package world.bentobox.challenges.panel.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.bentobox.util.Util; import world.bentobox.challenges.database.object.Challenge; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.Constants; /** * This class creates new GUI that allows to select single challenge, which is returned via consumer. */ public class ChallengeSelector extends PagedSelector { private ChallengeSelector(User user, Material border, Map> challengesDescriptionMap, BiConsumer> consumer) { super(user); this.consumer = consumer; this.challengesDescriptionMap = challengesDescriptionMap; this.border = border; this.elements = challengesDescriptionMap.keySet().stream().toList(); this.selectedElements = new HashSet<>(this.elements.size()); this.filterElements = this.elements; } /** * This method opens GUI that allows to select challenge type. * * @param user User who opens GUI. * @param consumer Consumer that allows to get clicked type. */ public static void open(User user, Material border, Map> challengesDescriptionMap, BiConsumer> consumer) { new ChallengeSelector(user, border, challengesDescriptionMap, consumer).build(); } /** * This method builds all necessary elements in GUI panel. */ @Override protected void build() { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder().user(this.user); + "challenge-selector")); PanelUtils.fillBorder(panelBuilder, this.border); this.populateElements(panelBuilder, this.filterElements); panelBuilder.item(3, this.createButton(Button.ACCEPT_SELECTED)); panelBuilder.item(5, this.createButton(Button.CANCEL));; } /** * This method is called when filter value is updated. */ @Override protected void updateFilters() { if (this.searchString == null || this.searchString.isBlank()) { this.filterElements = this.elements; } else { this.filterElements = filter(element -> { // If element name is set and name contains search field, then do not filter out. return element.getUniqueId().toLowerCase(). contains(this.searchString.toLowerCase()) || element.getFriendlyName().toLowerCase(). contains(this.searchString.toLowerCase()); }). distinct(). collect(Collectors.toList()); } } /** * This method creates PanelItem button of requested type. * @param button Button which must be created. * @return new PanelItem with requested functionality. */ private PanelItem createButton(Button button) { final String reference = Constants.BUTTON + + "."; final String name = this.user.getTranslation(reference + "name"); final List description = new ArrayList<>(3); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "description")); ItemStack icon; PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler; switch (button) { case ACCEPT_SELECTED -> { if (!this.selectedElements.isEmpty()) { description.add(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "title")); this.selectedElements.forEach(challenge -> description.add(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "element", "[element]", challenge.getFriendlyName()))); } icon = new ItemStack(Material.COMMAND_BLOCK); clickHandler = (panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> { this.consumer.accept(true, this.selectedElements); return true; }; description.add(""); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(Constants.TIPS + "click-to-save")); } case CANCEL -> { icon = new ItemStack(Material.IRON_DOOR); clickHandler = (panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> { this.consumer.accept(false, null); return true; }; description.add(""); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(Constants.TIPS + "click-to-cancel")); } default -> { icon = new ItemStack(Material.PAPER); clickHandler = null; } } return new PanelItemBuilder(). icon(icon). name(name). description(description). clickHandler(clickHandler). build(); } /** * This method creates button for given challenge. * @param challenge challenge which button must be created. * @return new Button for challenge. */ @Override protected PanelItem createElementButton(Challenge challenge) { final String reference = Constants.BUTTON + "entity."; List description = new ArrayList<>(this.challengesDescriptionMap.get(challenge)); description.add(""); if (this.selectedElements.contains(challenge)) { description.add(this.user.getTranslation(reference + "selected")); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(Constants.TIPS + "click-to-deselect")); } else { description.add(this.user.getTranslation(Constants.TIPS + "click-to-select")); } return new PanelItemBuilder(). name(Util.translateColorCodes(challenge.getFriendlyName())). icon(challenge.getIcon()). description(description). clickHandler((panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> { // On right click change which entities are selected for deletion. if (!this.selectedElements.add(challenge)) { // Remove challenge if it is already selected this.selectedElements.remove(challenge); }; return true; }). glow(this.selectedElements.contains(challenge)). build(); } /** * Functional buttons in current GUI. */ private enum Button { ACCEPT_SELECTED, CANCEL } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This variable stores consumer. */ private final BiConsumer> consumer; /** * Current value. */ private final List elements; /** * Selected challenges that will be returned to consumer. */ private final Set selectedElements; /** * Map that contains all challenge descriptions */ private final Map> challengesDescriptionMap; /** * Border Material. */ private final Material border; /** * Current value. */ private List filterElements; }