: -- applemead_base: name: Apple-Sugar brew ingredients: - Sugar_Cane/3 - Apple color: 'e1ff4d' # greenish yellow poi_grass: name: Boiled acidy herbs ingredients: - Grass - Poisonous_Potato color: '99ff66' # bright green juniper: name: Juniper brew ingredients: - blue-flowers - wheat color: '00ccff' # aqua gin_base: name: Fruity juniper brew ingredients: - blue-flowers - wheat - apple color: '66e0ff' # lighter aqua eggnog_base: name: Smooth egg mixture ingredients: - egg - sugar - milk_bucket color: 'ffecb3' # yellow-orange # -- 饮品配方列表 -- # name: 饮品名称, 可以为 劣质/普通/优质 三种质量的饮品命名(可插入样式代码, 如:&6). # ingredients: 配方列表, 格式为"材料名称/数量". # 手中持有物品的时候, 可以使用/brew ItemName来获取其物品id, 便于增改配方 # (请勿使用物品ID, 物品ID已被弃用, 使用材料名称是唯一支持的做法.) # 材料名称列表详见此处: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html (可能需要挂梯子进行浏览) # Plugin items with 'plugin:id' (Currently supporting ExoticGarden, Slimefun, MMOItems, Brewery) # Or a custom item defined above # cookingtime: 原料需要在炼药锅内烹制发酵的时间, 单位为现实分钟. # distillruns: 饮品需要在酿造台上蒸馏的次数(0=无需蒸馏). # distilltime: 每次蒸馏所需要耗费的时间(0=默认值, 即40秒), MC默认则为20秒/ # wood: 木桶所需要的木质 0=任意 1=桦木 2=橡木 3=丛林木 4=云杉木 5=金合欢木 6=深色橡木 # MC的木桶默认为橡木桶. # age: 饮品需要在木桶中熟成所需要的时间(MC天). 0=无需熟成. # color: 饮品制成后的颜色. # 可用颜色列表: # DARK_RED(深红), RED(红), BRIGHT_RED(亮红), ORANGE(橙黄), PINK(粉色), BLUE(蓝色), CYAN(靛青), WATER(水色), GREEN(绿色), BLACK(黑色), GREY(灰色), BRIGHT_GREY(亮灰色), YELLOW, PURPLE, TEAL, OLIVE, LIME, WHITE # 也可以使用RGB颜色(十六进制, 如'99FF33', 必须包含两个单引号)(在线搜索"HTML 颜色"或者其他颜色库即刻获得你需要的颜色的十六进制表示) # difficulty: 酿制难度, 1 = 不需要非常精确的操作就可以制出优质饮品, 10 = 需要非常精确的操作才可以制出优质饮品. # alcohol: 完美质量的饮品所含有的酒精度(百分数, 会被直接添加到玩家身上, 100意为直接昏迷) # lore: List of additional text on the finished brew. (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # Specific lore for quality possible, using + bad, ++ normal, +++ good, added to the front of the line. # servercommands: List of Commands executed by the -Server- when drinking the brew (Can use %player_name% %quality%) # playercommands: List of Commands executed by the -Player- when drinking the brew (Can use %player_name% %quality%) # drinkmessage: Chat-message to the Player when drinking the Brew # drinktitle: Title on Screen to the Player when drinking the Brew # customModelData: Custom Model Data Tag. This is a number that can be used to add custom textures to the item. # Can specify one for all, or one for each quality, separated by / # effects: 饮用后能够获得的药效的列表. 格式为"药效/强度/时长(秒)". # 药效列表: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # 药效强度与时长可以用"-"划分区间, 如: "SPEED/1-2/30-40" = 最劣质情况下的饮品会给予速度1三十秒, 最优质则会给予速度2四十秒. # 区间可以从大到小, 如: "POISON/3-1/20-5"即可让优质饮品的毒性降低. # 时长极限为1638秒. 药效强度极限为255级. 瞬间型药效无需附加时长. recipes: # 例: 0: name: 劣质的 范例饮品/范例饮品/优质的 范例饮品 ingredients: - Diamond/1 - Spruce_Planks/8 - Bedrock/1 - Brewery:Wheatbeer/2 # - ExoticGarden:Grape/3 - ex-item/4 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 60 wood: 4 age: 11 color: DARK_RED difficulty: 3 alcohol: 14 lore: - This is an examble brew - ++Just a normal Example - This text would be on the brew - + Smells disgusting - ++ Smells alright - +++ Smells really good servercommands: - weather clear playercommands: - homes drinkmessage: Tastes good drinktitle: Warms you from inside customModelData: 556/557/557 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/20 - HEAL/1 - WEAKNESS/2-3/50-60 - POISON/1-0/20-0 1: name: 劣质麦啤/麦啤/优质麦啤 ingredients: - Wheat/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 1 age: 2 color: 'ffb84d' # Orange difficulty: 1 alcohol: 5 lore: +++ &8Refreshing 2: name: 劣质啤酒/啤酒/鲜啤 ingredients: - Wheat/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 0 age: 3 color: 'ffd333' # Bright Orange difficulty: 1 lore: - +++ &8Crisp taste alcohol: 6 3: name: 劣质黑啤/黑啤/精制黑啤 ingredients: - Wheat/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 6 age: 8 color: '650013' # Dark Red-Brown difficulty: 2 lore: - +++ &8Roasted taste alcohol: 7 wine: name: Red Wine ingredients: - Sweet_Berries/5 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 0 wood: 0 age: 20 color: RED difficulty: 4 alcohol: 8 lore: - '+ &8Harsh' - '+ &8Corked' - '++ &8Mellow' - '+++ &8Full-Bodied' 4: name: 粗制蜜酒/蜜酒/黄金蜜酒 ingredients: - Sugar_Cane/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 wood: 2 age: 4 color: ORANGE difficulty: 2 lore: - +++ Has a golden shine alcohol: 9 5: name: 苹果蜜酒/甜苹果蜜酒/甘醇黄金苹果蜜酒 ingredients: - Sugar_Cane/6 - Apple/2 cookingtime: 4 distillruns: 0 wood: 2 age: 4 color: ORANGE difficulty: 4 alcohol: 11 lore: - +Is there any Apple in this? - ++Refreshing taste of Apple - +++Sweetest hint of Apple effects: - WATER_BREATHING/1-2/150 6: name: 苦涩的朗姆/辛辣的朗姆/金品朗姆 ingredients: - Apple/14 cookingtime: 7 distillruns: 0 wood: 0 age: 3 color: 'f86820' # Red-Orange difficulty: 4 alcohol: 7 apple_liquor: name: Sour Apple Liquor/Apple Liquor/Calvados ingredients: - Apple/12 cookingtime: 16 distillruns: 3 wood: 5 age: 6 color: BRIGHT_RED difficulty: 5 alcohol: 14 lore: - +Sour like Acid - +++ Good Apple Liquor whiskey: name: Unsightly Whiskey/Whiskey/Scotch Whiskey ingredients: - Wheat/10 cookingtime: 10 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 50 wood: 4 age: 18 color: ORANGE difficulty: 7 alcohol: 26 lore: '&7Single Malt' rum: name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum ingredients: - Sugar_Cane/18 cookingtime: 6 distillruns: 2 distilltime: 30 wood: 2 age: 14 color: DARK_RED difficulty: 6 alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/1/20-100 - POISON/1-0/30-0 lore: - +&8Too bitter to drink - ++&8Spiced by the barrel - +++&eSpiced Gold 7: name: 劣质伏特加/伏特加/纯正俄式风味伏特加 ingredients: - Potato/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 age: 0 color: WHITE difficulty: 4 alcohol: 20 lore: + &8Almost undrinkable effects: - WEAKNESS/15 - POISON/10 shroom_vodka: name: Mushroom Vodka/Mushroom Vodka/Glowing Mushroom Vodka ingredients: - Potato/10 - Red_Mushroom/3 - Brown_Mushroom/3 cookingtime: 18 distillruns: 5 age: 0 color: 'ff9999' # Pink-Red difficulty: 7 alcohol: 18 lore: +++&aGlows in the dark effects: - WEAKNESS/80 - CONFUSION/27 - NIGHT_VISION/50-80 - BLINDNESS/12-2 - SLOW/10-3 gin: name: Pale Gin/Gin/Old Tom Gin ingredients: - Wheat/9 - blue-flowers/6 # Custom-Item: Blue Orchids or Cornflowers - Apple/1 cookingtime: 6 distillruns: 2 color: '99ddff' # Very light blue difficulty: 6 alcohol: 20 lore: - ++ With the - ++ taste of juniper - +++ Perfectly finished off - +++ with juniper tequila: name: Mezcal/Tequila/Tequila anejo ingredients: - cactus/8 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 2 color: 'f5f07e' # Green-Orange difficulty: 5 wood: 1 age: 12 alcohol: 20 lore: Desert spirit 8: name: 劣质苦艾酒/苦艾酒/劲猛苦艾酒 ingredients: - Grass/15 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 6 distilltime: 80 color: GREEN difficulty: 8 alcohol: 42 effects: - POISON/15-25 lore: '+++&8High proof liquor' gr_absinthe: name: Poor Absinthe/Green Absinthe/Bright Green Absinthe ingredients: - Grass/17 - Poisonous_Potato/2 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 6 distilltime: 85 color: LIME difficulty: 9 alcohol: 46 effects: - POISON/25-40 - HARM/2 - NIGHT_VISION/40-60 lore: '&aLooks poisonous' 9: name: 土豆汤 ingredients: - Potato/5 - Grass/3 cookingtime: 3 color: ORANGE difficulty: 1 effects: - HEAL/0-1 10: name: 平淡的咖啡/咖啡/浓苦黑咖 ingredients: - Cocoa_Beans/12 - Milk_Bucket/2 cookingtime: 2 color: BLACK difficulty: 3 lore: + &8Probably a week old effects: - REGENERATION/1/2-5 - SPEED/1/30-140 eggnog: name: Egg Liquor/Eggnog/Advocaat ingredients: - Egg/5 - Sugar/2 - Milk_Bucket/1 cookingtime: 2 color: 'ffe680' difficulty: 4 alcohol: 10 wood: 0 age: 3 lore: Made with raw egg # 并不会直接加入到默认配置中, 这会导致游戏玩家偷看配方表进行作弊. # 插件的本意是让玩家自行实验饮品制造配方, 所以未来的新配方由服管决定是否加入. # Some suggestions for recipes you could use: # g_vodka: # name: 'Rancid Vodka/&6Golden Vodka/&6Shimmering Golden Vodka' # ingredients: # - Potato/10 # - Gold_Nugget/2 # cookingtime: 18 # distillruns: 3 # age: 0 # color: ORANGE # difficulty: 6 # alcohol: 20 # effects: # - WEAKNESS/28 # - POISON/4 # fire_whiskey: # name: Powdery Whiskey/Burning Whiskey/Blazing Whiskey # ingredients: # - Wheat/10 # - Blaze_Powder/2 # cookingtime: 12 # distillruns: 3 # distilltime: 55 # wood: 4 # age: 18 # color: ORANGE # difficulty: 7 # alcohol: 28 # drinkmessage: 'You get a burning feeling in your mouth' # Without Alcohol: # hot_choc: # name: Hot Chocolate # ingredients: # - cookie/3 # cookingtime: 2 # color: DARK_RED # difficulty: 2 # effects: # - FAST_DIGGING/40 # iced_coffee: # name: Watery Coffee/Iced Coffee/Strong Iced Coffee # ingredients: # - cookie/8 # - snowball/4 # - milk_bucket/1 # cookingtime: 1 # color: BLACK # difficulty: 4 # effects: # - REGENERATION/30 # - SPEED/10 # More Recipe ideas: # Dandelion Liquor # Beetroot Spirit, # Poppy Liquor: Macum/Grand Poppy, # Bamboo Liquor: Chu Yeh Ching, # Cachaca, # Cognac, # Sake, # Buorbon, # Moonshine, # Different Wines, # Brandy, # Amaretto, # etc. as well as variations like, # Pumpkin Spice Beer, # Melon Vodka # There are a lot of items in Minecraft like Vines and items added by plugins that would make great ingredients. # -- 插件兼容性 -- # 检查插件以进行权限配置[true] useWorldGuard: true useLWC: true useGriefPrevention: true useTowny: true useGMInventories: true # Use a virtual chest when opening a Barrel to check with all other protection plugins # This could confuse Anti-Cheat plugins, but is otherwise good to use useVirtualChestPerms: false # 对LogBlock启用方块数据录入[true] useLogBlock: true # -- MultiServer/BungeeCord -- # If Brewery is running on multiple connected Servers (via BungeeCord) # a shared Database can be used here to synchronise drunkeness and to be able to use encoded brews between them. multiServerDB: # If using the Database is enabled enabled: false # If the drunkeness of players should be synchronised between Servers syncDrunkeness: true host: localhost port: '3306' user: minec password: xyz database: base # -- Various Other Settings -- # If items in Offhand should be added to the cauldron as well [false] useOffhandForCauldron: false # If Barrel and Cauldron data can be loaded Async/in the Background [true] loadDataAsync: true # -- 口糊设置 -- # 醉酒的玩家会口糊, # 所以聊天框内打出来的东西也会跟着糊. # 说话说不清的程度取决于玩家有多醉. # 以下是设置以及具体的口糊方式的配置. # 打开聊天口糊功能[true] enableChatDistortion: true # 在服务器后台登记玩家实际输入的内容, 而非口糊后的内容.[false] logRealChat: false # 以下命令后跟随的语句会糊.[- /gl] distortCommands: - /gl - /global - /fl - /s - /letter - /g - /l - /lokal - /local - /mail send - /m - /msg - /w - /whisper - /reply - /r - /t - /tell # 醉酒的时候写下的告示牌内容也会变化.[false] distortSignText: false # 被以下设定字符框住的字眼不会被更改(请使用","(半角逗号)进行分隔) (列表) [- '[,]'] # 例句: 我~喝~醉了 *但是这里面的话不会变哦!* distortBypass: - '*,*' - '[,]' # words: 针对具体词句进行糊化. # 糊化的执行优先级是表内从上到下. # replace: 被替换的字句. (特例: "-space": 替换空格, "-random": 在句子内随机插入, "-all": 整句话, "-start": 句首, "-end": 句末.) # to: 替换成的内容. # pre: 前置字眼, 即在被替换的词句前面需要出现的字眼(用","(半角逗号)分隔) # match: true = 前置字眼必须出现其一, false = 前置字眼不能出现任意一个. # alcohol: 词句被开始替换所需要的酒精度. # percentage: 词句被替换的概率. words: - replace: '!!!' to: '!!!111!!!1111!1!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 20 alcohol: 70 - replace: '!!!' to: '!!!111!!!1111!1!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 20 alcohol: 70 - replace: '!' to: '!!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 90 - replace: '?' to: '????' pre: '?' match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 40 - replace: '?' to: '????' pre: '?' match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 40 - replace: ',' to: '' pre: h,g,w match: true alcohol: 10 - replace: ',' to: '' pre: h,g,w match: true alcohol: 10 - replace: "." to: '' percentage: 30 alcohol: 35 - replace: "。" to: '' percentage: 10 - replace: -start to: 呃 percentage: 15 alcohol: 50 - replace: -start to: 哼嗯 percentage: 10 alcohol: 50 - replace: -random to: 噜 percentage: 10 - replace: -random to: 啦 percentage: 10 alcohol: 50 - replace: -random to: 咕 percentage: 20 alcohol: 80 - replace: -random to: 咯 percentage: 40 alcohol: 85 - replace: -random to: 嘎 percentage: 40 alcohol: 80 - replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 100 alcohol: 70 - replace: -end to: '!' percentage: 40 alcohol: 30 - replace: -random to: '*嗝*' percentage: 80 alcohol: 70 - replace: -random to: '*嗝*' percentage: 15 alcohol: 40 - replace: -space to: '*嗝*' percentage: 5 alcohol: 20 - replace: -end to: '*嗝*' percentage: 70 alcohol: 50 - replace: -all to: '*嗝儿————*' percentage: 3 alcohol: 60 - replace: -all to: '*嗝儿————*' percentage: 6 alcohol: 80