########################################################################################### # This is a YML file. Be careful when editing. Check your edits in a YAML checker like # # the one at http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com # ########################################################################################### caveblock: sign: line0: "&cCaveBlock" line1: "Welcome!" line2: "[name]" line3: "Start digging! &c<3" informational: to-nether: "So unlucky to fall into nether." to-the-end: "You have reached the end." to-normal: "Back to your cave." # Override BentoBox default command strings # General strings general: errors: no-island: "&cYou do not have a cave!" player-has-island: "&cPlayer already has a cave!" player-has-no-island: "&cThat player has no cave!" already-have-island: "&cYou already have a cave!" no-safe-location-found: "&cCould not find a safe spot to teleport you to on the cave." not-owner: "&cYou are not the owner of your cave!" cave-limit-reached: "&c You have reached the top of your cave. You cannot get higher!" commands: # Parameters in <> are required, parameters in [] are optional admin: team: add: name-has-island: "&c[name] has a cave. Unregister or delete them first!" success: "&b[name]&a has been added to &b[owner]&a's cave." kick: success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from &b[owner]&a's cave." setowner: description: "transfers cave ownership to the player" already-owner: "&c[name] is already the owner of this cave!" success: "&b[name]&a is now the owner of this cave." range: description: "Admin cave range command" display: description: "show/hide cave range indicators" hint: |- &cRed Barrier icons &fshow the current cave protected range limit. &7Gray Particles &fshow the max cave limit. &aGreen Particles &fshow the default protected range if the cave protection range differs from it. set: description: "sets the cave protected range" success: "&aSet cave protection range to &b[number]&a." reset: description: "resets the cave protected range to the world default" success: "&aReset cave protection range to &b[number]&a." register: description: "register player to unowned cave you are on" registered-island: "&aRegistered player to cave at [xyz]." already-owned: "&cCave is already owned by another player!" no-island-here: "&cThere is no cave here. Confirm to make one." in-deletion: "&cThis cave space is currently being deleted. Try later." cannot-make-island: "&c A cave cannot be placed here, sorry. See console for possible errors." unregister: description: "unregister owner from cave, but keep cave blocks" unregistered-island: "&aUnregistered player from cave at [xyz]." info: description: "get info on where you are or player's cave" no-island: "&cYou are not in a cave right now..." title: "========== Cave Info ============" islands-in-trash: "&dPlayer has caves in trash." is-spawn: "Island is a spawn cave" switchto: description: "switch player's cave to the numbered one in trash" out-of-range: "&cNumber must be between 1 and [number]. Use &l[label] trash [player] &r&cto see cave numbers" trash: no-unowned-in-trash: "&cNo unowned caves in trash" no-islands-in-trash: "&cPlayer has no caves in trash" description: "show unowned caves or player's caves in trash" title: "&d=========== Caves in Trash ===========" count: "&l&dCave [number]:" use-switch: "&aUse &l[label] switchto &r&a to switch player to cave in trash" emptytrash: description: "Clear trash for player, or all unowned caves in trash" setrange: description: "set the range of player's cave" range-updated: "Cave range updated to [number]" tp: description: "teleport to a player's cave" getrank: description: "get a player's rank on their cave" rank-is: "&aRank is [rank] on their cave." setrank: description: "set a player's rank on their cave" setspawn: description: "set a cave as spawn for this world" already-spawn: "&cThis cave is already a spawn!" no-island-here: "&cThere is no cave here." confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to set this cave as the spawn for this world?" resetflags: description: "Reset all caves to default flag settings in config.yml" delete: description: "deletes a player's cave" cannot-delete-owner: "&cAll cave members have to be kicked from the cave before deleting it." deleted-island: "&aIsland at &e[xyz] &ahas been successfully deleted." island: go: description: "teleport you to your cave" teleport: "&aTeleporting you to your cave." help: description: "The main cave command" create: description: "create a cave, using optional blueprint (requires permission)" too-many-islands: "&cThere are too many caves in this world: there isn't enough room for yours to be created." unable-create-island: "&cYour cave could not be generated, please contact an administrator." creating-island: "&aCreating your cave, please wait a moment..." pick: "&aPick a cave" info: description: "display info about your cave or the player's cave" near: description: "show the name of neighboring caves around you" the-following-islands: "&aThe following caves are nearby:" no-neighbors: "&cYou have no immediate neighboring caves!" reset: description: "restart your cave and remove the old one" must-remove-members: "&cYou must remove all members from your cave before you can restart it (/island team kick )." sethome: must-be-on-your-island: "&cYou must be on your cave to set home!" home-set: "&6Your cave home has been set to your current location." setname: description: "set a name for your cave" resetname: description: "reset your cave name" team: coop: description: "make a player coop rank on your cave" uncoop: you-are-no-longer-a-coop-member: "&cYou are no longer a coop member of [name]'s cave" all-members-logged-off: "&cAll cave members logged off so you are no longer a coop member of [name]'s cave" trust: description: "give a player trusted rank on your cave" invite: description: "invite a player to join your cave" name-has-invited-you: "&a[name] has invited you to join their cave." you-will-lose-your-island: "&cWARNING! You will lose your cave if you accept!" errors: island-is-full: "&cYour cave is full, you can't invite anyone else." accept: you-joined-island: "&aYou joined a cave! Use /[label] team info to see the other members." name-joined-your-island: "&a[name] joined your cave!" confirmation: |- &cAre you sure you want to accept this invite? &c&lYou will &nLOSE&r &c&lyour current cave! reject: you-rejected-invite: "&aYou rejected the invitation to join a cave." name-rejected-your-invite: "&c[name] rejected your cave invite!" cancel: description: "cancel the pending invite to join your cave" leave: description: "leave your cave" left-your-island: "&c[name] &cleft your cave" kick: description: "remove a member from your cave" owner-kicked: "&cThe owner kicked you from the cave!" success: "&b[name] &ahas been kicked from your cave." demote: description: "demote a player on your cave down a rank" promote: description: "promote a player on your cave up a rank" setowner: description: "transfer your cave ownership to a member" errors: target-is-not-member: "&cThat player is not part of your cave team!" name-is-the-owner: "&a[name] is now the cave owner!" you-are-the-owner: "&aYou are now the cave owner!" ban: description: "ban a player from your cave" cannot-ban-more-players: "&cYou reached the ban limit, you cannot ban any more players from your cave." player-banned: "&b[name]&c is now banned from your cave." owner-banned-you: "&b[name]&c banned you from their cave!" you-are-banned: "&bYou are banned from this cave!" unban: description: "unban a player from your cave" player-unbanned: "&b[name]&a is now unbanned from your cave." you-are-unbanned: "&b[name]&a unbanned you from their cave!" banlist: noone: "&aNo one is banned on this cave." settings: description: "display cave settings" expel: description: "expel a player from your cave" not-on-island: "&cThat player is not on your cave!" player-expelled-you: "&b[name]&c expelled you from the cave!" ranks: owner: "Dwarf King" sub-owner: "Dwarf Knight" member: "Dwarf" trusted: "Trusted" coop: "Coop" visitor: "Human" banned: "Orc" protection: flags: ENDERMAN_GRIEFING: description: |- &aEndermen can remove &ablocks from caves name: "Enderman griefing" ENTER_EXIT_MESSAGES: island: "[name]'s cave" GEO_LIMIT_MOBS: description: |- &aRemove mobs that go &aoutside protected &acave space name: "&eLimit mobs to cave" ISLAND_RESPAWN: description: |- &aPlayers respawn &ain their cave name: "Cave respawn" LIQUIDS_FLOWING_OUT: name: "Liquids flowing outside caves" description: |- &aToggle whether liquids can flow outside &aof the cave's protection range. LOCK: description: "Toggle lock" name: "Lock cave" NATURAL_SPAWNING_OUTSIDE_RANGE: name: "Natural creature spawning outside range" description: |- &aToggle whether creatures (animals and &amonsters) can spawn naturally outside &aa cave's protection range. &cNote that it doesn't prevent creatures &cto spawn via a mob spawner or a spawn &cegg. OFFLINE_GROWTH: description: |- &aWhen disabled, plants &awill not grow in caves &awhen all members are offline. &aMay help reduce lag. name: "Offline Growth" OFFLINE_REDSTONE: description: |- &aWhen disabled, redstone &awill not operate in caves &awhere all members are offline. &aMay help reduce lag. name: "Offline Redstone" PISTON_PUSH: description: |- &aAllow pistons to push &ablocks outside cave name: "Piston Push" REMOVE_MOBS: description: |- &aRemove monsters when &ateleporting to cave name: "Remove monsters" TREES_GROWING_OUTSIDE_RANGE: name: "Trees growing outside range" description: |- &aToggle whether trees can grow outside an &acave's protection range or not. PREVENT_TELEPORT_WHEN_FALLING: name: "Prevent teleport when falling" description: |- &aPrevent players from teleporting &aback to their cave using commands &aif they are falling. hint: "&cYou cannot teleport back to your cave while you are falling." locked: "&cThis cave is locked!" protected: "&cCave protected: [description]" spawn-protected: "&cSpawn protected: [description]" panel: PROTECTION: description: |- &aProtection settings &afor this cave SETTING: description: |- &aGeneral settings &afor this cave protection: flags: SKY_WALKER_FLAG: description: "&5&oEnable/disable\n&5&o the ability to walk on\n&5&o the top of the cave world\n&5&o without extra permissions." name: "Sky Walker" hint: "Allows to walk on the cave roof."