package com.Acrobot.Breeze.Utils; /** * @author Acrobot */ public class PriceUtil { public static final double NO_PRICE = -1; public static final double FREE = 0; public static final String FREE_TEXT = "free"; /** * Gets the price from the text * @param text Text to check * @param indicator Price indicator (for example, B for buy) * @return price */ public static double get(String text, char indicator) { String[] split = text.replace(" ", "").toLowerCase().split(":"); String character = String.valueOf(indicator); for (String part : split) { if (!part.contains(character)) { continue; } part = part.replace(character, ""); if (part.equals(FREE_TEXT)) { return FREE; } if (NumberUtil.isDouble(part)) { double price = Double.valueOf(part); if (price == 0) { return NO_PRICE; } else { return price; } } } return NO_PRICE; } /** * Gets the buy price from te text * @param text Text to check * @return Buy price */ public static double getBuyPrice(String text) { return get(text, 'b'); } /** * Gets the sell price from te text * @param text Text to check * @return Sell price */ public static double getSellPrice(String text) { return get(text, 's'); } /** * Checks if the string is a valid price * @param text Text to check * @return Is the string a valid price */ public static boolean textIsPrice(String text) { if (NumberUtil.isFloat(text)) { return true; } return text.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("free"); } }