package com.Acrobot.Breeze.Utils; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author Acrobot */ public class InventoryUtil { /** * Returns the amount of the item inside the inventory * * @param item Item to check * @param inventory inventory * @return amount of the item */ public static int getAmount(ItemStack item, Inventory inventory) { if (!inventory.contains(item.getType())) { return 0; } if (inventory.getType() == null) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } HashMap items = inventory.all(item.getType()); int itemAmount = 0; for (ItemStack iStack : items.values()) { if (!MaterialUtil.equals(iStack, item)) { continue; } itemAmount += iStack.getAmount(); } return itemAmount; } /** * Tells if the inventory is empty * * @param inventory inventory * @return Is the inventory empty? */ public static boolean isEmpty(Inventory inventory) { for (ItemStack stack : inventory.getContents()) { if (!MaterialUtil.isEmpty(stack)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the inventory has stock of this type * * @param items items * @param inventory inventory * @return Does the inventory contain stock of this type? */ public static boolean hasItems(ItemStack[] items, Inventory inventory) { for (ItemStack item : items) { if (!inventory.containsAtLeast(item, item.getAmount())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the item fits the inventory * * @param item Item to check * @param inventory inventory * @return Does item fit inside inventory? */ public static boolean fits(ItemStack item, Inventory inventory) { int left = item.getAmount(); if (inventory.getMaxStackSize() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return true; } for (ItemStack iStack : inventory.getContents()) { if (left <= 0) { return true; } if (MaterialUtil.isEmpty(iStack)) { left -= item.getMaxStackSize(); continue; } if (!MaterialUtil.equals(iStack, item)) { continue; } left -= (iStack.getMaxStackSize() - iStack.getAmount()); } return left <= 0; } /** * Adds an item to the inventory * (it currently uses a custom method of adding items, because Bukkit hasn't fixed it for 6 months now) * * @param item Item to add * @param inventory Inventory * @return Number of leftover items */ public static int add(ItemStack item, Inventory inventory) { if (item.getAmount() < 1) { return 0; } int amountLeft = item.getAmount(); int maxStackSize = item.getMaxStackSize(); for (int currentSlot = 0; currentSlot < inventory.getSize() && amountLeft > 0; currentSlot++) { ItemStack currentItem = inventory.getItem(currentSlot); ItemStack duplicate = item.clone(); if (MaterialUtil.isEmpty(currentItem)) { duplicate.setAmount(Math.min(duplicate.getAmount(), maxStackSize)); duplicate.addEnchantments(item.getEnchantments()); amountLeft -= duplicate.getAmount(); inventory.setItem(currentSlot, duplicate); } else if (currentItem.getAmount() < maxStackSize && MaterialUtil.equals(currentItem, item)) { int currentAmount = currentItem.getAmount(); int neededToAdd = Math.min(maxStackSize - currentAmount, amountLeft); duplicate.setAmount(currentAmount + neededToAdd); duplicate.addEnchantments(item.getEnchantments()); amountLeft -= duplicate.getAmount(); inventory.setItem(currentSlot, duplicate); } } return amountLeft; } /** * Removes an item from the inventory * * @param item Item to remove * @param inventory Inventory * @return Number of items that couldn't be removed */ public static int remove(ItemStack item, Inventory inventory) { Map leftovers = inventory.removeItem(item); return countItems(leftovers); } /** * If items in arguments are similar, this function merges them into stacks of the same type * * @param items Items to merge * @return Merged stack array */ public static ItemStack[] mergeSimilarStacks(ItemStack... items) { List itemList = new LinkedList(); Iterating: for (ItemStack item : items) { for (ItemStack iStack : itemList) { if (MaterialUtil.equals(item, iStack)) { iStack.setAmount(iStack.getAmount() + item.getAmount()); continue Iterating; } } itemList.add(item); } return itemList.toArray(new ItemStack[itemList.size()]); } /** * Counts the amount of items in ItemStacks * * @param items ItemStacks of items to count * @return How many items are there? */ public static int countItems(ItemStack... items) { int count = 0; for (ItemStack item : items) { count += item.getAmount(); } return count; } /** * Counts leftovers from a map * * @param items Leftovers * @return Number of leftovers */ public static int countItems(Map items) { int totalLeft = 0; for (int left : items.keySet()) { totalLeft += left; } return totalLeft; } }