package de.jeff_media.chestsort.config; import de.jeff_media.chestsort.ChestSortPlugin; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import*; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Updates the config file. When a new config file is shipped with AngelChest, it will save the new * file and replace all default values with the values that were set in the old config file. */ public final class ConfigUpdater { // Lines STARTING WITH these names will be treated as String lists private static final String[] LINES_CONTAINING_STRING_LISTS = {Config.DISABLED_WORLDS + ":", "blocked-inventory-holders-regex:"}; // Lines STARTING WITH these names will never get the old value applied private static final String[] LINES_IGNORED = {"config-version:", "plugin-version:"}; // Lines STARTING WITH these names will get no quotes although they would match one of the lists below private static final String[] CONFLICTING_NODES_NEEDING_NO_QUOTES = {}; // Lines STARTING WITH these names will get their values wrapped in double quotes private static final String[] NODES_NEEDING_DOUBLE_QUOTES = {"message-","sorting-method"}; // Lines STARTING WITH these names will get their values wrapped in single quotes private static final String[] NODES_NEEDING_SINGLE_QUOTES = {}; private static void backupCurrentConfig(final ChestSortPlugin main) { final File oldFile = new File(getFilePath(main, "config.yml")); final File newFile = new File(getFilePath(main, "config-backup-" + main.getConfig().getString(Config.CONFIG_PLUGIN_VERSION) + ".yml")); if (newFile.exists()) newFile.delete(); if (oldFile.getAbsoluteFile().renameTo(newFile.getAbsoluteFile())) { if(main.isDebug()) main.debug("Could not rename " + oldFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + newFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** * For debugging the config updater only */ private static void debug(final Logger logger, final String message) { //noinspection ConstantConditions if (false) { logger.warning(message); } } private static String getFilePath(final Plugin main, final String fileName) { return main.getDataFolder() + File.separator + fileName; } private static List getNewConfigAsArrayList(final Plugin main) { final List lines; try { lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(getFilePath(main, "config.yml")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); return lines; } catch (final IOException ioException) { ioException.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Returns the config version of the currently installed AngelChest default config * * @return default config version */ private static long getNewConfigVersion() { final InputStream in = ChestSortPlugin.getInstance().getClass().getResourceAsStream("/config-version.txt"); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); try { return Long.parseLong(reader.readLine()); } catch (final IOException ioException) { ioException.printStackTrace(); return 0; } } /** * Returns a String representing the correct quotes to use for this key's value * * @param line line/key to get the quotes for * @return double quote, single quote or empty string, according to the key name */ private static String getQuotes(final String line) { for(final String test : CONFLICTING_NODES_NEEDING_NO_QUOTES) { if(line.startsWith(test)) { return ""; } } for (final String test : NODES_NEEDING_DOUBLE_QUOTES) { if (line.startsWith(test)) { return "\""; } } for (final String test : NODES_NEEDING_SINGLE_QUOTES) { if (line.startsWith(test)) { return "'"; } } return ""; } private static boolean lineContainsIgnoredNode(final String line) { for (final String test : LINES_IGNORED) { if (line.startsWith(test)) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean lineIsStringList(final String line) { for (final String test : LINES_CONTAINING_STRING_LISTS) { if (line.startsWith(test)) { return true; } } return false; } private static void saveArrayListToConfig(final Plugin main, final List lines) { try { final BufferedWriter fw = Files.newBufferedWriter(new File(getFilePath(main, "config.yml")).toPath(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); for (final String line : lines) { fw.write(line + System.lineSeparator()); } fw.close(); } catch (final IOException ioException) { ioException.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Attempts to update the config */ public static void updateConfig() { final ChestSortPlugin main = ChestSortPlugin.getInstance(); final Logger logger = main.getLogger(); debug(logger, "Newest config version = " + getNewConfigVersion()); debug(logger, "Current config version = " + main.getConfig().getLong(Config.CONFIG_VERSION)); if (main.getConfig().getLong(Config.CONFIG_VERSION) >= getNewConfigVersion()) { debug(logger, "The config currently used has an equal or newer version than the one shipped with this release."); return; }"===========================================");"You are using an outdated config file.");"Your config file will now be updated to the");"newest version. You changes will be kept.");"==========================================="); // hotkeys has been renamed to sorting-hotkeys if(main.getConfig().isSet("hotkeys.middle-click")) { main.getConfig().set("sorting-hotkeys.middle-click", main.getConfig().getBoolean("hotkeys.middle-click")); main.getConfig().set("sorting-hotkeys.shift-click", main.getConfig().getBoolean("hotkeys.shift-click")); main.getConfig().set("sorting-hotkeys.double-click", main.getConfig().getBoolean("hotkeys.double-click")); main.getConfig().set("sorting-hotkeys.shift-right-click", main.getConfig().getBoolean("hotkeys.shift-right-click")); } // allow-hotkeys has been renamed to allow-sorting-hotkeys if(main.getConfig().isSet("allow-hotkeys")) { main.getConfig().set("allow-sorting-hotkeys",main.getConfig().getBoolean("allow-hotkeys")); } backupCurrentConfig(main); main.saveDefaultConfig(); final Set oldConfigNodes = main.getConfig().getKeys(false); final ArrayList newConfig = new ArrayList<>(); // Iterate through ALL lines from the new default config for (final String defaultLine : getNewConfigAsArrayList(main)) { String updatedLine = defaultLine; /*if (Daddy.allows(Features.GENERIC)) { if (updatedLine.startsWith("# PREMIUM FEATURE: ONLY AVAILABLE IN AngelChestPlus!")) { updatedLine = null; } } else*/ //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (defaultLine.startsWith("sorting-hotkeys:") || defaultLine.startsWith("additional-hotkeys:")) { // dont replace hotkeys root part } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" middle-click:")) { updatedLine = " middle-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("sorting-hotkeys.middle-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" shift-click:")) { updatedLine = " shift-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("sorting-hotkeys.shift-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" double-click:")) { updatedLine = " double-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("sorting-hotkeys.double-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" shift-right-click:")) { updatedLine = " shift-right-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("sorting-hotkeys.shift-right-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" left-click:")) { updatedLine = " left-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("additional-hotkeys.left-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith(" right-click:")) { updatedLine = " right-click: " + main.getConfig().getBoolean("additional-hotkeys.right-click"); } else if (defaultLine.startsWith("-") || defaultLine.startsWith(" -") || defaultLine.startsWith(" -")) { debug(logger, "Not including default String list entry: " + defaultLine); updatedLine = null; } else if (lineContainsIgnoredNode(defaultLine)) { debug(logger, "Not updating this line: " + defaultLine); } else if (lineIsStringList(defaultLine)) { updatedLine = null; newConfig.add(defaultLine); final String node = defaultLine.split(":")[0]; for (final String entry : main.getConfig().getStringList(node)) { newConfig.add("- " + entry); } } else { for (final String node : oldConfigNodes) { // Iterate through all keys from the old config file. if (defaultLine.startsWith(node + ":")) { // This key from the old file matches this line from the new file! Updating... final String quotes = getQuotes(node); String value = main.getConfig().get(node).toString(); // The hologram text needs special escaping for the newline symbols //if (node.equals("hologram-text")) { value = value.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); //} updatedLine = node + ": " + quotes + value + quotes; } } } if (updatedLine != null) { newConfig.add(updatedLine); } } saveArrayListToConfig(main, newConfig); } }