package com.Acrobot.ChestShop; import com.Acrobot.Breeze.Utils.MaterialUtil; import com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Configuration.Properties; import com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Listeners.Economy.EconomyAdapter; import com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Listeners.Economy.Plugins.ReserveListener; import com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Listeners.Economy.Plugins.VaultListener; import com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Plugins.*; import; import org.bstats.charts.DrilldownPie; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.server.PluginEnableEvent; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; /** * @author Acrobot */ public class Dependencies implements Listener { private static final Map versions = new HashMap<>(); public static void initializePlugins() { PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); for (String dependency : ChestShop.getDependencies()) { Plugin plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin(dependency); if (plugin != null) { initializePlugin(dependency, plugin); } } } private static void initializePlugin(String name, Plugin plugin) { //Really messy, right? But it's short and fast :) Dependency dependency; try { dependency = Dependency.valueOf(name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { return; } switch (dependency) { //Terrain protection plugins case WorldGuard: WorldGuardFlags.ENABLE_SHOP.getName(); // force the static code to run break; } PluginDescriptionFile description = plugin.getDescription(); ChestShop.getBukkitLogger().info(description.getName() + " version " + description.getVersion() + " loaded."); } public static boolean loadPlugins() { PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager(); for (String dependency : ChestShop.getDependencies()) { Plugin plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin(dependency); if (plugin != null && plugin.isEnabled()) { loadPlugin(dependency, plugin); } } if (loadEconomy()) { Map> map = versions.entrySet().stream() .map(e -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry>(e.getKey(), ImmutableMap.of(e.getValue(), 1))) .collect(Collectors.toMap( AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getKey, AbstractMap.SimpleEntry::getValue )); ChestShop.getMetrics().addCustomChart(new DrilldownPie("dependencies", () -> map)); return true; } return false; } private static boolean loadEconomy() { String plugin = "none"; EconomyAdapter economy = null; if(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Reserve") != null) { plugin = "Reserve"; economy = ReserveListener.prepareListener(); } if(Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("Vault") != null) { plugin = "Vault"; economy = VaultListener.initializeVault(); } if (economy == null) { ChestShop.getBukkitLogger().severe("No Economy adapter found! You need to install either Vault or Reserve!"); return false; } ChestShop.getMetrics().addCustomChart(ChestShop.createStaticDrilldownStat("economyAdapter", plugin, Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin(plugin).getDescription().getVersion())); ChestShop.getMetrics().addCustomChart(ChestShop.createStaticDrilldownStat("economyPlugin", economy.getProviderInfo().getName(), economy.getProviderInfo().getVersion())); ChestShop.registerListener(economy); ChestShop.getBukkitLogger().info(plugin + " loaded!"); return true; } private static void loadPlugin(String name, Plugin plugin) { //Really messy, right? But it's short and fast :) Dependency dependency; try { dependency = Dependency.valueOf(name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { return; } Listener listener = null; switch (dependency) { //Protection plugins case LWC: listener = new LightweightChestProtection(); break; case Lockette: listener = new Lockette(); break; case LockettePro: listener = new LockettePro(); break; case Deadbolt: listener = new Deadbolt(); break; case SimpleChestLock: listener = SimpleChestLock.getSimpleChestLock(plugin); break; case BlockLocker: listener = new BlockLocker(); break; case Residence: if (plugin.getDescription().getVersion().startsWith("2")) { ChestShop.getBukkitLogger().severe("You are using an old version of Residence! " + "Please update to the newest one, which supports UUIDs:"); break; } listener = new ResidenceChestProtection(); break; //Terrain protection plugins case WorldGuard: boolean inUse = Properties.WORLDGUARD_USE_PROTECTION || Properties.WORLDGUARD_INTEGRATION; if (!inUse) { return; } if (Properties.WORLDGUARD_USE_PROTECTION) { ChestShop.registerListener(new WorldGuardProtection(plugin)); } if (Properties.WORLDGUARD_INTEGRATION) { listener = new WorldGuardBuilding(plugin); } break; case GriefPrevention: if (!Properties.GRIEFPREVENTION_INTEGRATION) { return; } listener = new GriefPrevenentionBuilding(plugin); break; case RedProtect: if (!Properties.REDPROTECT_INTEGRATION) { return; } listener = new RedProtectBuilding(plugin); break; //Other plugins case Heroes: Heroes heroes = Heroes.getHeroes(plugin); if (heroes == null) { return; } listener = heroes; break; case ItemBridge: listener = new ItemBridge(); break; case ShowItem: MaterialUtil.Show.initialize(plugin); break; } if (listener != null) { ChestShop.registerListener(listener); } PluginDescriptionFile description = plugin.getDescription(); versions.put(description.getName(), description.getVersion()); ChestShop.getBukkitLogger().info(description.getName() + " version " + description.getVersion() + " loaded."); } private static enum Dependency { LWC, Lockette, LockettePro, Deadbolt, SimpleChestLock, BlockLocker, Residence, WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, RedProtect, Heroes, ItemBridge, ShowItem } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onEnable(PluginEnableEvent event) { Plugin plugin = event.getPlugin(); if (ChestShop.getDependencies().contains(plugin.getName())) { loadPlugin(plugin.getName(), plugin); } } }