
223 lines
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* Copyright (C) filoghost and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
package me.filoghost.chestcommands.logging;
import me.filoghost.chestcommands.ChestCommands;
import me.filoghost.chestcommands.parsing.icon.AttributeType;
import me.filoghost.chestcommands.parsing.icon.IconSettings;
import me.filoghost.fcommons.config.ConfigErrors;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import java.nio.file.Path;
public class Errors {
public static class Config {
public static final String createDataFolderIOException = "plugin failed to load, couldn't create data folder";
public static String menuListIOException(Path menuFolder) {
return "couldn't fetch menu files inside the folder \"" + menuFolder + "\"";
public static String initException(Path file) {
return "error while initializing config file \"" + formatPath(file) + "\"";
public static String emptyPlaceholder(Path configFile) {
return "error in \"" + configFile + "\": placeholder cannot be empty (skipped).";
public static String tooLongPlaceholder(Path configFile, String placeholder) {
return "error in \"" + configFile + "\": placeholder cannot be longer than 100 character (" + placeholder + ").";
public static class Upgrade {
public static final String genericExecutorError = "error while running automatic configuration upgrades";
public static final String menuListIOException = "couldn't obtain a list of menu files";
public static final String failedSomeUpgrades =
"note: one or more automatic upgrades may have not been applied, "
+ "configuration files or menus may require manual changes";
public static final String failedToPrepareUpgradeTasks = "error while trying to prepare an automatic configuration upgrade";
public static String metadataReadError(Path metadataFile) {
return "couldn't read upgrades metadata file \"" + formatPath(metadataFile) + "\"";
public static String metadataSaveError(Path metadataFile) {
return "couldn't save upgrades metadata file \"" + formatPath(metadataFile) + "\"";
public static String failedSingleUpgrade(Path file) {
return "error while trying to automatically upgrade \"" + formatPath(file) + "\"";
public static String loadError(Path file) {
return "couldn't load file to upgrade \"" + formatPath(file) + "\"";
public static String backupError(Path file) {
return "couldn't create backup of file \"" + formatPath(file) + "\"";
public static String saveError(Path file) {
return "couldn't save upgraded file \"" + formatPath(file) + "\"";
public static class Parsing {
public static final String invalidDecimal = "value is not a valid decimal";
public static final String invalidShort = "value is not a valid short integer";
public static final String invalidInteger = "value is not a valid integer";
public static final String strictlyPositive = "value must be greater than zero";
public static final String zeroOrPositive = "value must be zero or greater";
public static final String invalidColorFormat = "value must match the format \"red, green, blue\"";
public static final String invalidPatternFormat = "value must match the format \"pattern:color\"";
public static final String unknownAttribute = "unknown attribute";
public static final String materialCannotBeAir = "material cannot be air";
public static String unknownMaterial(String materialString) {
return "unknown material \"" + materialString + "\"";
public static String unknownPatternType(String patternTypeString) {
return "unknown pattern type \"" + patternTypeString + "\"";
public static String unknownDyeColor(String dyeColorString) {
return "unknown dye color \"" + dyeColorString + "\"";
public static String unknownEnchantmentType(String typeString) {
return "unknown enchantment type \"" + typeString + "\"";
public static String invalidEnchantmentLevel(String levelString) {
return "invalid enchantment level \"" + levelString + "\",";
public static String invalidDurability(String durabilityString) {
return "invalid durability \"" + durabilityString + "\"";
public static String invalidAmount(String amountString) {
return "invalid amount \"" + amountString + "\"";
public static String invalidColorNumber(String numberString, String colorName) {
return "invalid " + colorName + " color \"" + numberString + "\"";
public static String invalidColorRange(String valueString, String colorName) {
return "invalid " + colorName + " color \"" + valueString + "\", value must be between 0 and 255";
public static String invalidBossBarTime(String timeString) {
return "invalid dragon bar time \"" + timeString + "\"";
public static String invalidSoundPitch(String pitchString) {
return "invalid sound pitch \"" + pitchString + "\"";
public static String invalidSoundVolume(String volumeString) {
return "invalid sound volume \"" + volumeString + "\"";
public static String unknownSound(String soundString) {
return "unknown sound \"" + soundString + "\"";
public static class Menu {
public static String invalidSetting(Path menuFile, String invalidSetting) {
return menuError(menuFile, "has an invalid menu setting \"" + invalidSetting + "\"");
public static String missingSetting(Path menuFile, String missingSetting) {
return menuError(menuFile, "is missing the menu setting \"" + missingSetting + "\"");
public static String missingSettingsSection(Path menuFile) {
return menuError(menuFile, "is missing the menu setting section");
public static String invalidSettingListElement(Path menuFile, String invalidSetting, String listElement) {
return menuError(menuFile,
"contains an invalid list element (\"" + listElement + "\") "
+ "in the menu setting \"" + invalidSetting + "\"");
private static String menuError(Path menuFile, String errorMessage) {
return "the menu \"" + formatPath(menuFile) + "\" " + errorMessage;
public static String invalidAttribute(IconSettings iconSettings, AttributeType attributeType) {
return invalidAttribute(iconSettings, attributeType.getAttributeName());
public static String invalidAttribute(IconSettings iconSettings, String attributeName) {
return iconError(iconSettings, "has an invalid attribute \"" + attributeName + "\"");
public static String missingAttribute(IconSettings iconSettings, AttributeType attributeType) {
return iconError(iconSettings, "is missing the attribute \"" + attributeType.getAttributeName() + "\"");
public static String invalidAttributeListElement(IconSettings iconSettings, String attributeName, String listElement) {
return iconError(iconSettings,
"contains an invalid list element (\"" + listElement + "\") "
+ "in the attribute \"" + attributeName + "\"");
public static String iconOverridesAnother(IconSettings iconSettings) {
return iconError(iconSettings, "is overriding another icon with the same position");
private static String iconError(IconSettings iconSettings, String errorMessage) {
return "the icon \"" + iconSettings.getIconName() + "\" in the menu \""
+ formatPath(iconSettings.getMenuFile()) + "\" " + errorMessage;
public static String duplicateMenuName(Path menuFile1, Path menuFile2) {
return "two menus (\"" + menuFile1 + "\" and \"" + menuFile2 + "\") "
+ "have the same file name. Only of them will work when referenced by name";
public static String duplicateMenuCommand(Path menuFile1, Path menuFile2, String command) {
return "two menus (\"" + menuFile1 + "\" and \"" + menuFile2 + "\") "
+ "have the same command \"" + command + "\". Only one will be opened when the command is executed";
public static class User {
public static final String notifyStaffRequest = "Please inform the staff.";
public static String configurationError(String errorMessage) {
return ChatColor.RED + "Error: " + errorMessage + ". " + Errors.User.notifyStaffRequest;
public static String formatPath(Path path) {
return ConfigErrors.formatPath(ChestCommands.getDataFolderPath(), path);