
183 lines
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package world.bentobox.caveblock.generators.populators;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World.Environment;
import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator;
import org.bukkit.generator.LimitedRegion;
import org.bukkit.generator.WorldInfo;
import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Pair;
import world.bentobox.caveblock.CaveBlock;
import world.bentobox.caveblock.Utils;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
* This class allows filling given chunk with necessary blocks.
public class MaterialPopulator extends BlockPopulator {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Variables
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* CaveBlock addon.
private final CaveBlock addon;
* Map that contains chances for spawning per environment.
private Map<Environment, Chances> chances;
* World height
private int worldHeight;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is default constructor
* @param addon CaveBlock addon.
public MaterialPopulator(CaveBlock addon) {
this.addon = addon;
// Load settings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Loads chances for Material Populator
private void loadSettings() {
// Set up chances
chances = new EnumMap<>(Environment.class);
// Normal
chances.put(Environment.NORMAL, new Chances(this.getMaterialMap(addon.getSettings().getNormalBlocks()), addon.getSettings().getNormalMainBlock()));
// Nether
chances.put(Environment.NETHER, new Chances(this.getMaterialMap(addon.getSettings().getNetherBlocks()), addon.getSettings().getNetherMainBlock()));
// End
chances.put(Environment.THE_END, new Chances(this.getMaterialMap(addon.getSettings().getEndBlocks()), addon.getSettings().getEndMainBlock()));
// Other settings
worldHeight = addon.getSettings().getWorldDepth();
* This method populates chunk with blocks.
* @param worldInfo World where population must be.
* @param random Randomness
* @param chunkX X coordinate of chunk
* @param chunkZ Z coordinate of chunk
* @param limitedRegion Region were populator operates.
public void populate(WorldInfo worldInfo, Random random, int chunkX, int chunkZ, LimitedRegion limitedRegion) {
int minHeight = worldInfo.getMinHeight();
int height = Math.min(worldInfo.getMaxHeight(), worldHeight) - 1;
Chances envChances = this.chances.get(worldInfo.getEnvironment());
for (Map.Entry<Material, Pair<Double, Integer>> entry : envChances.materialChanceMap.entrySet()) {
for (int subY = minHeight + 1; subY < height; subY += 16) {
if (random.nextDouble() * 100 >= entry.getValue().x) {
// Blocks must be 1 away from edge to avoid adjacent chunk loading
Location location = Utils.getLocationFromChunkLocation(
random.nextInt(13) + 1,
Math.min(height - 2, subY + random.nextInt(15)),
random.nextInt(13) + 1,
chunkX, chunkZ);
if (!limitedRegion.isInRegion(location)) {
Material material = limitedRegion.getType(location);
if (!material.equals(envChances.mainMaterial)) {
int packSize = random.nextInt(entry.getValue().z);
boolean continuePlacing = true;
while (continuePlacing) {
if (!material.equals(entry.getKey())) {
limitedRegion.setType(location, entry.getKey());
switch (random.nextInt(6)) {
case 0 -> location.setX(location.getX() + 1);
case 1 -> location.setY(location.getY() + 1);
case 2 -> location.setZ(location.getZ() + 1);
case 3 -> location.setX(location.getX() - 1);
case 4 -> location.setY(location.getY() - 1);
case 5 -> location.setZ(location.getZ() - 1);
default -> {
continuePlacing = false;
continuePlacing = packSize > 0 && limitedRegion.isInRegion(location) && location.getY() > minHeight;
if (continuePlacing) {
material = limitedRegion.getType(location);
continuePlacing = material.equals(envChances.mainMaterial) || material.equals(entry.getKey());
* This method returns material frequently and pack size map.
* @param objectList List with objects that contains data.
* @return Map that contains material, its rarity and pack size.
private Map<Material, Pair<Double, Integer>> getMaterialMap(List<String> objectList) {
Map<Material, Pair<Double, Integer>> materialMap = new EnumMap<>(Material.class);
// wrong material object.
filter(object -> object.startsWith("MATERIAL")).
map(object -> object.split(":")).
filter(splitString -> splitString.length == 4).
forEach(splitString -> {
Material material = Material.getMaterial(splitString[1]);
// Material must be a block otherwise the chunk cannot be populated
if (material != null && material.isBlock()) {
new Pair<>(Double.parseDouble(splitString[2]), Integer.parseInt(splitString[3])));
} else {
addon.logError("Could not parse MATERIAL in config.yml: " + splitString[1] + " is not a valid block.");
return materialMap;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Section: Private Classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Chances class to store chances for environments and main material
* @param materialChanceMap - contains chances for each material.
* @param mainMaterial - material on which material can replace.
private record Chances(Map<Material, Pair<Double, Integer>> materialChanceMap, Material mainMaterial) {