package com.nijikokun.register.payment.forChestShop; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; /** * * Controls the getting / setting of methods & the method of payment used. * * @author: Nijikokun (@nijikokun) * @copyright: Copyright (C) 2011 * @license: GNUv3 Affero License */ public class Methods { private boolean self = false; private Method Method = null; private String preferred = ""; private Set Methods = new HashSet(); private Set Dependencies = new HashSet(); private Set Attachables = new HashSet(); public Methods() { this._init(); } /** * Allows you to set which economy plugin is most preferred. * * @param preferred */ public Methods(String preferred) { this._init(); if(this.Dependencies.contains(preferred)) { this.preferred = preferred; } } private void _init() { this.addMethod("iConomy", new com.nijikokun.register.payment.forChestShop.methods.iCo4()); this.addMethod("iConomy", new com.nijikokun.register.payment.forChestShop.methods.iCo5()); this.addMethod("BOSEconomy", new com.nijikokun.register.payment.forChestShop.methods.BOSE()); this.addMethod("Essentials", new com.nijikokun.register.payment.forChestShop.methods.EE17()); } public Set getDependencies() { return Dependencies; } public Method createMethod(Plugin plugin) { for (Method method: Methods) { if (method.isCompatible(plugin)) { method.setPlugin(plugin); return method; } } return null; } private void addMethod(String name, Method method) { Dependencies.add(name); Methods.add(method); } public boolean hasMethod() { return (Method != null); } public boolean setMethod(Plugin method) { if(hasMethod()) return true; if(self) { self = false; return false; } int count = 0; boolean match = false; Plugin plugin = null; PluginManager manager = method.getServer().getPluginManager(); for(String name: this.getDependencies()) { if(hasMethod()) break; if(method.getDescription().getName().equals(name)) plugin = method; else plugin = manager.getPlugin(name); if(plugin == null) continue; Method current = this.createMethod(plugin); if(current == null) continue; if(this.preferred.isEmpty()) this.Method = current; else { this.Attachables.add(current); } } if(!this.preferred.isEmpty()) { do { if(hasMethod()) { match = true; } else { for(Method attached: this.Attachables) { if(attached == null) continue; if(hasMethod()) { match = true; break; } if(this.preferred.isEmpty()) this.Method = attached; if(count == 0) { if(this.preferred.equalsIgnoreCase(attached.getName())) this.Method = attached; } else { this.Method = attached; } } count++; } } while(!match); } return hasMethod(); } public Method getMethod() { return Method; } public boolean checkDisabled(Plugin method) { if(!hasMethod()) return true; if (Method.isCompatible(method)) Method = null; return (Method == null); } }