package world.bentobox.caveblock.generators.populators; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator; import org.bukkit.generator.LimitedRegion; import org.bukkit.generator.WorldInfo; import world.bentobox.caveblock.Utils; import world.bentobox.caveblock.generators.Ore; /** * @author tastybento */ public class NewMaterialPopulator extends BlockPopulator { private static final int BLOB_SIZE = 1; private static final Map> ORES; static { Map> ores = new EnumMap<>(World.Environment.class); // Source List worldOres = new ArrayList<>(); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_DIAMOND_ORE, 1, 10, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 16, Material.DIAMOND_ORE, 1, 10, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_LAPIS_ORE, 1, 7, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 64, Material.LAPIS_ORE, 1, 7, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_GOLD_ORE, 2, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 30, Material.GOLD_ORE, 2, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 16, Material.TUFF, 2, 33, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE, 8, 8, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 16, Material.REDSTONE_ORE, 8, 8, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 16, Material.GRAVEL, 8, 33, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 79, Material.GRANITE, 5, 33, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 79, Material.ANDESITE, 5, 33, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 79, Material.DIORITE, 5, 33, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(32, 320, Material.EMERALD_ORE, 11, 1, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(95, 136, Material.COAL_ORE, 20, 17, false)); worldOres.add(new Ore(0, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_COPPER_ORE, 20, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 96, Material.COPPER_ORE, 20, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 7, Material.DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE, 20, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(7, 320, Material.IRON_ORE, 20, 9, true)); worldOres.add(new Ore(-64, 320, Material.CAVE_AIR, 8, 33, false)); ores.put(World.Environment.NORMAL, worldOres); List netherOres = new ArrayList<>(); netherOres.add(new Ore(1, 22, Material.ANCIENT_DEBRIS, 1, 5, true)); netherOres.add(new Ore(-64, 30, Material.NETHER_GOLD_ORE, 2, 9, true)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 16, Material.GRAVEL, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.BASALT, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.BLACKSTONE, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.FIRE, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(200, 320, Material.GLOWSTONE, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(-64, 320, Material.CAVE_AIR, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(-64, 320, Material.LAVA, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 16, Material.MAGMA_BLOCK, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.CRIMSON_FUNGUS, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.WARPED_FUNGUS, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.CRIMSON_NYLIUM, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.WARPED_NYLIUM, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.SHROOMLIGHT, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.CRIMSON_STEM, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 320, Material.WARPED_STEM, 8, 33, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(-64, 34, Material.SOUL_SOIL, 20, 17, false)); netherOres.add(new Ore(0, 96, Material.NETHER_QUARTZ_ORE, 20, 9, true)); netherOres.add(new Ore(-64, 320, Material.BONE_BLOCK, 20, 9, true)); ores.put(World.Environment.NETHER, netherOres); List endOres = new ArrayList<>(); endOres.add(new Ore(32, 320, Material.PURPUR_BLOCK, 11, 1, true)); endOres.add(new Ore(95, 136, Material.OBSIDIAN, 20, 17, false)); endOres.add(new Ore(-64, 320, Material.CAVE_AIR, 8, 33, false)); ores.put(World.Environment.THE_END, endOres); ORES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(ores); } private final int worldDepth; /** * @param worldDepth - Depth. If depth is set smaller than the world height, * then the area above will be empty. Should not be less than * cave height. */ public NewMaterialPopulator(int worldDepth) { this.worldDepth = worldDepth; } @Override public void populate(WorldInfo worldInfo, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, LimitedRegion limitedRegion) { final int worldHeight = Math.min(worldInfo.getMaxHeight(), this.worldDepth); for (int y = worldInfo.getMinHeight() + 1; y < worldHeight - 1; y++) { for (Ore o : ORES.get(worldInfo.getEnvironment())) { if (y > o.minY() && y < o.maxY() && random.nextInt(100) <= o.chance()) { pasteBlob(worldInfo, random, chunkX, chunkZ, limitedRegion, y, o); if (o.cont()) { break; } } } } } private void pasteBlob(WorldInfo worldInfo, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, LimitedRegion limitedRegion, int y, Ore o) { int offset = random.nextInt(16); for (int x = Math.max(0, offset - BLOB_SIZE); x < Math.min(16, offset + BLOB_SIZE); x++) { for (int z = Math.max(0, offset - BLOB_SIZE); z < Math.min(16, offset + BLOB_SIZE); z++) { for (int yy = Math.max(worldInfo.getMinHeight() + 1, y - BLOB_SIZE); yy < Math .min(worldInfo.getMaxHeight() - 1, y + BLOB_SIZE); yy++) { Location location = Utils.getLocationFromChunkLocation(x, yy, z, chunkX, chunkZ); if (!limitedRegion.isInRegion(location)) { continue; } if (limitedRegion.getType(location).isSolid() && random.nextBoolean()) { limitedRegion.setType(location, o.material()); } } } } } }