# Panels are read once upon first GUI open. # Changes in configuration will be taken only if server is restarted or panels are reloaded. # Information about setup for the Panels are available at: # https://docs.bentobox.world/en/latest/addons/Challenges/ gamemode_panel: title: challenges.gui.titles.gamemode-gui type: INVENTORY background: icon: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE title: "&b&r" # Empty text border: icon: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE title: "&b&r" # Empty text force-shown: [] content: 2: 1: icon: TIPPED_ARROW:INSTANT_HEAL::::1 title: challenges.gui.buttons.previous.name description: challenges.gui.buttons.previous.description data: type: PREVIOUS target: GAMEMODE indexing: true action: left: tooltip: challenges.gui.tips.click-to-previous 2: gamemode 3: gamemode 4: gamemode 5: gamemode 6: gamemode 7: gamemode 8: gamemode 9: icon: TIPPED_ARROW:JUMP::::1 title: challenges.gui.buttons.next.name description: challenges.gui.buttons.next.description data: type: NEXT target: GAMEMODE indexing: true action: left: tooltip: challenges.gui.tips.click-to-next reusable: gamemode: data: type: GAMEMODE actions: left: type: SELECT tooltip: challenges.gui.tips.click-to-select