// // Created by BONNe // Copyright - 2020 // package world.bentobox.challenges.panel; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.conversations.*; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import world.bentobox.bentobox.BentoBox; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Constants; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Utils; public class ConversationUtils { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Conversation API implementation // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method will close opened gui and writes question in chat. After players answers on question in chat, message * will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. Success and fail messages can be implemented like that, as user's chat * options are disabled while it is in conversation. * * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. * @param successMessage Message that will be displayed on successful operation. * @param user User who is targeted with current confirmation. */ public static void createConfirmation(Consumer consumer, User user, @NotNull String question, @Nullable String successMessage) { ValidatingPrompt confirmationPrompt = new ValidatingPrompt() { /** * Is input valid boolean. * * @param context the context * @param input the input * @return the boolean */ @Override protected boolean isInputValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input) { // Get valid strings from translations String validEntry = user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "confirm-string") + "," + user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "deny-string") + "," + user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "exit-string") + "," + user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancel-string"); // Split and check if they exist in valid entries. String[] accepted = validEntry.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "").split(","); return ArrayUtils.contains(accepted, input.toLowerCase()); } /** * Accept validated input prompt. * * @param context the context * @param input the input * @return the prompt */ @Override protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input) { String validEntry = user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "confirm-string").toLowerCase(); if (ArrayUtils.contains(validEntry.replaceAll("\\s", "").split(","), input.toLowerCase())) { // Add answer to consumer. consumer.accept(true); // Return message about success. return ConversationUtils.endMessagePrompt(successMessage); } else { // Add answer to consumer. consumer.accept(false); // Return message about failed operation. return ConversationUtils.endMessagePrompt( user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancelled")); } } /** * @see Prompt#getPromptText(ConversationContext) */ @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext conversationContext) { // Close input GUI. user.closeInventory(); // There are no editable message. Just return question. return question; } }; new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix")). withFirstPrompt(confirmationPrompt). withLocalEcho(false). withTimeout(90). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()). begin(); } /** * This method will close opened gui and writes question in chat. After players answers on question in chat, message * will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. Be aware, consumer does not return (and validate) sanitized value, * while sanitization is done in failure for better informing. Proper implementation would be with adding new * consumer for failure message. * * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param validation Function that validates if input value is acceptable. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. * @param failTranslationLocation Message that will be displayed on failed operation. * @param user User who is targeted with current confirmation. */ public static void createIDStringInput(Consumer consumer, Function validation, User user, @NotNull String question, @Nullable String successMessage, @Nullable String failTranslationLocation) { ValidatingPrompt validatingPrompt = new ValidatingPrompt() { /** * Gets the text to display to the user when * this prompt is first presented. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @return The text to display. */ @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { // Close input GUI. user.closeInventory(); // There are no editable message. Just return question. return question; } /** * Override this method to check the validity of * the player's input. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @param input The player's raw console input. * @return True or false depending on the * validity of the input. */ @Override protected boolean isInputValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input) { return validation.apply(input); } /** * Optionally override this method to * display an additional message if the * user enters an invalid input. * * @param context Context information * about the conversation. * @param invalidInput The invalid input * provided by the user. * @return A message explaining how to * correct the input. */ @Override protected String getFailedValidationText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String invalidInput) { return user.getTranslation(failTranslationLocation, Constants.PARAMETER_ID, Utils.sanitizeInput(invalidInput)); } /** * Override this method to accept and processes * the validated input from the user. Using the * input, the next Prompt in the prompt graph * should be returned. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @param input The validated input text from * the user. * @return The next Prompt in the prompt graph. */ @Override protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String input) { // Add answer to consumer. consumer.accept(input); // Send message that it is accepted. return ConversationUtils.endMessagePrompt(successMessage); } }; new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix")). withFirstPrompt(validatingPrompt). withLocalEcho(false). withTimeout(90). // On cancel conversation will be closed. withEscapeSequence(user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancel-string")). // Use null value in consumer to detect if user has abandoned conversation. addConversationAbandonedListener(ConversationUtils.getAbandonListener(consumer, user)). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()). begin(); } /** * This method will close opened gui and writes inputText in chat. After players answers on inputText in chat, * message will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. * * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. */ public static void createNumericInput(Consumer consumer, @NotNull User user, @NotNull String question, Number minValue, Number maxValue) { // Create NumericPromt instance that will validate and process input. NumericPrompt numberPrompt = new NumericPrompt() { /** * Override this method to perform some action * with the user's integer response. * * @param context Context information about the * conversation. * @param input The user's response as a {@link * Number}. * @return The next {@link Prompt} in the prompt * graph. */ @Override protected Prompt acceptValidatedInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull Number input) { // Add answer to consumer. consumer.accept(input); // End conversation return Prompt.END_OF_CONVERSATION; } /** * Override this method to do further validation on the numeric player * input after the input has been determined to actually be a number. * * @param context Context information about the conversation. * @param input The number the player provided. * @return The validity of the player's input. */ @Override protected boolean isNumberValid(@NotNull ConversationContext context, Number input) { return input.doubleValue() >= minValue.doubleValue() && input.doubleValue() <= maxValue.doubleValue(); } /** * Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the * user enters an invalid number. * * @param context Context information about the conversation. * @param invalidInput The invalid input provided by the user. * @return A message explaining how to correct the input. */ @Override protected String getInputNotNumericText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull String invalidInput) { return user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "numeric-only", Constants.PARAMETER_VALUE, invalidInput); } /** * Optionally override this method to display an additional message if the * user enters an invalid numeric input. * * @param context Context information about the conversation. * @param invalidInput The invalid input provided by the user. * @return A message explaining how to correct the input. */ @Override protected String getFailedValidationText(@NotNull ConversationContext context, Number invalidInput) { return user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "not-valid-value", Constants.PARAMETER_VALUE, invalidInput.toString(), Constants.PARAMETER_MIN, Double.toString(minValue.doubleValue()), Constants.PARAMETER_MAX, Double.toString(maxValue.doubleValue())); } /** * @see Prompt#getPromptText(ConversationContext) */ @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext conversationContext) { // Close input GUI. user.closeInventory(); // There are no editable message. Just return question. return question; } }; // Init conversation api. new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix")). withFirstPrompt(numberPrompt). withLocalEcho(false). withTimeout(90). withEscapeSequence(user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancel-string")). // Use null value in consumer to detect if user has abandoned conversation. addConversationAbandonedListener(ConversationUtils.getAbandonListener(consumer, user)). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()). begin(); } /** * This method will close opened gui and writes question in chat. After players answers on question in chat, message * will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. Be aware, consumer does not return (and validate) sanitized value, * while sanitization is done in failure for better informing. Proper implementation would be with adding new * consumer for failure message. * * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. * @param user User who is targeted with current confirmation. */ public static void createStringListInput(Consumer> consumer, User user, @NotNull String question, @NotNull String successMessage) { final String SESSION_CONSTANT = Constants.CONVERSATIONS + user.getUniqueId(); // Successful message about completing. MessagePrompt messagePrompt = new MessagePrompt() { @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { if (context.getSessionData(SESSION_CONSTANT) instanceof List description) { consumer.accept((List) description); return successMessage; } else { return user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancelled"); } } @Override protected @Nullable Prompt getNextPrompt(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { return Prompt.END_OF_CONVERSATION; } }; // Text input message. StringPrompt stringPrompt = new StringPrompt() { @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { user.closeInventory(); if (context.getSessionData(SESSION_CONSTANT) != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "written-text")); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); for (String line : ((List) context.getSessionData(SESSION_CONSTANT))) { sb.append(line); sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); } return sb.toString(); } return question; } @Override public Prompt acceptInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @Nullable String input) { String[] exit = user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "exit-string"). toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", ""). split(","); if (input != null && ArrayUtils.contains(exit, input.toLowerCase())) { return messagePrompt; } List desc = new ArrayList<>(); if (context.getSessionData(SESSION_CONSTANT) instanceof List list) { desc = (List) list; } if (input != null) { desc.add(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', input)); } context.setSessionData(SESSION_CONSTANT, desc); return this; } }; new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix")). withFirstPrompt(stringPrompt). withModality(true). withLocalEcho(false). withTimeout(90). withEscapeSequence(user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancel-string")). addConversationAbandonedListener(ConversationUtils.getAbandonListener(consumer, user)). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()). begin(); } /** * This method will close opened gui and writes question in chat. After players answers on question in chat, message * will trigger consumer and gui will reopen. * * @param consumer Consumer that accepts player output text. * @param question Message that will be displayed in chat when player triggers conversion. * @param user User who is targeted with current confirmation. */ public static void createStringInput(Consumer consumer, User user, @NotNull String question, @Nullable String successMessage) { // Text input message. StringPrompt stringPrompt = new StringPrompt() { @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { user.closeInventory(); return question; } @Override @NotNull public Prompt acceptInput(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @Nullable String input) { consumer.accept(input); return ConversationUtils.endMessagePrompt(successMessage); } }; new ConversationFactory(BentoBox.getInstance()). withPrefix(context -> user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix")). withFirstPrompt(stringPrompt). // On cancel conversation will be closed. withLocalEcho(false). withTimeout(90). withEscapeSequence(user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancel-string")). // Use null value in consumer to detect if user has abandoned conversation. addConversationAbandonedListener(ConversationUtils.getAbandonListener(consumer, user)). buildConversation(user.getPlayer()). begin(); } /** * This is just a simple end message prompt that displays requested message. * * @param message Message that will be displayed. * @return MessagePrompt that displays given message and exists from conversation. */ private static MessagePrompt endMessagePrompt(@Nullable String message) { return new MessagePrompt() { @Override @NotNull public String getPromptText(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { return message == null ? "" : message; } @Override @Nullable protected Prompt getNextPrompt(@NotNull ConversationContext context) { return Prompt.END_OF_CONVERSATION; } }; } /** * This method creates and returns abandon listener for every conversation. * * @param consumer Consumer which must return null value. * @param user User who was using conversation. * @return ConversationAbandonedListener instance. */ private static ConversationAbandonedListener getAbandonListener(Consumer consumer, User user) { return abandonedEvent -> { if (!abandonedEvent.gracefulExit()) { consumer.accept(null); // send cancell message abandonedEvent.getContext().getForWhom().sendRawMessage( user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "prefix") + user.getTranslation(Constants.CONVERSATIONS + "cancelled")); } }; } }