package world.bentobox.challenges.config; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigComment; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigEntry; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.ConfigObject; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.configuration.StoreAt; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.GuiMode; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.VisibilityMode; /** * The type Settings. */ @StoreAt(filename="config.yml", path="addons/Challenges") @ConfigComment("Challenges [version] Configuration") @ConfigComment("This config file is dynamic and saved when the server is shutdown.") @ConfigComment("You cannot edit it while the server is running because changes will") @ConfigComment("be lost! Use in-game settings GUI or edit when server is offline.") @ConfigComment("") public class Settings implements ConfigObject { @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This enables/disables common command that will be independent from") @ConfigComment("all GameModes. For admins it will open selection with all GameModes") @ConfigComment("(unless there is one), but for users it will open GUI that corresponds") @ConfigComment("to their world (unless it is specified other way in Admin GUI).") @ConfigComment("This means that writing `/[user_global]` will open Challenges GUI's") @ConfigComment("and `/[admin_global]` will open Admin GUI's") @ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true) private boolean useCommonGUI = false; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This allows to define which GUI will be opened when `single-gui` is enabled.") @ConfigComment("This option is ignored if `single-gui` is disabled.") @ConfigComment("Acceptable values:") @ConfigComment(" - CURRENT_WORLD - will open GUI that corresponds to user location.") @ConfigComment(" - GAMEMODE_LIST - will open GUI with all installed game modes.") @ConfigEntry(path = "") private GuiMode userGuiMode = GuiMode.CURRENT_WORLD; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Allows to define a global challenges user command. This command will work") @ConfigComment("only if `global-commands` is enabled. This allows to execute `/challenges`") @ConfigComment("without referring to the gamemode.") @ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true) private String playerGlobalCommand = "challenges c"; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Allows to define user command for opening challenges GUI's.") @ConfigComment("Unlike `global` command, this requires to have gamemode player command before it.") @ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[player_cmd] challenges`") @ConfigEntry(path = "commands.player.main", needsRestart = true) private String playerMainCommand = "challenges"; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Allows to define complete command.") @ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[player_cmd] challenges complete`") @ConfigEntry(path = "commands.player.complete", needsRestart = true) private String playerCompleteCommand = "complete"; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Allows to define a global challenges admin command. This command will work") @ConfigComment("only if `global-commands` is enabled. This allows to execute `/chadmin`") @ConfigComment("without referring to the gamemode.") @ConfigComment("Note, this must not be the same as user global command.") @ConfigEntry(path = "", needsRestart = true) private String adminGlobalCommand = "challengesadmin chadmin"; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Allows to define admin command for opening challenges GUI's.") @ConfigComment("Unlike `global` command, this requires to have gamemode admin command before it.") @ConfigComment("This will look like: `/[admin_cmd] challenges`") @ConfigEntry(path = "commands.admin.main", needsRestart = true) private String adminMainCommand = "challenges"; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This indicate if player challenges data history will be stored or not.") @ConfigEntry(path = "") private boolean storeHistory = false; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This allows to specify an amount of time in days when history data will") @ConfigComment("be removed. 0 means that data will not be removed.") @ConfigEntry(path = "history.lifespan") private int lifeSpan = 14; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Remove non-repeatable challenges from the challenge GUI when complete.") @ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.remove-complete-one-time-challenges") private boolean removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges = false; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Add enchanted glow to completed challenges") @ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.add-completed-glow") private boolean addCompletedGlow = true; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This variable allows to choose which Challenges users can see in Challenges GUI.") @ConfigComment("Valid values are:") @ConfigComment(" 'VISIBLE' - there will be no hidden challenges. All challenges will be viewable in GUI.") @ConfigComment(" 'HIDDEN' - shows only deployed challenges.") @ConfigComment(" 'TOGGLEABLE' - there will be button in GUI that allows users to switch from ALL modes.") @ConfigComment("TOGGLEABLE - Currently not implemented.") @ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.undeployed-view-mode") private VisibilityMode visibilityMode = VisibilityMode.VISIBLE; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This allows to change default locked level icon. This option may be") @ConfigComment("overwritten by each challenge level. If challenge level has specified") @ConfigComment("their locked level icon, then it will be used, instead of this one.") @ConfigEntry(path = "gui-settings.locked-level-icon") private ItemStack lockedLevelIcon = new ItemStack(Material.BOOK); @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This indicate if challenges data will be stored per island (true) or per player (false).") @ConfigEntry(path = "store-island-data") private boolean storeAsIslandData = true; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Reset Challenges - if this is true, player's challenges will reset when users") @ConfigComment("reset an island or if users are kicked or leave a team. Prevents exploiting the") @ConfigComment("challenges by doing them repeatedly.") @ConfigEntry(path = "reset-challenges") private boolean resetChallenges = true; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Broadcast 1st time challenge completion messages to all players.") @ConfigComment("Change to false if the spam becomes too much.") @ConfigEntry(path = "broadcast-messages") private boolean broadcastMessages = true; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Shows a title screen for player after completion a challenge or level.") @ConfigComment("Message can be edited via language settings.") @ConfigEntry(path = "") private boolean showCompletionTitle = true; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Integer that represents how long title will be visible for player.") @ConfigEntry(path = "title.title-showtime") private int titleShowtime = 70; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("Long that represents how frequently (in minutes) challenges addon will save data to database.") @ConfigComment("If this is set to 0, saving will not happen.") @ConfigEntry(path = "auto-saver") private long autoSaveTimer = 30; @ConfigComment("") @ConfigComment("This list stores GameModes in which Challenges addon should not work.") @ConfigComment("To disable addon it is necessary to write its name in new line that starts with -. Example:") @ConfigComment("disabled-gamemodes:") @ConfigComment(" - BSkyBlock") @ConfigEntry(path = "disabled-gamemodes") private Set disabledGameModes = new HashSet<>(); /** * Configuration version */ @ConfigComment("") private String configVersion = "v3"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Getters // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method returns the configVersion object. * @return the configVersion object. */ public String getConfigVersion() { return configVersion; } /** * @return resetChallenges value. */ public boolean isResetChallenges() { return this.resetChallenges; } /** * @return broadcastMessages value. */ public boolean isBroadcastMessages() { return this.broadcastMessages; } /** * @return removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges value. */ public boolean isRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges() { return this.removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges; } /** * @return addCompletedGlow value. */ public boolean isAddCompletedGlow() { return this.addCompletedGlow; } /** * @return disabledGameModes value. */ public Set getDisabledGameModes() { return this.disabledGameModes; } /** * This method returns the storeAsIslandData object. * @return the storeAsIslandData object. */ public boolean isStoreAsIslandData() { return storeAsIslandData; } /** * This method returns the storeHistory object. * @return the storeHistory object. */ public boolean isStoreHistory() { return storeHistory; } /** * This method returns the userCommand value. * @return the value of userCommand. */ public String getPlayerGlobalCommand() { return playerGlobalCommand; } /** * Gets main user command. * * @return the main user command */ public String getPlayerMainCommand() { return playerMainCommand; } /** * Gets complete user command. * * @return the complete user command */ public String getPlayerCompleteCommand() { return playerCompleteCommand; } /** * Gets main admin command. * * @return the main admin command */ public String getAdminMainCommand() { return adminMainCommand; } /** * This method returns the adminCommand value. * @return the value of adminCommand. */ public String getAdminGlobalCommand() { return adminGlobalCommand; } /** * This method returns the useCommonGUI value. * @return the value of useCommonGUI. */ public boolean isUseCommonGUI() { return useCommonGUI; } /** * This method returns the userGuiMode value. * @return the value of userGuiMode. */ public GuiMode getUserGuiMode() { return userGuiMode; } /** * This method returns the lifeSpan value. * @return the value of lifeSpan. */ public int getLifeSpan() { return lifeSpan; } /** * This method returns the lockedLevelIcon value. * @return the value of lockedLevelIcon. */ public ItemStack getLockedLevelIcon() { return lockedLevelIcon.clone(); } /** * This method returns the showCompletionTitle object. * @return the showCompletionTitle object. */ public boolean isShowCompletionTitle() { return this.showCompletionTitle; } /** * This method returns the titleShowtime object. * @return the titleShowtime object. */ public int getTitleShowtime() { return this.titleShowtime; } /** * This method returns the autoSaveTimer object. * @return the autoSaveTimer object. */ public long getAutoSaveTimer() { return autoSaveTimer; } /** * This method returns the visibilityMode value. * @return the value of visibilityMode. */ public VisibilityMode getVisibilityMode() { return this.visibilityMode; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Setters // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method sets the autoSaveTimer object value. * @param autoSaveTimer the autoSaveTimer object new value. * */ public void setAutoSaveTimer(long autoSaveTimer) { this.autoSaveTimer = autoSaveTimer; } /** * This method sets the titleShowtime object value. * @param titleShowtime the titleShowtime object new value. * */ public void setTitleShowtime(int titleShowtime) { this.titleShowtime = titleShowtime; } /** * This method sets the showCompletionTitle object value. * @param showCompletionTitle the showCompletionTitle object new value. * */ public void setShowCompletionTitle(boolean showCompletionTitle) { this.showCompletionTitle = showCompletionTitle; } /** * This method sets the lockedLevelIcon value. * @param lockedLevelIcon the lockedLevelIcon new value. * */ public void setLockedLevelIcon(ItemStack lockedLevelIcon) { this.lockedLevelIcon = lockedLevelIcon; } /** * This method sets the userGuiMode value. * @param userGuiMode the userGuiMode new value. */ public void setUserGuiMode(GuiMode userGuiMode) { this.userGuiMode = userGuiMode; } /** * This method sets the configVersion object value. * @param configVersion the configVersion object new value. */ public void setConfigVersion(String configVersion) { this.configVersion = configVersion; } /** * @param resetChallenges new resetChallenges value. */ public void setResetChallenges(boolean resetChallenges) { this.resetChallenges = resetChallenges; } /** * @param broadcastMessages new broadcastMessages value. */ public void setBroadcastMessages(boolean broadcastMessages) { this.broadcastMessages = broadcastMessages; } /** * @param removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges new removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges value. */ public void setRemoveCompleteOneTimeChallenges(boolean removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges) { this.removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges = removeCompleteOneTimeChallenges; } /** * @param addCompletedGlow new addCompletedGlow value. */ public void setAddCompletedGlow(boolean addCompletedGlow) { this.addCompletedGlow = addCompletedGlow; } /** * @param disabledGameModes new disabledGameModes value. */ public void setDisabledGameModes(Set disabledGameModes) { this.disabledGameModes = disabledGameModes; } /** * This method sets the storeAsIslandData object value. * @param storeAsIslandData the storeAsIslandData object new value. */ public void setStoreAsIslandData(boolean storeAsIslandData) { this.storeAsIslandData = storeAsIslandData; } /** * This method sets the storeHistory object value. * @param storeHistory the storeHistory object new value. */ public void setStoreHistory(boolean storeHistory) { this.storeHistory = storeHistory; } /** * This method sets the userCommand value. * @param playerGlobalCommand the userCommand new value. */ public void setPlayerGlobalCommand(String playerGlobalCommand) { this.playerGlobalCommand = playerGlobalCommand; } /** * Sets main user command. * * @param playerMainCommand the main user command */ public void setPlayerMainCommand(String playerMainCommand) { this.playerMainCommand = playerMainCommand; } /** * Sets complete user command. * * @param playerCompleteCommand the complete user command */ public void setPlayerCompleteCommand(String playerCompleteCommand) { this.playerCompleteCommand = playerCompleteCommand; } /** * Sets main admin command. * * @param adminMainCommand the main admin command */ public void setAdminMainCommand(String adminMainCommand) { this.adminMainCommand = adminMainCommand; } /** * This method sets the adminCommand value. * @param adminGlobalCommand the adminCommand new value. */ public void setAdminGlobalCommand(String adminGlobalCommand) { this.adminGlobalCommand = adminGlobalCommand; } /** * This method sets the useCommonGUI value. * @param useCommonGUI the useCommonGUI new value. */ public void setUseCommonGUI(boolean useCommonGUI) { this.useCommonGUI = useCommonGUI; } /** * This method sets the lifeSpan value. * @param lifeSpan the lifeSpan new value. * */ public void setLifeSpan(int lifeSpan) { this.lifeSpan = lifeSpan; } /** * This method sets the visibilityMode value. * @param visibilityMode the visibilityMode new value. * */ public void setVisibilityMode(VisibilityMode visibilityMode) { this.visibilityMode = visibilityMode; } }