package world.bentobox.challenges; import org.bukkit.Material; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.Addon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.addons.GameModeAddon; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.Config; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.flags.Flag; import world.bentobox.bentobox.database.DatabaseSetup.DatabaseType; import world.bentobox.bentobox.hooks.VaultHook; import world.bentobox.bentobox.managers.RanksManager; import world.bentobox.challenges.commands.ChallengesCommand; import world.bentobox.challenges.commands.ChallengesUserCommand; import world.bentobox.challenges.commands.admin.Challenges; import world.bentobox.challenges.commands.admin.ChallengesAdminCommand; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.Settings; import world.bentobox.challenges.handlers.ChallengeDataRequestHandler; import world.bentobox.challenges.handlers.ChallengeListRequestHandler; import world.bentobox.challenges.handlers.CompletedChallengesRequestHandler; import world.bentobox.challenges.handlers.LevelDataRequestHandler; import world.bentobox.challenges.handlers.LevelListRequestHandler; import world.bentobox.challenges.listeners.ResetListener; import world.bentobox.challenges.listeners.SaveListener; import world.bentobox.challenges.web.WebManager; import world.bentobox.level.Level; /** * Add-on to BSkyBlock that enables challenges * @author tastybento * */ public class ChallengesAddon extends Addon { // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- private ChallengesManager challengesManager; private ChallengesImportManager importManager; /** * This class manages web content loading. */ private WebManager webManager; private Settings settings; private boolean hooked; /** * This boolean indicate if economy is enabled. */ private boolean economyProvided; /** * VaultHook that process economy. */ private VaultHook vaultHook; /** * Level addon. */ private Level levelAddon; /** * This indicate if level addon exists. */ private boolean levelProvided; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Constants // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Permission prefix for addon. */ private static final String PERMISSION_PREFIX = "addon."; /** * This flag allows to complete challenges in any part of the world. It will not limit * player to their island. Useful for skygrid without protection flags. */ public static Flag CHALLENGES_WORLD_PROTECTION = new Flag.Builder("CHALLENGES_WORLD_PROTECTION", Material.GRASS_BLOCK).type(Flag.Type.WORLD_SETTING).defaultSetting(true).build(); /** * This flag allows to define which users can complete challenge. F.e. it can be set * that only Island owner can complete challenge. * By default it is set to Visitor. */ public static Flag CHALLENGES_ISLAND_PROTECTION = new Flag.Builder("CHALLENGES_ISLAND_PROTECTION", Material.COMMAND_BLOCK).defaultRank(RanksManager.VISITOR_RANK).build(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onLoad() { // Save default config.yml this.saveDefaultConfig(); // Load the plugin's config this.loadSettings(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onEnable() { // Check if it is enabled - it might be loaded, but not enabled. if (this.getPlugin() == null || !this.getPlugin().isEnabled()) { this.logError("BentoBox is not available or disabled!"); this.setState(State.DISABLED); return; } // Check if addon is not disabled before. if (this.getState().equals(State.DISABLED)) { this.logError("Challenges Addon is not available or disabled!"); return; } if (this.isInCompatibleDatabase()) { this.logError("BentoBox database is not compatible with Challenges Addon."); this.logError("Please use JSON based database type."); this.setState(State.DISABLED); return; } // Challenges Manager this.challengesManager = new ChallengesManager(this); // Challenge import setup this.importManager = new ChallengesImportManager(this); // Web content loading this.webManager = new WebManager(this); List hookedGameModes = new ArrayList<>(); this.getPlugin().getAddonsManager().getGameModeAddons().forEach(gameModeAddon -> { if (!this.settings.getDisabledGameModes().contains(gameModeAddon.getDescription().getName())) { if (gameModeAddon.getPlayerCommand().isPresent()) { new ChallengesCommand(this, gameModeAddon.getPlayerCommand().get()); this.hooked = true; hookedGameModes.add(gameModeAddon); } if (gameModeAddon.getAdminCommand().isPresent()) { new Challenges(this, gameModeAddon.getAdminCommand().get()); this.hooked = true; } CHALLENGES_WORLD_PROTECTION.addGameModeAddon(gameModeAddon); CHALLENGES_ISLAND_PROTECTION.addGameModeAddon(gameModeAddon); } }); if (this.hooked) { // Create general challenge commands if (this.settings.isUseCommonGUI()) { new ChallengesUserCommand(this, this.settings.getUserCommand(), hookedGameModes); new ChallengesAdminCommand(this, this.settings.getAdminCommand(), hookedGameModes); } // Try to find Level addon and if it does not exist, display a warning Optional level = this.getAddonByName("Level"); if (!level.isPresent()) { this.logWarning("Level add-on not found so level challenges will not work!"); this.levelAddon = null; } else { this.levelProvided = true; this.levelAddon = (Level) level.get(); } Optional vault = this.getPlugin().getVault(); if (!vault.isPresent() || !vault.get().hook()) { this.vaultHook = null; this.logWarning("Economy plugin not found so money options will not work!"); } else { this.economyProvided = true; this.vaultHook = vault.get(); } // Register the reset listener this.registerListener(new ResetListener(this)); // Register the autosave listener. this.registerListener(new SaveListener(this)); // Register Flags this.registerFlag(CHALLENGES_ISLAND_PROTECTION); this.registerFlag(CHALLENGES_WORLD_PROTECTION); // Register Request Handlers this.registerRequestHandler(new ChallengeListRequestHandler(this)); this.registerRequestHandler(new LevelListRequestHandler(this)); this.registerRequestHandler(new ChallengeDataRequestHandler(this)); this.registerRequestHandler(new LevelDataRequestHandler(this)); this.registerRequestHandler(new CompletedChallengesRequestHandler(this)); if (this.settings.getAutoSaveTimer() > 0) { this.getPlugin().getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously( this.getPlugin(), bukkitTask ->, this.settings.getAutoSaveTimer() * 60 * 20, this.settings.getAutoSaveTimer() * 60 * 20 ); } } else { this.logError("Challenges could not hook into AcidIsland or BSkyBlock so will not do anything!"); this.setState(State.DISABLED); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onReload() { super.onReload(); if (this.hooked) { this.loadSettings(); this.challengesManager.reload(); this.getLogger().info("Challenges addon reloaded."); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onDisable() { if (this.hooked) {; } if (this.settings != null) { new Config<>(this, Settings.class).saveConfigObject(this.settings); } } /** * This method loads addon configuration settings in memory. */ private void loadSettings() { this.settings = new Config<>(this, Settings.class).loadConfigObject(); if (this.settings == null) { // Disable this.logError("Challenges settings could not load! Addon disabled."); this.setState(State.DISABLED); } } /** * This method checks if database is compatible with Challenges addon. * @return {@code true} if database type is YAML, {@code false} - otherwise. */ private boolean isInCompatibleDatabase() { return this.getPlugin().getSettings().getDatabaseType().equals(DatabaseType.YAML); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Getters // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return challengesManager */ public ChallengesManager getChallengesManager() { return this.challengesManager; } /** * @return Permission Prefix. */ @Override public String getPermissionPrefix() { return PERMISSION_PREFIX; } /** * @return the importManager */ public ChallengesImportManager getImportManager() { return this.importManager; } /** * @return the webManager */ public WebManager getWebManager() { return this.webManager; } /** * @return the challenge settings. */ public Settings getChallengesSettings() { return this.settings; } /** * * @return economyProvided variable. */ public boolean isEconomyProvided() { return this.economyProvided; } /** * Returns VaultHook. Used to get easier access to Economy. NEVER USE WITHOUT isEconomyProvided or null * check. * @return VaultHook or null. */ public VaultHook getEconomyProvider() { return vaultHook; } /** * * @return levelProvided variable. */ public boolean isLevelProvided() { return levelProvided; } /** * This method returns Level addon. Used to easier access to Level. NEVER USE WITHOUT isLevelProvided or null * @return LevelAddon or null. */ public Level getLevelAddon() { return levelAddon; } }