package com.lennardf1989.bukkitex; import com.avaje.ebean.EbeanServer; import com.avaje.ebean.EbeanServerFactory; import com.avaje.ebean.config.DataSourceConfig; import com.avaje.ebean.config.ServerConfig; import com.avaje.ebean.config.dbplatform.SQLitePlatform; import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.api.SpiEbeanServer; import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.ddl.DdlGenerator; import com.avaje.ebeaninternal.server.lib.sql.TransactionIsolation; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public abstract class Database { private JavaPlugin javaPlugin; private ClassLoader classLoader; private Level loggerLevel; private boolean usingSQLite; private ServerConfig serverConfig; private EbeanServer ebeanServer; /** * Create an instance of Database * * @param javaPlugin Plugin instancing this database */ public Database(JavaPlugin javaPlugin) { //Store the JavaPlugin this.javaPlugin = javaPlugin; //Try to get the ClassLoader of the plugin using Reflection try { //Find the "getClassLoader" method and make it "public" instead of "protected" Method method = JavaPlugin.class.getDeclaredMethod("getClassLoader"); method.setAccessible(true); //Store the ClassLoader this.classLoader = (ClassLoader) method.invoke(javaPlugin); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to retrieve the ClassLoader of the plugin using Reflection", ex); } } /** * Initialize the database using the passed arguments * * @param driver Database-driver to use. For example: org.sqlite.JDBC * @param url Location of the database. For example: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db * @param username Username required to access the database * @param password Password belonging to the username, may be empty * @param isolation Isolation type. For example: SERIALIZABLE, also see TransactionIsolation */ public void initializeDatabase(String driver, String url, String username, String password, String isolation) { //Logging needs to be set back to the original level, no matter what happens try { //Disable all logging disableDatabaseLogging(false); //Prepare the database prepareDatabase(driver, url, username, password, isolation); //Load the database loadDatabase(); //Create all tables installDatabase(false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("An exception has occured while initializing the database", ex); } finally { //Enable all logging enableDatabaseLogging(false); } } private void prepareDatabase(String driver, String url, String username, String password, String isolation) { //Setup the data source DataSourceConfig ds = new DataSourceConfig(); ds.setDriver(driver); ds.setUrl(replaceDatabaseString(url)); ds.setUsername(username); ds.setPassword(password); ds.setIsolationLevel(TransactionIsolation.getLevel(isolation)); //Setup the server configuration ServerConfig sc = new ServerConfig(); sc.setDefaultServer(false); sc.setRegister(false); sc.setName(ds.getUrl().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "")); //Get all persistent classes List> classes = getDatabaseClasses(); //Do a sanity check first if (classes.isEmpty()) { //Exception: There is no use in continuing to load this database throw new RuntimeException("Database has been enabled, but no classes are registered to it"); } //Register them with the EbeanServer sc.setClasses(classes); //Check if the SQLite JDBC supplied with Bukkit is being used if (ds.getDriver().equalsIgnoreCase("org.sqlite.JDBC")) { //Remember the database is a SQLite-database usingSQLite = true; //Modify the platform, as SQLite has no AUTO_INCREMENT field sc.setDatabasePlatform(new SQLitePlatform()); sc.getDatabasePlatform().getDbDdlSyntax().setIdentity(""); } prepareDatabaseAdditionalConfig(ds, sc); //Finally the data source sc.setDataSourceConfig(ds); //Store the ServerConfig serverConfig = sc; } private void loadDatabase() { //Declare a few local variables for later use ClassLoader currentClassLoader = null; Field cacheField = null; boolean cacheValue = true; try { //Store the current ClassLoader, so it can be reverted later currentClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); //Set the ClassLoader to Plugin ClassLoader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); //Get a reference to the private static "defaultUseCaches"-field in URLConnection cacheField = URLConnection.class.getDeclaredField("defaultUseCaches"); //Make it accessible, store the default value and set it to false cacheField.setAccessible(true); cacheValue = cacheField.getBoolean(null); cacheField.setBoolean(null, false); //Setup Ebean based on the configuration ebeanServer = EbeanServerFactory.create(serverConfig); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create a new instance of the EbeanServer", ex); } finally { //Revert the ClassLoader back to its original value if (currentClassLoader != null) { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(currentClassLoader); } //Revert the "defaultUseCaches"-field in URLConnection back to its original value try { if (cacheField != null) { cacheField.setBoolean(null, cacheValue); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to revert the \"defaultUseCaches\"-field back to its original value, URLConnection-caching remains disabled."); } } } private void installDatabase(boolean rebuild) { //Check if the database already (partially) exists boolean databaseExists = false; List> classes = getDatabaseClasses(); for (Class aClass : classes) { try { //Do a simple query which only throws an exception if the table does not exist ebeanServer.find(aClass).findRowCount(); //Query passed without throwing an exception, a database therefore already exists databaseExists = true; break; } catch (Exception ex) { //Do nothing } } //Check if the database has to be created or rebuilt if (!rebuild && databaseExists) { return; } //Create a DDL generator SpiEbeanServer serv = (SpiEbeanServer) ebeanServer; DdlGenerator gen = serv.getDdlGenerator(); //Fire "before drop" event try { beforeDropDatabase(); } catch (Exception ex) { //If the database exists, dropping has to be canceled to prevent data-loss if (databaseExists) { throw new RuntimeException("An unexpected exception occured", ex); } } //Generate a DropDDL-script gen.runScript(true, gen.generateDropDdl()); //If SQLite is being used, the database has to reloaded to release all resources if (usingSQLite) { loadDatabase(); } //Generate a CreateDDL-script if (usingSQLite) { //If SQLite is being used, the CreateDLL-script has to be validated and potentially fixed to be valid gen.runScript(false, validateCreateDDLSqlite(gen.generateCreateDdl())); } else { gen.runScript(false, gen.generateCreateDdl()); } //Fire "after create" event try { afterCreateDatabase(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("An unexpected exception occured", ex); } } private String replaceDatabaseString(String input) { input = input.replaceAll("\\{DIR\\}", javaPlugin.getDataFolder().getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/") + '/'); input = input.replaceAll("\\{NAME\\}", javaPlugin.getDescription().getName().replaceAll("[^\\w_-]", "")); return input; } private static String validateCreateDDLSqlite(String oldScript) { try { //Create a BufferedReader out of the potentially invalid script BufferedReader scriptReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(oldScript)); //Create an array to store all the lines List scriptLines = new ArrayList(); //Create some additional variables for keeping track of tables HashMap foundTables = new HashMap(); String currentTable = null; int tableOffset = 0; //Loop through all lines String currentLine; while ((currentLine = scriptReader.readLine()) != null) { //Trim the current line to remove trailing spaces currentLine = currentLine.trim(); //Add the current line to the rest of the lines scriptLines.add(currentLine.trim()); //Check if the current line is of any use if (currentLine.startsWith("create table")) { //Found a table, so get its name and remember the line it has been encountered on currentTable = currentLine.split(" ", 4)[2]; foundTables.put(currentLine.split(" ", 3)[2], scriptLines.size() - 1); } else if (!currentLine.isEmpty() && currentLine.charAt(0) == ';' && currentTable != null && !currentTable.isEmpty()) { //Found the end of a table definition, so update the entry int index = scriptLines.size() - 1; foundTables.put(currentTable, index); //Remove the last ")" from the previous line String previousLine = scriptLines.get(index - 1); previousLine = previousLine.substring(0, previousLine.length() - 1); scriptLines.set(index - 1, previousLine); //Change ";" to ");" on the current line scriptLines.set(index, ");"); //Reset the table-tracker currentTable = null; } else if (currentLine.startsWith("alter table")) { //Found a potentially unsupported action String[] alterTableLine = currentLine.split(" ", 4); if (alterTableLine[3].startsWith("add constraint")) { //Found an unsupported action: ALTER TABLE using ADD CONSTRAINT String[] addConstraintLine = alterTableLine[3].split(" ", 4); //Check if this line can be fixed somehow if (addConstraintLine[3].startsWith("foreign key")) { //Calculate the index of last line of the current table int tableLastLine = foundTables.get(alterTableLine[2]) + tableOffset; //Add a "," to the previous line scriptLines.set(tableLastLine - 1, scriptLines.get(tableLastLine - 1) + ','); //Add the constraint as a new line - Remove the ";" on the end String constraintLine = String.format("%s %s %s", addConstraintLine[1], addConstraintLine[2], addConstraintLine[3]); scriptLines.add(tableLastLine, constraintLine.substring(0, constraintLine.length() - 1)); //Remove this line and raise the table offset because a line has been inserted scriptLines.remove(scriptLines.size() - 1); tableOffset++; } else { //Exception: This line cannot be fixed but is known the be unsupported by SQLite throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported action encountered: ALTER TABLE using ADD CONSTRAINT with " + addConstraintLine[3]); } } } } //Turn all the lines back into a single string StringBuilder newScript = new StringBuilder(5); for (String newLine : scriptLines) { newScript.append(newLine).append('\n'); } //Print the new script System.out.println(newScript); //Return the fixed script return newScript.toString(); } catch (Exception ex) { //Exception: Failed to fix the DDL or something just went plain wrong throw new RuntimeException("Failed to validate the CreateDDL-script for SQLite", ex); } } private void disableDatabaseLogging(boolean logging) { //If logging is allowed, nothing has to be changed if (logging) { return; } //Retrieve the level of the root logger loggerLevel = Logger.getLogger("").getLevel(); //Set the level of the root logger to OFF Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.OFF); } private void enableDatabaseLogging(boolean logging) { //If logging is allowed, nothing has to be changed if (logging) { return; } //Set the level of the root logger back to the original value Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(loggerLevel); } /** * Get a list of classes which should be registered with the EbeanServer * * @return List List of classes which should be registered with the EbeanServer */ protected List> getDatabaseClasses() { return new ArrayList>(); } /** * Method called before the loaded database is being dropped */ protected void beforeDropDatabase() {} /** * Method called after the loaded database has been created */ protected void afterCreateDatabase() {} /** * Method called near the end of prepareDatabase, before the dataSourceConfig is attached to the serverConfig. * * @param dataSourceConfig * @param serverConfig */ protected void prepareDatabaseAdditionalConfig(DataSourceConfig dataSourceConfig, ServerConfig serverConfig) {} /** * Get the instance of the EbeanServer * * @return EbeanServer Instance of the EbeanServer */ public EbeanServer getDatabase() { return ebeanServer; } }