Acrobot f1ee558e3a - Reformatted code
- Switched from YamlConfiguration to BreezeConfiguration (from ChestShop 4)
- Fixed getDouble()
- Instead of checking for Admin Shops, we just pass in a new AdminShop Container
- Created events for shop creation, protection checks and protection creation
- Expanded string data value parsing, for example - you can use "Ocelot Monster" on the sign
- Collected all external plugin wrappers in a single folder
- Instead of using statics, now we use objects
- Fixed enchantments for armour
- Made config more readable
- Added a setting for removing empty shops
- Switched from System.out to logger
- Also, switched from ugly file logging to Java's native one (FileHandler)
- Added an option to tax transactions even when SERVER_ECONOMY_ACCOUNT is empty
- Changed the Container interface
2012-05-10 16:32:25 +02:00

75 lines
2.3 KiB

package com.Acrobot.ChestShop.Config;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Acrobot
public enum Language {
prefix("&a[Shop] &f"),
iteminfo("&aItem Information:&f"),
ACCESS_DENIED("You don't have permission to do that!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY("You don't have enough money!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_SHOP("Shop owner doesn't have enough money!"),
NO_BUYING_HERE("You can't buy here!"),
NO_SELLING_HERE("You can't sell here!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_INVENTORY("You haven't got enough space in inventory!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_CHEST("There isn't enough space in chest!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS_TO_SELL("You don't have enough items to sell!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK("This shop is out of stock."),
NOT_ENOUGH_STOCK_IN_YOUR_SHOP("Your %material shop is out of stock!"),
YOU_BOUGHT_FROM_SHOP("You bought %amount %item from %owner for %price."),
SOMEBODY_BOUGHT_FROM_YOUR_SHOP("%buyer bought %amount %item for %price from you."),
YOU_SOLD_TO_SHOP("You sold %amount %item to %buyer for %price."),
SOMEBODY_SOLD_TO_YOUR_SHOP("%seller sold %amount %item for %price to you."),
YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP("You can't create this type of shop!"),
NO_CHEST_DETECTED("Couldn't find a chest!"),
ANOTHER_SHOP_DETECTED("Another player's shop detected!"),
CANNOT_ACCESS_THE_CHEST("You don't have permissions to access this chest!"),
PROTECTED_SHOP("Successfully protected the shop with LWC!"),
SHOP_CREATED("Shop successfully created!"),
SHOP_REFUNDED("You have been refunded %amount."),
NO_PERMISSION("You don't have permissions to do that!"),
INCORRECT_ITEM_ID("You have specified invalid item id!"),
NOT_ENOUGH_PROTECTIONS("You have reached the protection limit!"),
CANNOT_CREATE_SHOP_HERE("You can't create shop here!");
private final String text;
private static final Map<String, Value> values = new LinkedHashMap<String, Value>();
private Language(String def) {
text = def;
public String toString() {
return text;
public Value getValue() {
return new Value(text);
public static Map<String, Value> getValues() {
return values;
static {
for (Language property : Language.values()) {
values.put(, property.getValue());