
638 lines
16 KiB

package com.dre.brewery.lore;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BEffect;
import com.dre.brewery.BIngredients;
import com.dre.brewery.recipe.BRecipe;
import com.dre.brewery.Brew;
import com.dre.brewery.P;
import com.dre.brewery.filedata.BConfig;
import com.dre.brewery.utility.BUtil;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Represents the Lore on a Brew under Modification.
* <p>Can efficiently replace certain lines of lore, to update brew information on an item.
public class BrewLore {
private Brew brew;
private PotionMeta meta;
private List<String> lore;
private boolean lineAddedOrRem = false;
public BrewLore(Brew brew, PotionMeta meta) {
this.brew = brew;
this.meta = meta;
if (meta.hasLore()) {
lore = meta.getLore();
} else {
lore = new ArrayList<>();
* Write the new lore into the Meta.
* <p>Should be called at the end of operation on this Brew Lore
public PotionMeta write() {
if (lineAddedOrRem) {
return meta;
* adds or removes an empty line in lore to space out the text a bit
public void updateSpacer() {
boolean hasCustom = false;
boolean hasSpace = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
Type t = Type.get(lore.get(i));
if (t == Type.CUSTOM) {
hasCustom = true;
} else if (t == Type.SPACE) {
hasSpace = true;
} else if (t != null && t.isAfter(Type.SPACE)) {
if (hasSpace) return;
if (hasCustom || P.useNBT) {
// We want to add the spacer if we have Custom Lore, to have a space between custom and brew lore.
// Also add a space if there is no Custom Lore but we don't already have a invisible data line
if (hasSpace) {
// There was a space but nothing after the space
/*private void addSpacer() {
if (!P.useNBT) return;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) != null) {
if (i == 0 || !lore.get(i - 1).equals("")) {
lore.add(i, "");
* Add the list of strings as custom lore for the base potion coming out of the cauldron
public void addCauldronLore(List<String> l) {
int index = -1;
for (String line : l) {
if (index == -1) {
index = addLore(Type.CUSTOM, "", line);
} else {
lore.add(index, + line);
* updates the IngredientLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateIngredientLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe() && !brew.isStripped()) {
int quality = brew.getIngredients().getIngredientQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe());
String prefix = getQualityColor(quality);
char icon = getQualityIcon(quality);
addOrReplaceLore(Type.INGR, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Ingredients"), " " + icon);
} else {
removeLore(Type.INGR, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Ingredients"));
* updates the CookLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateCookLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe() && brew.getDistillRuns() > 0 == brew.getCurrentRecipe().needsDistilling() && !brew.isStripped()) {
BIngredients ingredients = brew.getIngredients();
int quality = ingredients.getCookingQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), brew.getDistillRuns() > 0);
String prefix = getQualityColor(quality) + ingredients.getCookedTime() + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_minute");
if (ingredients.getCookedTime() > 1) {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_MinutePluralPostfix");
addOrReplaceLore(Type.COOK, prefix, " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_fermented"), " " + getQualityIcon(quality));
} else {
removeLore(Type.COOK, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_fermented"));
* updates the DistillLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateDistillLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (brew.getDistillRuns() <= 0) return;
String prefix;
String suffix = "";
byte distillRuns = brew.getDistillRuns();
if (qualityColor && !brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.hasRecipe()) {
int quality = brew.getIngredients().getDistillQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), distillRuns);
prefix = getQualityColor(quality);
suffix = " " + getQualityIcon(quality);
} else {
prefix = "§7";
if (!brew.isUnlabeled()) {
if (distillRuns > 1) {
prefix = prefix + distillRuns + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_-times") + " ";
if (brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.hasRecipe() && distillRuns < brew.getCurrentRecipe().getDistillRuns()) {
addOrReplaceLore(Type.DISTILL, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_LessDistilled"), suffix);
} else {
addOrReplaceLore(Type.DISTILL, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Distilled"), suffix);
* updates the AgeLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateAgeLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (brew.isStripped()) return;
String prefix;
String suffix = "";
float age = brew.getAgeTime();
if (qualityColor && !brew.isUnlabeled() && brew.hasRecipe()) {
int quality = brew.getIngredients().getAgeQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), age);
prefix = getQualityColor(quality);
suffix = " " + getQualityIcon(quality);
} else {
prefix = "§7";
if (!brew.isUnlabeled()) {
if (age >= 1 && age < 2) {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_OneYear") + " ";
} else if (age < 201) {
prefix = prefix + (int) Math.floor(age) + " " + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Years") + " ";
} else {
prefix = prefix + P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_HundredsOfYears") + " ";
addOrReplaceLore(Type.AGE, prefix, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_BarrelRiped"), suffix);
* updates the WoodLore
* @param qualityColor If the lore should have colors according to quality
public void updateWoodLore(boolean qualityColor) {
if (qualityColor && brew.hasRecipe() && !brew.isUnlabeled()) {
int quality = brew.getIngredients().getWoodQuality(brew.getCurrentRecipe(), brew.getWood());
addOrReplaceLore(Type.WOOD, getQualityColor(quality), P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype"), " " + getQualityIcon(quality));
} else {
removeLore(Type.WOOD, P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Woodtype"));
* updates the Custom Lore
public void updateCustomLore() {
BRecipe recipe = brew.getCurrentRecipe();
if (recipe != null && recipe.hasLore()) {
int index = -1;
for (String line : recipe.getLoreForQuality(brew.getQuality())) {
if (index == -1) {
index = addLore(Type.CUSTOM, "", line);
} else {
lore.add(index, + line);
public void updateQualityStars(boolean qualityColor) {
updateQualityStars(qualityColor, false);
public void updateQualityStars(boolean qualityColor, boolean withBars) {
if (brew.isStripped()) return;
if (brew.hasRecipe() && brew.getCurrentRecipe().needsToAge() && brew.getAgeTime() < 0.5) {
int quality = brew.getQuality();
if (quality > 0 && (qualityColor || BConfig.alwaysShowQuality)) {
int stars = quality / 2;
boolean half = quality % 2 > 0;
int noStars = 5 - stars - (half ? 1 : 0);
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(24);
String color;
if (qualityColor) {
color = getQualityColor(quality);
} else {
color = "§7";
if (withBars) {
color = "§8[" + color;
for (; stars > 0; stars--) {
if (half) {
if (!qualityColor) {
if (withBars) {
if (noStars > 0) {
for (; noStars > 0; noStars--) {
addOrReplaceLore(Type.STARS, color, b.toString());
} else {
public void updateAlc(boolean inDistiller) {
if (!brew.isUnlabeled() && (inDistiller || BConfig.alwaysShowAlc) && (!brew.hasRecipe() || brew.getCurrentRecipe().getAlcohol() != 0)) {
int alc = brew.getOrCalcAlc();
addOrReplaceLore(Type.ALC, "§8", P.p.languageReader.get("Brew_Alc", alc + ""));
} else {
* Converts to/from qualitycolored Lore
public void convertLore(boolean toQuality) {
if (!brew.hasRecipe()) {
if (toQuality && brew.isUnlabeled()) {
// Ingredients
// Cooking
// Distilling
// Ageing
if (brew.getAgeTime() >= 1) {
// WoodType
if (brew.getAgeTime() > 0.5) {
* Adds or replaces a line of Lore.
* <p>Searches for type and if not found for Substring lore and replaces it
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to replace
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or replace
public int addOrReplaceLore(Type type, String prefix, String line) {
return addOrReplaceLore(type, prefix, line, "");
* Adds or replaces a line of Lore.
* <p>Searches for type and if not found for Substring lore and replaces it
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to replace
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or replace
* @param suffix The Suffix to add to the line of lore
public int addOrReplaceLore(Type type, String prefix, String line, String suffix) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index > -1) {
lore.set(index, + prefix + line + suffix);
return index;
// Could not find Lore by type, find and replace by substring
index = BUtil.indexOfSubstring(lore, line);
if (index > -1) {
return addLore(type, prefix, line, suffix);
* Adds a line of Lore in the correct ordering
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to add
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or add
public int addLore(Type type, String prefix, String line) {
return addLore(type, prefix, line, "");
* Adds a line of Lore in the correct ordering
* @param type The Type of BrewLore to add
* @param prefix The Prefix to add to the line of lore
* @param line The Line of Lore to add or add
* @param suffix The Suffix to add to the line of lore
public int addLore(Type type, String prefix, String line, String suffix) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
for (int i = 0; i < lore.size(); i++) {
Type existing = Type.get(lore.get(i));
if (existing != null && existing.isAfter(type)) {
lore.add(i, + prefix + line + suffix);
return i;
lore.add( + prefix + line + suffix);
return lore.size() - 1;
* Searches for type and if not found for Substring lore and removes it
public void removeLore(Type type, String line) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index == -1) {
index = BUtil.indexOfSubstring(lore, line);
if (index > -1) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Searches for type and removes it
public void removeLore(Type type) {
if (type != Type.CUSTOM) {
int index = type.findInLore(lore);
if (index > -1) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
} else {
// Lore could have multiple lines of this type
for (int i = lore.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) == type) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Removes all Brew Lore lines
public void removeAll() {
for (int i = lore.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Type.get(lore.get(i)) != null) {
lineAddedOrRem = true;
* Adds the Effect names to the Items description
public void addOrReplaceEffects(List<BEffect> effects, int quality) {
if (!P.use1_9 && effects != null) {
for (BEffect effect : effects) {
if (!effect.isHidden()) {
effect.writeInto(meta, quality);
* If the Lore Line at index is a Brew Lore line
* @param index the index in lore to check
* @return true if the line at index is of any Brew Lore type
public boolean isBrewLore(int index) {
return index < lore.size() && Type.get(lore.get(index)) != null;
* Removes all effects
public void removeEffects() {
if (meta.hasCustomEffects()) {
for (PotionEffect effect : new ArrayList<>(meta.getCustomEffects())) {
PotionEffectType type = effect.getType();
//if (!type.equals(PotionEffectType.REGENERATION)) {
* Remove the Old Spacer from the legacy potion data system
public void removeLegacySpacing() {
if (P.useNBT) {
// Using NBT we don't get the invisible line, so we keep our spacing
if (lore.size() > 0 && lore.get(0).equals("")) {
* Remove any Brew Data from Lore
public void removeLoreData() {
int index = BUtil.indexOfStart(lore, LoreSaveStream.IDENTIFIER);
if (index != -1) {
lore.set(index, "");
* True if the PotionMeta has Lore in quality color
public static boolean hasColorLore(PotionMeta meta) {
if (!meta.hasLore()) return false;
List<String> lore = meta.getLore();
if (lore.size() < 2) {
return false;
if (Type.INGR.findInLore(lore) != -1) {
// Ingredient lore present, must be quality colored
return true;
return false;
* gets the Color that represents a quality in Lore
* @param quality The Quality for which to find the color code
* @return Color Code for given Quality
public static String getQualityColor(int quality) {
String color;
if (quality > 8) {
color = "&a";
} else if (quality > 6) {
color = "&e";
} else if (quality > 4) {
color = "&6";
} else if (quality > 2) {
color = "&c";
} else {
color = "&4";
return P.p.color(color);
* Gets the icon representing a quality for use in lore
* @param quality The quality used for the icon
* @return The icon for the given quality
public static char getQualityIcon(int quality) {
char icon;
if (quality > 8) {
icon = '\u2605';
} else if (quality > 6) {
icon = '\u2BEA';
} else if (quality > 4) {
icon = '\u2606';
} else if (quality > 2) {
icon = '\u2718';
} else {
icon = '\u2620';
return icon;
* Type of Lore Line
public enum Type {
public final String id;
* @param id Identifier as Prefix of the Loreline
Type(String id) { = id;
* Find this type in the Lore
* @param lore The lore to search in
* @return index of this type in the lore, -1 if not found
public int findInLore(List<String> lore) {
return BUtil.indexOfStart(lore, id);
* Is this type after the other in lore
* @param other the other type
* @return true if this type should be after the other type in lore
public boolean isAfter(Type other) {
return other.ordinal() <= ordinal();
* Get the Type of the given line of Lore
public static Type get(String loreLine) {
if (loreLine.length() >= 2) {
return getById(loreLine.substring(0, 2));
} else {
return null;
* Get the Type of the given Identifier, prefix of a line of lore
public static Type getById(String id) {
for (Type t : values()) {
if ( {
return t;
return null;