# config for Brewery.jar # -- Settings -- # Defaults are written in [] # Deleting of single settings disables them # Languagefile to be used (found in plugins/Brewery/languages) language: en # If the player wakes up at /home when logging in after excessive drinking (/home plugin must be installed!) [true] enableHome: true # Type of the home-teleport: ['cmd: home'] # bed = Player will be teleported to his spawn bed # SamplePlugin = installed home plugin. Supports: ManagerXL. If not available: # 'cmd: home' = /home will be executed by the player. He has to have permissions for it without any delay! # 'cmd: spawn' = /spawn will be executed by the player. # 'cmd: whatever' = /whatever will be executed by the player. homeType: 'cmd: home' # If the player "wakes up" at a random place when offline for some time while drinking (the places have to be defined with '/br Wakeup add' through an admin) # The Player wakes at the nearest of two random places of his world [true] enableWake: true # If the Player may get some logins denied, when his character is drunk [true] enableLoginDisallow: true # If the Player faints (gets kicked) for some minutes if he overdrinks [true] enableKickOnOverdrink: true # If the Player vomits on high drunkeness (drops item defined below) [true] # The item can not be collected and stays on the ground until it despawns. (Warning: May be collected after Server restart, or through a hopper) enablePuke: true # Item that is dropped multiple times uncollectable when puking [SOUL_SAND] pukeItem: SOUL_SAND # Consumable Item/strength. Decreases the alcohol level by when consumed. (list) drainItems: - BREAD/4 - MILK_BUCKET/2 # Time (in days) that drunkeness-data stays in memory after a player goes offline, to apply hangover etc. [7] hangoverDays: 7 # Color the Item information (lore) depending on quality while it is 1. in a barrel and/or 2. in a brewing stand [true, false] colorInBarrels: true colorInBrewer: false # Autosave interval in minutes [3] autosave: 3 # Config Version version: '1.1' # -- Recipes for Potions -- # name: Different names for bad/normal/good (Formatting codes possible: such as &6) # ingredients: List of material/amount # cookingtime: Time in real minutes ingredients have to boil # distillruns: How often it has to be distilled for full alcohol (0=without distilling) # wood: Wood of the barrel 0=any 1=Birch 2=Oak 3=Jungle 4=Spruce # age: Time in Minecraft-days, the potion has to age in a barrel 0=no aging # color: Color of the potion after distilling/aging. DARK_RED, RED, BRIGHT_RED, ORANGE, PINK, BLUE, CYAN, WATER, GREEN, BLACK, GREY, BRIGHT_GREY # difficulty: 1-10 accuracy needed to get good quality (1 = unaccurate/easy, 10 = very precise/hard) # alcohol: Absolute amount of alcohol 0-100 in a perfect potion (will be added directly to the player, where 100 means fainting) # effects: List of effect/duration Special potion-effect when drinking, duration in sek. Suffix name with 'X' to hide effect from label. Sample: POISONX/10 # (WEAKNESS, INCREASE_DAMAGE, SLOW and SPEED are always hidden.) Possible Effects: http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html # instant effects (such as HEAL) _must!_ have defined the level instead of the duration! recipes: 1: name: Skunky Wheatbeer/Wheatbeer/Fine Wheatbeer ingredients: - WHEAT/3 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 1 age: 2 color: BRIGHT_GREY difficulty: 1 alcohol: 5 2: name: Skunky Beer/Beer/Fine Beer ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 0 age: 3 color: ORANGE difficulty: 1 alcohol: 6 3: name: Skunky Darkbeer/Darkbeer/Fine Darkbeer ingredients: - WHEAT/6 cookingtime: 8 distillruns: 0 wood: 4 age: 8 color: BLACK difficulty: 2 alcohol: 7 4: name: Awkward Mead/Mead/&6Golden Mead ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 0 wood: 2 age: 4 color: ORANGE difficulty: 2 alcohol: 9 5: name: Apple Mead/Sweet Apple Mead/&6Sweet Golden Apple Mead ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/6 - APPLE/2 cookingtime: 4 distillruns: 0 wood: 2 age: 4 color: ORANGE difficulty: 4 alcohol: 12 effects: - WATER_BREATHINGX/150 6: name: Bitter Rum/Spicy Rum/&6Golden Rum ingredients: - SUGAR_CANE/14 cookingtime: 5 distillruns: 2 wood: 2 age: 14 color: DARK_RED difficulty: 6 alcohol: 30 effects: - FIRE_RESISTANCE/100 7: name: Lousy Vodka/Vodka/Russian Vodka ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/10 cookingtime: 15 distillruns: 3 age: 0 color: BRIGHT_GREY difficulty: 4 alcohol: 20 effects: - WEAKNESS/15 - POISON/10 8: name: Poor Absinthe/Absinthe/Strong Absinthe ingredients: - LONG_GRASS/15 cookingtime: 3 distillruns: 6 color: GREEN difficulty: 8 alcohol: 45 effects: - POISON/20 9: name: Potato soup ingredients: - POTATO_ITEM/5 - LONG_GRASS/3 cookingtime: 3 color: PINK difficulty: 1 effects: - HEAL/1 # cooked: EVERY possible ingredient and the names for the originating potions after fermenting: cooked: WHEAT: Fermented wheat SUGAR_CANE: Sugar brew APPLE: Apple cider POTATO_ITEM: Potatomash LONG_GRASS: Boiled herbs RED_MUSHROOM: Mushroom brew # -- Chat Distortion Settings -- # Log to the Serverlog what the player actually wrote, before his words were altered [false] logRealChat: false # Text after specified commands will be distorted when drunk (list) [- /gl] distortCommands: - /gl - /global - /fl - /s - /letter # Distort the Text written on a Sign while drunk [false] distortSignText: false # Enclose a text with these Letters to bypass Chat Distortion (Use "," as Separator) (list) [- '[,]'] distortBypass: - '*,*' - '[,]' # words: Words and letters that will be altered when chatting while being drunk. # Will be processed from first to last and a written sentece is altered in that order. # replace: Word or letter to be replaced. (Special: "-space": replaces space, "-random": insert into random position, "-all": everything, "-start": At Beginning, "-end": At the End.) # to: What to replace it with. # pre: Words and Letters before the wanted word (split with ",") # match: true = one of the "pre"-Words has to be before the wanted Word, false = none of the "pre" Words is allowed before the wanted Word # alcohol: 1-100 minimum drunkeness after which this word ist replaced # percentage: Probability of replacing a Word in percent words: - replace: s to: sh percentage: 90 alcohol: 30 - replace: ch to: sh pre: u,s,o,a match: false alcohol: 10 percentage: 70 - replace: h to: hh pre: sch,h,t match: false percentage: 60 alcohol: 20 - replace: th to: thl percentage: 40 alcohol: 30 - replace: sch to: shk percentage: 60 alcohol: 40 - replace: u to: uuh percentage: 20 - replace: y to: yy percentage: 60 alcohol: 15 - replace: e to: ee percentage: 40 alcohol: 15 - replace: you to: u percentage: 40 - replace: u to: uo pre: u match: false percentage: 60 - replace: that to: taht percentage: 20 alcohol: 40 - replace: p to: b percentage: 30 - replace: p to: b percentage: 70 alcohol: 60 - replace: up to: ubb percentage: 80 alcohol: 25 - replace: o to: oh percentage: 20 - replace: ei to: i percentage: 30 alcohol: 15 - replace: b to: bb percentage: 80 alcohol: 40 - replace: '!!!' to: '!!!111!!!eleven!1!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 20 alcohol: 70 - replace: '!' to: '!!' pre: '!' match: false percentage: 90 - replace: drunk to: dhrkunn pre: are match: false percentage: 70 alcohol: 65 - replace: walk to: whhealhk pre: you can, you can still, you can not match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 30 - replace: wtf to: wft percentage: 20 alcohol: 40 - replace: lol to: loool percentage: 80 alcohol: 10 - replace: afk to: aafkayyy percentage: 30 alcohol: 30 - replace: write to: wreitt pre: you can,you can still,you can not match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 50 - replace: drink to: booze percentage: 80 alcohol: 70 - replace: '?' to: '????' pre: '?' match: false percentage: 80 alcohol: 40 - replace: -space to: '' pre: h,g,w match: true alcohol: 10 - replace: -space to: '' percentage: 30 alcohol: 35 - replace: -space to: '' percentage: 10 - replace: -start to: dho percentage: 15 alcohol: 50 - replace: -start to: hhn percentage: 10 alcohol: 50 - replace: -random to: lu percentage: 10 - replace: -random to: lug percentage: 10 alcohol: 50 - replace: -random to: blub percentage: 20 alcohol: 80 - replace: -random to: lerg percentage: 40 alcohol: 85 - replace: -random to: gul percentage: 40 alcohol: 80 - replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 100 alcohol: 70 - replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 60 alcohol: 40 - replace: -random to: ' ' percentage: 50 alcohol: 30 - replace: -end to: '!' percentage: 40 alcohol: 30 - replace: -random to: ' *hic* ' percentage: 80 alcohol: 70 - replace: -random to: ' *hic* ' percentage: 15 alcohol: 40 - replace: -space to: ' *hic* ' percentage: 5 alcohol: 20 - replace: -end to: ' *hic*' percentage: 70 alcohol: 50 - replace: -all to: '*burp*' percentage: 3 alcohol: 60 - replace: -all to: '*burp*' percentage: 6 alcohol: 80