package com.dre.brewery.filedata; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; public class LanguageReader { private Map entries = new TreeMap<>(); private Map defaults = new TreeMap<>(); private File file; private boolean changed; public LanguageReader(File file) { this.setDefaults(); /* Load */ this.file = file; FileConfiguration configFile = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file); Set keySet = configFile.getKeys(false); for (String key : keySet) { entries.put(key, configFile.getString(key)); } /* Check */ this.check(); } private void setDefaults() { /* Player */ defaults.put("Player_BarrelCreated", "Barrel created"); defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo1", "This cauldron has been boiling for &v1 minutes."); defaults.put("Player_CauldronInfo2", "This cauldron has just started boiling."); defaults.put("Player_CantDrink", "You can't drink any more."); defaults.put("Player_DrunkPassOut", "You drank too much and passed out."); defaults.put("Player_LoginDeny", "Your character tries to log in, but is too drunk to find the server. Try again!"); defaults.put("Player_LoginDenyLong", "Your character is really drunk and has passed out. Try again in 10 minutes!"); defaults.put("Player_Wake", "Ohh no! I cannot remember how I got here..."); defaults.put("Player_WakeCreated", "&aWakeup Point with id: &6&v1 &awas created successfully!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeNotExist", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &cdoesn't exist!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeDeleted", "&aThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &awas successfully deleted!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeAlreadyDeleted", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1 &chas already been deleted!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeFilled", "&cThe Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&c at position &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5&c is filled with Blocks!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeNoPoints", "&cThere are no Wakeup Points!"); defaults.put("Player_WakeLast", "&aThis was the last Wakeup Point"); defaults.put("Player_WakeTeleport", "Teleport to Wakeup Point with the id: &6&v1&f At position: &6&v2 &v3, &v4, &v5"); defaults.put("Player_WakeHint1", "To Next Wakeup Point: Punch your fist in the air"); defaults.put("Player_WakeHint2", "To Cancel: &9/br wakeup cancel"); defaults.put("Player_WakeCancel", "&6Wakeup Point Check was cancelled"); defaults.put("Player_WakeNoCheck", "&cNo Wakeup Point Check is currently active"); defaults.put("Player_TriedToSay", "&v1 tried to say: &0&v2"); /* Brew */ defaults.put("Brew_Distilled", "Distilled"); defaults.put("Brew_BarrelRiped", "Barrel aged"); defaults.put("Brew_Undefined", "Indefinable Brew"); defaults.put("Brew_DistillUndefined", "Indefinable Distillate"); defaults.put("Brew_BadPotion", "Ruined Potion"); defaults.put("Brew_Ingredients", "Ingredients"); defaults.put("Brew_minute", "minute"); defaults.put("Brew_MinutePluralPostfix", "s"); defaults.put("Brew_fermented", "fermented"); defaults.put("Brew_-times", "-times"); defaults.put("Brew_OneYear", "One Year"); defaults.put("Brew_Years", "Years"); defaults.put("Brew_HundredsOfYears", "Hundreds of Years"); defaults.put("Brew_Woodtype", "Woodtype"); defaults.put("Brew_ThickBrew", "Muddy Brew"); /* Commands */ defaults.put("CMD_Reload", "&aConfig was successfully reloaded"); defaults.put("CMD_Player", "&a&v1 is now &6&v2% &adrunk, with a quality of &6&v3"); defaults.put("CMD_Player_Error", "&cThe quality has to be between 1 and 10!"); defaults.put("CMD_Info_NotDrunk", "&v1 is not drunk"); defaults.put("CMD_Info_Drunk", "&v1 is &6&v2% &fdrunk, with a quality of &6&v3"); defaults.put("CMD_UnLabel", "&aLabel removed!"); defaults.put("CMD_Persistent", "&aPotion is now Persistent and Static and may now be copied like any other item. You can remove the persistence with the same command."); defaults.put("CMD_PersistRemove", "&cPersistent Brews cannot be removed from the Database. It would render any copies of them useless!"); defaults.put("CMD_UnPersist", "&aPersistence and static Removed. &eEvery Potential copy NOT made with '/brew copy' could become useless now!"); defaults.put("CMD_Copy_Error", "&6&v1 &cPotions did not fit into your inventory"); defaults.put("CMD_CopyNotPersistent", "&eThese copies of this Brew will not be persistent or static!"); defaults.put("CMD_Static", "&aPotion is now static and will not change in barrels or brewing stands."); defaults.put("CMD_NonStatic", "&ePotion is not static anymore and will normally age in barrels."); /* Error */ defaults.put("Error_UnknownCommand", "Unknown Command"); defaults.put("Error_ShowHelp", "Use &6/brew help &fto display the help"); defaults.put("Error_PlayerCommand", "&cThis command can only be executed as a player!"); defaults.put("Error_ItemNotPotion", "&cThe item in your hand could not be identified as a potion!"); defaults.put("Error_NoBrewName", "&cNo Recipe with Name: '&v1&c' found!"); defaults.put("Error_Recipeload", "&cNot all recipes could be restored: More information in the server log!"); defaults.put("Error_ConfigUpdate", "Unknown Brewery config version: v&v1, config was not updated!"); defaults.put("Error_PersistStatic", "&cPersistent potions are always static!"); /* Permissions */ defaults.put("Error_NoPermissions", "&cYou don't have permissions to do this!"); defaults.put("Error_NoBarrelAccess", "&cYou don't have permissions to access this barrel!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create barrels!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoSmallBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create small barrels!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoBigBarrelCreate", "&cYou don't have permissions to create big barrels!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronInsert", "&cYou don't have permissions to put ingredients into cauldrons!"); defaults.put("Perms_NoCauldronFill", "&cYou don't have permissions to fill bottles from this cauldron!"); /* Help */ defaults.put("Help_Help", "&6/brew help &9Shows a specific help-page"); defaults.put("Help_Player", "&6/brew <%Drunkeness> &9 Sets Drunkeness (and Quality) of a Player"); defaults.put("Help_Info", "&6/brew info&9 Displays your current Drunkeness and Quality"); defaults.put("Help_UnLabel", "&6/brew unlabel &9Removes the detailled label of a potion"); defaults.put("Help_Copy", "&6/brew copy &9 Copies the potion in your hand"); defaults.put("Help_Delete", "&6/brew delete &9Deletes the potion in your hand"); defaults.put("Help_InfoOther", "&6/brew info &9 Displays the current Drunkeness and Quality of "); defaults.put("Help_Wakeup", "&6/brew wakeup list &9 Lists all wakeup points"); defaults.put("Help_WakeupList", "&6/brew wakeup list &9 Lists all wakeup points of "); defaults.put("Help_WakeupCheck", "&6/brew wakeup check &9Teleports to all wakeup points"); defaults.put("Help_WakeupCheckSpecific", "&6/brew wakeup check &9Teleports to the wakeup point with "); defaults.put("Help_WakeupAdd", "&6/brew wakeup add &9Adds a wakeup point at your current position"); defaults.put("Help_WakeupRemove", "&6/brew wakeup remove &9Removes the wakeup point with "); defaults.put("Help_Reload", "&6/brew reload &9Reload config"); defaults.put("Help_Persist", "&6/brew persist &9Make Brew persistent -> copyable by any plugin and technique"); defaults.put("Help_Static", "&6/brew static &9Make Brew static -> No further ageing or distilling"); defaults.put("Help_Create", "&6/brew create &9Create a Brew with optional quality (1-10)"); /* Etc. */ defaults.put("Etc_Usage", "Usage:"); defaults.put("Etc_Page", "Page"); defaults.put("Etc_Barrel", "Barrel"); } private void check() { for (String defaultEntry : defaults.keySet()) { if (!entries.containsKey(defaultEntry)) { entries.put(defaultEntry, defaults.get(defaultEntry)); changed = true; } } } @SuppressWarnings("ResultOfMethodCallIgnored") public void save() { if (changed) { /* Copy old File */ File source = new File(file.getPath()); String filePath = file.getPath(); File temp = new File(filePath.substring(0, filePath.length() - 4) + "_old.yml"); if (temp.exists()) temp.delete(); source.renameTo(temp); /* Save */ FileConfiguration configFile = new YamlConfiguration(); for (String key : entries.keySet()) { configFile.set(key, entries.get(key)); } try {; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public String get(String key, String... args) { String entry = entries.get(key); if (entry != null) { int i = 0; for (String arg : args) { if (arg != null) { i++; entry = entry.replace("&v" + i, arg); } } } else { entry = "%placeholder%"; } return entry; } }