package world.bentobox.challenges.panel.user; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.Panel; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.GuiUtils; /** * This GUI will pop out when user uses right click on challenge. It is meant to choose * how many times player will complete challenges. */ public class MultipleGUI { /** * Default constructor. * @param user User who opens gui. * @param lineLength Length of lore message. * @param action Action that will be performed on value clicking. */ public MultipleGUI(User user, int lineLength, Consumer action) { this.user = user; this.lineLength = lineLength; this.action = action;; } /** * This method builds panel that allows to change given number value. */ private void build() { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(). user(this.user). type(Panel.Type.HOPPER). name(this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.title.multiple-complete")); panelBuilder.item(2, this.getButton(Button.VALUE)); // Reduce panelBuilder.item(0, this.getButton(Button.REDUCE_LOT)); panelBuilder.item(1, this.getButton(Button.REDUCE)); // Increase panelBuilder.item(3, this.getButton(Button.INCREASE)); panelBuilder.item(4, this.getButton(Button.INCREASE_LOT));; } /** * This method creates PanelItem with required functionality. * @param button Functionality requirement. * @return PanelItem with functionality. */ private PanelItem getButton(Button button) { ItemStack icon; String name; String description; PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler; boolean glow; switch (button) { case VALUE: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.value"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.current-value", "[value]", Integer.toString(this.value)); icon = new ItemStack(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.action.accept(this.value); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case INCREASE: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.increase"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.increase-by", "[value]", "1"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.value++; // Necessary just to update second item panel.getInventory().setItem(2, this.getButton(Button.VALUE).getItem()); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case INCREASE_LOT: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.increase"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.increase-by", "[value]", "5"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.value += 5; // Necessary just to update second item panel.getInventory().setItem(2, this.getButton(Button.VALUE).getItem()); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case REDUCE: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.reduce"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.reduce-by", "[value]", "1"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.ORANGE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.value--; if (this.value < 1) { this.value = 1; } // Necessary just to update second item panel.getInventory().setItem(2, this.getButton(Button.VALUE).getItem()); return true; }; glow = false; break; } case REDUCE_LOT: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.reduce"); description = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.descriptions.reduce-by", "[value]", "5"); icon = new ItemStack(Material.RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { this.value -= 5; if (this.value < 1) { this.value = 1; } // Necessary just to update second item panel.getInventory().setItem(2, this.getButton(Button.VALUE).getItem()); return true; }; glow = false; break; } default: return null; } return new PanelItemBuilder(). icon(icon). name(name). description(GuiUtils.stringSplit(description, this.lineLength)). glow(glow). clickHandler(clickHandler). build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Enums // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This enum allows to easier define available buttons. */ enum Button { VALUE, REDUCE, REDUCE_LOT, INCREASE, INCREASE_LOT } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Instance variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This variable allows to access to user object. */ private User user; /** * This variable holds action that will be performed on accept. */ private Consumer action; /** * This variable holds a number of characters in single line for lore message. */ private int lineLength; /** * This integer holds current value of completion count. */ private int value = 1; }