package world.bentobox.challenges.panel.admin; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelItem; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.panels.PanelListener; import; import; import world.bentobox.bentobox.api.user.User; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.ChallengeLore; import world.bentobox.challenges.config.SettingsUtils.LevelLore; import world.bentobox.challenges.panel.CommonGUI; import world.bentobox.challenges.utils.GuiUtils; /** * This class allows to change Input ItemStacks to different ItemStacks. */ public class EditLoreGUI extends CommonGUI { public EditLoreGUI(CommonGUI parent, LoreType loreType) { super(parent); this.lore = loreType; this.activeValues = new ArrayList<>(); switch (this.lore) { case CHALLENGES: for (ChallengeLore lore : this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getChallengeLoreMessage()) { this.activeValues.add(; } break; case LEVELS: for (LevelLore lore : this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLevelLoreMessage()) { this.activeValues.add(; } break; } } /** * This is static call method for easier GUI opening. * @param parent Parent GUI. * @param loreType loreType that will be edited. */ public static void open(CommonGUI parent, LoreType loreType) { new EditLoreGUI(parent, loreType).build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This method builds panel that allows to change given number value. */ @Override public void build() { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(). name(this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.title.admin.lore-edit")). user(this.user). listener(new CustomPanelListener()); GuiUtils.fillBorder(panelBuilder, 5, Material.MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); // Define all active buttons panelBuilder.item(1, this.getButton(Button.SAVE)); panelBuilder.item(3, this.getButton(Button.ADD)); panelBuilder.item(4, this.getButton(Button.REMOVE)); // TODO: Need 2 View Buttons // One for closes / One for opened. // panelBuilder.item(6, this.getButton(Button.VIEW)); panelBuilder.item(44, this.returnButton); // necessary as I have a border around this GUI int currentIndex = 10; // Only 21 elements will be displayed. On porpoise! for (int i = 0; i < this.activeValues.size() || i > 21; i++) { panelBuilder.item(currentIndex++, this.getLoreButton(this.activeValues.get(i))); // Border element if (currentIndex % 9 == 8) { currentIndex += 2; } // Just in case. Should never occur. if (currentIndex % 9 == 0) { currentIndex++; } }; } /** * This method create button that does some functionality in current gui. * @param button Button functionality. * @return PanelItem. */ private PanelItem getButton(Button button) { ItemStack icon; String name; List description; PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler; switch (button) { case SAVE: { name = this.user.getTranslation(""); description = Collections.emptyList(); icon = new ItemStack(Material.COMMAND_BLOCK); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { switch (this.lore) { case CHALLENGES: { List lore = map(ChallengeLore::valueOf). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(this.activeValues.size()))); this.addon.getChallengesSettings().setChallengeLoreMessage(lore); break; } case LEVELS: { List lore = map(LevelLore::valueOf). collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>(this.activeValues.size()))); this.addon.getChallengesSettings().setLevelLoreMessage(lore); break; } } // Save and return to parent gui.; return true; }; break; } case ADD: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.add"); description = Collections.emptyList(); icon = new ItemStack(Material.GREEN_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new AddLoreElementGUI(element -> { this.activeValues.add(element);; }); return true; }; break; } case REMOVE: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.remove-selected"); description = Collections.emptyList(); icon = new ItemStack(Material.RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { new RemoveLoreElementGUI((element, index) -> { if (this.activeValues.get(index).equals(element)) { this.activeValues.remove(element); }; }); return true; }; break; } case VIEW: { name = this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.buttons.admin.view"); description = Collections.emptyList(); icon = new ItemStack(Material.YELLOW_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); clickHandler = (panel, user, clickType, slot) -> { return true; }; break; } default: return null; } return new PanelItemBuilder(). icon(icon). name(name). description(GuiUtils.stringSplit(description, this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLoreLineLength())). glow(false). clickHandler(clickHandler). build(); } /** * This method creates button for lore element. * @param loreElement String that represents current lore element. * @return PanelItem. */ @Nullable private PanelItem getLoreButton(String loreElement) { switch (this.lore) { case CHALLENGES: return this.getChallengeLoreButton(loreElement); case LEVELS: return this.getLevelLoreButton(loreElement); default: // this should never happen! return null; } } /** * This method creates button for challenge lore element. * @param loreElement String that represents current challenge lore element. * @return PanelItem. */ private PanelItem getChallengeLoreButton(String loreElement) { Material icon; String name = loreElement; List description = new ArrayList<>(); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE_DESCRIPTION + "lore." + loreElement.toLowerCase())); PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler = (panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> true; switch (ChallengeLore.valueOf(loreElement)) { case LEVEL: { icon = Material.DIRT; break; } case STATUS: { icon = Material.LEVER; break; } case COUNT: { icon = Material.REPEATER; break; } case DESCRIPTION: { icon = Material.WRITTEN_BOOK; break; } case WARNINGS: { icon = Material.LAVA_BUCKET; break; } case ENVIRONMENT: { icon = Material.GLASS; break; } case REQUIREMENTS: { icon = Material.HOPPER; break; } case REWARD_TEXT: { icon = Material.PAPER; break; } case REWARD_OTHER: { icon = Material.CHEST; break; } case REWARD_ITEMS: { icon = Material.TRAPPED_CHEST; break; } case REWARD_COMMANDS: { icon = Material.COMMAND_BLOCK; break; } default: { icon = Material.BARRIER; break; } } return new PanelItemBuilder(). name(name). icon(icon). description(GuiUtils.stringSplit(description, this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLoreLineLength())). clickHandler(clickHandler). glow(false). build(); } /** * This method creates button for challenge level lore element. * @param loreElement String that represents current challenge level lore element. * @return PanelItem. */ private PanelItem getLevelLoreButton(String loreElement) { Material icon; String name = loreElement; List description = new ArrayList<>(); description.add(this.user.getTranslation(REFERENCE_DESCRIPTION + "lore." + loreElement.toLowerCase())); PanelItem.ClickHandler clickHandler = (panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> true; switch (LevelLore.valueOf(loreElement)) { case LEVEL_STATUS: { icon = Material.DIRT; break; } case CHALLENGE_COUNT: { icon = Material.REPEATER; break; } case UNLOCK_MESSAGE: { icon = Material.WRITTEN_BOOK; break; } case WAIVER_AMOUNT: { icon = Material.COMPARATOR; break; } case LEVEL_REWARD_TEXT: { icon = Material.PAPER; break; } case LEVEL_REWARD_OTHER: { icon = Material.CHEST; break; } case LEVEL_REWARD_ITEMS: { icon = Material.TRAPPED_CHEST; break; } case LEVEL_REWARD_COMMANDS: { icon = Material.COMMAND_BLOCK; break; } default: { icon = Material.BARRIER; break; } } return new PanelItemBuilder(). name(name). icon(icon). description(GuiUtils.stringSplit(description, this.addon.getChallengesSettings().getLoreLineLength())). clickHandler(clickHandler). glow(false). build(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Select GUI // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This class opens new GUI that add an element from all available lore values. */ private class AddLoreElementGUI { private AddLoreElementGUI(Consumer selectedElement) { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(). name(EditLoreGUI.this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.title.admin.lore-add")). user(EditLoreGUI.this.user); GuiUtils.fillBorder(panelBuilder, 5, Material.MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); int currentIndex = 10; List values = new ArrayList<>(); // Populate list with all elements. switch (EditLoreGUI.this.lore) { case CHALLENGES: for (ChallengeLore value : ChallengeLore.values()) { values.add(; } break; case LEVELS: for (LevelLore value : LevelLore.values()) { values.add(; } break; } for (String value : values) { PanelItem item = EditLoreGUI.this.getLoreButton(value); if (item != null) { item.setClickHandler((panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> { selectedElement.accept(value); return true; }); panelBuilder.item(currentIndex++, item); // Border element if (currentIndex % 9 == 8) { currentIndex += 2; } // Just in case. Should never occur. if (currentIndex % 9 == 0) { currentIndex++; } // Just in case. Should never occur. if (currentIndex > 35) { break; } } }; } } /** * This class opens new GUI that remove an element from all available lore values. */ private class RemoveLoreElementGUI { private RemoveLoreElementGUI(BiConsumer selectedElement) { PanelBuilder panelBuilder = new PanelBuilder(). name(EditLoreGUI.this.user.getTranslation("challenges.gui.title.admin.lore-remove")). user(EditLoreGUI.this.user); GuiUtils.fillBorder(panelBuilder, 5, Material.MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE); int currentIndex = 10; List values = EditLoreGUI.this.activeValues; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { final int counter = i; String value = values.get(counter); PanelItem item = EditLoreGUI.this.getLoreButton(value); if (item != null) { item.setClickHandler((panel, user1, clickType, slot) -> { selectedElement.accept(value, counter); return true; }); panelBuilder.item(currentIndex++, item); // Border element if (currentIndex % 9 == 8) { currentIndex += 2; } // Just in case. Should never occur. if (currentIndex % 9 == 0) { currentIndex++; } // Just in case. Should never occur. if (currentIndex > 35) { break; } } }; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Private classes // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This CustomPanelListener allows to move items in current panel. */ private class CustomPanelListener implements PanelListener { @Override public void setup() { } @Override public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent inventoryCloseEvent) { } @Override public void onInventoryClick(User user, InventoryClickEvent event) { // First row of elements should be ignored, as it contains buttons and blocked slots. event.setCancelled(event.getRawSlot() < 9 || event.getRawSlot() < 35 || event.getRawSlot() % 9 == 0 || event.getRawSlot() % 9 == 8); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Enums // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This enum holds all button values in current gui. */ private enum Button { SAVE, ADD, REMOVE, VIEW, RETURN } /** * This enum holds which Lore is edited with current GUI. */ public enum LoreType { CHALLENGES, LEVELS, } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Variables // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Lore that will be edited with current GUI. */ private final LoreType lore; /** * List of lore elements that are currently enabled. */ private List activeValues; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section: Constants // --------------------------------------------------------------------- private final static String REFERENCE_DESCRIPTION = "challenges.gui.descriptions.admin."; }