package world.bentobox.caveblock; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.WorldCreator; import org.bukkit.WorldType; import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.admin.DefaultAdminCommand; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.commands.island.DefaultPlayerCommand; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.Config; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.WorldSettings; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.flags.Flag; import world.bentobox.caveblock.commands.IslandAboutCommand; import world.bentobox.caveblock.generators.ChunkGeneratorWorld; import world.bentobox.caveblock.listeners.CustomHeightLimitations; public class CaveBlock extends GameModeAddon { /** * Executes code when loading the addon. This is called before {@link #onEnable()}. This should preferably * be used to set up configuration and worlds. */ @Override public void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); this.saveDefaultConfig(); this.loadSettings(); this.chunkNormalGenerator = new ChunkGeneratorWorld(this, World.Environment.NORMAL); this.chunkNetherGenerator = new ChunkGeneratorWorld(this, World.Environment.NETHER); this.chunkEndGenerator = new ChunkGeneratorWorld(this, World.Environment.THE_END); // Player Command this.playerCommand = new DefaultPlayerCommand(this) { @Override public void setup() { super.setup(); new IslandAboutCommand(this); } }; // Admin command. this.adminCommand = new DefaultAdminCommand(this) {}; } /** * Executes code when enabling the addon. This is called after {@link #onLoad()}. */ @Override public void onEnable() { // Register flags CaveBlock.SKY_WALKER_FLAG.addGameModeAddon(this); this.getPlugin().getFlagsManager().registerFlag(CaveBlock.SKY_WALKER_FLAG); // Register listener this.registerListener(new CustomHeightLimitations(this)); } /** * Executes code when reloading the addon. */ @Override public void onReload() { super.onReload(); this.loadSettings(); } /** * Executes code when disabling the addon. */ @Override public void onDisable() { // Do nothing } /** * This method loads CaveBlock settings */ private void loadSettings() { this.settings = settingsConfig.loadConfigObject(); if (this.settings == null) { // Disable this.logError("CaveBlock settings could not load! Addon disabled."); this.setState(State.DISABLED); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.Addon#allLoaded() */ @Override public void allLoaded() { // Reload settings and save them. This will occur after all addons have loaded this.loadSettings(); this.saveWorldSettings(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: World generators // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Make the worlds for this GameMode in this method. BentoBox will call it after onLoad() and before * onEnable(). {@code islandWorld} must be created and assigned, {@code netherWorld} and {@code * endWorld} are optional and may be null. */ @Override public void createWorlds() { String worldName = this.settings.getWorldName().toLowerCase(); if (this.getServer().getWorld(worldName) == null) { this.getLogger().info("Creating CaveBlock world ..."); } // Create the world if it does not exist this.islandWorld = environment(World.Environment.NORMAL). generator(this.chunkNormalGenerator). createWorld(); // Set spawn rates setSpawnRates(islandWorld); // Make the nether if it does not exist if (this.settings.isNetherGenerate()) { if (this.getServer().getWorld(worldName + NETHER) == null) { this.log("Creating CaveBlock's Nether..."); } if (!this.settings.isNetherIslands()) { this.netherWorld = + NETHER). type(WorldType.NORMAL). environment(World.Environment.NETHER). createWorld(); } else { this.netherWorld = + NETHER). type(WorldType.FLAT). generator(this.chunkNetherGenerator). environment(World.Environment.NETHER). createWorld(); } setSpawnRates(netherWorld); } // Make the end if it does not exist if (this.settings.isEndGenerate()) { if (this.getServer().getWorld(worldName + THE_END) == null) { this.log("Creating CaveBlock's End World..."); } if (!this.settings.isEndIslands()) { this.endWorld = + THE_END). type(WorldType.NORMAL). environment(World.Environment.THE_END). createWorld(); } else { this.endWorld = + THE_END). type(WorldType.FLAT). generator(this.chunkEndGenerator). environment(World.Environment.THE_END). createWorld(); } setSpawnRates(endWorld); } } private void setSpawnRates(World w) { if (w != null) { if (getSettings().getSpawnLimitMonsters() > 0) { w.setMonsterSpawnLimit(getSettings().getSpawnLimitMonsters()); } if (getSettings().getSpawnLimitAmbient() > 0) { w.setAmbientSpawnLimit(getSettings().getSpawnLimitAmbient()); } if (getSettings().getSpawnLimitAnimals() > 0) { w.setAnimalSpawnLimit(getSettings().getSpawnLimitAnimals()); } if (getSettings().getSpawnLimitWaterAnimals() > 0) { w.setWaterAnimalSpawnLimit(getSettings().getSpawnLimitWaterAnimals()); } if (getSettings().getTicksPerAnimalSpawns() > 0) { w.setTicksPerAnimalSpawns(getSettings().getTicksPerAnimalSpawns()); } if (getSettings().getTicksPerMonsterSpawns() > 0) { w.setTicksPerMonsterSpawns(getSettings().getTicksPerMonsterSpawns()); } } } /** * Defines the world generator for this game mode * * @param worldName - name of world that this applies to * @param id - id if any * @return Chunk generator * @since 1.2.0 */ @Override public @NonNull ChunkGenerator getDefaultWorldGenerator(String worldName, String id) { if (worldName.endsWith("_nether")) { return this.chunkNetherGenerator; } else if (worldName.endsWith("_the_end")) { return this.chunkEndGenerator; } else { return this.chunkNormalGenerator; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Getters // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return WorldSettings for this GameMode */ @Override public WorldSettings getWorldSettings() { return this.settings; } /** * @return Settings for this GameMode */ public Settings getSettings() { return this.settings; } @Override public void saveWorldSettings() { if (this.settings != null) { settingsConfig.saveConfigObject(this.settings); } } /** * This addon uses the new chunk generation API for the sea bottom */ @Override public boolean isUsesNewChunkGeneration() { return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Config object */ private final Config settingsConfig = new Config<>(this, Settings.class); /** * This stores CaveBlock addon settings. */ private Settings settings; /** * This stores CaveBlock addon WorldGenerator for overworld. */ private ChunkGeneratorWorld chunkNormalGenerator; /** * This stores CaveBlock addon WorldGenerator for the nether. */ private ChunkGeneratorWorld chunkNetherGenerator; /** * This stores CaveBlock addon WorldGenerator for the end. */ private ChunkGeneratorWorld chunkEndGenerator; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Constants // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This flag allows enables and disables to walk on top of the world without a * permission. When enabled, players will be able to reach other player islands through * top of the world. */ public final static Flag SKY_WALKER_FLAG = new Flag.Builder("SKY_WALKER_FLAG", Material.FEATHER). type(Flag.Type.WORLD_SETTING). defaultSetting(false). build(); /** * String for nether world. */ private static final String NETHER = "_nether"; /** * String for the end world. */ private static final String THE_END = "_the_end"; }