Brew_-times: -times Brew_BadPotion: Ruined Potion Brew_BarrelRiped: Barrel aged Brew_DistillUndefined: Indefinable Distillate Brew_Distilled: Distilled Brew_HundredsOfYears: Hundreds of Years Brew_Ingredients: Ingredients Brew_MinutePluralPostfix: s Brew_OneYear: One Year Brew_ThickBrew: Muddy Brewxxxxx Brew_Undefined: Indefinable Brew Brew_Woodtype: Woodtype Brew_Years: Years Brew_fermented: fermented Brew_minute: minute CMD_Copy_Error: '&6&v1 &cPotions did not fit into your inventory' CMD_Info_Drunk: '&v1 is &6&v2% &fdrunk, with a quality of &6&v3' CMD_Info_NotDrunk: '&v1 is not drunk' CMD_Player: '&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3' CMD_Player_Error: '&cThe Quality has to be between 1 and 10!' CMD_Reload: '&aConfig was successfully reloaded' CMD_UnLabel: '&aLabel removed!' Error_ConfigUpdate: 'Unknown Brewery Config version: v&v1, Config was not Updated!' Error_ItemNotPotion: '&cThe Item in your hand could not be identified as Potion' Error_NoPermissions: '&cYou have no permission to do this!' Error_PlayerCommand: '&cThis command can only be executed as player' Error_Recipeload: '&cNot all recipes could be restored: More information in the Serverlog!' Error_ShowHelp: use &6/brew help &fto display the help Error_UnknownCommand: Unknown Command Etc_Barrel: Barrel Etc_Page: Page Etc_Usage: 'Usage:' Help_Copy: '&6/brew Copy &9 Copies the Potion in your Hand' Help_Delete: '&6/brew Delete &9Deletes the Potion in your Hand' Help_Help: '&6/brew help &9Shows a specific help-page' Help_Info: '&6/brew Info&9 Displays your current Drunkeness and Quality' Help_InfoOther: '&6/brew Info &9 Displays the current Drunkeness and Quality of ' Help_Player: '&6/brew <%Drunkeness> &9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player' Help_Reload: '&6/brew reload &9Reload config' Help_UnLabel: '&6/brew UnLabel &9Removes the detailled label of a Potion' Help_Wakeup: '&6/brew Wakeup List &9 Lists all Wakeup Points' Help_WakeupAdd: '&6/brew Wakeup Add &9Adds a Wakeup Point at your current Position' Help_WakeupCheck: '&6/brew Wakeup Check &9Teleports to all Wakeup Points' Help_WakeupCheckSpecific: '&6/brew Wakeup Check &9Teleports to the Wakeup Point with ' Help_WakeupList: '&6/brew Wakeup List &9 Lists all Wakeup Points of a World' Help_WakeupRemove: '&6/brew Wakeup Remove &9Removes the Wakeup Point with ' Player_BarrelCreated: Barrel created Player_CantDrink: You can't drink any more Player_CauldronInfo1: This Cauldron seethes since &v1 minutes Player_CauldronInfo2: This Cauldron seethes since less than one minute Player_DrunkPassOut: You have drunken too much and fainted! Player_LoginDeny: Your character is drunk and does not react. Try again! Player_LoginDenyLong: Your character is really drunk and unconscious. Try again in 10 minutes! Player_TriedToSay: '&v1 tried to say: &0&v2' Player_Wake: Ohh no! I cannot remember how I got here... Player_WakeAlreadyDeleted: '&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &chas already been deleted!' Player_WakeCancel: '&6Wakeup Point Check was cancelled' Player_WakeCreated: '&aWakeup Point with id: &6&v1 &awas created successfully!' Player_WakeDeleted: '&aThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &awas successfully deleted!' Player_WakeFilled: '&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&c at position &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5&c is filled with Blocks!' Player_WakeHint1: 'To Next Wakeup Point: Punch your fist in the air' Player_WakeHint2: 'To Cancel: &9/brew wakeup cancel' Player_WakeLast: '&aThis was the last Wakeup Point' Player_WakeNoCheck: '&cNo Wakeup Point Check is currently active' Player_WakeNoPoints: '&cThere are no Wakeup Points!' Player_WakeNotExist: '&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &cdoesn''t exist!' Player_WakeTeleport: 'Teleport to Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&f At position: &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5'