######################### ##### ChestSort ##### ######################### # # Please note that players will need the chestsort.use permission # or have to be OP to be able to use automatic chest sorting. # # when set to false, new players will have to run /chestsort # once to enable automatic chest sorting. sorting-enabled-by-default: false # when set to true, players with sorting DISABLED will be # shown a message on how to enable automatic chest sorting # when they use a chest for the first time. # consider setting this to true when you disable sorting by default. # see also -> message-when-using-chest show-message-when-using-chest: true # when set to true, players with sorting ENABLED will be # shown a message on how to disable automatic chest sorting # when they use a chest for the first time. # consider setting this to true when you enable sorting by default. # see also -> message-when-using-chest2 show-message-when-using-chest-and-sorting-is-enabled: false # when set to true, the messages are shown again when a player # logs out and back in and then uses a chest again. show-message-again-after-logout: true ########################## ##### Sorting Method ##### ########################## # Advanced: how to sort things! See below for examples. # # Available variables: # {itemsFirst} put items before blocks (must be at the beginning) # {blocksFirst} put blocks before items (must be at the beginning) # {name} returns the name (e.g. DIRT, GRASS_BLOCK, BIRCH_LOG, DIAMOND_SWORD, ...) # {color} returns the color, e.g. light_blue for wool. Empty if block/item is not dyeable # # Warning: You must not use spaces and fields have to be separated by commas. # # Examples: # sort by name and color: # '{name},{color}' # # sort by name and color, but put items before blocks: # '{itemsFirst},{name},{color}' # # sort by name and color, but put blocks before items: # '{blocksFirst},{name},{color}' # sorting-method: '{itemsFirst},{name},{color}' ######################### ##### localization ###### ######################### # Available color codes: # &0 Black &6 Gold &c Red # &1 Dark Blue &7 Gray &d Light Purple # &2 Dark Green &8 Dark Gray &e Yellow # &3 Dark Aqua &9 Blue &f White # &4 Dark Red &a Green # &5 Dark Purple &b Aqua # Available formatting codes: # &k Obfuscated &m Strikethrough # &l Bold &o Italic # &n Underline &r Reset ##### English message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to enable automatic chest sorting." message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to disable automatic chest sorting." message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &cdisabled&7." message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &aenabled&7." message-error-players-only: "&cError: This command can only be run by players." ##### Chinese - Thanks to qsefthuopq for translating! -> https://www.spigotmc.org/members/qsefthuopq.339953/ #message-when-using-chest: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来启用自动整理箱子." #message-when-using-chest2: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来关闭自动整理箱子." #message-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &c关闭&7." #message-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &a启用&7." #message-error-players-only: "&c错误: 指令只能由玩家运行." ##### French - Thanks to automatizer for translating! -> https://www.spigotmc.org/members/automatizer.26188/ #message-when-using-chest: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour activer le classement automatique." #message-when-using-chest2: "&7Astuce: Écris &6/chestsort&7 pour désactiver le classement automatique." #message-sorting-disabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &cdésactivé&7." #message-sorting-enabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &aactivé&7." #message-error-players-only: "&cErreur: Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que par des joueurs." ##### German #message-when-using-chest: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu aktivieren." #message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu deaktivieren." #message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &cdeaktiviert&7." #message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &aaktiviert&7." #message-error-players-only: "&cFehler: Dieser Befehl ist nur für Spieler verfügbar." ##### Italian - Translated with Google. Please tell me if something is wrong :) #message-when-using-chest: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per abilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli." #message-when-using-chest2: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per disabilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli." #message-sorting-disabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &cdisattivato&7." #message-sorting-enabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &aattivato&7." #message-error-players-only: "&cErrore: questo comando è disponibile solo per i giocatori." ##### Spanish - Thanks to Bers_ for translating! -> https://www.spigotmc.org/members/bers_.146126/ #message-when-using-chest: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para activar el orden automático de los cofres." #message-when-using-chest2: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para desactivar el orden automático de los cofres." #message-sorting-disabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &cdesactivado&7." #message-sorting-enabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &aactivado&7." #message-error-players-only: "&cError: Este comando solo puede ser ejecutado por jugadores." ######################### ##### Done! ##### ######################### # please do not change the following line manually! config-version: 4