2022-07-03 15:53:18 +02:00

523 lines
15 KiB

package com.dre.brewery;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.Base91EncoderStream;
import com.dre.brewery.lore.BrewLore;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BCauldronRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.Ingredient;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.ItemLoader;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.RecipeItem;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.PotionColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents ingredients in Cauldron, Brew
public class BIngredients {
private static int lastId = 0; // Legacy
private int id; // Legacy
private List<Ingredient> ingredients = new ArrayList<>();
private int cookedTime;
* Init a new BIngredients
public BIngredients() {
// = lastId;
* Load from File
public BIngredients(List<Ingredient> ingredients, int cookedTime) {
this.ingredients = ingredients;
this.cookedTime = cookedTime;
// = lastId;
* Load from legacy Brew section
public BIngredients(List<Ingredient> ingredients, int cookedTime, boolean legacy) {
this(ingredients, cookedTime);
if (legacy) { = lastId;
* Force add an ingredient to this.
* <p>Will not check if item is acceptable
* @param ingredient the item to add
public void add(ItemStack ingredient) {
for (Ingredient existing : ingredients) {
if (existing.matches(ingredient)) {
existing.setAmount(existing.getAmount() + 1);
Ingredient ing = RecipeItem.getMatchingRecipeItem(ingredient, true).toIngredient(ingredient);
* Add an ingredient to this with corresponding RecipeItem
* @param ingredient the item to add
* @param rItem the RecipeItem that matches the ingredient
public void add(ItemStack ingredient, RecipeItem rItem) {
Ingredient ingredientItem = rItem.toIngredient(ingredient);
for (Ingredient existing : ingredients) {
if (existing.isSimilar(ingredientItem)) {
existing.setAmount(existing.getAmount() + 1);
* returns an Potion item with cooked ingredients
public ItemStack cook(int state) {
ItemStack potion = new ItemStack(Material.POTION);
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) potion.getItemMeta();
assert potionMeta != null;
// cookedTime is always time in minutes, state may differ with number of ticks
cookedTime = state;
String cookedName = null;
BRecipe cookRecipe = getCookRecipe();
Brew brew;
//int uid = Brew.generateUID();
if (cookRecipe != null) {
// Potion is best with cooking only
int quality = (int) Math.round((getIngredientQuality(cookRecipe) + getCookingQuality(cookRecipe, false)) / 2.0);
int alc = (int) Math.round(cookRecipe.getAlcohol() * ((float) quality / 10.0f));
P.p.debugLog("cooked potion has Quality: " + quality + ", Alc: " + alc);
brew = new Brew(quality, alc, cookRecipe, this);
BrewLore lore = new BrewLore(brew, potionMeta);
lore.addOrReplaceEffects(brew.getEffects(), brew.getQuality());
cookedName = cookRecipe.getName(quality);
cookRecipe.getColor().colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
} else {
// new base potion
brew = new Brew(this);
if (state <= 0) {
cookedName = P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_ThickBrew");
PotionColor.BLUE.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, false);
} else {
BCauldronRecipe cauldronRecipe = getCauldronRecipe();
if (cauldronRecipe != null) {
P.p.debugLog("Found Cauldron Recipe: " + cauldronRecipe.getName());
cookedName = cauldronRecipe.getName();
if (cauldronRecipe.getLore() != null) {
BrewLore lore = new BrewLore(brew, potionMeta);
cauldronRecipe.getColor().colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
if (P.use1_14 && cauldronRecipe.getCmData() != 0) {
if (cookedName == null) {
// if no name could be found
cookedName = P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Undefined");
PotionColor.CYAN.colorBrew(potionMeta, potion, true);
potionMeta.setDisplayName(P.p.color("&f" + cookedName));
//if (!P.use1_14) {
// Before 1.14 the effects duration would strangely be only a quarter of what we tell it to be
// This is due to the Duration Modifier, that is removed in 1.14
// uid *= 4;
// This effect stores the UID in its Duration
//potionMeta.addCustomEffect((PotionEffectType.REGENERATION).createEffect((uid * 4), 0), true);
BrewModifyEvent modifyEvent = new BrewModifyEvent(brew, potionMeta, BrewModifyEvent.Type.FILL);
if (modifyEvent.isCancelled()) {
return null;
return potion;
* returns amount of ingredients
public int getIngredientsCount() {
int count = 0;
for (Ingredient ing : ingredients) {
count += ing.getAmount();
return count;
public List<Ingredient> getIngredientList() {
return ingredients;
public int getCookedTime() {
return cookedTime;
* best recipe for current state of potion, STILL not always returns the correct one...
public BRecipe getBestRecipe(float wood, float time, boolean distilled) {
float quality = 0;
int ingredientQuality;
int cookingQuality;
int woodQuality;
int ageQuality;
BRecipe bestRecipe = null;
for (BRecipe recipe : BRecipe.getAllRecipes()) {
ingredientQuality = getIngredientQuality(recipe);
cookingQuality = getCookingQuality(recipe, distilled);
if (ingredientQuality > -1 && cookingQuality > -1) {
if (recipe.needsToAge() || time > 0.5) {
// needs riping in barrel
ageQuality = getAgeQuality(recipe, time);
woodQuality = getWoodQuality(recipe, wood);
P.p.debugLog("Ingredient Quality: " + ingredientQuality + " Cooking Quality: " + cookingQuality +
" Wood Quality: " + woodQuality + " age Quality: " + ageQuality + " for " + recipe.getName(5));
// is this recipe better than the previous best?
if ((((float) ingredientQuality + cookingQuality + woodQuality + ageQuality) / 4) > quality) {
quality = ((float) ingredientQuality + cookingQuality + woodQuality + ageQuality) / 4;
bestRecipe = recipe;
} else {
P.p.debugLog("Ingredient Quality: " + ingredientQuality + " Cooking Quality: " + cookingQuality + " for " + recipe.getName(5));
// calculate quality without age and barrel
if ((((float) ingredientQuality + cookingQuality) / 2) > quality) {
quality = ((float) ingredientQuality + cookingQuality) / 2;
bestRecipe = recipe;
if (bestRecipe != null) {
P.p.debugLog("best recipe: " + bestRecipe.getName(5) + " has Quality= " + quality);
return bestRecipe;
* returns recipe that is cooking only and matches the ingredients and cooking time
public BRecipe getCookRecipe() {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(0, 0, false);
// Check if best recipe is cooking only
if (bestRecipe != null) {
if (bestRecipe.isCookingOnly()) {
return bestRecipe;
return null;
* Get Cauldron Recipe that matches the contents of the cauldron
public BCauldronRecipe getCauldronRecipe() {
BCauldronRecipe best = null;
float bestMatch = 0;
float match;
for (BCauldronRecipe recipe : BCauldronRecipe.getAllRecipes()) {
match = recipe.getIngredientMatch(ingredients);
if (match >= 10) {
return recipe;
if (match > bestMatch) {
best = recipe;
bestMatch = match;
return best;
* returns the currently best matching recipe for distilling for the ingredients and cooking time
public BRecipe getDistillRecipe(float wood, float time) {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(wood, time, true);
// Check if best recipe needs to be destilled
if (bestRecipe != null) {
if (bestRecipe.needsDistilling()) {
return bestRecipe;
return null;
* returns currently best matching recipe for ingredients, cooking- and ageingtime
public BRecipe getAgeRecipe(float wood, float time, boolean distilled) {
BRecipe bestRecipe = getBestRecipe(wood, time, distilled);
if (bestRecipe != null) {
if (bestRecipe.needsToAge()) {
return bestRecipe;
return null;
* returns the quality of the ingredients conditioning given recipe, -1 if no recipe is near them
public int getIngredientQuality(BRecipe recipe) {
float quality = 10;
int count;
int badStuff = 0;
if (recipe.isMissingIngredients(ingredients)) {
// when ingredients are not complete
return -1;
for (Ingredient ingredient : ingredients) {
int amountInRecipe = recipe.amountOf(ingredient);
count = ingredient.getAmount();
if (amountInRecipe == 0) {
// this ingredient doesnt belong into the recipe
if (count > (getIngredientsCount() / 2)) {
// when more than half of the ingredients dont fit into the
// recipe
return -1;
if (badStuff < ingredients.size()) {
// when there are other ingredients
quality -= count * (recipe.getDifficulty() / 2.0);
} else {
// ingredients dont fit at all
return -1;
// calculate the quality
quality -= ((float) Math.abs(count - amountInRecipe) / recipe.allowedCountDiff(amountInRecipe)) * 10.0;
if (quality >= 0) {
return Math.round(quality);
return -1;
* returns the quality regarding the cooking-time conditioning given Recipe
public int getCookingQuality(BRecipe recipe, boolean distilled) {
if (!recipe.needsDistilling() == distilled) {
return -1;
int quality = 10 - (int) Math.round(((float) Math.abs(cookedTime - recipe.getCookingTime()) / recipe.allowedTimeDiff(recipe.getCookingTime())) * 10.0);
if (quality >= 0) {
if (cookedTime < 1) {
return 0;
return quality;
return -1;
* returns pseudo quality of distilling. 0 if doesnt match the need of the recipes distilling
public int getDistillQuality(BRecipe recipe, byte distillRuns) {
if (recipe.needsDistilling() != distillRuns > 0) {
return 0;
return 10 - Math.abs(recipe.getDistillRuns() - distillRuns);
* returns the quality regarding the barrel wood conditioning given Recipe
public int getWoodQuality(BRecipe recipe, float wood) {
if (recipe.getWood() == 0) {
// type of wood doesnt matter
return 10;
int quality = 10 - Math.round(recipe.getWoodDiff(wood) * recipe.getDifficulty());
return Math.max(quality, 0);
* returns the quality regarding the ageing time conditioning given Recipe
public int getAgeQuality(BRecipe recipe, float time) {
int quality = 10 - Math.round(Math.abs(time - recipe.getAge()) * ((float) recipe.getDifficulty() / 2));
return Math.max(quality, 0);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof BIngredients)) return false;
BIngredients other = ((BIngredients) obj);
return cookedTime == other.cookedTime &&
// Creates a copy ingredients
public BIngredients copy() {
BIngredients copy = new BIngredients();
copy.cookedTime = cookedTime;
return copy;
public String toString() {
return "BIngredients{" +
"cookedTime=" + cookedTime +
", total ingredients: " + getIngredientsCount() + '}';
/*public void testStore(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
public void testLoad(DataInputStream in) throws IOException {
if (in.readInt() != cookedTime) {
P.p.log("cookedtime wrong");
if (in.readUnsignedByte() != ingredients.size()) {
P.p.log("size wrong");
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
if (!in.readUTF().equals(item.getType().name())) {
P.p.log("name wrong");
if (in.readShort() != item.getDurability()) {
P.p.log("dur wrong");
if (in.readShort() != item.getAmount()) {
P.p.log("amount wrong");
public void save(DataOutputStream out) throws IOException {
for (Ingredient ing : ingredients) {
out.writeShort(Math.min(ing.getAmount(), Short.MAX_VALUE));
public static BIngredients load(DataInputStream in, short dataVersion) throws IOException {
int cookedTime = in.readInt();
byte size = in.readByte();
List<Ingredient> ing = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (; size > 0; size--) {
ItemLoader itemLoader = new ItemLoader(dataVersion, in, in.readUTF());
if (!P.p.ingredientLoaders.containsKey(itemLoader.getSaveID())) {
P.p.errorLog("Ingredient Loader not found: " + itemLoader.getSaveID());
Ingredient loaded = P.p.ingredientLoaders.get(itemLoader.getSaveID()).apply(itemLoader);
int amount = in.readShort();
if (loaded != null) {
return new BIngredients(ing, cookedTime);
// saves data into main Ingredient section. Returns the save id
// Only needed for legacy potions
public int saveLegacy(ConfigurationSection config) {
String path = "Ingredients." + id;
if (cookedTime != 0) {
config.set(path + ".cookedTime", cookedTime);
config.set(path + ".mats", serializeIngredients());
return id;
//convert the ingredient Material to String
/*public Map<String, Integer> serializeIngredients() {
Map<String, Integer> mats = new HashMap<>();
for (ItemStack item : ingredients) {
String mat = item.getType().name() + "," + item.getDurability();
mats.put(mat, item.getAmount());
return mats;
// Serialize Ingredients to String for storing in yml, ie for Cauldrons
public String serializeIngredients() {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new Base91EncoderStream(byteStream))) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return "";
return byteStream.toString();